890 research outputs found

    Genetic Distance Based On Ssr And Grain Yield Of Inter And Intrapopulational Maize Single Cross Hybrids

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    The objective of this work was to correlate the genetic distances between the progenitors obtained by microsatellite markers with the grain yield of inter and intrapopulational maize single cross hybrids. Three S 0 populations derived from commercial single cross hybrids were used to obtain 163 hybrids (110 interpopulational and 53 intrapopulational). The two best hybrids and two worst hybrids of each the inter- and intrapopulational crosses were selected and their progenitors maintained through self-pollination of the second ear of each S 0 plant, genotyped with 47 SSRs. The Modified Roger's Distance (MRD) between each pair of S 1 inbred lines, the number of alleles and the polymorphic information content (PIC) of each primer were estimated. The genetic distances between progenitors were correlated with the grain yield of the inter- and intrapopulational hybrids. The number of obtained alleles was 186, with a mean of 3.96 alleles. The PIC varied from 0.49 to 0.80, with a mean of 0.65. The mean genetic distance between all S 1 inbred lines was 0.75, varying from 0.40 to 0.89, indicating the existence of variability between the S 1 inbred lines. The correlation between MRD and grain yield was high and significant for the interpopulational crosses (r = 0.84, P ≤ 0.01) and low and not significant (r = 0.18, P ≥ 0.05) for intrapopulational crosses.5103/04/15507513Ajmone Marsan, P., Castiglioni, P., Fu Sari, F., Kuiper, M., Motto, M., Genetic diversity and its relationship to hybrid performance in maize as revealed by RFLP and AFLP markers (1998) Theor. Appl. Genet., 96, pp. 219-227Árcade, A., Faivre-Rampant, P., Le Guerroué, B., Paques, L.E., Prat, D., Heterozigosity and hybrid performance in larch (1996) Theor. Appl. 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    Kinin B2 receptor regulates chemokines CCL2 and CCL5 expression and modulates leukocyte recruitment and pathology in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Kinins are important mediators of inflammation and act through stimulation of two receptor subtypes, B1 and B2. Leukocyte infiltration contributes to the pathogenesis of autoimmune inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS), occurring not only in multiple sclerosis (MS) but also in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We have previously shown that the chemokines CCL2 and CCL5 play an important role in the adhesion of leukocytes to the brain microcirculation in EAE. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relevance of B2 receptors to leukocyte-endothelium interactions in the cerebral microcirculation, and its participation in CNS inflammation in the experimental model of myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein (MOG)35-55-induced EAE in mice. METHODS: In order to evaluate the role of B2 receptor in the cerebral microvasculature we used wild-type (WT) and kinin B2 receptor knockout (B2-/-) mice subjected to MOG35-55-induced EAE. Intravital microscopy was used to investigate leukocyte recruitment on pial matter vessels in B2-/- and WT EAE mice. Histological documentation of inflammatory infiltrates in brain and spinal cords was correlated with intravital findings. The expression of CCL5 and CCL2 in cerebral tissue was assessed by ELISA. RESULTS: Clinical parameters of disease were reduced in B2-/- mice in comparison to wild type EAE mice. At day 14 after EAE induction, there was a significant decrease in the number of adherent leukocytes, a reduction of cerebral CCL5 and CCL2 expressions, and smaller inflammatory and degenerative changes in B2-/- mice when compared to WT. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that B2 receptors have two major effects in the control of EAE severity: (i) B2 regulates the expression of chemokines, including CCL2 and CCL5, and (ii) B2 modulates leukocyte recruitment and inflammatory lesions in the CNS

