896 research outputs found

    Una lectura neopicaresca de "El misterio de la cripta embrujada": en la piel del detective innominado

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Filología Hispánica. Curso académico 2019-2020Este estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una lectura neopicaresca de la novela de Eduardo Mendoza titulada El misterio de la cripta embrujada. Para ello, hemos decidido ahondar en el análisis del protagonista, el detective innominado, como fiel reflejo de lo que es un pícaro en su condición de marginal. Para dotar de mayor profundidad al estudio del personaje, nos hemos propuesto analizar la onomástica del detective para así lograr entender lo alejado que está de la sociedad. Son otras las posibilidades de lectura que ofrece esta novela, pero hemos decidido afrontarla desde la neopicaresca por parecernos la más interesante y la que más permite acercarnos al estudio del protagonista. ENGLISH: The objective of this study is to carry out a neopicaresque reading of Eduardo Mendoza's novel entitled The Mystery of the Haunted Crypt. To do this, we have decided to delve into the analysis of the protagonist, the unnamed detective, as a true reflection of what a rogue is in his marginal condition. To give greater depth to the study of the character, we have proposed to analyze the detective's name day in order to understand how far he is from society. There are other reading possibilities offered by this novel, but we have decided to face it from the neo-caring stage because it seems to us the most interesting and the one that allows us to get closer to the study of the protagonist

    Gestión integral de explotaciones de vacas nodrizas: mejora de la rentabilidad y calidad de vida del ganadero

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    Los datos que publica el Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente muestran que el sector de las vacas nodrizas en España tiene una productividad muy baja comparado con otros sectores ganaderos y con los datos de la UE. Existiendo una amplia base científica y conociendo el sistema de explotación de vacas nodrizas en extensivo en sistema de dehesa no encontramos que haya un motivo técnico para esa productividad media tan deficiente. Quizás existan dos razones principales: la falta de mentalidad empresarial en muchas ganaderías y el efecto pernicioso de una Política Agraria Común que no prima la eficiencia productiva. A pesar del enorme sentimiento vocacional que arrastra la profesión de ganadero, el relevo generacional no es tan alto como se desearía. De manera tradicional, se ha asumido que el trabajo en las granjas está totalmente reñido con la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar y ello hace que en pleno siglo XXI sean pocos los que estén dispuestos a asumir esa renuncia. Además, los datos publicados sobre las granjas españolas inducen a pensar que la rentabilidad económica será muy baja. Recopilando la información teórica que se ha ido generando a lo largo de los años en lo referente a la producción con vacas de carne hemos propuesto un modelo de gestión integral de la granja que consiga dos objetivos principales: incrementar la rentabilidad de la explotación y mejorar la calidad de vida (y por ende la felicidad) del propietario de la misma. La gestión integral se centra en mejorar los índices técnicos y económicos del rebaño. Para ello se busca optimizar el número de animales productivos (vacas) desde un punto de vista de mano de obra, adecuación a las subvenciones y maximización de la productividad (terneros). Además, proponemos trabajar con lotes uniformes de animales que simplifiquen el manejo; y buscar la máxima concentración de los partos será una de las herramientas para mejorar la disponibilidad de tiempo del ganadero..

    Assessment of the potential economic impact of the use of AM technologies in the cost levels of manufacturing and stocking of spare part products

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are appropriate manufacturing technologies to produce low rotation products of high added value. Products in the spare parts business usually have discontinuous demand levels of reduced numbers of parts. Indeed, spare parts inventories handle myriad of products that require big immobilized investments while having an intrinsic risk of no-use (for example due to obsolescence or spoilage). Based on these issues, the present work analyses the fundamental cost factors in a real case study of a company dedicated to the supply of spare parts for fluid conduction systems. Real inventory data is assessed to determine the product taxonomy and its associated costs. A representative product of the stock is analyzed in detail on original manufacturing costs, in AM costs and then redesigned with topological optimization to reduce the AM cost levels (via design for additive manufacturing). A general equation for cost assessment is formulated. Given the specific data collected from the company, the parameters in this general equation are calculated. Finally, the general equation and the product cost reduction achieved are used to explore the potential economic impact of the use of AM technologies in the cost levels of manufacturing and stocking of spare part products.Postprint (published version

    Mobile Autonomous Sensing Unit (MASU): a framework that supports distributed pervasive data sensing

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    Pervasive data sensing is a major issue that transverses various research areas and application domains. It allows identifying people’s behaviour and patterns without overwhelming the monitored persons. Although there are many pervasive data sensing applications, they are typically focused on addressing specific problems in a single application domain, making them difficult to generalize or reuse. On the other hand, the platforms for supporting pervasive data sensing impose restrictions to the devices and operational environments that make them unsuitable for monitoring loosely-coupled or fully distributed work. In order to help address this challenge this paper present a framework that supports distributed pervasive data sensing in a generic way. Developers can use this framework to facilitate the implementations of their applications, thus reducing complexity and effort in such an activity. The framework was evaluated using simulations and also through an empirical test, and the obtained results indicate that it is useful to support such a sensing activity in loosely-coupled or fully distributed work scenarios.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Quantitative analysis of the effects of incorporating laser powder bed fusion manufactured conformal cooling inserts in steel moulds over four types of defects of a commercially produced injected part

