1,537 research outputs found
Written report in learning geometry: explanation and argumentation
In this article, we examine how the written report, within the context of assessment for learning, helps students in learning geometry and in developing their explanation and argumentation skills. We present the results of a qualitative case study involving Portuguese students of the 8th grade. This study suggests that using written reports improves those capabilities and, therefore, the comprehension of geometric concepts and processes. These benefits for learning are enhanced through the implementation of some assessment strategies, namely oral and written feedback
Self-assessment in written reports
This article studies the development of students’ self-assessment skill in the context of written reports in Mathematics. In particular, we present an interpretative case study, which involved two thirteen year old students from the 8th schooling year and six reports, written in two different stages and supported by assessment strategies at the teacher´s responsibility. The study suggests that, in each case, the student´ self-assessment skill evolves gradually but differentially. The study also suggests that the student´s appropriation of the assessment criteria is still under development and that self-assessment is, mostly, operated by students as a process that includes monitoring and excludes action
Condom use, contraceptive methods, and religiosity among youths of low socioeconomic level
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the use of condoms and other contraceptive methods and religiosity/spirituality among youths of a low socioeconomic level in Porto Alegre. 1013 youths, between 12-24 years of age participated, responding to a personal questionnaire containing 109 items. Results show that 53.5% of these youths had already had their first sexual encounter, 55% of which had this experience before the age of 15. The majority (42.8%) claimed to be Catholic, and 26.7% said they believe in God, but were not religious. There appeared no significant difference in the use of condoms in relation to the level of religiosity, however, men used this method more than women to avoid AIDS and as a contraceptive. Women used other contraceptive methods more frequently, and there were no cases of exclusive use of methods permitted by the major religions (natural methods). This study revealed a high level of condom use (more than 80%) among both religious and non-religious youths.El objetivo de este estudio era investigar la relación entre el uso del condón y la religiosidad/espiritualidad en los jóvenes de bajo nivel socio-económico de Porto Alegre. Los participantes eran 1013 jóvenes de entre 12-24 años de edad, que completaron un cuestionario auto-administrado de 109 ítems. Los resultados mostraron que el 53,5% ya habían tenido su primera relación sexual, entre ellos, el 55% la había tenido antes de cumplir los 15 años. La mayoría de ellos eran Católicos (42.8%), y el 26.7% decían que creían en Dios pero no tenían una religión. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el uso del condón según el nivel de religiosidad de los grupos, aunque los hombres usan el condón más que las mujeres para evitar el SIDA y como método anticonceptivo. Las mujeres emplean otros métodos anticonceptivos, y no hubo casos que empleasen únicamente los métodos permitidos por la mayoría de las religiones (los métodos naturales). El estudio mostró un alto nivel en el uso del condón (más del 80%) tanto en los jóvenes religiosos como en los no religiosos
Self-assembled hyaluronic acid nanoparticles: effect of molecular weight and two different chemical approaches
INTRODUCTION: Natural polyssacharides, such as hyaluronic acid (HyA) have been widely used for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Hya has multiple functional groups available for chemical conjugation that can convert HyA into nano-sized carriers. We prepared self-assembled HyA nanoparticles by two different chemical derivatization techniques and used two different molecular weights HyA. Our aim was to compare these two techniques and evaluate the influence of molecular weight in the properties of HyA nanoparticles. (...)(undefined
Exploring the crosstalk between mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells in bone tissue engineering
Tese de programa doutoral. Engenharia Biomédica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201
Translation And Validation Of The Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale©: Effective Clinical Supervision Evaluation
AbstractIn Portugal, we are at the beginning of clinical supervision in nursing. We carried out a research to translate and validate the Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale© (MCSS) into Portuguese language from Portugal. Thus, we can assess the clinical supervision process. We applied the methods of translation and back – translation and experts analyzed translations. MCSS and the back translation were compared by collaborative parties. An empirical study using a test – retest design was made to estimate cross-cultural relevance. Cronbach's alpha value for the total score was 0,923 in both periods. The Portuguese version is culturally acceptable and consistent with the original
