1,328 research outputs found

    Jerónimo Martins´ adaption to a new reality / the growth and expansion through e-commerce for Jerónimo Martins

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    Jerónimo Martins operates in Portugal, Poland, and Colombia, through food retail and distribution. The company is listed on the Euronext Lisbon Stock Exchange and is part of the PSI20 index, with a share capital of 629 million euros. The study of the company was based on market economic trends, on the industry in which it is positioned, and on a comparative analysis between Jerónimo Martins and its peers. The analysis was based on the DCF and Multiple Valuations. Thus, in December 2022, the projected share price is 23,41€,obtaining a total return for the investor of 15,80%, buy position

    Hematologically important mutations: Shwachman–Diamond syndrome

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    Shwachman–Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, bone marrow dysfunction, and skeletal abnormalities. The Shwachman–Bodian–Diamond syndrome (SBDS) gene was identified as a causative gene for SDS in 2003, and genetic analyses of SDS have been performed. Over the last 4 years, a number of different mutations affecting the SBDS gene have been described. In this report, a summary of documented SDS associated mutations is provided

    PNAEQ - 13 years of post-analytical EQAS in Portugal

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    In the last 13 years, PNAEQ provided a specific program on post-analytical phase. In order to raise the offer of schemes in areas like Thrombosis/ Haemostasis, PNAEQ has established a consortium with ECAT Foundation distributing two more schemes: Post- Analytical Platelet Function and Pre- and Post-Analytical in Haemostasis. Furthermore, five of the analytical schemes organized by PNAEQ include a post-analytical interpretation, such as Blood Morphology, Hemoglobinopathies, Hydatidose, Rubella and Toxoplasmosis. The main objective of implementing specific and integrated programs on post-analytical phase is to evaluate the performance of laboratories on these matters in order to improve their quality service. The specific program on post-analytical phase provided by PNAEQ comprises 6 types of surveys: audits (vertical and presential), case simulation, case-study, document evaluation, quality indicators and questionnaires. Each survey represents a different tool to evaluate several items of the post-analytical process (Table 1), as well as the laboratory collaborators involved in each task (Figure 1). The items in evaluation are annually selected in the PNAEQ Working Group on Pre- and Post-Analytical Phase (created in 2015) and in compliance with the Portuguese Legislation and the ISO 15189:2012(E). Since 2007 PNAEQ has distributed 6 types of tools in the Post-Analytical Phase EQA, stabilizing in 3 of them in the last five years: Audits, Case Simulation and Quality Indicators. The participation rate has been increasing since 2015, which can be due to the multiple actions performed by PNAEQ Working Group on Pre- and Post-Analytical Phase. In addition, the Case Simulation surveys are the most participated (74% average) since the participation depends on PNAEQ. For the future, PNAEQ and the Working Group will work on the continuous update of the tools content distributed in each survey according to international references and the experience of other EQA organizers.N/

    L'insularité: du mythe à la réalité

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    Depuis la nuit des Temps, l’île s’avère un espace protecteur et dangereux à la fois, un endroit par excellence de péripéties fabuleuses, un « huis clos » ou un tremplin pour l’imaginaire exotique. Il suffit de rappeler l’odyssée du rusé Ulysse ou, alors, les aventures de Gulliver chez les Liliputiens, la condamnation à vingt-huit ans de solitude de Crusoé et le séjour de Suzanne dans son île du Pacifique. Parallèlement à L’Île des Esclaves de Marivaux et à la giralducienne Suzanne et le Pacifique, ces deux œuvres débutant par un naufrage, Enrique Vila-Matas, naufragé de la vie, n’hésite pas à rendre hommage à l’archipel des Açores et à l’île de Madère. Par le biais de son double Mayol, il part à la découverte de soi-même, essayant de rebâtir son identité menacée.Since the beginning of Time, the island has revealed itself as a protective and dangerous space, at the same time the scene of fabulous adventures, an «huis clos» or a springboard to the exotic imagination. Let’s just think of the odyssey of the cunning Ulysses or Gulliver’s adventures among the Lilliputitians, Crusoe’s condemnation to twenty-eight years of solitude and Suzanne’s experience in a Pacific island. Together with L’île des Esclaves by Marivaux and the Giraudoucian Suzanne et le Pacifique, two novels that start with a shipwreck, Enrique Vila-Matas, a real life castaway, does not hesitate in paying hommage to the archipelago of The Azores and the Madeira Island. He sets off, through his double Mayol, at the discovery of his own self, trying to rebuild his threatened identity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    À bord du 'Quaker City' et de ses confrères

