1,396 research outputs found

    Análisis y evaluación de la habilidad numérica en la etapa de Educación Infantil: estudio de los procesos semántico y de pre-sintaxis

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    Se pretende conseguir, a través de este Trabajo Fin de Grado, una aproximación a la realidad de la habilidad numérica existente en la etapa de Educación Infantil. Para ello, y después de una revisión teórica sobre algunos conceptos clave acerca del tema de trabajo, se aplica un instrumento concreto de evaluación (Batería de Inteligencia Numérica (BIN 4-6)), gracias al cual se han podido extraer los datos que se han considerado oportunos y relevantes para resolver los objetivos plateados inicialmente. El análisis y discusión de los resultados traen consigo, posteriormente, una serie de conclusiones que aportan una visión estructurada y global de aquellos aspectos destacables, haciendo especial hincapié en el estudio de los procesos semántico y pre-sintáctico que contiene el test BIN 4-6. Finalmente, quedan reflejados dos puntos de interés: las limitaciones que se han encontrado a lo largo del trabajo, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico y, aquellos aspectos que podrían continuar la aplicación del test BIN 4-6 y mejorar, de alguna manera, su puesta en práctica de forma interesante.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Communication and Fashion in the Digital Environment: the Behavior of Fashion Bloggers’ Followers

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    En este texto se realiza un estudio del fashion blogger o bloguera de moda y del comportamiento del público español en torno a su figura. Para ello, se han realizado encuestas entre la población femenina, con los objetivos de conocer a las blogueras más influyentes del panorama nacional, identificar las diferencias en el comportamiento entre seguidoras y no seguidoras de blogs de moda, y las diferencias entre las seguidoras de una bloguera u otra. Los resultados revelan la volatilidad del compromiso hacia una determinada bloguera o la necesidad por parte de estas de adaptarse a nuevas plataformas como Instagram.In this text, a study of the fashion blogger is carried on according to the Spanish customer behaviour related to this figure. In order to do that, surveys have been conducted between female population, with the aims of knowing the most influencer bloggers of the Spanish context, identifying the differences between the behaviour of the fashion blogs followers and not followers, and the differences between the followers of one blogger and another. Results show the volatility of the compromise with a particular blogger and the need that these bloggers have of adapting themselves to new platforms such as Instagram

    Perforación en bóveda palatina por consumo de cocaína

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    El consumo de cocaína va en aumento en la población mundial, los efectos del consumo de esta droga pueden ocasionar efectos secundarios. Se presenta un caso de paciente femenino de 48 años de edad que presenta una úlcera crónica buco-nasal de 2 meses de evolución, la cual le ocasiona problemas para la deglución y fonación. Se discuten la etiopatogenia, diagnóstico diferencial y tratamientoWorldwide, the use of cocaine has an increased over the years, various secondary effects have been described. Here we present a 48 years old female with a 2-month evolution bucconasal ulcer in the hard palate induced by cocaine usage accompanied by swallow and phonation dysfunctions. Ethiopathogenesis, differential diagnoses and treatment are discussed

    Palatine perforation induced by cocaine

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    El consumo de cocaína va en aumento en la población mundial, los efectos del consumo de esta droga pueden ocasionar efectos secundarios. Se presenta un caso de paciente femenino de 48 años de edad que presenta una úlcera crónica buco-nasal de 2 meses de evolución, la cual le ocasiona problemas para la deglución y fonación

    Experience with the use of Rituximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in a tertiary Hospital in Spain: RITAR study

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    There is evidence supporting that there are no relevant clinical differences between dosing rituximab 1000 mg or 2000 mg per cycle in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in clinical trials, and low-dose cycles seem to have a better safety profile. Our objective was to describe the pattern of use of rituximab in real-life practice conditions. Methods: Rituximab for RA in clinical practice (RITAR) study is a retrospective cohort study from 2005 to 2015. Eligibility criteria were RA adults treated with rituximab for active articular disease. Response duration was the main outcome defined as months elapsed from the date of rituximab first infusion to the date of flare. A multivariable analysis was performed to determine the variables associated with response duration. Results: A total of 114 patients and 409 cycles were described, 93.0% seropositive and 80.7% women. Rituximab was mainly used as second-line biological therapy. On demand retreatment was used in 94.6% of cases versus fixed 6 months retreatment in 5.4%. Median response duration to on demand rituximab cycles was 10 months (interquartile range, 7–13). Multivariable analysis showed that age older than 65 years, number of rituximab cycles, seropositivity, and first- or second-line therapy were associated with longer response duration. The dose administered at each cycle was not significantly associated with response duration. Conclusions: Our experience suggests that 1000 mg rituximab single infusion on demand is a reasonable schedule for long-term treatment of those patients with good response after the first cycles, especially in seropositive patients and when it is applied as a first- or second-line biological therap

    Identifying past social-ecological thresholds to understand long-term temporal dynamics in Spain

