3,508 research outputs found

    Towards an empirical methodology for the measurement of the quality entrepreneur: the case of sevillian entrepreneurs

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    Since the process of globalization increased its importance during the nineties, the entrepreneur's role in regional economic development is considered essential. This economic agents, besides their financial and entrepreneurial functions, carry out a 'booster' function that is manifested in the adoption of a series of strategic decisions (new investment projects, innovation in new products and processes, technological and marketing cooperation ...). The quality in the performance of these booster tasks, which depends basically on the psychological and sociological characteristics of entrepreneurs, is essential to increase the competitiveness of the regional economy and, through it, the employment and well-being levels. Local development policies have been implementing since the early eighties a wide variety of measures to promote entrepreneurship, without sufficiently favourable results. Those measures have tended to address the entrepreneur's financial and managerial functions, and not the booster one, which is where the entrepreneurial spirit lies. In this sense, the authorities -if they are to improve that entrepreneurial spirit with measures that raise the quality of the booster function- should previously have an appropriate diagnosis on the qualities of entrepreneurs in the area. The main objective of this paper is to elaborate an empiric methodology that allows measuring the quality of the entrepreneur's booster function. That is to say, it tries to establish the stages and instruments that are critical to globally value the qualities of entrepreneurs in a given region. Among the instruments, it is essential the elaboration of an index of entrepreneurial quality starting from partial indicators of several qualities. And among the stages, it is highlighted the possibility to establish an entrepreneurial typology with respect to quality levels, and a profile of each type of entrepreneur. As an example, this methodology is applied to determine the quality level of Sevillian (southern Spain) entrepreneurs, thus showing its validity

    Firm Size and Regional Linkages. A Typology of Manufacturing Establishments in Southern Spain

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    Regions with different levels of development are characterized by different enterprise compositions according to firm size and regional productive linkages. Using these two variables and two additional ones -the technological level and the position in the value chain-, the composition of the industrial sector in any region can be studied. In this respect, a new theoretical enterprise typology is proposed in this paper as a powerful analytical tool. Furthermore, an empirical work is carried out using a data set from the survey done to estimate the regional input-output table of Andalusia, a backward region in southern Spain. Thus, the theoretical enterprise typology is applied to the industry in Andalusia, so that some strengths and weaknesses of the regional economy are identified

    Ciudadanía romana y cosmopolitismo moderno

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    Este trabajo se propone analizar hasta qué punto la ciudadanía romana constituye un modelo real de ciudadanía de carácter cosmopolita. Tras presentar las diversas posturas del cosmopolitismo actual, se hace una rápida descripción de los rasgos que caracterizaron históricamente la ciudadanía en la antigua Roma. Las lecciones de la historia advierten de los riesgos de un vaciamiento de la idea concreta de ciudadanía en nombre de una supuesta "ciudadanía universal".This paper aims to discuss the role of the ancient Roman citizenship as an actual model for a cosmopolitan kind of citizenship. After describing the different positions of present cosmpolitanism, there is a light description of the main historical features of the ancient Roman citizenship. The lessons of history evidence the risks of emptying out the concrete idea of citizenship for the sake of a supposed "universal citizenship"

    Gènere i energia

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    Experimental approach to chaine operatoire of the neolithic bone industries: the case of Toro Cave (Antequera, Málaga)

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    El estudio tecnológico y funcional de las industrias prehistóricas ha de ir vinculado a un programa experimental, como vía más adecuada para contrastar los resultados obtenidos en la observación de los materiales arqueológicos. En este trabajo se plantea una revisión de los útiles óseos neolíticos de la Cueva de El Toro a través de la activación de un programa experimental. Así, en el establecimiento de las variantes del mismo se han tenido en cuenta aspectos múltiples ̶ zooarqueológicos, morfológicos, etnoarqueológicos, tecnológicos, funcionales y tafonómicos ̶ para identificar las marcas y huellas asociadas a cada actividad, con el objetivo de reconocer y caracterizar las huellas de las piezas arqueológicas, pues las diferentes actividades y usos dejan en sus superficies unas marcas características.The technological and functional study of prehistoric industries must be linked to an experimental program, as the most appropriate way to compare the results of the observation of archaeological materials. This paper presents a review of the Neolithic bone tools of Cave of El Toro through activation of an experimental program. Thus, an the approach of the experimental variants were have had into account multiple aspects ̶ zooarchaeologicals, morphologicals, ethnoarchaeologicals, technologicals, functionals and taphonomics ̶ to identify the traces associated with each activity, with the objective of recognize and characterize the traces of the archaeological bone tools, then different activities and uses left on the tools a traces features

    Convergencia, desarrollo y empresarialidad en el proceso de globalización económica

