57 research outputs found
Comparative overview of the effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on anxiety-like behavior, cognitive flexibility, and hippocampal synaptic plasticity parameters in healthy rats
Clinical studies show that physical exercise has anxiolytic and pro-cognitive properties for both healthy individuals and psychiatric patients. Most of these data refer to the effects of aerobic exercise. However, other modalities such as resistance exercise deserve more attention because they may also modulate brain function. This study aimed to compare the effects of an aerobic exercise protocol on a treadmill and a resistance exercise protocol on a ladder apparatus on anxiety-like behavior, cognitive flexibility, and neuroplasticity parameters in healthy animals. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into three groups: sedentary control, aerobic training, and resistance training. Subsequently, they were evaluated in the elevated plus-maze (EPM), light-dark box, and modified hole board (mHB) tests. The expressions of synaptophysin and postsynaptic plasticity protein 95 in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus were analyzed by immunofluorescence. The results demonstrated an anxiolytic effect promoted by exercise in the EPM, particularly in the animals submitted to aerobic training, and a mild pro-learning effect of both exercise modalities was observed in the mHB test. All groups showed similar outcomes in the other evaluations. Therefore, the exercise modalities investigated in the present study did not provide considerable modifications to such aspects of the emotional/cognitive functions and neuroplasticity under physiological contexts. Perhaps the two types of exercise acted in neurobiological pathways not analyzed in this study, or the effects may emerge under pathological contexts. These hypotheses should be tested in future studies
A great technological advent is the use of renewable energies with the objective of promoting the migration of the world energy matrix. For this, alternatives to generate and store energy are sought. Among them, the use of hydrogen stands out - the most abundant chemical element in our universe - produced from various sources, such as natural gas, biomass and water electrolysis, making it a viable option as a renewable fuel, in addition to being considered a source of clean energy, as its burning does not emit gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the main responsible for global warming. In addition, hydrogen can be used in a range of applications, including transportation, power generation, heating and industry, making it versatile with fossil fuels. Its intrinsic properties such as its high energy density become advantageous from the perspective of the economy based on hydrogen. When used in fuel cells, it can generate electricity efficiently and without pollutants, after all, the only emission from the fuel cell system is water. The most common way to produce hydrogen is from natural gas, through a process called steam reforming, where methane from natural gas is combined with water vapor to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide as a by-product. However, this approach still emits CO2, in a smaller amount, when compared to the direct burning of fossil fuels. Another option is the production of hydrogen from biomass, such as agricultural and forestry waste, through gasification processes or anaerobic fermentation, which can be neutral in terms of CO2 emissions, as the carbon released during production is offset by the carbon absorbed. by plants during their growth. In addition, water electrolysis, which uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, is another option for producing hydrogen without CO2 emissions when the electricity used comes from renewable sources. With its vast production, hydrogen can be used as a form of renewable energy storage, after all, one of the main limitations of renewable energies, such as solar and wind, is their intermittency, that is, energy generation depends on climatic conditions. Hydrogen can be produced when there is a surplus of renewable energy available, being stored in liquid or gaseous form, in large spoons, facilitating its transport for later use, and also, meeting the growing world energy demand
Respostas agronômicas da pimenta malagueta a doses de nitrogênio
Chili peppers hold great economic and social importance for producers due to growing demand from agribusinesses that make sauces with them. Nevertheless, studies on the nutritional management of chili peppers are scarce. Thus, fertilization of the crop is mainly empirical. This study was conducted to verify the influence that doses of nitrogen have on the yield of chili peppers. The experiment was conducted between August 2016 and May 2017 in the experimental area of the Arapiraca Campus of the Federal University of Alagoas in Arapiraca, Alagoas. A randomized block design with four replications was employed for six doses of nitrogen (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 kg ha-1 N). Nitrogen was applied in increments 108, 142, 172, and 202 days after planting (DAP); urea was the source of N. Harvesting began 90 DAP and on a weekly basis. The following variables were observed: plant height (m), canopy diameter (cm), SPAD index, number of fruits, and yield (t ha-1). The doses did not affect plant height and canopy diameter. The highest SPAD index (53.11), the greatest total fruit production by the end of the harvest period (2,773 fruits per plant-1), and the greatest yield (26.25 t ha-1) were verified with 500 kg ha-1 of N.A pimenta malagueta possui grande importância econômica e social para produtores devido sua crescente procura por agroindústrias que confeccionam molhos. Apesar disso, estudos sobre o manejo nutricional da pimenta malagueta são escassos, logo a adubação em cultivos é realizada, principalmente, de forma empírica. Diante disso, este trabalho objetivou verificar a influência de doses de nitrogênio na produtividade de pimenta malagueta. O experimento foi conduzido entre agosto de 2016 e maio de 2017 na área experimental do Campus Arapiraca, da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Arapiraca, AL. