9 research outputs found

    HIV prevalence ratio of international migrants compared to their native-born counterparts: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: People on the move, including international migrants, may face health inequities that expose them to a higher risk for HIV than native-born populations. We conducted a systematic review to calculate the HIV prevalence ratio of international migrants compared with native-born populations. METHODS: We searched five databases between January 2010 and March 2022. Using random-effects meta-analysis, we calculated the pooled HIV prevalence ratios (PR) by comparing the HIV prevalence of migrants with native-born populations. Our research protocol is registered in the International prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO, CRD42021250867). FINDINGS: In total, 5,121 studies were screened, and 38 were included in the final analysis: 7,121,699 migrants and more than 270 million natives were included in the analysis. The pooled PR for any foreign-born migrants was 1·70 (95% CI 1·11 – 2·61, I2=99·67%, n = 33 studies), refugees was 2·37 (95% CI 0·33–16·99, I2=99·5%, n = 5), undocumented people was 3·98 (95% CI 0·11–143·01, I2=94·6%, n = 3), whilst asylum seekers was 54·79 (95% CI 17·23–174·23, I2=90·2%, n = 2). Meta-regression revealed that population type (adjusted R-squared 11.5%), region of origin (11.3%) and migrant type (10.8%) accounted for heterogeneity more than country-income (2.4%) and study setting (2.3%). INTERPRETATION: Although it was not possible to assess if HIV infection occurred in the country of origin or destination, the HIV prevalence ratio was higher among migrants than in native-born populations. Inclusive health policies and strategies for delivering HIV testing, prevention and treatment services for migrant populations tailored to their needs are urgently needed. FUNDING: J.J.O. and E.P.F.C. are supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Emerging Leader Fellowship (GNT1193955 and GNT1172873, respectively)

    Pengaruh Herbal Temu Ireng (Curcuma aerugenosa) Dan Beras Ketan (Oryza sativa glutinosa) Sebagai Lulur Kulit Pada Wanita

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    Lulur is a traditional cosmetic preparation that has been prescribed from generation to generation to remove dead skin cells and dirt so that it can exchange air freely and make the skin brighter and whiter. Therefore this study aims to determine the results of temu ireng powder and glutinous rice powder from organoleptic test of women's skin. The research used the survey-quantitative descriptive method, ‘Temu Ireng’ variable and glutinous rice powder. The independent variables in this study were the amount of temu ireng powder and glutinous rice powder used in the ratio (14 g: 6 g), (10 g: 10 g), (8 g: 12 g). The dependent variable in this study is the finished result of the scrub which includes texture, color, stickiness of the aroma and after using the scrub and is followed by a sign test. From the results of descriptive analysis with the Sign Test X3 with comparison is the best proportion. Whereas in X1 the results of the Sign Test analysis showed that the X2 was 0.45 indicating that there was a change after use. Whereas in the X2 sample from the results of the Sign Test analysis, the X2 value was 2.45, this indicates that there were changes that occurred in the panelist's skin after use. And the sample X3 from the Sign Test analysis shows X2 of 4.05, this also indicates that there is a change.Keywords:Skin Scrub, Temu Ireng Powder, Sticky Rice Powder.ABSTRAKLulur adalah sediaan kosmetik tradisional yang diresepkan dari turun-temurun digunakan untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati,dan  kotoran sehingga pertukaran udara bebas serta membuat  kulit menjadi lebih cerah dan putih.Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil powder temu ireng dan powder beras ketan dari uji organoleptik terhadap kulit wanita. Penelitian menggunakanmetode survey-deskriptif kuantitatif, variabel temu hitam dan powder beras ketan. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah powder temu ireng dan powder beras ketan yang di gunakan dengan perbandingan (14 g : 6 g ), (10 g : 10 g), (8 g : 12 g ).Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil jadi dari lulur yang meliputi tekstur, warna, daya lekat aroma dan setelah penggunaan lulur dan di lanjutkan dengan uji sign test (uji tanda). Dari hasil analisis deskriptif dengan uji Sign Test X3 dengan perbandingan adalah proporsi terbaik. Sedangkan pada X1 dengan hasil analisa Sign Test menunjukkan X2nya sebesar 0,45menunjukan bahwa terdapat perubahan setelah pemakaian. Sedangkan pada sampel X2 dari hasil analisa Sign Test  nilai X2 sebesar 2,45, hal ini menunjukan terdapat perubahan yang terjadi pada kulit panelis setelah pemakaian. Dan pada sampel X3 dari analisis Sign Test menunjukan X2 sebesar 4,05 hal ini juga menandakan bahwa terjadi pula perubahan.Kata kunci: Lulur Kulit, Powder Temu Ireng, Powder Beras Ketan

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pelaksanaan Budaya Keselamatan Pasien Dimensi Pelaporan oleh Perawat Di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD Kraton Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Pelaporan merupakan salah satu dimensi budaya keselamatan pasien. Pelaksanaan pelaporan bermanfaat untuk melihat insiden keselamatan pasien yang terjadi dan sebagai pembelajaran agar kejadian yang sama tidak terulang. Terlaksananya budaya pelaporan berhubungan dengan faktor internal dan faktor eksternal perawat. Faktor internal yang termasuk diantaranya pengetahuan dan motivasi, sedangakan faktor eksternal diantaranya adalah gaya kepemimpinan, tim kerja dan beban kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan budaya keselamatan pasien dimensi pelaporan oleh perawat di instalasi rawat inap RSUD Kraton Kabupaten Pekalongan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan cross-sectional design dengan sampel berjumlah 98 perawat. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analitik korelational Sperman. Hasil menunjukkan hubungan berkorelasi positif dengan kekuatan kuat bermakna antara beban kerja (r = 0,762) dengan pelaksanaan budaya keselamatan pasien dimensi pelaporan, kemudian hubungan berkorelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang bermakna antara pengetahuan (r = 0,539), tim kerja (r = 0,445) dengan pelaksanaan budaya keselamatan pasien dimensi pelaporan dan hubungan berkorelasi positif dengan kekuatan lemah bermakna antara motivasi (r = 0,246), gaya kepemimpinan (r = 0,445) dengan pelaksanaan budaya keselamatan pasien dimensi pelaporan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan, motivasi, gaya kepemimpinan, tim kerja dan beban kerja dengan pelaksanaan budaya keselamatan pasien dimensi pelaporan. Diharapkan setelah mengetahuinya perawat mampu meningkatkan kesadaran dan peranannya dalam pelaksanaan budaya pelaporan

