3,336 research outputs found

    Gamificação dos trabalhos de grupo no ensino superior : o caso do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

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    No ensino superior, o trabalho em grupo é uma metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem bastante popular entre professores e alunos, existindo, no entanto, alguns problemas bem conhecidos na sua operacionalização e, consequentemente, no seu sucesso enquanto estratégia pedagógica. Um problema desta metodologia, objeto de muitos estudos, prende-se com as relações interpessoais entre os elementos do grupo, existindo diversos fatores que contribuem para uma diminuição da sua qualidade. Contudo, sabe-se também que esta relação pode ser bastante diferente, se a tarefa grupal mudar de natureza, como acontece quando os alunos se envolvem na resolução de problemas em jogos. Consequentemente, a “gamiicação” do ensino - a aplicação de mecânicas de jogos num contexto não lúdico - tem-se revelado uma área promissora para combater alguns dos problemas da operacionalização da metodologia. No sentido de entender a realidade especíica dos alunos do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, e de forma a encontrar estratégias de "gamiicação” promissoras, fez-se um estudo, pedindo-se aos alunos que referissem e reletissem sobre os problemas e diiculdades experienciados na realização de trabalhos de grupo. Apresenta-se assim neste artigo os resultados deste estudo e, com base nos resultados obtidos, apresentamos um conjunto de princípios de “gamiicação” que procuram responder aos problemas grupais apontados pelos alunos

    Towards a taxonomy of innovation systems

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    The concept of National Innovation System (NIS) has been recently applied in the context of developing nations even tough it was originally developed in relation to the more developed economies (Japan, Scandinavian countries, US etc.). This raises the methodological problem of knowing whether what was learnt in the study of more advanced NISs is relevant for all sorts of economies regardless the maturity of their actual innovation systems. With this question in mind an exploratory exercise is implemented. First a technique for mapping different NIS is put forward and next based on such mapping a taxonomy of NISs is proposed. The technique although simple in the steps it requires shows analytical potential. The cartography it generates allows one to compare directly different countries, by visualizing in bi-dimensional space the graphic pattern of the relevant dimensions of their respective NISs. This technique is applied to 69 countries (87.4% of the world population) and a set of 29 indicators is used to examine these NISs along eight major dimensions. With the resulting data, and with the help of cluster analysis, a taxonomy of innovation systems is proposed. That taxonomy which contains 6 major types of NISs indicates that what differentiates most the individual systems is their performance in three critical dimensions: innovation, diffusion and basic and applied knowledge. Country size and the natural resources endowment of the economies also emerge as important contingency factors underlying the overall dynamics of different NISs.innovation; national innovation systems; economic development.

    Metallic charge density waves and surface Mott insulators for adlayer structures on semiconductors: extended Hubbard modeling

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    Motivated by the recent experimental evidence of commensurate surface CDW in Pb/Ge(111) and Sn/Ge(111) 3\sqrt{3}-adlayer structures, as well as by the insulating states found on K/Si(111):B and SiC(0001), we have investigated the role of electron-electron interactions, and also of electron-phonon coupling, on the narrow surface state band originating from the dangling bond orbitals of the adsorbate. We model the problem by an extended two-dimensional Hubbard model at half-filling on a triangular lattice. We include an on-site Hubbard repulsion U and a nearest-neighbor V, plus a long-ranged Coulomb tail. The electron-phonon interaction is treated in the deformation potential approximation. We have explored the phase diagram of the model including the possibility of commensurate 3x3 phases, using mainly the Hartree-Fock approximation. For U larger than the bandwidth we find magnetic insulators, possibly corresponding to the situation in SiC and in K/Si. For smaller U, the inter-site repulsion V can stabilize metallic CDW phases, reminiscent of the 3x3 structures of Sn/Ge, and possibly of Pb/Ge.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, presented at ECOSS-17 sept 199

    Affect and Exercise

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    The increase in the number of studies involving affect and exercise published in the last two decades presents new directions and important advances in the field of exercise psychology, expanding the theoretical knowledge of the theme and highlighting new possibilities for practical application. This chapter aims to address the relationship between affect and exercise by defining their concepts, characteristics, and interactions with physiological and perceived exertion factors. In addition, it aims to demonstrate how different strategies in exercise prescription can influence the affective responses, provide the physiological and psychological benefits of exercise, and assist in the adherence and adoption of an active lifestyle

    Critical Literacy and Literacies

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    Literacy emerged as a concept that meant the application of reading, writing and numeracy skills in the individual’s everyday context. Nowadays, the concept of literacy takes on a central and multivariate dimension and is mobilized in several contexts, such as digital literacy, sustainability literacy and ocean literacy, just to name a few. This paper seeks to discuss these multiplicities of literacies through an approach supported in the critical literacy concept, as well as the implications of this stance

    Literacy: Promoting Sustainability in a Digital Society

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    We increasingly live simultaneously immersed in physical interactions and in a world where the digital dimension is present at various levels, such as the social, economic and political ones. In this context, the relationship between the digital world and Sustainability is pivotal. This aim of this paper is to discuss, in a reasoned manner, the importance of literacy in the promotion of sustainability in a digital society. For this purpose, the results of a literature review will be mobilized, as well as our 20 years of experience in teaching and research in the fields of sociology, education and organizations, without forgetting the publications that we have on similar topics, which will be, whenever heuristically relevant, mobilized to substantiate and justify the arguments presented herein. The conclusions show that, in a reality where the digital involves many of the life dimensions—for example, in the form of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0—the role of literacy and, in particular, digital literacy, are critical in the development of sustainability literacy. For this to be possible, significant training work must be carried out. Furthermore, it is not possible to assume that the access, the skills in its use and the benefits of this wonderful digital world will automatically be grasped and felt by all citizens, in an ideology that must be fought. Only in this way will it be possible to foster sustainability, which must necessarily be inclusive