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    A thorough understanding of long-term temporal social-ecological dynamics at the national scale helps to explain the current condition of a country’s ecosystems and to support environmental policies to tackle future sustainability challenges. We aimed to develop a methodological approach to understand past long-term (1960-2010) social-ecological dynamics in Spain. First, we developed a methodical framework that allowed us to explore complex social-ecological dynamics among biodiversity, ecosystem services, human well-being, drivers of change, and institutional responses. Second, we compiled 21 long-term, national-scale indicators and analyzed their temporal relationships through a redundancy analysis. Third, we used a Bayesian change point analysis to detect evidence of past social-ecological thresholds and historical time periods. Our results revealed that Spain has passed through four socialecological thresholds that define five different time periods of nature and society relationships. Finally, we discussed how the proposed methodological approach helps to reinterpret national-level ecosystem indicators through a new conceptual lens to develop a more systems-based way of understanding long-term social-ecological patterns and dynamicsThis work was supported by the Biodiversity Foundation (http://www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es/) of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Partial financial support was also provided by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (project CGL2014-53782-P: ECOGRADIENTES). The Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) funded Marina García-Llorente as part of the European Social Fund. Blanca González García-Mon participated in this article as a “la Caixa” Banking Foundation scholar. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the report, or the decision to submit the study for publicatio

    Obtaining a Hierarchy of Contextual Factors in Shaping the SOC of Male and Female Adolescents

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    Sense of coherence (SOC) is an important predictor of health and subjective well-being, but research on the factors that shape SOC development is scarce. Using structural equation modeling, this study obtained a hierarchy of the contributions of several contextual factors to SOC in a representative sample of adolescents (N = 4,943, M age = 15.43) selected for the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey in Spain. Goodness-of-fit indices consistent with good fit, logical parameter estimates and a level of explained variability of 38.2 % were found in the final model. The examination of parameter estimates provided a hierarchy of contextual factors in shaping SOC. Quality of parent–child relationships was the most influential factor and appeared at the top of the hierarchy. Positive models of behavior in the peer group, neighborhood assets and classmate support occupied intermediate positions, and teacher support appeared at the bottom of the hierarchy. Multi-group analysis revealed more commonalities than differences between male and female adolescents, with the exception of teacher support, which seemed to have a higher significance for the SOC of females.Ministerio de Educación AP2009-0978Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad de Españ

    School context and health in adolescence: The role of sense of coherence

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    The aim of this study was to examine the role of school variables and sense of coherence (SOC) in the explanation of health. For this purpose, data were collected from a representative sample of adolescents, aged 13 to 18 years, selected for the Health Behavior in School-aged Children survey in Spain. Using Structural Equation Modelling, three nested models were tested that represented different hypothesized models of the relationships among school factors, SOC and health. According to goodness-of-fit indices, in the best model, school-related stress and SOC mediated the influence of support from classmates and teachers on health, and SOC had a direct effect on stress. The results supported the idea that a supportive school climate and SOC are relevant to adolescents' health. Furthermore, SOC was the most influential variable; apart from its direct positive effect on health, SOC seemed to condition the degree to which students perceived school demands to be stressful. Specifically, students with a high SOC were less likely to suffer from high levels of school-related stress.Ministerio de Educación AP2009-097

    Sense of Coherence and Biopsychosocial Health in Spanish Adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of the SOC on the main components of biopsychosocial health separately, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the relationship between the SOC and health in adolescence. The sample consisted of 7,580 Spanish adolescents aged 13 to 18 who had participated in the 2009/10 edition of the WHO international survey Health Behaviour in School-aged Children. Using multivariate analysis of variance, the effects of the SOC and demographic variables (including interaction effects between them) on different health components were analysed. A higher SOC was associated with better self-rated health, lower frequency of somatic and psychological complaints and higher quality of life and life satisfaction. Thus, results support the association between SOC and positive health outcomes, especially for the psychological components of health. In addition, the effect of SOC on the various health components was homogeneous among all of the adolescents, regardless of gender and age.Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. EspañaUniversidad de SevillaMinisterio de Educación AP2009–097

    Comunicación y moda en el entorno digital: comportamiento del público seguidor de blogueras de moda / Communication and Fashion in the Digital Environment: the Behavior of Fashion Bloggers’ Followers

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    In this text, a study of the fashion blogger is carried on according to the Spanish customer behaviour related to this figure. In order to do that, surveys have been conducted between female population, with the aims of knowing the most influencer bloggers of the Spanish context, identifying the differences between the behaviour of the fashion blogs followers and not followers, and the differences between the followers of one blogger and another. Results show the volatility of the compromise with a particular blogger and the need that these bloggers have of adapting themselves to new platforms such as Instagram.En este texto se realiza un estudio del fashion blogger o bloguera de moda y del comportamiento del público español en torno a su figura. Para ello, se han realizado encuestas entre la población femenina, con los objetivos de conocer a las blogueras más influyentes del panorama nacional, identificar las diferencias en el comportamiento entre seguidores y no seguidores de blogs de moda, y las diferencias entre los seguidores de una bloguera y otra. Los resultados revelan la volatilidad del compromiso hacia una determinada bloguera o la necesidad por parte de estas de adaptarse a nuevas plataformas como Instagram. &nbsp