1,637 research outputs found

    Illegal Wildlife Trade: A Gateway to Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

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    The illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is a criminal practice bringing several ecological and public health consequences, such as the spreading of zoonotic pathogens and/or the introduction of exotic species of animals into new geographical areas. Here, we discuss potential risks of IWT on the spreading and emergence of zoonotic pathogens

    Efficacy of a spot-on formulation containing moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% for the treatment of Cercopithifilaria spp. and Onchocerca lupi microfilariae in naturally infected dogs from Portugal

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    Background: Onchocerca lupi and Cercopithifilaria spp. are vector-borne filarioids of dogs, which harbour skin microfilariae (mfs), the former being of zoonotic concern. Proper treatment studies using compounds with microfilaricidal activity have not been performed. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the efficacy of a commercially available spot-on formulation containing moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% for the treatment of O. lupi or Cercopithifilaria spp. skin-dwelling mfs in naturally infected dogs. Methods: Privately owned dogs (n = 393) from southern Portugal were sampled via skin biopsies to identify and count mfs in 20 µl of skin sediment. A total of 22 mfs-positive dogs were allocated to treatment group (n = 11; G1) or left untreated as a control (n = 11; G2). As a pilot investigation to test the treatment efficacy, five dogs assigned to G1 were treated four times at monthly intervals with moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% spot-on formulation on SDs 0, 28 (± 2), 56 (± 2), and 84 (± 2). Based on the negative results for both O. lupi and/or Cercopithifilaria spp. mfs of dogs in the pilot study from SD28 onwards, the remaining six dogs in G1 were treated at SD0 and assessed only at SD28. Results: Of the 393 animals sampled, 78 (19.8%) scored positive for skin-dwelling mfs. At the pilot investigation, a mean number of 19.6 mfs for O. lupi was recorded among five infected dogs whereas no mfs were detected at SD28. At SD0, the mean number of Cercopithifilaria spp. larvae was 12.6 for G1 and 8.7 for G2. The mean number of mfs for G2 was 20.09. Conclusions: Results herein obtained suggest that a single treatment with moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% spot-on formulation is efficacious against skin-dwelling mfs in dogs. The microfilaricidal effect of moxidectin could also be useful in reducing the risk of O. lupi infection for humans.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Categorización de verbos mentales y diseño de una prueba extensiva de verbos de actividad mental en adultos

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    Puesto que existe un empleo de los verbos mentales ligado a la adquisición de la teoría de la mente (TM), las pretensiones de este trabajo son: A) estudiar la distribución en categorías de 14 verbos mentales, 63 expertos los clasifi caron; B) diseñar una prueba extensiva de verbos mentales para analizar el uso de tales actividades, 135 estudiantes universitarios la cumplimentaron. Se concluye que los expertos distribuyen los verbos en las categorías usuales, según el mencionado desarrollo de la TM, de Input, Memoria y Procesamiento; no diferencian entre Procesamiento Constructivo y No Constructivo y añaden una categoría denominada General. Además, nuestra prueba extensiva permite analizar el desarrollo de la TM estudiando la organización de las actividades mentales.Given that the use of mental verbs is linked to the acquisition of the theory of mind (TM), the objectives of this investigation are: A) to study the organization of such verbs in clusters of 14 mental verbs of knowing and B) to design a verb extension task to analyze the use of such activities. Classifi cation of mental verbs was carried out by 63 experts and the extension task was completed by 135 university students. The conclusions are: the experts organize the verbs following the development of the TM in the usual clusters of Input, Memory and Processing; they do not distinguish between Constructive Processing and Non-constructive Processing and they present an additional cluster named General. In addition, the extension task allows us to analyze the development of the TM by studying the organization of verbs of knowing.Facultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada)Esta investigación forma parte del Proyecto Institucional de Divulgación "Hacia una sociedad del conocimiento y de la información. Divulgación pública del conocimiento en la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla" financiado por la Universidad de Granada, programa 20: financiación por objetivos

    Ectoparasites of hedgehogs: From flea mite phoresy to their role as vectors of pathogens

