343 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a influência do estresse salino sobre a emergência e desenvolvimento inicial do pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.). Os tratamentos constaram de dois sais (NaCl e KCl) e seis concentrações (0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0; 8,0 e 10 dS.m-1) distribuídos em quatro repetições de 50 sementes, num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado (DIC) em arranjo fatorial 2x6. As variáveis analisadas foram compostas pela porcentagem de emergência (EMERG), índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE), tempo médio de emergência (TME), comprimento da parte aérea (CPA), comprimento de raiz (CR), peso seco da parte aérea (PSPA) e peso seco da raiz (PSR). As maiores concentrações com 8 e 10 dS.m-1 de KCl causaram efeito negativo sobre a emergência do pinhão manso. Independente dos sais, o aumento da concentração promoveu redução crescente dos comprimentos da parte aérea e da raiz do pinhão manso. O incremento das concentrações de NaCl e KCl causaram decréscimo da matéria seca da parte aérea e da raiz, com o KCl causando maior redução. O estresse salino provocou no pinhão manso maior diminuição do crescimento e da matéria seca da parte aérea do que da raiz. &nbsp

    Detecting spatiotemporal variability in the physicochemical properties of water in the Lower Mearim using remote sensing data

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    Natural or anthropogenic chemical compounds of different origins often accumulate in estuarine regions. These compounds may alter the water quality. Therefore, It is important to constantly monitor the quality of estuarine regions. A combination of remote sensing and traditional sampling can lead to a better monitoring program for water quality parameters. The objective of this work is to assess the spatiotemporal variability of the physicochemical properties of water in the lower region of the Mearim River and estimate water quality parameters via remote sensing. Samples were collected at 16 points, from Baixo Arari to the mouth of the watershed, using a multiparameter meter and Landsat 8 satellite images. The physicochemical parameters of the water had high salinity levels, between 2.30 and 20.10 parts per trillion; a high total dissolved solids content, between 2.77 and 19.70 g/L; and minimum dissolved oxygen values. Estimating the physicochemical properties of the water via remote sensing proved feasible, particularly in the dry season when there is less cloud cover


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    Diante das incertezas no fornecimento de carnes especiais na cadeia produtiva brasileira, o objetivo deste artigo foi compreender a estrutura de governança adotada por um agente varejista de carnes especiais na cidade de Presidente Prudente/SP. Como método adotou-se uma pesquisa constituída por uma abordagem qualitativa, realizada por meio de estudo de caso. Para tanto, os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram bibliografias sobre o tema e entrevista face a face. Já a análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstram que o agente varejista faz uso de formas plurais de governança (vertical e híbrida), o que é condizente com as especificidades do ativo que comercializa (carne especial). Além da especificidade do ativo, fatores estratégicos motivaram a integração vertical como maior controle da qualidade e das operações que visam, sobretudo, agregar valor ao produto final, bem como a valorização e distribuição do produto.Palavras-chave: Cadeia de Suprimentos. Sistemas de Produção. Estrutura de Governança.ABSTRACTGiven the uncertainties in the supply of special meat in the Brazilian production chain, the objective of this article was to understand the governance structure adopted by a meat retailer in the city of Presidente Prudente / SP. As method was adopted a research consisting of a qualitative approach, carried out through a case study. For this purpose, the instruments of data collection were bibliographies on the subject and face-to-face interviews. The data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The results demonstrate that the retail agent makes use of plural forms of governance (vertical and hybrid), which is consistent with the specificities of the asset it markets (special meat). In addition to asset specificity, strategic factors motivated vertical integration as greater quality control and operations that aim, above all, to add value to the final product, as well as the valorization and distribution of the product.Keywords: Supply chain; Production systems. Governance Structure


