582 research outputs found
Instrumentos de gestão da rede e política educativa: referencial de boas práticas
Mestrado em Planeamento Regional e UrbanoO Planeamento Estratégico assume-se como um processo com grande potencial para responder aos desafios Demográficos e Socioeconómicos que têm emergido ao longo do tempo.
As baixas taxas de natalidade, e a fragilidade económica foram alguns dos fatores que levaram a atividade de planeamento a repensar em novas estratégias capazes de responder às necessidades atuais e futuras da população, nomeadamente na área da Educação.
O processo de descentralização que se traduz na transferência de atribuições e competências do Estado central para o poder local, principalmente em matéria educativa, conferiu uma maior eficiência e eficácia ao nível da gestão dos recursos e na prestação de serviços públicos pelas autarquias. Assim, as entidades locais passaram a deter uma maior autonomia para dar resposta aos desafios territoriais e necessidades da comunidade educativa local no curto e longo prazo, através do desenvolvimento de instrumentos como as Cartas Educativas e Projetos Educativos Locais/Planos Estratégicos Educativos Municipais.
Através da análise e comparação das Cartas Educativas e dos Planos Estratégicos Educativos Municipais elaborados pelos Concelhos A e B, concluiu-se que para a definição da política educativa local de forma estratégica, prospetiva e colaborativa, é fundamental incorporar quatro componentes: o i) Diagnóstico Estratégico e Prospetivo, o ii) Processo de Auscultação, a iii) Construção Estratégica e a iv) Monitorização.
O referencial teórico proposto nesta dissertação procurou demonstrar como se articulam as diferentes componentes que constituem os instrumentos de gestão e planeamento da rede e política educativa, contribuindo para a orientação das equipas e municípios no âmbito da construção das políticas educativas locais, capazes de responder estrategicamente aos desafios territoriais e necessidades da comunidade educativa local, hoje e no futuro.Strategic Planning assumes itself as process of great potential to answer the Demographic and Socioeconomic challenges that have emerged over time. Low birthrates, and economic fragility were some of the issues that made planning activity rethink new and capable strategies fit to answer the current and future needs of the population, especially in the Education area.
The process of Decentralization which is defined as the transfer of skills and rights from the central State to the local autarkies or municipalities, with special focus on educational matters, granted a bigger efficiency in terms of resource management and provision of public services by the local entities. Therefore, local entities started to have a bigger autonomy to answer the territorial challenges and needs of the educational community in the short and long term, this was achieved through the development of tools like the Educational Charts and Local Educational Projects/ Municipal Educational Strategic Plans.
Through the analysis and comparison of the Educational charts and Municipal Educational Strategic Plans elaborated by the Counties A and B, it was concluded that to define a strategic, prospective and collaborative local education policy it was fundamental to incorporate four key components: i) Strategic and Prospective Diagnosis, ii) Auscultation Process, iii) Strategic Building, and iv) Monitoring.
The theoretical content present in this dissertation has the objective of demonstrating how the different components that constitute the management instruments and network planning and educational policy are articulated or organized, thus contributing with guidance for the teams and counties in the matter of creating local education policies, policies which are able to strategically answer the territorial challenges and needs of the local educational community, now and in the future
The 3 C´s model of Millennials brand awareness
With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also known as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. But they are also demanding consumers with characteristics firms ought to understand for better capture the value they may also be able to provide. This paper aims at understanding better what the millennials profile is in terms of buying behaviour and proposes a model for the development of millennial digital marketing strategies that can be useful both, to firms and academics, to anchor more efficient marketing strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Prototypical dimensions of business opportunity in early stages of the entrepreneurial process
