40 research outputs found

    Enhancing the sugars production yield by supporting H3PW12O40 heteropoly acid on activated carbon for use as catalyst in hydrolysis of cellulose

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    In this work, two catalysts were produced to be used in hydrolysis of cellulose reactions to obtain glucose, araw material used in the production of bioethanol. The heteropoly acid, H3PW12O40 (HPW), reported asstrong and thermally stable acid, was supported on activated carbon (AC) in a ratio varying from 1:1 to 2:1 toproduce the catalysts AC-HPW (1:1) and AC-HPW (2:1). The catalysts were tested in cellulose hydrolysisevaluating some reaction variables and the results show the remarkable dependence of reaction temperature,amount and acidity of the catalyst. The results indicate the advantage of supporting HPW on carbonaceousmaterial for using as catalyst in hydrolysis of cellulose, showing better conversion rate into sugars comparingwith unsupported HPW.Keywords: heteropoly acid; activated carbon support; hydrolysis of cellulose

    Hydrolysis of cellulose using heteropoly salts derivatives from H3PW12O40 with different redox properties as catalysts

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    Heteropoly salts containing different numbers of vanadium atoms (K4[PVW11O40] - KPWV1 andK6[PV3W9O40] - KPWV3) were synthesized from the heteropoly acid H3PW12O40 (HPW), and used as catalystsin hydrolysis of cellulose reactions in order to change the redox properties and verify whether the clusterof catalysts are involved in mechanism reaction. The hydrolysis reactions following a full 23 factorialdesign with the variables: mass ratio (catalyst/substrate), reaction time and temperature. The variables evaluatedwere significant at a 90% confidence level including second and third order interactions. According tothe conducted experiments, the catalysts were all active in hydrolysis. The best results occurred when HPWwas used suggesting that the redox properties did not have much influence in depolymerization of celluloseand the hydrolysis mechanism are assigned to acidic properties of the medium. The main products obtainedfrom the reactions were glucose and HMF, which are products of great interest in the chemical industry

    Gold nanoparticles inhibit steroid-insensitive asthma in mice preserving histone deacetylase 2 and NRF2 pathways

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    Background: Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can inhibit pivotal pathological changes in experimental asthma, but their effect on steroid-insensitive asthma is unclear. The current study assessed the effectiveness of nebulized AuNPs in a murine model of glucocorticoid (GC)-resistant asthma. Methods: A/J mice were sensitized and subjected to intranasal instillations of ovalbumin (OVA) once a week for nine weeks. Two weeks after starting allergen stimulations, mice were subjected to Budesonide or AuNP nebulization 1 h before stimuli. Analyses were carried out 24 h after the last provocation. Results: We found that mice challenged with OVA had airway hyperreactivity, eosinophil, and neutrophil infiltrates in the lung, concomitantly with peribronchiolar fibrosis, mucus production, and pro-inflammatory cytokine generation compared to sham-challenged mice. These changes were inhibited in mice treated with AuNPs, but not Budesonide. In the GCresistant asthmatic mice, oxidative stress was established, marked by a reduction in nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) levels and catalase activity, accompanied by elevated values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), phosphoinositide 3-kinases δ (PI3Kδ) expression, as well as a reduction in the nuclear expression of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) in the lung tissue, all of which sensitive to AuNPs but not Budesonide treatment. Conclusion: These findings suggest that AuNPs can improve GC-insensitive asthma by preserving HDAC2 and NRF2

    Benefícios do aleitamento materno na redução do número de internações em crianças até dois anos/ Benefits of breastfeeding in reducing the number of hospitalizations in children under two years old

