634 research outputs found

    Gobernabilidad en las áreas protegidas y participación ciudadana

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    El V Congreso Mundial de Parques, organizado por la UICN en 2003, significa el inicio de una nueva etapa en las estrategias de conservación de la naturaleza y plantea la necesidad de aplicar un enfoque innovador para gestionar las áreas protegidas. En el artículo, se aportan una serie de reflexiones ordenadas sobre algunas de las causas que obstaculizan la gobernabilidad de las mismas. La propuesta que se articula se enmarca en los planteamientos de S. O. Funtowicz y J. R. Ravetz sobre «La ciencia posnormal. Ciencia con la gente» y persigue contribuir a la gestión de los espacios naturales protegidos y su evaluación de manera eficaz. Sobre todo, cuando nuestro interés se centra en aquellos aspectos relacionados con la participación de las comunidades locales.The 5th World Parks Conference organized by the IUCN in 2003 means the beginning of a new era for nature conservation strategies and brings out the need to establish an innovative approach to manage the protected areas. This paper contributes a series of ordered reflections on some of the causes that hinder the management of such areas. This proposal is part of the approaches presented by S. O. Funtowicz and J.R. Ravetz on «Post-normal science. Science and people» and aims to contribute to the management and assessment of the protected areas in a useful way. Especially, taking into account that our interests are focussed on those aspects connected with the involvement of local communities

    Estratigrafía y conodontos del Devónico Inferior del sinclinal del Caurel-Peñalba (NO de España)

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    Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología; DGE PB98-155

    BIM and 3D impression

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    This research is the result of work carried out by the PIE-DIBARQ Group of Educational Innovation ETSEM-UPM during the 2016-2017 courses in its effort to implement a methodology adapted to the new requirements of European Convergence in Higher Education through the use of new technologies and the introduction to them for the students. Nowadays we are not only teaching conventional techniques, but they´re trying, at least experimentally, to show each student more innovative ways in Architectural Representation. This is the case of the use of computers, and the new language BIM. We are not only referring to the computer-assisted instruction, where the teacher is developing several experimental units as fixing the theoretical concepts taught, but also to the use and knowledge of the computer as an element used by the professional as a graphic expression of their ideas, or studies. Although the concept of 3D printer has its origin in the 80’s it is now taking more and more strength, and it is already starting to be used in many industries. The future of 3D printers is promising and from 2014 we begun to be more familiar with them and for sure we will get better printer with a lower prices. The 3D printer is considered by the European Space Agency (ESA) as a pioneering invention of the Third Industrial Revolution, as the steam engine and the internal combustion engine were once. The ability to print anything we have in our computer modelling before is a real change in our conception of production, being classified by experts as disruptive technology more powerful than the Internet itself. If it was possible to print parts for spaceships, food and even human organs, the range of possibilities expands the conception of a giant 3D printer in 24 hours can build a house of more than 200 square meters. Although this is the future of printing the truth it is that when one starts to learn seriously about a 3D printer, discovers with some frustration that the information accessible is rather fanciful. Much is written about the potential of these machines, and we found images of beautiful sculptures of impossible shapes, jewellery or accessories that seem to be taken from a workshop of professional jewellery. In this paper we will see the problems and resolution of the 3D printing in Architecture

    Comportamiento ecológico de los gestores de campos de golf en Andalucía (España)

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    La práctica del golf tiene un gran potencial turístico en países como España o en regiones como Andalucía. Pero es necesario cuidar de su desarrollo para que se haga de una manera racional y equilibrada. Recientemente, la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía ha aprobado una nueva normativa que regula las condiciones de implantación y funcionamiento de los campos de golf andaluces. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre la sostenibilidad de los campos de golf en Andalucía desde la perspectiva empresarial. Entre los principales resultados, se puede destacar que los directivos de campos de golf se sienten motivados en su comportamiento ecológico fundamentalmente por la necesidad de satisfacer aspectos empresariales (imagen y responsabilidad social), quedando en un segundo plano otros factores propios de su entorno, como las demandas de los jugadores, la influencia de la legislación y la de los grupos ecologistas

    Atención biopsicosocial a un paciente portador de ileostomía. A propósito de un caso clínico