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    Qui n’a jamais connu l’extase du voyageur qui embarque dans un transatlantique, traverse l’infinitude thalassique, s’affectionne aux ports d’escale et visite des pays étrangers qui lui renvoient l’image de l’altérité ? Qui, en effet, ne s’est jamais complu dans ce culte de l’inconnu, rendu scripturalement explicite par des récits de voyages d’aventures, de pèlerinages religieux ou de reportages journalistiques, régis par l’exotisme et le pittoresque ? Qui, finalement, ne s’est jamais délecté de la lecture de ces ‘marques’ typiques de voyages, relatées soit comme journal de bord, soit comme chronique littéraire, soit comme autobiographie, soit enfin comme document sociologique ? Dans notre texte voyageur, on essayera de ‘capturer’ l’étranger envisagé par Charles Darwin, Mark Twain et Emila Pardo Bazán.Who has never felt the ecstatic pleasure of the traveller who boards a transatlantic liner, sails across the thalassic vastness, grows attached to call ports and visits foreign countries which reflect back to them the image of alterity ? Indeed, who has never surrendered to the cult of the unknown, a cult made scripturally explicit by narratives of adventurous voyages, religious pilgrimages, or news stories full of exotic and picturesque details ? Finally, who has never delighted in the pages of such travel ‘certificates’, written down either as a log book or a literary chronicle, an autobiographic text or even some sociology document ? We will try to capture in our traveling-text the foreigner depicted by Charles Darwin, Mark Twain and Emila Pardo Bazán.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Les étagères de la "bibliothèque mondiale" de Vila-Matas: une visite guidée

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    Centre de Recherches Littérature et Poétique Comparées NanterreTout en appliquant la théorie à la pratique romanesque de Vila-Matas (en ce qui concerne, surtout, le premier item), on est frappé par la citatiomanie et par l’allusiophilie qui, le plus souvent cryptées, débouchent sur le plagiat génial, l’omniparodie exquise et le ludique pastiche généralisé. En fait, si nous nous penchons sur Dublinesca, qui raconte le déplacement à Dublin de Riba, Javier, Ricardo et du jeune Nietzky (répliques de Leopold Bloom, Simon Dedalus, Martin Cunningham et John Power) pour fêter le « Bloomsday » et pour célébrer un requiem pour la constellation Gutenberg – « todo el rato navegando entre dos aguas, entre el mundo de los libros y el de la Red » (2010a : 66) –, nous pouvons constater la profusion d’exemples de cette pratique citationnelle subversive, notamment par rapport au mythe homérique d’Ulysse, à Ulysses de James Joyce et au Curso de Literatura Europea de Vladimir Nabokov. De même, dans Aire de Dylan (hommage à Bob Dylan et à la culture de l’« infraleve » de Marcel Duchamp), Vilnius, fils de l’écrivain Juan Lancastre, prend la résolution de mettre en scène une simulation du Hamlet de Shakespeare, afin d’accuser sa mère et l’amant de celle-ci, Claudio Aristides Maxwell, de l’assassinat de son père. Quant à París no se acaba nunca, Enrique Vila-Matas, qui avait rencontré à Paris Marguerite Duras, au moment où elle rédigeait L’après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas (dont elle lui a fait le résumé), nous raconte les instructions que l’écrivaine née en Indochine lui a données : « Tomé la cuartilla […] Leí las instrucciones que contenía […] 1. Problemas de estructura. 2. Unidad y armonía. 3. Trama e historia. 4. El factor tiempo. 5. Efectos textuales. 6. Verosimilitud. 7. Técnica narrativa. 8. Personajes. 9. Diálogo. 10. Escenarios. 11. Estilo. 12. Experiencia. 13. Registo lingüístico. » (Vila-Matas, 2003 : 29). Fasciné par le thème de l’attente, l’écrivain ne cite pas un fragment de ce récit, mais adapte, plutôt, un épisode du durassien Écrire, gommant, comme d’habitude, sa provenance… Finalement, le Dietario Voluble surgit comme la preuve la plus évidente de la « bibliothèque mondiale » de l’écrivain barcelonais, tout en s’apparentant à une digression par la littérature et à un voyage à travers les œuvres de Flaubert (qui abomine la stupidité universelle), de Proust (moins affecté que Céline), d’Albert Camus (félicité par l’excellence de l’incipit de L’Étranger), de Kafka (revisité à travers La Métamorphose) et de Julien Gracq (distingué par ce grand roman sur l’attente éclairée, érigée par Breton comme art de vivre, qui s’intitule Le rivage des Syrtes), entre autres références de relief. Des méandres de cette immense bibliothèque d’un bibliothécaire invétéré, source vivante d’un recyclage continu et dynamique, nous avons l’intention de privilégier la section consacrée à Marguerite Duras et à Julien Gracq, ainsi que les étagères qui accueillent Shakespeare et James Joyce.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Chamada para a América