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    Hedgehogs are synanthropic mammals, reservoirs of several vector-borne pathogens and hosts of ectoparasites. Arthropod-borne pathogens (i.e., Rickettsia spp., Borrelia spp., and Anaplasmataceae) were molecularly investigated in ectoparasites collected on hedgehogs (n = 213) from Iran (161 Hemiechinus auritus, 5 Erinaceus concolor) and Italy (47 Erinaceus europaeus). In Iran, most animals examined (n = 153; 92.2%) were infested by ticks (Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma dromedarii), and 7 (4.2%) by fleas (Archeopsylla erinacei, Ctenocephalides felis). Of the hedgehogs infested by arthropods in Italy (i.e., 44.7%), 18 (38.3%) were infested by fleas (Ar. erinacei), 7 (14.9%) by ticks (Haemaphysalis erinacei, Rh. turanicus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato), and 6 (12.8%) by mites (Caparinia tripilis, Acarus nidicolous, Ornithonyssus spp.). Phoretic behavior of C. tripilis on Ar. erinacei was detected in two flea specimens from Italy. At the molecular analysis Rickettsia spp. was detected in 93.3% of the fleas of Italy. In Iran, Rickettsia spp. was detected in 8.0% out of 212 Rh. turanicus ticks, and in 85.7% of the Ar. erinacei fleas examined. The 16S rRNA gene for Ehrlichia/Anaplasma spp. was amplified in 4.2% of the 212 Rh. turanicus ticks. All sequences of Rickettsia spp. from fleas presented 100% nucleotide identity with Rickettsia asembonensis, whereas Rickettsia spp. from Rh. turanicus presented 99.84%–100% nucleotide identity with Rickettsia slovaca, except for one sequence, identical to Rickettsia massiliae. The sequences of the 16S rRNA gene revealed 99.57%–100% nucleotide identity with Anaplasma spp., except for one, identical to Ehrlichia spp. A new phoretic association between C. tripilis mites and Ar. erinacei fleas has been herein reported, which could be an important route for the spreading of this mite through hedgehog populations. Additionally, spotted fever group rickettsiae were herein detected in ticks and fleas, and Anaplasma/Ehrlichia spp. in ticks, suggesting that hedgehogs play a role as reservoirs for these vector-borne pathogens

    Seropositivity to canine tick-borne pathogens in a population of sick dogs in Italy

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    Background: Canine vector-borne diseases (CVBDs) associated to ticks are among the most important health issues affecting dogs. In Italy, Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma spp., Rickettsia conorii and Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) have been studied in both healthy canine populations and those clinically ill with suspected CVBDs. However, little information is currently available on the overall prevalence and distribution of these pathogens in the country. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and distribution of tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) in clinically suspect dogs from three Italian macro areas during a 15-year period (2006–2020). Methods: A large dataset (n = 21,992) of serological test results for selected TBPs in three macro areas in Italy was analysed using a Chi-square test to evaluate the associations between the categorical factors (i.e. macro area, region, year, sex and age) and a standard logistic regression model (significance set at P = 0.05). Serological data were presented as annual and cumulative prevalence, and distribution maps of cumulative positive cases for TBPs were generated. Results: Of the tested serum samples, 86.9% originated from northern (43.9%) and central (43%) Italy. The majority of the tests was requested for the diagnosis of E. canis (47%; n = 10,334), followed by Rickettsia spp. (35.1%; n = 7725), B. burgdorferi (s.l.) (11.6%; n = 2560) and Anaplasma spp. (6.2%; n = 1373). The highest serological exposure was recorded for B. burgdorferi (s.l.) (83.5%), followed by Rickettsia spp. (64.9%), Anaplasma spp. (39.8%) and E. canis (28.7%). The highest number of cumulative cases of Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) was recorded in samples from Tuscany, central Italy. Rickettsia spp. was more prevalent in the south and on the islands, particularly in dogs on Sicily older than 6 years, whereas Anaplasma spp. was more prevalent in the north and E. canis more prevalent in the south and on the islands. Conclusions: The results of this study highlight the high seroprevalence and wide distribution of the four TBPs in dogs with clinically suspected CVBDs from the studied regions of Italy. The very high seroprevalence of B. burgdorferi (s.l.) exemplifies a limitation of this study, given the use of clinically suspect dogs and the possibility of cross-reactions when using serological tests. The present research provides updated and illustrative information on the seroprevalence and distribution of four key TBPs, and advocates for integrative control strategies for their prevention. Grapic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Molecular characterization of Leishmania species from stray dogs and human patients in Saudi Arabia