The purpose of this paper is to describe how individuals with no entrepreneurial experience use prototypical dimensions of business opportunities at the first two stages of the entrepreneurial process: recognition and decision to launch a venture. Previous studies have described the business opportunity prototype (Baron & Ensley, 2006); however, they do not describe how it is used and rely on retrospective data and entrepreneurs\u27 prior experience. We intend to overcome these gaps by using two hypothetical scenarios and three conditions, creating a first entrepreneurial experience for individuals, having thus a 2 (scenario A and B) X 3 (condition: Problem solving , Cash flow , Manageable risk ) design plan with a total of six groups. Our results allow us to describe how individuals use the prototype in the first two stages of the entrepreneurial process. Specifically, we have a better understanding of the importance of risk, customers, and profit in both stages. Both in the recognition and the decision stages, risk is the most important factor, but profit and customers are considered differently in the two stages. In recognition, profit is more important than customers; however, in the decision stage, customers are a major concern for the participants. These results provide relevant information on the first entrepreneurial experience of individuals, which is crucial given the recognized need to promote entrepreneurial initiatives and behavior
Caracterização preliminar da bioenergética do efluxo pelo sistema AcrAB-TolC em Escherichia coli
A resistência aos antibióticos em bactérias Gram-negativas pode ser aumentada pela extrusão de antibióticos através de sistemas de efluxo. Em Escherichia coli, o principal sistema de efluxo é o AcrAB-TolC o qual tem como principal fonte energética a força proto-motriz. Este trabalho pretendeu estudar alguns aspectos essenciais da bioenergética na actividade de efluxo de E. coli usando três estirpes bem caracterizadas
genotipica e fenotipicamente. Foi utilizado um método fluorimétrico semi-automático no qual a fluorescência do fluorocromo brometo de etídeo, substrato de bombas de efluxo foi seguida, permitindo a medição em tempo real da actividade de efluxo e acumulação de fluorocromo (inibição do efluxo). A utilização de brometo de etídeo é
particularmente vantajosa pois emite baixa fluorescência no exterior da célula bacteriana tornando-se extremamente fluorescente no seu interior. Este método é uma nova aplicação do termociclador em tempo real RotorGeneTM 3000 que permite o cálculo da cinética de transporte reflectindo o balanço entre acumulação de substrato por difusão passiva através da membrana e a sua extrusão/efluxo, proporcionando uma detecção rápida e económica de inibidores de efluxo.
Os resultados obtidos mostram, para todas as estirpes, que a GLU e o pH afectam a acumulação e o efluxo do brometo de etídeo. De todos os inibidores de vias biossintéticas testados, o ortovanadato de sódio, foi o que demonstrou maior actividade inibitória, a qual é revertida na presença de GLU. Em conclusão, este estudo mostra que a actividade de efluxo de E. coli depende não só da fosforilação oxidativa por via da
força proto-motriz mas também da energia proveniente da hidrólise de ATP pelas ATPases. O ortovanadato de sódio tem potencial para ser um novo inibidor de bombas de efluxo de largo espectro. A tecnologia utilizada neste trabalho demonstrou ser apropriada para a caracterização bioenergética da actividade de bombas de efluxo e
permite a selecção de novos inibidores de bombas de efluxo em bactérias.Antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria can be increased by extrusion of the antibiotic through efflux systems. In Escherichia coli, the major efflux pump system is the AcrAB-TolC which is mainly driven by energy coming from the proton motive force. In this work was studied basic aspects of the bioenergetics of the efflux activity of E. coli using three genotipically and phenotipically well characterized strains. It was
used the semi-automated fluorimetric method that utilizes the fluorochrome ethidium bromide, a known fluorescent efflux pump substrate, which allows the real time measurement of efflux activity and efflux inhibition (accumulation). Ethidium bromide has been shown to be particularly suitable to be used as a probe because it emits weak
fluorescence outside the bacterial cell and becomes strongly fluorescent inside the cell.
This method is a new application of the RotorGeneTM 3000 real-time thermocycler and provides the sum of transport kinetics reflecting the balance between accumulation of substrate via passive diffusion through the membrane permeability barrier and extrusion via efflux, thereby offers a rapid and inexpensive screening of inhibitors.