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    Centro di Studi Comparati italo-luso-brasiliani Università degli Studi di PerugiaSem descurar o conceito plural de açorianidade(s) e a controversa designação de literatura açoriana, quedar-nos-emos no fenómeno migratório, mais osmótico hodiernamente do que no antanho, e subsequente interculturalidade, à sombra da geocrítica e geopoética. Revisitando a obra de Dias de Melo, Cristóvão de Aguiar, Vasco Pereira da Costa e Onésimo Teotónio Almeida, deparamos com a criação de ‘tipos’ inolvidáveis, passíveis de uma representação plural de duas culturas em movimento. Por um lado, o êxito da aculturação socioeconómica, veiculando quer o dialogismo equilibrado (visível na partilha equânime dos espaços culturais de vivência), quer o conflito assumido, conducente à repulsa pelo lugar de memória, ao repúdio pela língua mátria e à assunção de uma alteridade falaciosa como avatar de uma identidade reprimida; por outro, a temida desterritorialização, tendendo para situações existenciais problemáticas, oscilando entre a urgência de suprir a insuficiência de vida carreada pela insularidade e a sempiterna insatisfação a que preside a nostalgia da Insula. Balizada diacronicamente pelos transportes (do salto ao avião), metonimizada pela variável dimensão dos baús e emblematizada pela inevitabilidade das interferências linguísticas, esta reterritorialização parece firmar a hegemonia da América, contraditada pelo triunfo da Ilha aquando da repatriação, regresso ou retorno, do emigrante/imigrante.Keeping in mind the plural concept of Azoreanness(es) and the controversial designation of Azorean literature, we will focus on the migratory phenomenon, more osmotic today than in the past, and on its subsequent interculturality, in the light of geocriticism and geopoetics. As we revisit the work of Dias de Melo, Cristóvão de Aguiar, Vasco Pereira da Costa and Onésimo Teotónio Almeida, we are faced with the creation of unforgettable ‘types’ that provide manifold representations of two cultures in motion. On the one hand, the success of socioeconomic acculturation, conveying both a balanced dialogism (visible in the equanimous sharing of cultural living spaces) and an admitted conflict, leading to an aversion to the place of memory, a rejection of the mother tongue and the assumption of a fallacious alterity as the avatar of a repressed identity; on the other hand, the feared deterritorialisation, tending to lead to problematic existential situations, oscillating between an urgency to compensate for the insufficient nature of a life marked by insularity and a sempiternal discontentment determined by the nostalgia of the Insula. Diachronically delimited by the transport available (from the leap to the plane), metonymised by the variable size of the trunks, and emblematised by the inevitability of linguistic interference, this re-territorialisation seems to consolidate the hegemony of America, contradicted by the triumph of the Island at the moment of the repatriation, homecoming or return, of the emigrant/immigrant.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Em legítima defesa: In vino veritas

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    O vinho, um dos mais longevos temas que cimentam a tradição literária ocidental, na obra de João Penha e de Charles Baudelaire.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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