2,845 research outputs found

    Significance in Portals and the Apse by Celso Loureiro Chaves

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    Neste artigo empreende-se a análise da obra Portais e a Abside, de Celso Loureiro Chaves, para violão solo, de 1997. A análise segue os princípios da nova musicologia, como têm sido postos em prática por autores como Lawrence Kramer e Rose Subotnik. O ponto de partida e permanente referência da análise são as evidências deixadas pelo próprio compositor: o caráter inteiramente serial da obra; a relação do esquema formal da obra com "o plano arquitetônico de um templo imaginário, mas que poderia estar localizado na ilha de Próspero tal como desenhada por Peter Greenaway para o seu filme A Última Tempestade"; a referência da seção central da peça à memória de "alguma leitura longínqua da obra Grande Sertão: Veredas, de Guimarães Rosa". A partir destas evidências busca-se intuir um contexto que ilumine a obra e desvele a profundidade do seu significado. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAn analysis of the solo guitar piece Portals and the Apse by Celso Loureiro Chaves (1997) is undertaken in this article. The analysis follows the principles of the new musicology, as put into practice by authors such as Lawrence Kramer and Rose Subotnik. The starting point of the analysis and its guiding line are the evidences left behind by the composer, namely the entirely serial nature of the work; the relationship of its formal scheme with "the architectural plan of an imaginary temple, that could be located on Prospero's island as drawn by Peter Greenaway for his film Prospero's Books "; the reference of the central section of the work to the memory of a "distant reading of the novel The Devil to Pay in the Backlands, by Guimarães Rosa." From these evidences we seek to draw a context that aims at illuminating the work and unveiling the depth of its meaning

    Behavioral modulation of the coexistence between Apis melifera and Varroa destructor: A defense against colony colapse disorder?

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    Colony Collapse Disorder has become a global problem for beekeepers and for the crops which depend on bee polination. Multiple factors are known to increase the risk of colony colapse, and the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor that parasitizes honey bees is among the main threats to colony health. Although this mite is unlikely to, by itself, cause the collapse of hives, it plays an important role as it is a vector for many viral diseases. Such diseases are among the likely causes for Colony Collapse Disorder. The effects of V. destructor infestation are disparate in different parts of the world. Greater morbidity - in the form of colony losses - has been reported in colonies of European honey bees (EHB) in Europe, Asia and North America. However, this mite has been present in Brasil for many years and yet there are no reports of Africanized honey bee (AHB) colonies losses. Studies carried out in Mexico showed that some resistance behaviors to the mite - especially grooming and hygienic behavior - appear to be different in each subspecies. Could those difference in behaviors explain why the AHB are less susceptible to Colony Collapse Disorder? In order to answer this question, we propose a mathematical model of the coexistence dynamics of these two species, the bee and the mite, to analyze the role of resistance behaviors in the overall health of the colony, and, as a consequence, its ability to face epidemiological challenges

    Utilização de técnicas microbiológicas na avaliação da eficiência de um sistema de HACCP a nível de adega