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, e seis doses de nitrogênio (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 kg ha-1 N). A aplicação do N ocorreu de forma parcelada aos 108, 142, 172 e 202 dias após o plantio (DAP), utilizou-se ureia como fonte de N. A colheita de frutos iniciou-se 90 DAP, sendo realizada em uma frequência semanal. As variáveis avaliadas foram: altura de planta (m), diâmetro do dossel (cm), índice SPAD, número de frutos e produtividade (t ha-1). As doses não influenciaram na altura de plantas e diâmetro do dossel. O maior índice SPAD (53,11), maior produção de frutos totais ao final do período de colheita (2.773 frutos por planta-1) e maior produtividade (26,25 t ha-1) foram verificados com 500 kg ha-1 de N
Ação do gel Anacardium Occidentale L. associado ao ultrassom terapêutico no processo de cicatrização em camundongos
INTRODUCTION: Physical therapy resources positively influence the healing process, accelerating the different phases and reducing the time of injury through the application of electrophysical resources, such as therapeutic ultrasound (TUS). The interaction between TUS and biological tissues is capable of generating cellular changes by mechanical effects, ensuring satisfactory results. Studies based on plant extracts have been carried out to prove effective alternative therapies capable of inducing wound healing, since medicinal plants, when compared to modern drug therapies, have lower adverse effects and lower cost when compared to synthetic drugs, essential for acquisition for the low-income population. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the associated effect between cashew bark gel (Anacardium occidentale L) and therapeutic ultrasound on the healing process of skin wounds in mice. METHODOLOGY: 24 male (Mus musculus) mice weighing 40 to 50 grams (g) from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FACIME) were used in this study. The research consisted of 4 groups (control, pulsed ultrasound + phonorosis, Anacardium occidentale L bark gel and pulsed ultrasound), which were treated at different experimental times (8 and 15 days). RESULTS: It was observed that both histological and macroscopic analysis showed improvement of the initial inflammatory process and acceleration of tissue repair in the groups treated with UST, extract, as well as through their interaction. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the therapies used in the present study presented satisfactory results on the tissue repair process, which were confirmed by macroscopic and histological analysis.INTRODUÇÃO: Os recursos fisioterapêuticos influenciam positivamente no processo de cicatrização, acelerando as diferentes fases e reduzindo o tempo de lesão através da aplicação de recursos eletrofísicos, tais como ultrassom terapêutico (UST). A interação entre o UST e os tecidos biológicos, é capaz de gerar alterações celulares, por efeitos mecânicos, garantindo resultados satisfatórios. Estudos à base dos extratos vegetais vêm sendo realizados visando comprovar terapias alternativas efetivas capazes de induzir a cicatrização de feridas, uma vez que as plantas medicinais quando comparadas com as modernas terapias medicamentosa, apresentam menores efeitos adversos e baixo custo, quando comparado aos fármacos sintéticos, sendo essenciais para aquisição para a população de baixa renda. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito associado entre o gel à base da casca do cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale L) e o ultrassom terapêutico sobre o processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em camundongos. METODOLOGIA: 24 camundongos (Mus musculus) machos, pesando entre 40 a 50 gramas (g), provenientes do biotério da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FACIME), foram utilizados neste estudo. A pesquisa foi composta por 4 grupos (controle, ultrassom pulsado + fonorose, gel à base de cascas da Anacardium occidentale L e ultrassom pulsado), os quais foram tratados em diferentes tempos experimentais (8 e 15 dias). Após a eutanásia dos camundongos, realizou-se as análises macroscópica e microscópica, enquanto o extrato vegetal à base do caule do cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale L) foi avaliado através da prospecção fitoquímica. RESULTADOS: Observa-se que tanto na análise histológica quanto macroscópica, houve melhora do processo inflamatório inicial e aceleração do reparo tecidual nos grupos tratados com o UST, extrato, assim como, através da sua interação. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que as terapias utilizadas no presente estudo, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios sobre o processo de reparação tecidual, os quais foram comprovados pela análise macroscópica e histológica.
High anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroconversion rates before the second wave in Manaus, Brazil, and the protective effect of social behaviour measures: results from the prospective DETECTCoV-19 cohort
Background: The city of Manaus, Brazil, has seen two collapses of the health system due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We report anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody seroconversion rates and associated risk factors in Manaus residents before the second wave of the epidemic in Brazil. Methods: A convenience sample of adult (aged ≥18 years) residents of Manaus was recruited through online and university website advertising into the DETECTCoV-19 study cohort. The current analysis of seroconversion included a subgroup of DETECTCoV-19 participants who had at least two serum sample collections separated by at least 4 weeks between Aug 19 and Oct 2, 2020 (visit 1), and Oct 19 and Nov 27, 2020 (visit 2). Those who reported (or had no data on) having a COVID-19 diagnosis before visit 1, and who were positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at visit 1 were excluded. Using an in-house ELISA, the reactivity index (RI; calculated as the optical density ratio of the sample to the negative control) for serum anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies was measured at both visits. We calculated the incidence of seroconversion (defined as RI values ≤1·5 at visit 1 and ≥1·5 at visit 2, and a ratio >2 between the visit 2 and visit 1 RI values) during the study period, as well as incidence rate ratios (IRRs) through cluster-corrected and adjusted Poisson regression models to analyse associations between seroconversion and variables related to sociodemographic characteristics, health access, comorbidities, COVID-19 exposure, protective behaviours, and symptoms. Findings: 2496 DETECTCoV-19 cohort participants returned for a follow-up visit between Oct 19 and Nov 27, 2020, of whom 204 reported having COVID-19 before the first visit and 24 had no data regarding previous disease status. 559 participants were seropositive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at baseline. Of the remaining 1709 participants who were seronegative at baseline, 71 did not meet the criteria for seroconversion and were excluded from the analyses. Among the remaining 1638 participants who were seronegative at baseline, 214 showed seroconversion at visit 2. The seroconversion incidence was 13·06% (95% CI 11·52–14·79) overall and 6·78% (5·61–8·10) for symptomatic seroconversion, over a median follow-up period of 57 days (IQR 54–61). 48·1% of seroconversion events were estimated to be asymptomatic. The sample had higher proportions of affluent and higher-educated people than those reported for the Manaus city population. In the fully adjusted and corrected model, risk factors for seroconversion before visit 2 were having a COVID-19 case in the household (IRR 1·49 [95% CI 1·21–1·83]), not wearing a mask during contact with a person with COVID-19 (1·25 [1·09–1·45]), relaxation of physical distancing (1·31 [1·05–1·64]), and having flu-like symptoms (1·79 [1·23–2·59]) or a COVID-19 diagnosis (3·57 [2·27–5·63]) between the first and second visits, whereas working remotely was associated with lower incidence (0·74 [0·56–0·97]). Interpretation: An intense infection transmission period preceded the second wave of COVID-19 in Manaus. Several modifiable behaviours increased the risk of seroconversion, including non-compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions measures such as not wearing a mask during contact, relaxation of protective measures, and non-remote working. Increased testing in high-transmission areas is needed to provide timely information about ongoing transmission and aid appropriate implementation of transmission mitigation measures. Funding: Ministry of Education, Brazil; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas; Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/WHO.World Health OrganizationRevisión por pare
Meningitis is a public health problem that can affect any age group, but is especially common in children, as its etiological agents are bacteria, viruses, parasites and, rarely, non-infectious causes. The majority of clinical symptoms present as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, hypotension and petechiae on the skin. Thus, the study aims to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of cases of meningitis, in Brazil, in pediatric patients, over 10 years. This is a descriptive, retrospective and quantitative study carried out using secondary data obtained by DATASUS and the Hospital Morbidity System (SINAN). The variables analyzed were: year of notification, capital of residence, age group, education level, color/race, sex, gestational period, type of dengue, confirmation criteria, evolution and hospitalization. Regarding the age range, individuals under 1 year old to 14 years old were considered. The most prevalent age group is preschool children between 1 and 4 years old (34.02%), male (59%), white (48.89%), residents of the State of São Paulo (40% ), confirming the diagnosis mainly through chemocytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. Furthermore, it is noted that the most prevalent etiology is viral. Therefore, carrying out additional investigations into the prevalence of meningitis in the Brazilian population is crucial for the development of public policies aimed at preventing and controlling the disease.A meningite é um problema de saúde pública que pode acometer qualquer faixa etária, porém tem-se um destaque para crianças, ela possui como agentes etiológicos bactérias, vírus, parasitas e, raramente, causas não infecciosas. Os quadros clínicos apresentam-se, em sua maioria, através de náuseas, vômitos, diarreia, taquicardia, hipotensão e petéquias na pele. Dessa maneira, o estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o perfil clínico e epidemiológico de casos de meningite, no Brasil, em pacientes pediátricos, em 10 anos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo,retrospectivo e quantitativo realizado através de dados secundários obtidos pelo DATASUS e Sistema de Morbidade Hospitalar (SINAN). As variáveis analisadas foram: ano de notificação, capital de residência, faixa etária, nível de escolaridade, cor/raça, sexo, período gestacional, tipo de dengue, critério de confirmação, evolução e hospitalização. Com relação à faixa etária, considerou indivíduos menores de 1 ano a 14 anos. A faixa etária mais prevalente é a de crianças pré escolares entre 1 a 4 anos de idade (34,02%), do sexo masculino (59%) , brancas (48,89%), residentes do Estado de São Paulo (40%), apresentando confirmação de diagnóstico majoritamente por exame quimiocitológico do líquor. Ademais, nota-se que a etiologia mais prevalente é a viral. Desse modo, a realização de investigações adicionais sobre a prevalência da meningite na população brasileira é crucial para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas destinadas à prevenção e controle da doença
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