Clinical Supervision in Nursing: Effective Pathway to Quality
AbstractEffects of clinical supervision on the quality of care are a key aspect in the improvement of quality and they were defined as a target area by the World Health Organization (Hyrkäs & Lethi, 2003). The aim of this exploratory, descriptive and longitudinal study was to develop a clinical supervision in nursing model that best supports the nurses’ professional practice. The research was done in several health institutions. With this article we pretend to publicize the results of the application of the Portuguese version of the Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale© after the implementation of our clinical supervision in nursing model
Uncovering the business opportunity prototype: Cognitive and learning aspects of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in higher education
JEL Classification System: L260 Entrepreneurship; M130 New Firms; StartupsThe research project underlying this thesis focuses on three main aspects of entrepreneurship. First, we focus on opportunity recognition as the point of departure for entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurial activity. Secondly, we propose that basic perceptive cognitive structures (such as prototypes) are fundamental to recognize opportunities at early stages of development of the entrepreneurial mindset. Third, we focus on cognitive and learning aspects of opportunity recognition with individuals in higher education. To explore these topics, the present thesis is divided in two parts. Part I focuses on the theoretical and empirical development of the topic on business opportunity prototype for opportunity recognition and includes three studies. Study 1 provides a systematic literature review of prototypes in entrepreneurship research. A theoretical model based on this analysis is presented and empirically tested on the remaining studies of the thesis. Study 2 explores the role of the context of business opportunity recognition on the identification of its prototypical features. Study 3 proposes a simplified business opportunity prototype to describe how individuals with no entrepreneurial experience perceive business opportunities from early stages of the entrepreneurial mindset. Part II focuses on the training and learning aspects of cognitive structures regarding opportunity recognition and includes one empirical study. Study 4 focuses on the effect of cognitive training and experiential learning on the development and accuracy of the business opportunity prototype. Moreover, the moderator role of positive affect towards entrepreneurship is tested in the learning process.
This thesis aims to contribute to the enrichment of entrepreneurship as a field of research from a theoretical and conceptual, empirical, and practice perspectives.O presente trabalho de investigação foca três aspetos principais da investigação em empreendedorismo. Primeiramente, este trabalho foca o reconhecimento de oportunidades como o ponto de partida para o pensamento e atividade empreendedores. Em segundo lugar, propomos que estruturas cognitivas básicas, como os protótipos, são fundamentais para reconhecer oportunidades de negócio numa fase inicial do pensamento empreendedor. Em terceiro lugar, focamos aspetos relacionados com a aprendizagem e desenvolvimento destas estruturas cognitivas em indivíduos no ensino superior. Esta tese está organizada em duas partes. A Parte I destina-se ao desenvolvimento teórico e empírico sobre o protótipo de reconhecimento de oportunidades de negócio e inclui três estudos. O estudo 1 apresenta uma revisão de literatura sistemática sobre protótipos na investigação em empreendedorismo. O estudo 2 analisa o papel do contexto de reconhecimento de oportunidades de negócio na identificação das suas características prototípicas. O estudo 3 propõe um modelo simplificado de protótipo de reconhecimento de oportunidades de negócio para explicar a forma como indivíduos em estados iniciais da experiência empreendedora percecionam oportunidades. A Parte II foca o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem cognitiva com foco no reconhecimento de oportunidades de negócio. Esta parte inclui um estudo empírico (estudo 4) que analisa o efeito do treino cognitivo e aprendizagem por experiências no desenvolvimento e utilização eficaz do protótipo de reconhecimento de oportunidades de negócio. O papel moderador dos afetos positivos relativamente a atividades empreendedoras é explorado neste processo de aprendizagem.
Esta tese pretende contribuir para o enriquecimento teórico, conceptual e empírico da investigação em empreendedorismo, fornecendo igualmente importantes contribuições para a prática da atividade empreendedora
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