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    The introduction of additively manufactured conformal cooling inserts in steel moulds for plastic injection is becoming a recommended standard. Fine adjustment of the temperatures in the mould has demonstrated potential to reduce cycle times and to increase production volumes. Within this context, the present article explores the historical production data of a commercially produced part, before and after the incorporation of an LPBF conformal cooling insert, to analyse what is the quantitative real effect on the efficiency of the production runs. The article analyses the change in the global rejection rates, and its effect over four different product defect types, i.e.: optical (surface), part integrity (bubbles, transparency, geometry), incomplete fill-in (interior), and breakages during extraction. The results demonstrate a specific decrease on the average appearance (from 20.53% to 13.48%; reduction of 7.05%) and variability (standard deviation from 14.16% to 6.81%; reduction of a 7.35%), of the global scrap rates, and a significant decrease in the scrap rates generated by optical defects and extraction part breakages. The article also characterises the former and the new processes by adjusting two distribution functions (Pareto Type-I and Weibull) and compares different estimates for the global expected scrap rates in past and future production runs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Numerical study of sub-millimeter Gunn oscillations in InP and GaN vertical diodes: Dependence on bias, doping, and length

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    In this work, we report on Monte Carlo simulations of InP and GaN vertical Gunn diodes to optimize their oscillation frequency and DC to AC conversion efficiency. We show that equivalent operating conditions are achieved by the direct application of a sinusoidal AC voltage superimposed to the DC bias and by the simulation of the intrinsic device coupled with the consistent solution of a parallel RLC resonant circuit connected in series. InP diodes with active region about 1 μm offer a conversion efficiency up to 5.5 % for frequencies around 225 GHz. By virtue of the larger saturation velocity, for a given diode length, oscillation frequencies in GaN diodes are higher than for InP structures. Current oscillations at frequencies as high as 675 GHz, with 0.1 % efficiency, are predicted at the sixth generation band in a 0.9 μm long GaN diode, corroborating the suitability of GaN to operate near the THz band. At the first generation band, structures with notch in general provide lower oscillation frequencies and efficiencies in comparison with the same structures without notch.However, a higher number of generation bands are originated in notched diodes, thus typically reaching larger frequencies. Self-heating effects reduce the performance, but in GaN diodes the efficiency is not significantly degraded.ROOTHz project (FP7-243845

    Evaluación de sistemas de mecanización, en el cultivo de soya de temporal, en el Centro de Veracruz.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fueron la evaluación de un sistema de siembra directa mecanizada para disminuir los costos de labranza en soya sin afectar su rendimiento, además de evaluar económicamente el sistema propuesto contra el sistema tradicional para determinar su factibilidad económica. Para esto se evaluaron tres diferentes tipos de abresurcos bajo el sistema de cero labranza destacando el cincel alado con un porcentaje de establecimiento de plantas de cerca del 85%, en comparación con el doble disco y el del cincel con punta de cerámica. Durante este trabajo fueron evaluados los efectos de la densidad y profundidad de siembra. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en los niveles evaluados, determinándose que es necesario incrementar en un 15% la densidad de semillas bajo el sistema de cero labranza en comparación con el sistema tradicional así como calibrar a una profundidad de siembra de entre 3 y 4 cm para evitar que el porcentaje de establecimiento se vea reducido drásticamente. Los rendimientos bajo los dos sistemas evaluados no mostraron diferencia significativa. El análisis económico indica una mayor tasa marginal de retorno del sistema de cero labranza con 127% en comparación con 105% de la labranza tradicional

    NPG–TRIS Thermal Storage System. Quantification of the Limiting Processes: Sublimation and Water’s Adsorption

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    The NPG–TRIS binary system (NPG = (CH3)2C(CH2OH)2 = 2,2-dimetyl-1,3-propanodiol; TRIS = NH2C(CH2OH)3 = 2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol) was intensively investigated as a thermal energy storage system, due to the reversibility of its phase transitions and their associated energy. An adapted methodology was applied to precisely quantify its sublimation tendency. Relevant thermochemical data were revisited and evaluated using some specific experimental procedures. We also determined that the widely accepted requirement of working in an inert atmosphere to avoid deviations due to hygroscopicity is not necessary. Nevertheless, to take advantage of the energetic properties of the NPG–TRIS system, closed containers will be required to avoid NPG losses, due to its quantitatively determined high sublimation tendency.This study was financially supported by the Basque Government (IT1301-19, IT1364-19) and through the Elkartek18 R&D program, by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIU19/019), and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (PID2019-106644GB-I00

    Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en la Docencia Universitaria y la brecha digital

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    Se ha realizado un estudio de carácter documental cuyo objetivo principal es determinar el empleo de las tecnologías de información y comunicación dentro de la docencia universitaria y las barreras que pudieran presentarse como parte de la brecha digital generacional, en la adquisición y desarrollo de los conocimiento