    The role of natural regeneration to ecosystem services provision and habitat availability: a case study in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    Natural regeneration provides multiple benefits to nature and human societies, and can play a major role in global and national restoration targets. However, these benefits are context specific and impacted by both biophysical and socioeconomic heterogeneity across landscapes. Here we investigate the benefits of natural regeneration for climate change mitigation, sediment retention and biodiversity conservation in a spatially explicit way at very high resolution for a region within the global biodiversity hotspot of the Atlantic Forest. We classified current land-use cover in the region and simulated a natural regeneration scenario in abandoned pasturelands, areas where potential conflicts with agricultural production would be minimized and where some early stage regeneration is already occurring. We then modelled changes in biophysical functions for climate change mitigation and sediment retention, and performed an economic valuation of both ecosystem services. We also modelled how land-use changes affect habitat availability for species. We found that natural regeneration can provide significant ecological and social benefits. Economic values of climate change mitigation and sediment retention alone could completely compensate for the opportunity costs of agricultural production over 20 years. Habitat availability is improved for three species with different dispersal abilities, although by different magnitudes. Improving the understanding of how costs and benefits of natural regeneration are distributed can be useful to design incentive structures that bring farmers’ decision making more in line with societal benefits. This alignment is crucial for natural regeneration to fulfil its potential as a large-scale solution for pressing local and global environmental challenges

    Comparação dos Fluxos Noturnos de Co2 e Calor Sensível em Manaus e São Gabriel da Cachoeira

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    Comparação dos fluxos noturnos de CO2 e calor sensívelem Manaus e São Gabriel da Cachoeir

    From the Environment to the Host: Re-Wiring of the Transcriptome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from 22°C to 37°C

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a highly versatile opportunistic pathogen capable of colonizing multiple ecological niches. This bacterium is responsible for a wide range of both acute and chronic infections in a variety of hosts. The success of this microorganism relies on its ability to adapt to environmental changes and re-program its regulatory and metabolic networks. The study of P. aeruginosa adaptation to temperature is crucial to understanding the pathogenesis upon infection of its mammalian host. We examined the effects of growth temperature on the transcriptome of the P. aeruginosa PAO1. Microarray analysis of PAO1 grown in Lysogeny broth at mid-exponential phase at 22°C and 37°C revealed that temperature changes are responsible for the differential transcriptional regulation of 6.4% of the genome. Major alterations were observed in bacterial metabolism, replication, and nutrient acquisition. Quorum-sensing and exoproteins secreted by type I, II, and III secretion systems, involved in the adaptation of P. aeruginosa to the mammalian host during infection, were up-regulated at 37°C compared to 22°C. Genes encoding arginine degradation enzymes were highly up-regulated at 22°C, together with the genes involved in the synthesis of pyoverdine. However, genes involved in pyochelin biosynthesis were up-regulated at 37°C. We observed that the changes in expression of P. aeruginosa siderophores correlated to an overall increase in Fe(2+) extracellular concentration at 37°C and a peak in Fe(3+) extracellular concentration at 22°C. This suggests a distinct change in iron acquisition strategies when the bacterium switches from the external environment to the host. Our work identifies global changes in bacterial metabolism and nutrient acquisition induced by growth at different temperatures. Overall, this study identifies factors that are regulated in genome-wide adaptation processes and discusses how this life-threatening pathogen responds to temperatur

    Magnetic and pair correlations of the Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

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    A combination of analytical approaches and quantum Monte Carlo simulations is used to study both magnetic and pairing correlations for a version of the Hubbard model that includes second-neighbor hopping t=0.35tt^{\prime }=-0.35t as a model for high-temperature superconductors. Magnetic properties are analyzed using the Two-Particle Self-Consistent approach. The maximum in magnetic susceptibility as a function of doping appears both at finite % t^{\prime } and at t=0t^{\prime }=0 but for two totally different physical reasons. When t=0t^{\prime }=0, it is induced by antiferromagnetic correlations while at t=0.35tt^{\prime }=-0.35t it is a band structure effect amplified by interactions. Finally, pairing fluctuations are compared with % T -matrix results to disentangle the effects of van Hove singularity and of nesting on superconducting correlations. The addition of antiferromagnetic fluctuations increases slightly the dd-wave superconducting correlations despite the presence of a van Hove singularity which tends to decrease them in the repulsive model. Some aspects of the phase diagram and some subtleties of finite-size scaling in Monte Carlo simulations, such as inverted finite-size dependence, are also discussed.Comment: Revtex, 8 pages + 15 uuencoded postcript figure

    Effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin antioxidants on morphology and activation of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured

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    Os efeitos do α-tocoferol e da ternatina sobre morfologia, ativação e crescimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, foram avaliados. Os fragmentos ovarianos foram imediatamente fixados (controle não-cultivado) ou cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, em Meio Essencial Mínimo (MEM) com ou sem suplementação com α-tocoferol ou ternatina nas concentrações de 5, 10 ou 15M, formando os tratamentos MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, TER15. O percentual de folículos pré-antrais normais no controle não-cultivado foi de 73,2%, depois de cinco dias de cultivo, houve redução desse percentual em todos os tratamentos, quando comparados com o controle não-cultivado (P<0,05). O cultivo por cinco dias aumentou a ativação folicular em todos os tratamentos (P<0,05). A análise ultra-estrutural não mostrou folículos pré-antrais íntegros após cinco dias de cultivo em meio contendo antioxidantes. Concluiu-se que o α -tocoferol e a ternatina podem promover a ativação folicular, no entanto a adição desses antioxidantes nas concentrações testadas reduziu a viabilidade folicular após o cultivo in vitro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin on the morphology, activation, and growth of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured, for one or five days, were evaluated. Ovarian fragments were immediately fixed (non-cultured control) or in vitro cultured for one or five days in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) with or without α-tocopherol or ternatin supplementation, both at concentrations of 5, 10, or 15M, corresponding to the following treatments: MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, and TER15. The percentages of morphologically normal preantral follicles in non-cultured ovarian tissue (control) was 73.2% and after five days of culture, there was a decrease on these percentages in all treatments (P<0.05) when compared with non-cultured control. Culture of ovarian cortex for five days increased the percentages of follicular activation in all treatments (P<0.05). Ultrastructural analysis did not confirm the integrity of caprine preantral follicles cultured for five days in medium containing antioxidants. This study demonstrated that α-tocopherol and ternatin can promote follicular activation; however, addition of these antioxidants in the tested concentrations reduced the follicular viability after in vitro culture

    Kinin b(1) receptor in adipocytes regulates glucose tolerance and predisposition to obesity

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    BACKGROUND: Kinins participate in the pathophysiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes by mechanisms which are not fully understood. Kinin B(1) receptor knockout mice (B(1) (-/-)) are leaner and exhibit improved insulin sensitivity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that kinin B(1) receptors in adipocytes play a role in controlling whole body insulin action and glucose homeostasis. Adipocytes isolated from mouse white adipose tissue (WAT) constitutively express kinin B(1) receptors. In these cells, treatment with the B(1) receptor agonist des-Arg(9)-bradykinin improved insulin signaling, GLUT4 translocation, and glucose uptake. Adipocytes from B(1) (-/-) mice showed reduced GLUT4 expression and impaired glucose uptake at both basal and insulin-stimulated states. To investigate the consequences of these phenomena to whole body metabolism, we generated mice where the expression of the kinin B(1) receptor was limited to cells of the adipose tissue (aP2-B(1)/B(1) (-/-)). Similarly to B(1) (-/-) mice, aP2-B(1)/B(1) (-/-) mice were leaner than wild type controls. However, exclusive expression of the kinin B(1) receptor in adipose tissue completely rescued the improved systemic insulin sensitivity phenotype of B(1) (-/-) mice. Adipose tissue gene expression analysis also revealed that genes involved in insulin signaling were significantly affected by the presence of the kinin B(1) receptor in adipose tissue. In agreement, GLUT4 expression and glucose uptake were increased in fat tissue of aP2-B(1)/B(1) (-/-) when compared to B(1) (-/-) mice. When subjected to high fat diet, aP2-B(1)/B(1) (-/-) mice gained more weight than B(1) (-/-) littermates, becoming as obese as the wild types. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Thus, kinin B(1) receptor participates in the modulation of insulin action in adipocytes, contributing to systemic insulin sensitivity and predisposition to obesity