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    Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica cause cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans and dogs in several parts of the world, with a large number of cases recorded in the Middle East. However, when they occur in sympatry, the role of each species of Leishmania in the epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is not clear. To assess the frequency and to identify the species of Leishmania that infect humans and stray dogs in Riyadh and Al-Qaseem (Saudi Arabia), 311 stray dogs and 27 human patients who were suspected for Leishmania infection were examined for CL by a nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR). Seven (25.9%) out of 27 human patients scored positive for Leishmania spp. (i.e., L. major in five patients from Riyadh and L. tropica in two patients from Al-Qaseem). Out of 311 dogs, five (1.6%) were infected by L. tropica. Data herein presented demonstrate the occurrence of L. tropica in dogs and humans in Saudi Arabia, as well as the occurrence of L. major in humans

    Detection of Endosymbiont Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii and Tickborne Pathogens in Humans Exposed to Tick Bites, Italy

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    : During 2021, we collected blood and serum samples from 135 persons exposed to tick bites in southern Italy. We serologically and molecularly screened for zoonotic tickborne pathogens and only molecularly screened for Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii. Overall, 62 (45.9%) persons tested positive for tickborne pathogens. Coxiella burnetii was detected most frequently (27.4%), along with Rickettsia spp. (21.5%) and Borrelia spp. (10.4%). We detected Candidatus M. mitochondrii DNA in 46 (34.1%) participants who had statistically significant associations to tickborne pathogens (p<0.0001). Phylogenetic analysis of Candidatus M. mitochondrii sequences revealed 5 clades and 8 human sequence types that correlated with vertebrates, Ixodes spp. ticks, and countries in Europe. These data demonstrated a high circulation of tickborne pathogens and Candidatus M. mitochondrii DNA in persons participating in outdoor activities in southern Italy. Our study shows how coordinated surveillance among patients, clinicians, and veterinarians could inform a One Health approach for monitoring and controlling the circulation of tickborne pathogens

    Roads of the Caribbean: regional analysis from Environmental Impact Assessments in Colombia

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    The road infrastructure produces several impacts on the environment. In the Colombian Caribbean region, the growing road infrastructure threatens systems equilibrium in diverse and not well-known ways. Despite the several administrative tools available in Colombian legislation to manage every project impact, the big picture of the interconnected regional ecosystems falls out of scope. To study the large-scale problems in landscape, we analyzed eight Environmental Impact Studies of road construction projects in the region. We did a scientific and institutional literature review to shed light on the possible unseen problems and future challenges. Results suggest that Environmental Impact Assessments for each project focus on construction processes, ignore accumulative and residual effects, and use typified measures to cover a broad set of impacts. We offer recommendations from an integrated analysis perspective for future projects to understand landscape and water systems alteration at the regional scale

    Study on antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized by gamma irradiation method using different stabilizers

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    In order to observe the microbiological status of CMT positive samples, 734 apparently health mammary quarters from buffalo cows were submitted to physical evaluation, strip cup test and CMT. After milk samples inoculation in 10% ovine blood agar base media and in MacConkey agar and incubation under aerobic condition for 72 hours at 37 degrees C, identification was proceeded. According to CMT, 227 quarters (30,93%) were positive, among them 73 (32,16%) presented 1+ reaction, 53 (23,35%) were 2+ and 101 (44,49%) were 3+. Microbiological exams of such samples were positive in 147 (64,76%) out of 227 CMT positive samples and among the remaining 72 (31,72%) were negative and 8 (3,52) were contaminated. In the 147 microbiological positive samples 204 bacteria were found in pure or associated growth and the most frequent agents were: Corynebacterium sp (59,25%); Staphylococcus sp (17,65%) among which 86,11% were coagulase negative and 13,89% were coagulase positive; and Micrococcus sp (6,37%). The results revealed that, excluding the eight contaminated samples, 147 (67,12%) quarters out of 219 CMT positive could be considered as bacteria-carrier and that even in a smaller percentage false-positive results can cause problems in a sanitary program for mastitis control in dairy buffalo cows