2,864 research outputs found

    Diffusion-limited deposition of dipolar particles

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    Deposits of dipolar particles are investigated by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We found that the effect of the interactions is described by an initial, non-universal, scaling regime characterized by orientationally ordered deposits. In the dipolar regime, the order and geometry of the clusters depend on the strength of the interactions and the magnetic properties are tunable by controlling the growth conditions. At later stages, the growth is dominated by thermal effects and the diffusion-limited universal regime obtains, at finite temperatures. At low temperatures the crossover size increases exponentially as T decreases and at T=0 only the dipolar regime is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Low-Voltage CMOS Buffer for RF Applications Based on a Fully-Differential Voltage-Combiner

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    Part 20: Electronics: RF ApplicationsInternational audienceThis paper presents a new CMOS buffer circuit topology for radio-frequency (RF) applications based on a fully-differential voltage-combiner circuit, capable of operating at low-voltage. The proposed circuit uses a combination of common-source (CS) and common-drain (CD) devices. The simulation results show good levels of linearity and bandwidth. To improve total harmonic distortion (THD) a source degeneration technique is used. The proposed circuit has been designed in a 130nm logic CMOS technology and it achieves a simulated gain of 1.54 dB, a bandwidth of 1.14 GHz for a total power dissipation of 13.34 mW, when driving an RF active probe (with 0.8 pF in parallel with 200 kΩ)

    Impact evaluation of the Vila Viçosa small hydroelectric power plant (Portugal) on the water quality and on the dynamics of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of the Ardena river

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    Over a two-year period a study of the Vila Viçosa small hydroelectric development, located on the Ardena river (hydrographical basin of the Douro river, Portugal), was conducted, with the objective of evaluating the impact of its operation on the water quality and on the dynamics of the benthic macroinvertebrate community. A morphological, hydrologic and physico-chemical characterization of the system was done, an analysis of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities looking into their structure and dynamics, as well as ecological and physiological characteristics. With the physical and chemical data, a study of its spatial and temporal variation was performed. With the data related to the macroinvertebrate communities, an analysis of the spatial variation of some indexes and metrics and of the (non) similarity between the samples collected were done, bearing in mind the composition of the communities, through different techniques of multivariate analysis. After the analysis of the data, it is possible to say that the Ardena River is a lothic system, with good water quality, in which the working of the small hydroelectric power plant causes alterations on the macroinvertebrate community, due to the alteration of the "natural" hydrologic regime. The impact on the macroinvertebrate communities is lower upstream of the plant, where the flow is minimal throughout the whole year leading to a change in the structure of the community. Downstream of the plant, where the flow is extremely variable, there is an impoverishment of the communities, leading to the displacement of substrate and organisms.Durante dos años se ha estudiado la minicentral hidroeléctrica de Vila Viçosa en el río Ardena (cuenca del Duero, Portugal), con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto de su funcionamiento en la calidad del agua y en la dinámica de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos, haciendo la caracterización del sistema desde el punto de vista morfológico, hidrológico y físico-químico y estudiando las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos, atendiendo a aspectos relacionados con su estructura, dinámica y características ecológicas y fisiológicas. Con los datos relativos a los parámetros físico-químicos se ha hecho el estudio de la variación espacio temporal; y con los datos relativos a la comunidad de macroinvertebrados, se ha hecho el estudio de la variación espacial de algunos índices y medidas y de la (dis)similaridad entre las muestras recogidas, teniendo en cuenta su composición, a través de diferentes técnicas de análisis multivariante. Después de analizados los datos, se puede decir que el río Ardena es un sistema lotico con agua de buena calidad y que el funcionamiento de la minicentral hidroeléctrica provoca modificaciones en la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos, resultado de las alteraciones de caudales. El impacto en las comunidades de macroinvertebrados es menor aguas arriba de las minicentrales, donde el caudal es mínimo todo el año provocando una modificación en la estructura de las comunidades. Aguas abajo de las minicentrales, donde el caudal es muy variable, hay un empobrecimiento de las comunidades, provocando el desplazamiento del substrato y de los organismos

    Diabetic Foot Ulcers Classification using a fine-tuned CNNs Ensemble

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    Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) are lesions in the foot region caused by diabetes mellitus. It is essential to define the appropriate treatment in the early stages of the disease once late treatment may result in amputation. This article proposes an ensemble approach composed of five modified convolutional neural networks (CNNs) - VGG-16, VGG-19, Resnet50, InceptionV3, and Densenet-201 - to classify DFU images. To define the parameters, we fine-tuned the CNNs, evaluated different configurations of fully connected layers, and used batch normalization and dropout operations. The modified CNNs were well suited to the problem; however, we observed that the union of the five CNNs significantly increased the success rates. We performed tests using 8,250 images with different resolution, contrast, color, and texture characteristics and included data augmentation operations to expand the training dataset. 5-fold cross-validation led to an average accuracy of 95.04%, resulting in a Kappa index greater than 91.85%, considered Excellent

    Validação de seqüências didáticas : uma abordagem CTS no ensino da Química

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    Este estudo visa validar externa e internamente uma seqüência didática (SD) com abordagem CTS (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade) no ensino de química, a partir de uma estrutura analítica focada na análise de atividades e ações realizadas na sala de aula, buscando identificar fatores de sucesso/insucesso e possíveis implicações desses fatores na trajetória de aprendizagem dos alunos. A validação externa e interna apontou aspectos relevantes na SD proposta e para a trajetória de aprendizagem dos alunos, indicando como fatores de sucesso: a diversidade e quantidade de ações realizadas por alunos, na abordagem de aspectos científicos e sociais (CTS), e ações motivadoras que possibilitaram generalização, independência e consciência com relação aos conteúdos estudados. A estrutura analítica proposta foi eficiente para a validação da SD, em um nível macro e micro de análise

    DFU-VGG, a Novel and Improved VGG-19 Network for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification

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    A complication caused by diabetes mellitus is the appearance of lesions in the foot region called Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU). Delayed treatment can lead to infection or ulcer ischemia, leading to lower limb amputation in an advanced stage. This article proposes the DFU-VGG, a convolutional neural network (CNN) inspired by convolutional blocks of VGG-19 but with smaller dense layers and batch normalizations operations. To specify the DFU-VGG parameters, we fine-tuned s even different CNN architectures using two image datasets containing 8,250 images with different color, contrast, resolution, and texture features. The proposed evaluation identifies f our c lasses: none, ischemia, infection, and both. Our approach achieved 93.45% of accuracy and an excellent Kappa index of 89.24%

    Effects of dual-task training on balance and executive functions in Parkinson's disease: a pilot study

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of cognitive-motor dual-task training compared with single-task training on balance and executive functions in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Fifteen subjects, aged between 39 and 75 years old, were randomly assigned to the dual-task training group (n = 8) and single-task training group (n = 7). The training was run twice a week for 6 weeks. The single-task group received balance training and the dual-task group performed cognitive tasks simultaneously with the balance training. There were no significant differences between the two groups at baseline. After the intervention, the results for mediolateral sway with eyes closed were significantly better for the dual-task group and anteroposterior sway with eyes closed was significantly better for the single-task group. The results suggest superior outcomes for the dual-task training compared to the single-task training for static postural control, except in anteroposterior sway with eyes closed