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    Las transformaciones que está imponiendo la globalización han devuelto desde la década de los ochenta del siglo XX el interés académico por la dinámica de la economía en el largo plazo. Por un lado, formando parte del mainstream de la Ciencia Económica, los investigadores de la “teoría del crecimiento” vienen insistiendo en el análisis de los procesos de convergencia a escala mundial y, por otro, siguiendo un enfoque multidisciplinar y negando en general la existencia de convergencia, los investigadores de la “teoría del desarrollo” están profundizando en el estudio de los factores que explican las diferencias de venta entre países y regiones. El primer objetivo de este trabajo es, por tanto, el análisis de las diferencias y similitudes entre estas dos corrientes de pensamiento económico, centrando la exposición posteriormente en la teoría del desarrollo y también en el papel de la empresarialidad como factor explicativo de las divergencias de la economía mundial. Además, se va a plantear una tipología de modelos de empresarialidad presentes en el mundo de la globalización._______________________________________________________________________The transformations imposed by globalization have restored the academic interest for long-run economic dynamics since the nineties of the twentieth century. On the one hand, belonging to mainstream economics, researchers within the “growth theory” are insisting on the analysis of convergence processes across the world economy. And, on the other hand, following a multidisciplinary approach and generally denying the existence of convergence, researchers within the “development theory” are deepening in the study of those factors which explain income differences between countries and regions. The first objective of this paper is, therefore, the analysis of the differences and similarities between these two branches of economic thought. Afterwards, the paper will focus on “development theory”, and also in the role that entrepreneurship plays as a factor explaining divergence across the world economy. Besides, a typology will be elaborated regarding the different entrepreneurship models present in this globalized world

    Measuring entrepreneurial quality in southern Europe

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    The main objective of this paper is working out an empirical methodology to measure the quality of the entrepreneur’s booster function, so that policy makers have an appropriate diagnosis of the qualities of entrepreneurs in their area. In this sense, two essential elements are the construction of an explanatory model, and the establishment of an entrepreneurial typology with respect to quality levels. This methodology is then applied to determine the quality level of entrepreneurs in Seville province (southern Spain), using Partial Least Squares estimation technique on a survey of 278 entrepreneurs from various activity sectors and with firms of different size

    Towards an empirical methodology for the measurement of the quality entrepreneur: the case of Sevillian entrepreneurs

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    Since the process of globalization increased its importance during the nineties, the entrepreneur's role in regional economic development is considered essential. These economic agents, besides their financial and entrepreneurial functions, carry out a ‘booster’ function that is manifested in the adoption of a series of strategic decisions (new investment projects, innovation in new products and processes, technological and marketing cooperation ...). The quality in the performance of these booster tasks, which depends basically on the psychological and sociological characteristics of entrepreneurs, is essential to increase the competitiveness of the regional economy and, through it, the employment and well-being levels. Local development policies have been implementing since the early eighties a wide variety of measures to promote entrepreneurship, without sufficiently favourable results. Those measures have tended to address the entrepreneur's financial and managerial functions, and not the booster one, which is where the entrepreneurial spirit lies. In this sense, decision-makers –if they are to improve that entrepreneurial spirit with measures that raise the quality of the booster function- should previously have an appropriate diagnosis on the qualities of entrepreneurs in the area. The main objective of this paper is to elaborate an empirical methodology that allows measuring the quality of the entrepreneur's booster function. That is to say, it tries to establish the stages and instruments that are critical to globally value the qualities of entrepreneurs in a given region. Among the instruments, it is essential the elaboration of an index of entrepreneurial quality starting from partial indicators of several qualities. And among the stages, it is highlighted the possibility to establish an entrepreneurial typology with respect to quality levels, and a profile of each type of entrepreneur. As an example, this methodology is applied to determine the quality level of Sevillian (southern Spain) entrepreneurs, thus showing its validit

    Aspectos cognitivos de los empresarios potenciales en el sur y el norte de Europa: un análisis con datos del GEM

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    The entrepreneurial function has gained great relevance to explain the development process. From an individual’s cognitive perspective, entrepreneurial intentions are the most relevant elements leading to starting up a new venture . Therefore, the main objective of this paper is analysing if different perceptions affect entrepreneurial intentions and examining the possible differences between potential entrepreneurs of two European areas: the Southern countries (Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal) and the Scandinavian countries (Finland, Sweden and Denmark) .The empirical analysis, using logistic regression with Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, shows that personal, opportunity and socio-cultural perceptions do help explaining entrepreneurial intention . The role of cultural and institutional differences is considered in the conclusionsLa función empresarial cobra especial relevancia en la explicación del proceso de desarrollo económico . Desde la perspectiva cognitiva, la intención empresarial es el elemento fundamental que lleva a la creación de una empresa . El objetivo fundamental de este artículo es, por tanto, analizar si diferentes percepciones influyen sobre las intenciones empresariales y examinar las posibles diferencias entre los empresarios potenciales de dos áreas europeas: los países del sur (España, Italia, Grecia y Portugal) y los países escandinavos (Finlandia, Suecia y Dinamarca) . El análisis empírico, mediante regresión logística con datos del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, muestra que las percepciones personales, de oportunidad y socio-culturales contribuyen a explicar la intención emprendedora . El papel de las diferencias culturales e institucionales es considerado en las conclusione