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2011É por demais conhecida a importância que o vinho tem, desde longa data, na agricultura, na gastronomia, na economia e na sociedade. Assim, nos últimos séculos, a produção de vinho tem sofrido significativos progressos tornando-se, desta forma, objecto de interesse científico que visa o conhecimento das inúmeras variáveis que alteram o processo de vinificação.Leveduras e bactérias são responsáveis pelas fermentações alcoólica e maloláctica mas desempenham também um papel central na deterioração de alimentos e bebidas. Deste modo, demonstra-se essencial ter um melhor conhecimento da microbiota das uvas e do ambiente microbiológico da adega, para estabelecer a origem das leveduras de deterioração dos vinhos, as suas rotas de contaminação, os seus pontos críticos, e, claro, do seu controlo.Nesta dissertação, procedeu-se à avaliação microbiológica dos procedimentos de higiene em diversas áreas críticas de contaminação de uma adega (Quinta Monte d‟Oiro), enquadradas nos pré-requisitos de um sistema de HACCP. Em dois períodos do mesmo ano, após os procedimentos de higiene, fez-se a análise de microrganismos existentes nos equipamentos. Para uma melhor compreensão da flora microbiana, e na tentativa de conhecer as vias/fontes de contaminação, foram utilizados métodos fenotípicos e técnicas moleculares que permitiram, deste modo, identificar e/ou diferenciar as espécies ou estirpes responsáveis pela contaminação/degradação do produto final.Este trabalho foi dividido em três fases, procedendo-se inicialmente à recolha e inoculação das amostras, e purificação e caracterização morfológica e bioquímica dos isolados; permitindo agrupar os isolados com base nas suas características fenotípicas. Numa segunda etapa, identificaram-se 14 espécies diferentes de leveduras através da técnica de RFLP-PCR e da sequenciação da região D1/D2 do rDNA 26S. As espécies que mais se evidenciam foram Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia menbranifaciens, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa e Candida ishiwadae, por terem capacidade de causar maus paladares e por algumas delas se encontrarem em concentrações elevadas nos respectivos locais de amostragem. Finalmente, procedeu-se à identificação das bactérias, utilizando-se o método do csM13-PCR. Numa análise global, consideraram-se as estirpes de cada „cluster‟ (ao nível de 77%) formados pelos perfis de csM13-PCR „fingerprinting‟. Após análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos pela abordagem polifásica permitida pelos perfis de csM13-PCR, sequenciação de rDNA 16S a partir de alguns isolados de cada „cluster‟ e tipificação morfológica foi possível a identificação de isolados revelando 18 espécies diferentes.De acordo com o objectivo principal desta dissertação, e na sequência da estratégia adoptada, foi exequível retirar ilações sobre o nível de higiene dos equipamentos, matérias e outros elementos existentes na adega e quais os principais pontos críticos que se deve ter em conta para evitar contaminações enológicas e recomendações ao melhoramento do plano de HACCP implementado nesta adega. The importance of the wine in agriculture, food, economy and society it is well known for a long time. In the last centuries, the wine production has progress significantly and becoming the subject of scientific interest in order to understand the many variables that affect the winemaking process. Yeasts and bacteria are responsible for the alcoholic and malolactic fermentations but also play a central role in the deterioration of foods and drinks. Thus, it is essential to have a better knowledge of the microbiota of the grapes and of the microbial environment of the wine cellar to establish the origin of the wine deterioration microorganisms, their routes of contamination, critical points, and of course it´s control.In this dissertation, we proceeded to the microbiological evaluation of hygiene procedures in several critical areas of contamination of a wine cellar (Quinta Monte d'Oiro), framed in the prerequisites of a HACCP system. In two periods of the same year, after the hygiene procedures, the analysis of microorganisms in the equipment was performed. For characterization of the microbial flora and an insight of the routes/sources of contamination, we applied phenotypic methods and molecular techniques that allowed to identify and/or differentiate the species or strains responsible for the contamination/degradation of the final product. This work was divided into three phases. The collection and inoculation of samples, purification, biochemical and morphological characterization of isolates allowed grouping the isolates based on phenotypic characteristics. In a second step, we identified 14 different species of yeasts based on the PCR-RFLP technique and by sequencing D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA. The species that were more noted were Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia menbranifaciens, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Candida ishiwadae due to their potential to cause bad taste and also because some of them are in high concentrations in the respective sampling sites. Finally, we proceeded to the identification of bacteria using the csM13-PCR fingerprinting and evaluated the clusters formed at 77% similarity. The polyphasic approach by the csM13-PCR profiles, sequencing of 16S rDNA for some isolates of each csM13-PCR cluster and morphological typification, allowed the identification of isolates, revealing 18 different species. According to the main objective of this dissertation, and following the adopted strategy, it was feasible to conclude about the level of hygiene of the equipments, raw materials and other elements in the cellar and identify the main critical points that should be taken into account to avoid oenological contamination as well as some recommendations to improve the HACCP plan implemented in the cellar

    Aprendizagem e Consciência Histórica: um estudo sobre a Históira Nacional e local nas narrativas de estudantes do ensino fundamental