    From benchtop to bedroom : how frugal innovation practices can drive innovation within the condom industry

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    This chapter discusses the urgent needs for innovation in the condom industry and highlights the role that frugal innovation (FI) theory can play in changing the legacies of condom materials and manufacturing. Condoms are unique, being the only medical device that can simultaneously prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The most successful FIs are not only low cost or “good-enough”, but outperform the alternative, and can be made available at large scale. Condom innovation like Geldom can shift the market to support the delicate interplay between commercial sales–of which there are large growth opportunities in developing world markets–and free or subsidised condoms in a total market approach. Condom use in resource-limited settings more likely happens when people can reach them at little-to-no cost, and the supply chain can be strengthened by applying a total market approach that combines public sector distribution, social marketing, and private sector sale

    Can you design the perfect condom? Engaging young people to inform safe sexual health practice and innovation

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    This paper describes the process of engaging young people in a user centred, co-design strategy to define their perfect condom. Our aims were 1) to find a way to destigmatise discussions about sexuality and contraception and 2) to provide information about what characteristics a perfect condom might embody for adolescents. We used arts-based methods to introduce creativity and enjoyment into discussing sensitive topics related to sexual and reproductive health, which is often avoided in relation to youth and usually nuanced by themes of risk and danger. Using theories of objects becoming things through their sociality, we explored what a condom could be to young people through our method of embedding the condom design process into narratives of young people’s lives and integration of these ideas into the development of a next-generation condom

    Calcium Carbonate of Blood Cockle (Anadara granosa) Shells induced VEGF-A Expression in Dentin Pulp Complex An In Vivo Study

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    Introduction: Mild or moderate-intensity injury will respond with a brief inflammatory response followed by reactionary dentinogenesis. Calcium hydroxide has been considered the gold standard for pulp capping materials for decades to stimulate the formation of tertiary dentin. Blood clamshells (Anadara granosa) contained a high content of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the blood clamshells. It is a source of calcium and it has good biocompatibility to be used as a bone repair material. This study is aimed to reveal the expression VEGF-A in odontoblast pulp cells on days 1, 3, and 7 after administration of blood clam shells derived calcium carbonate in dentin pulp complex. Methods: Thirty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided into 6 groups consist of 5 random samples each. The experimental group’s cavity was prepared on the occlusal side of the right upper molar, and they were treated with blood clamshell calcium carbonate suspension and sealed with RMGIC. For decalcification, the solution was replaced with ethylene-diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) after 24 hours and was refreshed every day. Anti-VEGF-A monoclonal antibodies were used for HE and immunohistochemical staining. Result: In this study, the results were obtained consecutively on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th day with p> 0.05 for VEGF-A in all groups. Conclusion: The application of calcium carbonate is expected to be an innovative treatment in opening up new pathways for the regenerative dentin process through upregulation of VEGF-

    Konsep dan Sistem Akuntansi Biaya

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    Akuntansi biaya merupakan sumber informasi bagi manajemen dalam kaitannya dengan pengambilan keputusan bisnis. Informasi yang dihasilkan tak lain adalah menyangkut pendapatan dan biaya. Dari informasi ini memungkinkan manajemen mengambil suatu tindakan urgen seperti memasuki pasar baru, mengembangkan produk baru, menghentikan operasi, atau melanjutkan operasi. Buku ini dihadirkan sebagai bahan referensi bagi mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah akuntansi biaya, para praktisi, atau siapa pun yang ingin mendalaminya lebih jauh lagi. Kehadiran buku ini diharapkan bisa memberikan pemahaman kepada mereka terkait dengan perhitungan biaya dalam pengambilan keputusan dan aspek-aspek yang melingkupinya. Bab yang dibahas dalam buku ini, meliputi: Bab 1 Konsep dan Ruang Lingkup Akuntansi Biaya Bab 2 Konsep dan Klasifikasi Biaya Bab 3 Analisis Perilaku Biaya Bab 4 Siklus Akuntansi Biaya dan Pelaporan Harga Pokok Bab 5 Akuntansi Biaya Bahan Baku Bab 6 Akuntansi Biaya Tenaga Kerja Bab 7 Akuntansi Biaya Overhead Pabrik Bab 8 Sistem Perhitungan Biaya dan Akumulasi Biaya Bab 9 Sistem Harga Pokok Pesanan Bab 10 Sistem Harga Pokok Proses: Satu dan Beberapa Departemen Bab 11 Sistem Harga Pokok Proses: Produk Hilang dan Tambahan Bahan Baku Bab 12 Sistem Biaya Standar Bab 13 Produk Bersama dan Produk Sampingan: Alokasi Biaya Bab 14 Produk Bersama dan Produk Sampingan: Perlakuan Akuntansi Bab 15 Activity Based Costin