    Partner selection in international joint ventures : factors for the selection of partners in IJVs

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    The growing trend for companies to focus on geographical diversification implies a decisional process of how to face the opening of new markets and how to make the entry. The International Joint Ventures (IJV) are one of the major form of market entry mode selected by companies for this internationalization process, connecting with a local partner and using his resources to achieve successful entry. The partner selection is a primary factor for achieving success in establishing a JV, since that the high degree of failure and termination of relationships between companies come from an inappropriate choice of partner with lack of a proper due diligence and potential relationship problems. For this reason we seek to understand the most important factors for the selection of a partner in an IJV, based on a case study conducted in Sá Machado SA firm especially in its process of internationalization for the Angolan market. The factors encountered in the study are in agreement with other studies subjugated to the same theme, which define the knowledge and market access as primary factors, as well as financial / logistical support and a strong operational network. Regarding the factors focused on the relationship with the partner: trust, commitment and congruent goals are the major points highlighted as important in creating an IJV and essential factors for the success of the relationship.A crescente tendência para o enfoque das empresas na diversificação geográfica implica um processo decisional de como encarar a abertura de novos mercados e a melhor forma de proceder a essa entrada. As Internacional Joint Ventures (IJV) são uma das principais formas de entrada selecionadas pelas empresas para esse processo de internacionalização, estabelecendo uma ligação com um parceiro local e angariado dessa forma recursos que permitam atingir uma entrada com êxito. A seleção do parceiro é um dos fatores primordiais para a obtenção de sucesso no estabelecimento de uma JV uma vez que, o elevado grau de insucesso e término das relações entre empresas provêm, não só mas também, de uma escolha desadequada do parceiro, da ausência de uma correta due dilligence e potenciais problemas de relacionamento. Por essa razão procuramos perceber quais os fatores mais importantes na seleção de um parceiro numa IJV partindo de um estudo de caso efetuado na Sá Machado S.A. e do seu processo de internacionalização para o mercado Angolano. Os fatores encontram-se em concordância com outros estudos subjugados ao mesmo tema, em que definem o conhecimento e acesso ao mercado como fatores primordiais, assim como, apoio financeiro/ logístico e uma forte network operacional. No que concerne ao fatores mais focados na relação com o parceiro a confiança, o comprometimento e a congruência de objetivos são os principais pontos apontados como importantes na criação de uma IJV e os fatores essenciais para o sucesso da relação com o parceiro

    Recuperação de fachadas azulejadas antigas: desenvolvimento de argamassas compatíveis e estudo dos fenómenos de aderência

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    O uso de azulejos como revestimentos exteriores nas fachadas portuguesas teve início no século XIX com a sua produção industrializada. Hoje em dia, muitas das fachadas do século XIX e início do século XX estão degradadas, com necessidade urgente de manutenção. Novas argamassas de ligação devem ser desenvolvidas para substituir as existentes. A compatibilidade com os materiais antigos e a durabilidade e reversibilidade das intervenções, devem ser respeitados. O trabalho desenvolvido pretende ser um contributo para a preservação das fachadas azulejadas antigas, através do desenvolvimento de soluções que possibilitem a resolução de anomalias ao nível da aderência entre as argamassas e os azulejos antigos. Foram desenvolvidas argamassas com base em ligantes aéreos com diversas combinações de agregados, variações das condições humidimétricas dos azulejos e ensaios de aderência laboratoriais e in-situ, entre muitos outros. As argamassas de cal aérea e areia provaram que têm características físicas, químicas e mecânicas adequadas para proporcionar a aderência adequada aos azulejos e aos suportes antigos. O mecanismo de aderência é influenciado pela penetração dos materiais finos da argamassa, apesar da diminuta profundidade de penetração. Os ensaios de durabilidade comprovaram que, apesar do lento desenvolvimento das características mecânicas, ainda mais verificado nestes casos, onde têm uma barreira física no contacto com a atmosfera, as argamassas proporcionam uma adequada capacidade de aderência e resistência das fachadas azulejadas como um todo.The use of tiles in Portuguese facade coatings began in 19th century with tiles industrialized production. Nowadays, many of 19th and beginning of 20th century facades are degraded, in urgent need of maintenance. New bonding mortars must be developed in order to substitute the existing ones. Compatibility with the old materials, durability and reversibility must be respected. This work is intended to be a contribution to the preservation of old tile facades, through the development of solutions that allow the resolution of adhesion anomalies between mortars and old tiles in old tiled facades. Air binder based mortars have been developed with various combinations of aggregates, variations in the humidimetric conditions of the tiles and laboratory and in-situ adhesion tests, among many others. Lime mortars have proven to have adequate physical, chemical and mechanical properties to provide adequate adhesion to old tiles and substrates. The adhesion mechanism is influenced by the penetration of the fine materials of the mortar, despite the small depth of penetration. The durability tests have shown that, despite the slow development of the mechanical characteristics, even more in these cases, where they have a physical barrier preventing direct contact with the atmosphere, the mortars provide an adequate adhesion and excellent resistance capacity of the tile facades as a whole.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Civi

    FMEA and PMBOK applied to project risk management

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    This paper presents a risk management tool based on two well-known sets of concepts: FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). After presenting an adherence analysis between the suggested model and PMBOK, we apply the proposed instrument in a real case study: an ERP implementation at the largest Brazilian mail service and logistics organization. The main results show that the proposed model was largely successful because it identified and classified risks. Furthermore, the model helped to document the strategies and action plans needed to respond to these risks