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    Anais do XVII Congresso Internacional das Jornadas de Educaão História - teoria, pesquisa e prática - I Encontro da AIPEDH - Associação Iber-Americana de Pesquisadores em Educação História, realizado pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, entre 02, 03 e 04 de agosto de 2017.Este artigo pretende discutir a pesquisa de Mestrado em Educação desenvolvida na Universidade Estadual de Londrina, sob a orientação da Professora Doutora Marlene Rosa Cainelli. Sustentado nos estudos de Jorn Rusen (2001, 2011, 2012), Isabel Barca (2011), Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt (2005, 2008), investigamos a forma de desenvolvimento do ensino de história, considerando a percepção, imaginação e memória dos sujeitos envolvidos na pesquisa, buscando compreender e p 1 erceber a utilidade da aula de História, bem como relacioná-la à vida prática de cada um. Nesse sentido, analisamos como a histórica local pode influenciar na formação de uma consciência pautada numa orientação temporal que sustentasse uma interpretação do seu cotidiano. Tivemos como hipótese que o trabalho do professor possibilitaria a produção de narrativas, as quais permitiriam verificar a constituição do pensamento e compreensão histórica dos estudantes. Dentro da perspectiva da pesquisa qualitativa e para responder a hipótese levantada utilizamos questionários com alunos do 6o e 9o Anos do Ensino Fundamental, além da produção de narrativas, com vistas à compreensão dos saberes, significados e intencionalidades do Ensino de História do ponto de vista dos estudantes. Como resultado da investigação observamos um processo de articulação do pensamento histórico dos estudantes através das narrativas produzidas com predominância da fragmentação na exposição dos acontecimentos com similaridade entre os modos de narrar a história nacional em relação à história localUE

    FMEA and PMBOK applied to project risk management

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    This paper presents a risk management tool based on two well-known sets of concepts: FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). After presenting an adherence analysis between the suggested model and PMBOK, we apply the proposed instrument in a real case study: an ERP implementation at the largest Brazilian mail service and logistics organization. The main results show that the proposed model was largely successful because it identified and classified risks. Furthermore, the model helped to document the strategies and action plans needed to respond to these risks

    Origin of peer influence in social networks

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    Social networks pervade our everyday lives: we interact, influence, and are influenced by our friends and acquaintances. With the advent of the World Wide Web, large amounts of data on social networks have become available, allowing the quantitative analysis of the distribution of information on them, including behavioral traits and fads. Recent studies of correlations among members of a social network, who exhibit the same trait, have shown that individuals influence not only their direct contacts but also friends' friends, up to a network distance extending beyond their closest peers. Here, we show how such patterns of correlations between peers emerge in networked populations. We use standard models (yet reflecting intrinsically different mechanisms) of information spreading to argue that empirically observed patterns of correlation among peers emerge naturally from a wide range of dynamics, being essentially independent of the type of information, on how it spreads, and even on the class of underlying network that interconnects individuals. Finally, we show that the sparser and clustered the network, the more far reaching the influence of each individual will be.Financial support by FEDER through POFC-COMPETE and by FCT-Portugal is gratefully acknowledged through Grants No. SFRH/BD/77389/2011, No. SFRH/BPD/90936/2012, No. PTDC/MAT/122897/2010, No. EXPL/EEI-SII/2556/2013, No. PEst-OE/EEI/LA0021/2013, and No. PEst-OE/BIA/UI4050/2014

    Data Transfer Using a Camera and a Three-Dimensional Code

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    One- and two-dimensional barcodes have become very popular in past years and are widely used to identify products as well as services. Recently, 2D barcodes, likeQRcodes, are also used to optically transfer a dedicated hyperlink. All 2D barcodes share one major limitation: the storage capacity. To overcome that, time can be introduced as a third dimension. Instead of one, a sequence of barcodes is used to transfer a larger amount of data. The main goal of the present work was to design, implement, and especially evaluate the entire workflow for such a QR codebased, three-dimensional (3D) transmission system on the receiver side, such as a SmartPhone, being able to "read” from a sender, represented by a screen. The steps comprise the capturing of the 3D barcode, the recognition and reading of the sequence of 2D barcodes, and the final retrieval of the original content. Furthermore, adversarial conditions had to be identified, tested, and documented in detail. The prototype achieves a theoretical throughput of 12,288 Byte for 30 seconds transmission intervals, which results in approximately 3,280 bit/s. Future work may focus on increasing the throughput of the system as well as the transmission reliability by applying error detection and correction technique