5,107 research outputs found

    Interaction of H2_2S with H atoms on grain surfaces under molecular cloud conditions

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2_2S) is thought to be efficiently formed on grain surfaces through the successive hydrogenation of S atoms. Its non-detection so far in astronomical observations of icy dust mantles thus indicates that effective destruction pathways must play a significant role in its interstellar abundance. While chemical desorption has been shown to remove H2_2S very efficiently from the ice, in line with H2_2S gas-phase detections, possible solid-state chemistry triggered by the related HS radical have been largely disregarded so far -- despite it being an essential intermediate in the H2_2S + H reaction scheme. We aim to thoroughly investigate the fate of H2_2S upon H-atom impact under molecular cloud conditions, providing a comprehensive analysis combined with detailed quantification of both the chemical desorption and ice chemistry that ensues. Experiments are performed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber at temperatures between 10--16 K. The changes in the solid phase during H-atom bombardment are monitored in situ by means of reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS), and desorbed species are measured with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS). We confirm the formation of H2_2S2_2 via reactions involving H2_2S + H, and quantify its formation cross section under the employed experimental conditions. Additionally, we directly assess the chemical desorption of H2_2S by measuring the gas-phase desorption signals with the QMS, providing unambiguous desorption cross sections. Chemical desorption of H2_2S2_2 was not observed. The relative decrease of H2_2S ices by chemical desorption changes from ~85% to ~74% between temperatures of 10 and 16 K, while the decrease as the result of H2_2S2_2 formation is enhanced from ~5% to ~26%, suggesting an increasingly relevant sulfur chemistry induced by HS radicals at warmer environments. The astronomical implications are further discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 9 Figures, 3 Tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Enabling technologies daily nursing work and its practical implications

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    In the health area, technological and scientific advances are paramount for the development of innovative technologies used in the treatment of diseases. Likewise, several categories of technologies are also useful in numerous activities for organizational management, resources management (medicines, data and information sets and people, among other) in the health field. Technologies are essential in work environments, but they also have implications, directly, for professionals who handle and operate them. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main technologies used by nursing professionals (nurses and technicians in nursing) and their impacts on work. Results were obtained through literature review, prioritizing case studies. Was carried out in at Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Emerald and Science Direct. Two analyses were conducted, bibliometrics, in order to explore the main data of the articles (years of publications, scientific journals and more frequent terms) and qualitative (highlight the main contributions of articles regarding the researched topic). In qualitative analysis, the articles were submitted to filtering procedures, ordered and selected for full reading. Technologies have potential to improve or create obstacles to the performance at work, health and well-being of the professionals. Health Information Technology was widely disseminated in case studies analyzed; it reduces informational and technical burden at work, access to support from colleagues in large centers and decision-making support, among others positive impacts

    Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence: Risk Factors, Severity, and Health Effects

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    The current study compares female victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) who were and were not victimized during pregnancy. Victims of pregnancy violence are more likely to report having experienced all forms of violence, particularly severe forms, and have higher odds of experiencing several postviolence indicators of severity and adverse health consequences. The significance of predictors disappears in a post hoc analysis controlling for proxies of battering behavior (i.e., repeated and severe violence), suggesting that victims who experience violence during pregnancy may be more likely to be in a current intimate relationship with an abuser who inflicts repeated and severe IPV

    Metabolic changes upon GLS inhibition by CB-839 in glioma cell lines

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    Many tumors use Gln for both energy generation and as a biosynthetic precursor. Glutaminases (GAs) catalyze the first step of glutaminolysis by converting glutamine (Gln) into glutamate and ammonia in the mitochondria. In humans, two genes encode for glutaminases: GLS and GLS2. We examined the metabolic consequences of inhibiting GLS activity in glioma cells by using the clinically relevant inhibitor CB-839. We treated three glioblastoma (GBM) cell lines with CB-839 and performed untargeted metabolomics and isotope tracing experiments using U-13C-labeled Gln and 15N-labeled Gln in the amido group to ascertain the metabolic fates of Gln carbon and nitrogen. Untargeted metabolomics results showed that CB-839 treatment significantly depleted tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC) intermediates and related metabolites in the three human glioblastoma cell lines assayed. This result was also confirmed by a lower labeling from U-13C- Gln in these metabolites. U-13C- Gln tracing also revealed reductive carboxylation-related labeling in these cell lines, and this pathways was also suppressed by CB-839. Metabolomics results showed an accumulation of the de novo purine biosynthesis intermediates inosine monophosphate and/or AICAR, and a decrease in uridine monophosphate, while 15N-Gln tracing results showed a decreased labeling from Gln amido group in AMP, GMP, UMP and CTP in T98G cell line when treated with CB-839. Finally, metabolomics showed higher levels of trimethyllysine and, in T98G cells, a 22-fold increase in 5-methyl-cytosine.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Questions in the classroom: Power, topic and knowledge