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    The article reports the proposed experience at the Graduate Program in Agroecology, offered by IFPR-EAD, in Curitiba. The authors picked as central issue of this report, examining how the Graduate Program in Agroecology, offered by IFPR, presents itself as a questioning proposal of the capitalist model of food production in Brazil, ensuring knowledge and practices of food safety, sustainable agriculture and training of critical stakeholders based on sustainability, in its multiple dimensions: environmental, cultural, political, economic and ethical, opposite to the capitalist model of production of food supply for the communities and agroecological systems systems to date.El artículo informa sobre el Programa de Posgrado propuesto experiencia en Agroecología en general, ofrecido por IFPR-EAD, en Curitiba. El elencaram autores como tema central de este informe, se analiza cómo el Programa de Posgrado en Agroecología, ofrecido por IFPR, se presenta como una propuesta cuestionamiento del modelo capitalista de la producción de alimentos en Brasil, lo que garantiza el conocimiento y las prácticas de seguridad alimentaria, la agricultura sostenible y capacitación de los actores críticos basados en la sostenibilidad, en sus múltiples dimensiones: ambiental, cultural, político, económico y ético, frente al modelo capitalista de la producción de alimentos para las comunidades involucradas y los sistemas agroecológicos hasta la fecha.O artigo relata a experiência proposta no Curso de Pós Graduação lato sensu em Agroecologia, ofertado pelo IFPR-EAD, em Curitiba. Os autores elencaram como problemática central do presente relato, analisar de que modo o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pós Graduação em Agroecologia, ofertado pelo IFPR, apresenta-se como uma proposta de questionamento do modelo capitalista de produção de alimentos no Brasil, garantindo conhecimentos e práticas de segurança alimentar, agricultura sustentável e formação crítica dos sujeitos envolvidos com base na sustentabilidade, em suas múltiplas dimensões: ambiental, cultural, política, econômica e ética, frente ao modelo de produção capitalista de alimentos para suprimento das comunidades e sistemas agroecológicos envolvidas até o presente

    Impacto biopsicossocial da perda dentária em trabalhadores brasileiros de área rural

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    Tooth loss may decrease the chewing ability, thus limiting food intake, and also affect speech and aesthetics, leading to physical and psychological changes, which may compromise the quality of life of affected individuals. This study aimed to characterize the biopsychosocial impacts with repercussion in the quality of life perceived by Brazilian rural workers as a result of tooth loss. Interviews were conducted with 186 workers, over 18 years of age, from a cane sugar mill located in the rural area of the city of Catende, State of Pernambuco, from September to November 2010. The short-form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire and the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index were used to evaluate the oral health status. The results showed that tooth loss produced functional, physical, psychological, and social impacts on the investigated individuals, with variation in the impact intensity according to the number of teeth lost as measured by DMFT.As perdas dentrias podem diminuir a capacidade mastigatria, limitando o consumo de alimentos, como tambm afetar a fonao e a esttica, originando alteraes fsicas e psicolgicas, o que pode comprometer a qualidade de vida dos indivduos afetados. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os impactos biopsicossociais com repercusso na qualidade de vida percebidos por trabalhadores brasileiros de reas rurais em decorrncia da perda dentria. Foram entrevistados 186 trabalhadores, maiores de 18 anos, de uma usina de acar da rea rural da cidade de Catende/PE entre setembro e novembro de 2010. Na avaliao da condio de sade bucal, utilizou-se o questionrio Oral Health Impact Profile, verso reduzida (OHIP-14), e o ndice de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados (CPO-D). Os resultados indicaram que as perdas dentrias produziram impactos funcionais, fsicos, psicolgicos e sociais nos indivduos investigados, com variao na intensidade do impacto de acordo com a quantidade de perdas medida pelo CPO-D

    Industry 4.0 perspectives in the health sector in Brazil

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    Health 4.0 can be understood as the set of procedures that seek to improve the efficiency and speed of health professionals with possible guidelines for combining patient data in hospitals. However, systematizing and qualitatively describing the contributions of industry 4.0 in the context of the Brazilian health sector is a complex task. The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of industry 4.0 related to the health sector and its respective characteristics in Brazil. In addition, it discusses the prospects for greater use of technology in health care. In methodological terms, an exploratory field research was conducted with a non-random and intentional sample of professionals working in the technological context of Brazilian health. The research is classified as descriptive and qualitative, exploratory. The results contribute to narrow the information gap about industry 4.0 in the Brazilian health sector. The study allowed to develop a concept map of health 4.0 regarding the professional profile, considering the adoption of technologies that may favor the sector