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    A amamentação é um processo muito além de apenas nutrir a criança. Apresenta reverberações na capacidade de resistir a infecções, em sua fisiologia e no seu desenvolvimento. Tendo por base as principais causas de internação hospitalar infantil, vários estudos buscam suas correlações com o período de amamentação. Objetiva-se inferir se há relação entre o aleitamento materno e a redução do número de hospitalizações de crianças até dois anos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, quantitativa e transversal, que foi realizada na instituição filantrópica Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Anápolis no serviço de pediatria com população materna correspondente a 126 que corresponderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Houve associação significativa p=0,01 entre número de internações e o tempo de amamentação, sendo que são inversamente proporcionais; o que pode ser justificado por 81,9% das crianças não internadas terem sido amamentadas. O uso do aleitamento materno, porém, não foi superior na redução do número de internações em crianças menores de dois anos quando comparado ao uso de fórmulas ou mesmo ao uso de leite animal. Conclui-se, de acordo com a amostra final do trabalho, que os resultados correspondem à literatura. Diante disso, deve-se propor maior número de ações e incentivos voltados para a promoção do aleitamento materno

    SET domain-containing protein 4 (SETD4) is a newly identified cytosolic and nuclear Lysine Methyltransferase involved in breast cancer cell proliferation

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    Cancer is comprised of a multitude of epigenetic abnormalities, including the global loss and regional gain of DNA methylation as well as alterations in histone methylation. Here, we characterize a new methyltransferase, SET domain-containing protein 4 (SETD4), which is involved in breast carcinogenesis. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) showed elevated expression levels of SETD4 in several breast cancer cell lines. SETD4 overexpression was confirmed by western blot analysis suggesting a correlation between high expression of SETD4 and a lack of the estrogen receptor (ER) in breast cancer. In addition, cell fractionation studies and confocal immunofluorescence revealed the nuclear and non-nuclear localization of this new protein. SETD4 knockdown in breast cancer cell lines significantly suppressed their proliferation and delayed the G1/S cell cycle transition without affecting apoptosis. Furthermore, western blot analysis showed that knockdown of SETD4 decreased cyclin D1 expression, revealing the involvement of SETD4 in cell cycle regulation. These data imply that SETD4 plays a crucial role in breast carcinogenesis and could be a novel molecular target for the development of new strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

    Novas abordagens médicas a mulher vítima de violência doméstica na atenção primária por meio da telemedicina durante a pandemia

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    INTRODUÇÃO: As normas e leis da sociedade, até recentemente, permitiam ou não puniam a violência de gênero, como nos casos de assassinatos de mulheres em que se alegava a defesa da honra. Assim, nos últimos anos, várias medidas foram tomadas com o intuito de prevenir e combater o problema. OBJETIVO: Descrever as novas abordagens médicas as mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica na atenção primária. MÉTODO: A coleta dos dados se deu por meio de um questionário confeccionado por estudantes de medicina, após a consulta pela telemedicina, quando foram identificadas as mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade. A seguir, foi feita a montagem do plano terapêutico objetivando sua melhora e futura análise dos dados e foi anexado ao prontuário das pacientes. RESULTADOS: Durante atendimento através da telemedicina houve dez pacientes que foram orientadas sobre o que poderiam fazer durante seu dia a dia para melhorar a qualidade de vida no período da pandemia. Entretanto, apenas seis pacientes retornaram à ligação após as orientações e, dentre estas, quatro tiveram resultados de violência confirmados. CONCLUSÃO:  Com o advento da pandemia do COVID 19, as mulheres ficaram mais expostas a violência doméstica e ao desenvolvimento de transtornos psicológicos associados com esse trauma. A telemedicina pode ser uma ferramenta de apoio importante nestas situações

    Increasing the chances of natural conception: opinion statement from the the brazilian federation of gynecology and obstetrics associations - FEBRASGO - committee of gynecological endocrinology

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    Considering that myths and misconceptions regarding natural procreation spread rapidly in the era of easy access to information and to social networks, adequate counseling about natural fertility and spontaneous conception should be encouraged in any kind of health assistance. Despite the fact that there is no strong-powered evidence about any of the aspects related to natural fertility, literature on how to increase the chances of a spontaneous pregnancy is available. In the present article, the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (FEBRASGO, in the Portuguese acronym) Committee on Endocrine Gynecology provides suggestions to optimize counseling for non-infertile people attempting spontaneous conception41318319