The results obtained show, for all strains, that GLU and pH affects the accumulation and efflux of ethidium bromide. From all the inhibitors of energy biosynthetic pathways tested, sodium orthovanadate was the one that revealed the highest inhibitory activity and this inhibitory effect was reversed by the presence of GLU in the medium. In conclusion, this study shows the dependence of the efflux activity of E. coli on energy
from the hydrolysis of ATP by the ATPases, besides the already known dependence on the oxidative phosphorylation, to maintain the proton motive force of the cells. Sodium orthovanadate has potential to be a new broad range efflux-pump inhibitor. The technology used in this work showed to be suitable for the characterization of the bioenergetic requirements of the bacterial efflux pump activity, allowing the screening
of new efflux pump inhibitors
Photolytic release at different wavelengths of tetrapeptide AAPV from a pyrenylmethyl conjugate
Comunicação em painel no 2nd Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Braga, Portugal, 8 Maio 2015The present work describes the photolysis of ester conjugate NH2-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-Pym, with Pym being the pyrenylmethylene group, at different wavelengths of irradiation in different solvents and simulated physiological environment. The photolysis of the ester conjugate and the release of the free tetrapeptide was monitored by HPLC with UV detection, with collection of kinetic data.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia(FCT, Portugal) for financial support to the
NMR portuguese network (PTNMR, Bruker Avance III 400-Univ. Minho), FCT
and FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development)-COMPETE
-QREN-EU for financial support to Research Centre of Chemistry, CQ/UM [PEst
-C/QUI/UI0686/2013 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-037302)]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A photolabile prodrug of tetrapeptide AAPV bearing 7-methoxycoumarin at the C-terminal
Comunicação em painel QS30 no livro de resumos do XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Químicathe present work describes the evaluation as a photolabile prodrug of a fluorescent conjugate of the tetrapeptide AAPV labeled at the C-terminus with 7-methoxycoumarin. This conjugate was submitted to photocleavage studies at different wavelengths of irradiation in different solvents and simulated physiological environment in order to study the release of the peptide. The photolysis process was monitored by HPLC with UV detection and 1H NMR, with collection of kinetic data.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
DNA Damage in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients. Assessment by In Vitro Comet Assay and by Cell-Free DNA Quantification
Inflammation is a common feature in end stage renal disease (ESRD) that might contribute to increase DNA damage. ESRD patients present increased circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and different types of DNA injury. The underlying inflammatory process in ESRD may be associated with increased genomic damage and cfDNA contributing to further enhance inflammation. We analyzed the degree of genomic damage in ESRD patients under hemodialysis therapy, using the comet assay and cfDNA quantification. ESRD patients presented significantly higher C-reactive protein (CRP) and cell damaged DNA. The cfDNA correlated with age and inflammatory stage. Nine out of 39 patients died during the one year follow-up period and presented significantly higher cfDNA, than those who persisted alive. At lower CRP values, the increased DNA damage is still within the cell, and at higher CRP the damaged DNA is released in to plasma. The higher degree of genomic damage in ESRD might be a consequence of inflammation and aging, and may contribute to increase cancer and cardiovascular mortality risk. Our data suggest that the comet assay is more sensitive for low-grade inflammatory conditions, while cfDNA appears as a good biomarker for more severe inflammatory conditions, and as a biomarker for the outcome of ESRD patients
Eleições autárquicas 2.0: análise das estratégias de comunicação online de candidatos, partidos e movimentos independentes
As redes sociais são uma ferramenta indispensável na comunicação política em período de campanha eleitoral. Este artigo pretende contribuir para o debate teórico sobre se as campanhas online contribuem para uma mudança de paradigma comunicacional entre candidatos e eleitores ou, ao invés, reproduzem os estilos e formatos preconizados pelos mass media. O estudo parte da análise de conteúdo das páginas de Facebook de partidos políticos e movimentos independentes relativas às eleições autárquicas de setembro de 2013. Após a análise descritiva é apresentado um modelo explicativo exploratório sobre as variações na interatividade entre páginas.The social networks are an indispensable tool for political communication during election campaigns. This article seeks to contribute to the theoretical on whether online campaigns are helping change the paradigm for communication between candidates and voters, or whether on the contrary they are reproducing the styles and formats put forward by the mass media. The study begins by analysing the content of the Facebook pages of political parties and independent movements regarding the September 2013 local elections. The authors then present an exploratory