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    Introducción: La ostomía es un procedimiento quirúrgico mediante el cual se crea una apertura artificial (estoma) en una víscera para originar una salida exterior diferente a la suya. La realización de un estoma produce gran impacto físico y psicológico en la persona y su familia. Para que el enfermo se adapte lo mejor posible a su nueva situación y aumente su calidad de vida, es fundamental que el enfermero estomaterapeuta proporcione una atención integral a la persona. Objetivo: Se ha llevado a cabo un plan de cuidados de enfermería para un paciente portador de ileostomía que incluye la etapa pre-quirúrgica, hospitalaria y durante los 3 meses posteriores al alta hospitalaria. Metodología: Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en buscadores y bases de datos y mediante la utilización de la taxonomía NANDA 2015-2017, NOC y NIC se ha desarrollado un plan de cuidados para el paciente ileostomizado durante la etapa pre-quirúrgica, hospitalaria y los tres meses sucesivos al alta hospitalaria. Conclusiones: La atención física, emocional y la educación sanitaria aportada por el enfermero estomaterapeuta a los pacientes ostomizados es primordial para su recuperación, su adaptación al entorno cotidiano y para favorecer la autonomía en el manejo del estoma. Los pacientes atendidos en consultas de ostomías especializadas, aumentan su calidad de vida y reducen el riesgo de aparición de complicaciones.<br /

    Três experiencia religiosa dos enfermeiros na formação: um cuidado além do corpo

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    La presencia de las religiosas en el cuidado enfermero es un fenómeno presente en la historia desde la antigüedad, pero en actual desaparición. Sin embargo, siguen existiendo congregaciones dedicadas a ello así como a la profesionalización de sus cuidados. El presente estudio pretende indagar sobre esta realidad centrándose, fundamentalmente, en conocer las vivencias y experiencias de tres religiosas estudiantes de enfermería en su relación con los enfermos y su entorno y su proceso de adaptación a la nueva vida a la que se enfrentan cuando comienzan dichos estudios. El estudio, de corte cualitativo, recoge a través del testimonio directo de las religiosas lo que constituye su experiencia vivida, donde el cuidado al enfermo no es meramente físico, llegando a ser un cuidado en su máxima plenitud. Se evidencia el carácter afectivo y relacional del cuidado, las aportaciones positivas y negativas de estas religiosas y su más íntima visión del cuidado desde su comienzo como estudiantes de enfermería, pasando por la convivencia con el resto de alumnos y profesores y finalizando con sus vivencias en el mundo hospitalario.The presence of the religious orders in the nursing care is a phenomenon present in history since ancient times, but in current disappearance. However, there are congregations that still continue with this task and they are turning professional their cares. This article aim to show the study of this situation. This qualitative study is focus on the testimony of the experience of three nursing religious students and their relationship with the patients and their enviroment, in addition to their adaptation when it comes to face their new studies. The cares provides by the learners are not purely physical but an absolute cares. The study evidence the affective and relational character of the students, the positives and negatives supports of them and their vision of the cares since the beginning of their studies, the coexistence with their classmates and teachers and their experience in the clinical practices.A presença das religiosas no cuidado do doente é um fenómeno presente na história desde a Antiguidade, mas que está atualmente em desaparição. No entanto, ainda existem diversas congregações religiosas dedicadas a esta atividade assim como à profissionalização dos cuidados. O presente estudo pretende indagar nesta realidade, conhecer as vivências e experiências de três religiosas estudantes de enfermagem na sua relação com os doentes e com seu ambiente familiar, e a sua adapatação à nova vida quando começaram tais estudos. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que recolhe o testemunho direto das religiosas sobre a experiência vivida, onde o cuidado do doente não se limita a uma questão de saúde física, sendo antes um cuidado multidisciplinar: o laço afetivo do cuidado, as contribuições positivas e negativas das religiosas e a sua visão mais íntima do cuidado desde o seu início como estudantes de enfermagem, a sua convivência com os outros alunos e professores até as suas vivências no ambiente hospitalar

    Indicators of knowledge, usefulness, and use of ICT among primary schoolteachers

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    This paper presents a study on the perceptions of primary school teachers regarding their knowledge, usefulness, and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education. Likewise, the relationship between sex, age, working time and the educational center in which it is found with the perceptions about ICT is obtained. To answer these questions, a battery of 14 categorical closed questions is designed, divided into four blocks: socio-demographic information; knowledge of ICT; usefulness of ICT; and use of ICT. In the context of measuring the knowledge, usefulness and use of ICT in education, the novelty of this work relies on the design of an indicator for each of the ICT-related blocks following the methodology of Human Development Indicators created by the United Nations Development Program. In this research, 119 teachers from Spanish primary schools were chosen as the study sample to answer the questions’ battery. The results show a direct relationship between knowledge, usefulness, and use, although not significant. Although teachers are aware of the usefulness of ICT, and the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the use of technological tools for planning teaching in blended or distance learning lessons, this does not mean teachers have a greater knowledge of ICT. In addition, the findings indicate a greater knowledge by teachers in public schools, which contrasts with the finding that teachers in grant-assisted schools make the most use of ICT and find it the most useful. Finally, it is also suggested that the study's methodology and approach could be applied to other contexts or countries

    Intimate partner violence complaints during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: a cross-sectional and a case–control study