    The institutional approach about of the international trade in counterpoint to theory of the comparative advantages: the japanese system of innovations

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    The present work analyzes the institutional vision regarding the participation of a nation in international trade - and the impact that changes in long-term institutional end up taking on the global technology leadership in counterpoint the Theory of comparative advantage - when dealing this issue. The argumentation advocated here, based on a history / bibliographical research, it is that the institutional view can give a consistent answer to explain the changes in recent decades in the position of countries like Japan, for example, while players in the arena of international trade in high value-added products. This occurs due to the fact of the Institutional Economics take account the diversity of factors that affect the performance of a nation, like for example, the investment in education

    Effects and parameters of the photobiomodulation in experimental models of third-degree burn: systematic reviewanalysis / Efeitos e parâmetros da fotobiomodulação em modelos experimentais de queimadura de terceiro grau: revisão sistemática

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    This systematic review was performed to identify the role of photobiomodulation therapy in experimental models of third-degree burns used to induce oxidative stress. EMBASE, PubMed, and CINAHL databases were searched for studies published between January 2003 and January 2018 on the topics of photobiomodulation therapy and third-degree burns. Any study that assessed the effects of photobiomodulation therapy in animal models of third-degree burns was included in the analysis. A total of 17 studies were selected from 1182 original articles targeted on photobiomodulation therapy and third-degree burns. Two independent raters with a structured tool for rating the research quality critically assessed the articles. Although the small number of studies limits the conclusions, the current literature research indicates that photobiomodulation therapy can be an effective short-term approach to accelerate the healing process of third-degree burns, to increase and modulate the inflammatory process, to accelerate the proliferation of fibroblasts, and to enhance the quality of the collagen network. However, differences still exist in the terminology used to describe the parameters and the dose of photobiomodulation therapy

    Effect of low-level laser therapy on pain, quality of life and sleep in patients with fibromyalgia: study protocol for a double-blinded randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been widely used as adjuvant strategy for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The light-tissue interaction (photobiostimulation) promotes analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and improves tissue healing, which could justify the recommendation of this therapy for patients with fibromyalgia, leading to an improvement in pain and possibly minimizing social impact related to this disease. The present study proposes to evaluate the effect of LLLT on tender points in patients with fibromyalgia, correlating this outcome with quality of life and sleep. METHODS/DESIGN: One hundred and twenty patients with fibromyalgia will be treated at the Integrated Health Center and the Sleep Laboratory of the Post Graduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences of the Nove de Julho University located in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. After fulfilling the eligibility criteria, a clinical evaluation and assessments of pain and sleep quality will be carried out and self-administered quality of life questionnaires will be applied. The 120 volunteers will be randomly allocated to an intervention group (LLLT, n = 60) or control group (CLLLT, n = 60). Patients from both groups will be treated three times per week for four weeks, totaling twelve sessions. However, only the LLLT group will receive an energy dose of 6 J per tender point. A standardized 50-minute exercise program will be performed after the laser application. The patients will be evaluated regarding the primary outcome (pain) using the following instruments: visual analog scale, McGill Pain Questionnaire and pressure algometry. The secondary outcome (quality of life and sleep) will be assessed with the following instruments: Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, Berlin Questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Scale and polysomnography. ANOVA test with repeated measurements for the time factor will be performed to test between-groups differences (followed by the Tukey-Kramer post hoc test), and a paired t test will be performed to test within-group differences. The level of significance for the statistical analysis will be set at 5% (P ≤0.05). TRIAL REGISTRATION: The protocol for this study is registered with the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials – ReBEC (RBR-42gkzt