model that seeks to explain the variations in interactivity from one page to another.Les réseaux sociaux sont un outil de communication politique indispensable en période de campagne électorale. Cet article vise à contribuer au débat théorique sur la question de savoir si les campagnes sur internet contribuent à un changement de paradigme communicationnel entre candidats et électeurs ou si, au contraire, elles reproduisent les styles et les formats préconisés par les médias. L’étude part de l’analyse de contenu des pages Facebook de partis politiques et de mouvements indépendants à l’occasion des élections locales de septembre 2013. Après une analyse descriptive, l’article présente un modèle explicatif exploratoire sur les variations dans l’interactivité entre pages.Las redes sociales son una herramienta indispensable en la comunicación política en periodo de campaña electoral. Este articulo pretende contribuir para el debate teórico sobre si las campañas online contribuyen para un cambio de paradigma comunicacional entre candidatos y electores, o, al contrario, reproducen los estilos y formatos preconizados por los medios de comunicación. El estudio parte del análisis de contenido de las páginas de Facebook de partidos políticos y movimientos independientes relativos a las elecciones locales de septiembre 2013. Tras el análisis descriptivo es presentado un modelo explicativo exploratorio sobre las variaciones en la interactividad entre páginas
Abraç’arte: o trabalho colaborativo na formação de professores de geografia,com recurso à educação expressiva
Orientação: Maria Eduarda Margarido PiresNa escola actual os professores têm pela frente um duplo desafio: por um lado atrair os alunos para a escola e motivá-los perante as múltiplas ofertas exteriores disponíveis e, por outro, desenvolver a personalidade de cada aluno de forma holística. Tal implica trabalhar os conhecimentos científicos de cada disciplina, mas também valores éticos e estéticos, atitudes adequadas e aspectos como a comunicação, a criatividade, o espírito crítico ou a resolução de problemas, numa perspectiva integrada e significativa. Tendo por base o conhecimento empírico de quem ao longo dos últimos anos teve de responder a grupos de alunos muito desmotivados na disciplina de Geografia, mas sobretudo em áreas afins, tais como o Estudo Acompanhado, a Área de Projecto, a Formação Cívica, a Cidadania e Mundo Actual ou a Cidadania e Profissionalidade, a mestranda, baseando-se em orientações emanadas pelo Ministério, concebeu todo um conjunto estratégias e actividades, recolhendo materiais que reorganizou e utilizou enquanto recursos pedagógicos e como mediadores expressivos. Enquadrada por uma narrativa autobiográfica e por uma reflexão teórica que deriva da revisão da literatura, a presente dissertação parte do pressuposto de que promover a expressividade do aluno, recorrendo a diferentes manifestações artísticas, designadamente na aula de Geografia, contribui para uma educação cultural e geográfica do jovem de forma apelativa e para o desenvolvimento da sua capacitação para intervir responsavelmente, enquanto actor social, no mundo em que vivemos. Dadas as limitações de tempo e algumas contingências de caracter pessoal, propõe-se que a presente investigação se desenvolva a partir de uma Oficina de Formação direccionada para professores de Geografia, no sentido de colher dados, testar estratégias e materiais e numa perspectiva de investigação-acção, aprofundando o papel que a formação e a supervisão pedagógica podem assumir na reformulação das práticas em sala de aula.In the present school, teachers have a double challenge ahead: on one hand, to attract students to school and to motivate them facing the multiple available external offers and, on the other hand, to develop the personality of each student in a holistic way. Such, requires labouring the scientific knowledge of each subject, but also aesthetic and ethical values, suitable attitudes and, aspects such as communication, creativity, critical nature or problem solving, in an integrated and significant perspective. Based on the empirical knowledge of whom, along the last years, had to answer to very unmotivated Geography student groups, but above all in similar areas, such as Accompanied Study, Project Area, Civics, Citizenship and Present World and Professionality, based on the Ministry guidance’s, the MA student conceived all a group of strategies and activities, collecting materials which has reorganized and used while pedagogical resources and expressive mediators. Framed by an autobiographical narrative and by a theory reflection that proceed from literature revision, the present dissertation assumes that encouraging the student expressivity, recurring to different artistic expressions, namely in the Geography class, contributes for a geographical and cultural education of the young in an appealing way and for the development of his capacity of responsibly intervene, as social actor, in the world we live in. Given to time limitations and some personal contingencies, one proposes to develop the investigation from a Formation Workshop geared towards Geography teachers, in order to gather data, to experiment strategies and materials and, in an methodological approach of action research, to deepen the role that formation and pedagogical supervision could assume in the reformulation of the practices in the class room
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