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo evidenciar a relação que se estabelece entre poder, pergunta, tópico e construção do conhecimento na sala de aula. Parte-se da ideia de que o professor tem o poder, que lhe é conferido institucionalmente, para controlar o tópico, sendo este controle efetivado através das perguntas para, enfim, se chegar ao conhecimento. Para testar esta hipótese, analisamos a gravação de aulas de ciências do ensino fundamental, a fim de controlar o par pergunta e resposta, os atores sociais e sua relação com o tópico. Como resultado, constamos que, de um total de 435 perguntas, 96% foram feitas pelo professor, 95% das perguntas são do tipo abertas, 92% das perguntas foram do tipo “didática” e 94% relacionadas com o desenvolvimento do tópico. O  professor pergunta mais porque tem o controle do tópico discursivo, e as perguntas, por serem em sua maioria de caráter didático, estão relacionadas com o desenvolvimento deste. Os dados obtidos corroboram a hipótese inicial de que há uma relação entre poder, pergunta, tópico e construção do conhecimento. Palavras-chave: pergunta, tópico discursivo, conhecimento, poder.This article aims to show the relationship established between power, questions, topic and construction of knowledge in the classroom. We defend that the teacher has the institutionally conferred power to control discursive topics and that such control is implemented by means of questions designed so as construct knowledge. In order to investigate this claim we analyzed a corpus formed by recordings of science classes to control questions-answer pair, social actors and their relationship to the discursive topic. The results point that 96% question from the corpus (435 in total) were devised by the teacher, 95% of the questions are open, 92% are “didactic” and 94% questions are related to the development of the discursive topic. The teacher asks more because he has control over the topic of discourse, and questions – mostly didactic – are related to development of topic. The data confirm the initial claim that there is a relationship between power, questions, topic and construction of knowledge. Key words: question, topic, knowledge, power

    Perguntas na sala de aula: relações de poder, tópico discursivo e conhecimento

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    This article aims to show the relationship established between power, questions, topic and construction of knowledge in the classroom. We defend that the teacher has the institutionally conferred power to control discursive topics and that such control is implemented by means of questions designed so as construct knowledge. In order to investigate this claim we analyzed a corpus formed by recordings of science classes to control questions-answer pair, social actors and their relationship to the discursive topic. The results point that 96% question from the corpus (435 in total) were devised by the teacher, 95% of the questions are open, 92% are “didactic” and 94% questions are related to the development of the discursive topic. The teacher asks more because he has control over the topic of discourse, and questions – mostly didactic – are related to development of topic. The data confirm the initial claim that there is a relationship between power, questions, topic and construction of knowledge. Key words: question, topic, knowledge, power.Este artigo tem por objetivo evidenciar a relação que se estabelece entre poder, pergunta, tópico e construção do conhecimento na sala de aula. Parte-se da ideia de que o professor tem o poder, que lhe é conferido institucionalmente, para controlar o tópico, sendo este controle efetivado através das perguntas para, enfim, se chegar ao conhecimento. Para testar esta hipótese, analisamos a gravação de aulas de ciências do ensino fundamental, a fim de controlar o par pergunta e resposta, os atores sociais e sua relação com o tópico. Como resultado, constamos que, de um total de 435 perguntas, 96% foram feitas pelo professor, 95% das perguntas são do tipo abertas, 92% das perguntas foram do tipo “didática” e 94% relacionadas com o desenvolvimento do tópico. O  professor pergunta mais porque tem o controle do tópico discursivo, e as perguntas, por serem em sua maioria de caráter didático, estão relacionadas com o desenvolvimento deste. Os dados obtidos corroboram a hipótese inicial de que há uma relação entre poder, pergunta, tópico e construção do conhecimento. Palavras-chave: pergunta, tópico discursivo, conhecimento, poder

    Metabolic Adjustments following Glutaminase Inhibition by CB-839 in Glioblastoma Cell Lines

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common primary brain tumor. Unfortunately, it is also one of the cancer types that has the worst morbidity and mortality ratios, so new targets and treatments need to be found. The metabolism of glutamine is fundamental for the proliferation of many tumor cells, including glioblastomas. Glutaminase isoenzyme GLS is one of the responsible enzymes for the pro-oncogenic pathways that induce metabolic reprogramming and leads to altered levels of some amino acids and other key intermediary metabolites in glioblastoma. Using the clinically approved GLS inhibitor CB-839 (Telaglenastat), we found significant changes in glutamine metabolism, including both the oxidative and reductive fates of Gln-derived alpha-ketoglutarate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, in three glioblastoma cell lines. One of them, the T98G glioblastoma cell line, showed the greatest modification of metabolite levels involved in the de novo biosynthetic pathways for nucleotides, as well as a higher content of methylated and acetylated metabolites.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, grant number RTI2018-096866-B-I00 (to J.M.M. and J.M.) and Junta de Andalucía, Grant UMA18-FEDERJA-082 (to J.M.). R.J.D. is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the National Cancer Institute (R35CA220444901), the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, and the Moody Foundation. J.D.l.S.-J. is granted by FPU17/04084, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Variação linguística e ensino: a contribuição dos encontros de sociolinguística

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    Neste Número Especial da Tabuleiro de Letras, sistematizamos as colaborações do VIII Encontro de Sociolinguística, de modo a difundir e contribuir para o empreendimento educacional brasileiro, divididas em três partes: 1. Variação e ensino; 2. Crenças, atitudes e variação linguística.3. A variação social e espacial nos dados do ALiB e de outros corpora

    Leptospirosis-associated Severe Pulmonary Hemorrhagic Syndrome, Salvador, Brazil

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    We report the emergence of leptospirosis-associated severe pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome (SPHS) in slum communities in Salvador, Brazil. Although active surveillance did not identify SPHS before 2003, 47 cases were identified from 2003 through 2005; the case-fatality rate was 74%. By 2005, SPHS caused 55% of the deaths due to leptospirosis