4,990 research outputs found

    Narratives about the insertion of male teachers in the early childhood education: deviant sexualities, heteronormativity and masculinization of the education

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    Based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Oral History and Gender as an analytical category, this article analyzes the insertion of male teachers in Early Childhood Education. Two physical education teachers and two directors of the private school system participated in this study. From the memories of the deponents it was possible to perceive that the presence of men in Early Childhood Education was legitimized by the \u27need\u27 of a masculine reference for the children. Despite this, the deponents reported that they had their sexuality put under suspicion, after all, they would be breaking gender norms for the male gender

    Infant-direct speech and mother-infant attention in depressed and nondepressed mothers

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    Postpartum depression (PPD) is associated with disturbances in many aspects of mother-infant interaction.  We compared the content of the infant-directed speech (IDS), the expression of positive affection in the maternal voice and the attentional engagement in dyads of PPD and non-PPD mothers. Participants of this study were 80 mothers and their infants at 3-6 months. According to Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) 40 mothers were considered depressed. Mothers and their babies were videotaped during free play interactions. No significant differences were found among groups for the averages of all the categories. Two data sets representing optimal interactions styles were created based on the correlation coefficients. A linear regression analysis indicated that the mother`s years of education was a predictive factor for the occurrence of these interactive styles only for PPD mothers. PPD influenced mother-infant interaction when associated with maternal socio-demographic characteristics.Postpartum depression (PPD) is associated with disturbances in many aspects of mother-infant interaction.  We compared the content of the infant-directed speech (IDS), the expression of positive affection in the maternal voice and the attentional engagement in dyads of PPD and non-PPD mothers. Participants of this study were 80 mothers and their infants at 3-6 months. According to Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) 40 mothers were considered depressed. Mothers and their babies were videotaped during free play interactions. No significant differences were found among groups for the averages of all the categories. Two data sets representing optimal interactions styles were created based on the correlation coefficients. A linear regression analysis indicated that the mother`s years of education was a predictive factor for the occurrence of these interactive styles only for PPD mothers. PPD influenced mother-infant interaction when associated with maternal socio-demographic characteristics

    As narrativas mitomidiatizadas propagandeadas sobre a Amazônia pela publiCIDADE

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    Como ponto de partida na reflexão sobre o uso de lendas e mitos nas narrativas publicitárias como forma de “vender” ideias e produtos, buscamos, com este artigo, discutir a mitomiadiatização pela atividade publicitária do potencial mercadológico que o imaginário amazônico exerce sobre diversos públicos-alvo com relação às lendas, os mitos e as “histórias” contadas sobre a região amazônica.As a starting point in the reflection on the use of legends and myths in advertising narratives as a way to "sell" ideas and products, we seek, with this article, to discuss the mitomiadiatization by advertising activity of the market potential that the Amazon imaginary exerts on various public. Target with regard to legends, myths and "stories" told about the Amazon region


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    A falta de probidade administrativa de muitos gestores públicosno Brasil tem deixado diversas entidades públicas em má situaçãofinanceira. Mesmo depois das limitações impostas pela Lei de ResponsabilidadeFiscal (LRF) ainda se ouve falar de abusos cometidos por taisgestores. Em alguns municípios, porém, a utilização do Orçamento Participativotem colaborado para a diminuição de tais ocorrências, visto que, a suaimplementação possibilita um maior comprometimento dos administradores,a transparência da gestão e o acompanhamento da execução orçamentáriapela sociedade.Este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar,por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica, como o OrçamentoParticipativo pode colaborar para a operacionalização das obrigatoriedadesimpostas pela Lei Complementar 101/2000, a denominada Lei de ResponsabilidadeFiscal


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    Este trabalho apresenta um sumário da evolução históricado pensamento contábil, enfocando as diversas escolas que desenvolveramestudos em torno desse pensamento, desde o Contismo, passandopelo Personalismo, Neocontismo, Controlismo, Aziendalismo, Patrimonialismo,Neopatrimonialismo e pela escola Anglo-Saxônica, conceituando a Contabilidadee proporcionando uma análise sobre os enfoques evidenciadospor diversos estudiosos sobre o objeto, objetivos e funções da Contabilidade.Afinal, saber de forma conveniente, quais são o objeto, osobjetivos e as funções da Contabilidade é necessidade fundamental paraquem se dedica aos estudos dessa ciência

    Motivations of crowdsourcing contributors

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    Purpose – This study aimed at analyzing the factors that induce the intention of contribution by participants in crowdsourcing initiatives. Design/methodology/approach – This study is an explanatory investigation using a quantitative approach. In the second stage, an exploratory study was carried out. Data were obtained through online questionnaires available to the contributors of two platforms, and results were obtained from a regression analysis. Findings – The results revealed a greater importance given by participants to intrinsic motivational factors (learning, fun and satisfaction) compared with the extrinsic motivational factor (acknowledgment). Monetary rewards proved irrelevant in this process, whereas attitude and self-efficacy proved good predictors of the intention of contribution in crowdsourcing initiatives. Originality/value – No study, as far as the authors’ knowledge extends, has been undertaken to understand what motivations are more relevant in the context of crowdsourcing platforms using multiple theories.dsourcing


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    This article aims at presenting reflections on the relation existing between Child labor and the income transfer program in Brazil (Programa Bolsa Família). The present research has its relevance considering that Child labor represents a barrier for education, health, child-juvenile development, and it is characterized, many times, as a form of violence against children and adolescents. The requirement of school frequency for the beneficiaries of the Program Bolsa Família aims at expanding the possibilities for the effectiveness of education rights, as well as preventing precocious labor and its consequences. Within this study, through the appliance of deductive comparative method, from bibliographic sources and patterns concerning the theme of research, it was possible to explore the problem consisting in the relation between Child labor and the income transfer program in Brazil trabalho as well as its effectiveness for the decrease and eradication of illegal work in such an early age. In order to accomplish the objective of the research, this article was divided into two main topics: "Child labor: violence against children and adolescents" and "Program of Income Transfer in Brazil as a strategy for the eradication of Child labor: Program Bolsa Família"

    Narratives of Environmental Issues at the Pradoso’s District of Vitória Da Conquista City in Bahia State/Brazil

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    This research will propose the appreciation of local knowledge that came from intellectuals of tradition living at the Pradoso s district located in Vit ria da Conquista-BA city and it aims to understand an epistemology that expresses their specific aspects It will point out the knowledge using an ecology that will take into an account at the same time the nonscientific understanding from these people and a theoretical standing against the epistemological practices from the dominant paradigm of modernity The data were collected using narratives with older people in Pradoso s district as an empirical study of narrative inquiry about ways of life and environmental issues belonging to the culture of this peasant community Hence we believe the narratives offered a vital dialogue between emerged knowledge and scientific culture whose objective is describing the environmental issues at this community valorizing traditional understanding and finding accordance with academic and scientific cultur