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    Background: During the COVID-19 lockdown, a large proportion of the women exposed to intimate partner violence had to live with their abusers full-time. This study analyzes the new official complaints that were filed during the lockdown in Spain. Methods: Data from the Comprehensive Monitoring System for Cases of Gender Violence from the Ministry of the Interior, Spain. Using logistic regression models, the complaints registered during the lockdown were compared to those registered in the previous year. Subsequently, we analysed association between the seriousness of the incident reported and the period in which the complaint was filed. Results: Official complaints decreased by 19% during the lockdown. The probability of complaints during lockdown mainly increased when victims had a relationship with the abusers [odds ratio (OR) = 1.33] and when they lacked social support (OR = 1.22). The probability that the complaints were associated with previous jealousy (OR = 0.87), previous harassment behaviours (OR = 0.88) or the victim’s fear for minors’ safety (OR = 0.87) decreased. In addition, during lockdown increased the probability that the complaints filed were due to incidents of severe physical violence (OR = 1.17); severe psychological violence against women with minors in their charge (OR = 1.22); and severe violence due to threats (OR = 1.53) when the woman had previously suffered harassment. Conclusions: The decrease in new complaints during the studied period and the increase in their severity evidence difficulties in seeking help due to the lockdown. In situations of confinement, it is necessary to design measures that protect women with a lack of social support, and at those who live with the aggressor.This study was financed through the project ‘Gender violence and social and health responses during the COVID-19 crisis’ by the Fondo Supera COVID-19 CRUE-Santander for the period 2020–21 (Ref. FSCovid19-03)

    Perception about the importance of feeding in a group of hematologic cancer patients

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    Introducción: Los pacientes oncohematológicos presentan habitualmente déficits nutricionales derivados de su enfermedad, sus tratamientos y efectos secundarios, etc. Sin embargo, apenas existen datos descriptivos del empleo de recomendaciones dietéticas, y de la auto-percepción del paciente de su utilidad en su enfermedad. Objetivos: Evaluar la percepción de la importancia de la alimentación en un grupo de pacientes con cáncer hematológico. Materiales y métodos: 111 pacientes oncohematológicos auto-registraron un cuestionario con preguntas sociosanitarias y de percepción personal de la importancia de la alimentación en su enfermedad. Resultados: La edad media fue 40,0 ± 12,8 años (64,86% mujeres). El diagnóstico y el tratamiento más frecuente fue linfoma (83,78%) y quimioterapia (92,80%). Un 75% consideró “muy importante” la relación entre enfermedad oncohematológica y estado nutricional. Sólo un 54,1% recibió consejo dietético. Y un 53,2% y 50,5% consideró que el consumo de suplementos nutricionales mejoraría su calidad de vida y/o enfermedad respectivamente. Conclusiones: Un porcentaje importante de pacientes presentaron estados avanzados de su enfermedad. Sin embargo, la mitad del colectivo no había recibido pautas dietéticas a pesar del elevado interés por recibir atención nutricional. Por tanto, la valoración nutricional del paciente oncohematológico así como la implementación de un soporte nutricional personalizado deberían formar parte de la práctica clínica habitualIntroduction: Oncohematologic patients usually present nutritional deficits associated with the disease, the treatments and side effects, etc. However, there are hardly any descriptive data about the dietary recommendations used and the patient’s self-perception of its usefulness in their disease. Aim: To assess the self-perception of the nutritional importance in a group of oncohematologic patients. Materials and methods: 111 oncohematologic patients self-reported a questionnaire containing items about socio-sanitary data and self-perception of the nutritional importance in their disease. Results: The mean age was 40.0 ± 12.8 years (64.86% women). The most frequent diagnosis and treatment was lymphoma (83.78%) and chemoteraphy (92.80%). 75% considered “very important” relationship between oncohematologic disease and nutritional status. Only 54.1% received dietary advice. And 53.2% and 50.5% considered that the use of nutritional supplements improve quality of life and/or disease respectively. Conclusions: A significant percentage of patients had advanced stages of their disease. However, half the group had not received dietary advice despite high interest in receiving nutritional care. Therefore, the nutritional assessment and the personalized nutritional support implementation of the patient should be included in routine clinical practic

    Perceptually-aware bilateral filtering for quality improvement in low bit rate video coding

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    Proceedings of: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2012). Krakow, Poland, May 7-9, 2012Perceptual coding has become of great interest in modern video coding due to the need for higher compression rates. Many previous works have been carried out to incorporate perceptual information to hybrid video encoders, either modifying the quantization parameter according to a certain perceptual resource allocation map or preprocessing video sequences for removing information that is not perceptually relevant. The first strategy is limited by the presence of blocking artifacts and the second one lacks of adaptation to video content. In this paper, a novel and simple approach is proposed, which performs a smart filtering prior to the encoding process preserving both the structural and motion information. The experiments prove that the use of proposed method implemented on an H.264 encoder significantly improves its perceptual quality for low bit rates.Publicad