3,005 research outputs found

    Sparse spatial selection for novelty-based search result diversification

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    Abstract. Novelty-based diversification approaches aim to produce a diverse ranking by directly comparing the retrieved documents. However, since such approaches are typically greedy, they require O(n 2) documentdocument comparisons in order to diversify a ranking of n documents. In this work, we propose to model novelty-based diversification as a similarity search in a sparse metric space. In particular, we exploit the triangle inequality property of metric spaces in order to drastically reduce the number of required document-document comparisons. Thorough experiments using three TREC test collections show that our approach is at least as effective as existing novelty-based diversification approaches, while improving their efficiency by an order of magnitude.

    Microscopic nanomechanical dissipation in gallium arsenide resonators

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    We report on a systematic study of nanomechanical dissipation in high-frequency (approximatively 300 MHz) gallium arsenide optomechanical disk resonators, in conditions where clamping and fluidic losses are negligible. Phonon-phonon interactions are shown to contribute with a loss background fading away at cryogenic temperatures (3 K). Atomic layer deposition of alumina at the surface modifies the quality factor of resonators, pointing towards the importance of surface dissipation. The temperature evolution is accurately fitted by two-level systems models, showing that nanomechanical dissipation in gallium arsenide resonators directly connects to their microscopic properties. Two-level systems, notably at surfaces, appear to rule the damping and fluctuations of such high-quality crystalline nanomechanical devices, at all temperatures from 3 to 300K

    Dermite de Contacto à Mitomicina C. 6 Casos

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    A Mitomicina C está entre uma variedade de agentes quimioterapêuticos intravesicais actualmente disponíveis para o tratamento do carcinoma superficial da bexiga. Cerca de9% destes doentes desenvolve reacções adversas cutâneas, geralmente dermites de contacto, localizadas nas mãos, pés, genitais, ou erupções mais disseminadas. Descrevem-se 6 casos de dermite de contacto alérgica à Mitomicina C, observados entre Junho/2004 e Março/2005,emcinco doentes do sexo masculino e umdo sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 70 anos

    Antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus associated with subclinical and clinical mastitis in Uruguay during an eight-year period

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    Records of in vitro susceptibility tests performed between 2008 and 2015 were retrospectively reviewed in order to evaluate the dynamic profiles of possible changes in antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from milk samples of cows with subclinical mastitis from 12 different Uruguayan Provinces. The results of 1,631 isolates tested by disk diffusion techniquefor susceptibility to penicillin and erythromycin were analysed. The possible tendency or changes in the behaviour of this pathogen against penicillin and erythromycin in the 8 year period was evaluated using the chi-square tests for trend and the homogeneity. The highest rate of resistance was observed for penicillin (36.9% in 2010), while erythromycin showed a resistance rate significantly lower (5.7% in 2015). The test for trend showed a significant trend towards decreased resistance to penicillin, whereas for erythromycin an increased resistance trend was observed. The determination of the scope of the problem is essential for the formulation and monitoring of effective response to anti-microbial resistance (AMR). Antibiotic assessment in Uruguay is now being reviewed with the objective of limiting antibiotics prescription to professionals trained to select a successful therapy, choosing the appropriated drug and treatment duration according each situation. To generate knowledge on the magnitude and tendency of the AMR problem using country-specific information must be a priority

    Fuzzy-based forest fire prevention and detection by wireless sensor networks

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    Forest fires may cause considerable damages both in ecosystems and lives. This proposal describes the application of Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks jointly with multi-hop routing through a real time and dynamic monitoring system for forest fire prevention. It is based on gathering and analyzing information related to meteorological conditions, concentrations of polluting gases and oxygen level around particular interesting forest areas. Unusual measurements of these environmental variables may help to prevent wildfire incidents and make their detection more efficient. A forest fire risk controller based on fuzzy logic has been implemented in order to activate environmental risk alerts through a Web service and a mobile application. For this purpose, security mechanisms have been proposed for ensuring integrity and confidentiality in the transmission of measured environmental information. Lamport's signature and a block cipher algorithm are used to achieve this objective

    A study of the far infrared Spectrum of N -Acetyl-D-Glucosamine using THz-TDS, FTIR, and semiempirical quantum chemistry methods

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    The far infrared spectrum of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine has been studied by combining THz-TDS and FTIR characterization techniques with theoretical studies based on semiempirical quantum chemistry methods. A strong spectral peak at 60 cm-1 has been identified, which constitutes the main signature of the material in the terahertz band. Calculated molecular vibrations are in good qualitative and semiquantitative agreement with both the THz-TDS and FTIR experiments. In comparison to previous DFT-based studies, the semiempirical approach chosen herein, suitable for parallel multi-core and GPU acceleration, allows for a full study using periodic boundary conditions and no further approximations within a constrained computing time

    Barcoding non-indigenous macroalgae in the Azores

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    ABSTRACT: Algae invasions in marine habitats represent a recognized worldwide threat to the integrity of native communities, to economy and even to human health. The em phasis of the present work is on non-indigenous marine macroalgae species in the Azores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cytokeratin 7/19 expression inN-diethylnitrosamine-induced mouse hepatocellular lesions: implications for histogenesis International

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy with poor clinical outcome, whose histogenesis is the subject of intense debate. Specifically, expression ofcytokeratins (CKs) 7 and 19, associated with aggressive biological behaviour, is proposed to reflect a possible progenitor cell origin or tumour dedifferentiation towardsa primitive phenotype. This work addresses that problem by studying CKs 7 and 19expression in N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced mouse HCCs. ICR mice weredivided into six DEN-exposed and six matched control groups. Samples were takenfrom each group at consecutive time points. Hyperplastic foci (13 lesions) occurredat 29-40 weeks (groups 8, 10 and 12) with diffuse dysplastic areas (19 lesions) andwith one hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) (at 29 weeks). HCCs (4 lesions) wereobserved 40 weeks after the first DEN administration (group 12). CKs 7 and 19showed identical expression patterns and located to large, mature hepatocytes, isolated or in small clusters. Hyperplastic foci and the single HCA were consistentlynegative for both markers, while dysplastic areas and HCCs were positive. Theseresults support the hypothesis that CKs 7 and 19 expression in hepatocellular malignancies results from a dedifferentiation process rather than from a possible progenitor cell origin