688 research outputs found

    Pacientes com transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas atendidos em uma unidade de emergência psiquiátrica

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    Study type: Prevalence study. Objective: To describe the socio demographic and clinical profile of patients with mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance (PAS) use, evaluated by the Psychiatric team of the Referenced Emergency Unit (REU) at the State University Clinical Hospital of Campinas (UNICAMP-HC). Methods and casuistic: This is a descriptive and quantitative study, which analyzed patients with mental and behavioral disorders due to PAS use, evaluated by the Psychiatric team of the REU-HC-UNICAMP during a period of 12 months, starting on May 2010. Results: There were evaluated 350 patients with PAS related disorders, representing 23.8% of those who sought psychiatric care. Most were males and younger than other patients of the emergency unit. The main reason for seeking help was psychiatric complaint other than PAS related disorders (23.1%), followed by desire to be treated oneself/being admitted to inpatient psychiatric treatment (20.8%) and intoxication (12.5%); 38.5% had a diagnosis of multiple PAS dependence and 34.8% were diagnosed with isolated alcohol dependence; 36% had psychiatric comorbidities and, when compared to other patients, they received more medications during attendance and were less directed to primary care units. Conclusion: There is a high rate of consultations of patients with PAS related problems in the psychiatric emergency unit. Data on the profile of the evaluated these patients can contribute to the improvement of care to this populationModelo do Estudo: Estudo de prevalência. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil sócio demográfico e clínico de pacientes com transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas (SPA) atendidos pela Psiquiatria da Unidade de Emergência Referenciada (UER) do Hospital de Clínicas (HC) da UNICAMP. Métodos e casuística: Estudo descritivo e quantitativo, que avaliou os pacientes com transtornos relacionados ao uso de SPA atendidos pela Psiquiatria da UER do HC-UNICAMP no período de 12 meses a partir de maio de 2010. Resultados: Foram avaliados 350 pacientes com transtornos por uso de SPA, representando 23.8% do total dos que procuraram atendimento psiquiátrico. Maioria do sexo masculino e mais jovens do que os demais pacientes. O principal motivo de atendimento foi queixa psiquiátrica outra que não o uso de SPA (23,1%), seguido do desejo de se tratar/internar (20,8%) e intoxicação (12,5%). 38,5% tinham diagnóstico de dependência de múltiplas SPA e 34,8% dependência exclusiva de álcool; 36% apresentavam comorbidade psiquiátrica. Quando comparados com os demais pacientes avaliados pela Psiquiatria, receberam mais medicações no atendimento e foram menos encaminhados à atenção primária. Conclusão: Há elevada taxa de atendimento de pessoas com problemas relacionados ao uso de SPA na emergência psiquiátrica. Dados sobre o perfil dos atendidos podem contribuir para a melhoria da assistência a esta populaçã

    A case of chronic myeloid leukemia with Philadelphia chromosome variant

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    En 5-10% de los casos de Leucemia Mieloide Crónica (LMC), el cromosoma Philadelphia (Ph1) se origina como producto de translocaciones variantes (Ph1 variante). Estas últimas involucran otros autosomas además del 9 y 22 clásicamente implicados. Se presenta aquí un caso de LMC cuyo cromosoma Ph1 variante fue originado a partir de una translocación compleja que involucró los cromosomas 3, 9 y 22 [t(3;9;22)(p21,q34;q11)]. El análisis mediante FISH sugiere un mecanismo de formación en una etapa única, mientras el análisis por RT-PCR mostró la presencia del rearreglo molecular BCR/ABL1 correspondiente a la isoforma p210. El paciente no presentó variaciones significativas en los parámetros de respuesta clínica (respuesta hematológica, respuesta citogenética y respuesta molecular) respecto de aquellos pacientes con el Ph1 estándar.Among the CML there is a fraction of cases (5–10%) in which the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) originates from variant translocations (Ph1 variant), in which there are autosomes involved other than the classic 9 and 22. Here we report a case of CML where a variant Ph1 chromosome was originated from a complex translocation involving chromosomes 3, 9 and 22 [t(3,9,22)(p21,q34,q11)]. FISH analysis suggests that the mechanism of translocation occurred in a single step. Furthermore, the RT-PCR analysis also showed the presence of the classical molecular rearrangement corresponding to the BCR/ABL1 p210 isoform. The patient showed no significant variations in the parameters of clinical response (hematologic, cytogenetic, and molecular response) from those patients carrying a standard Ph1 chromosome.Fil: Gutierrez, Leandro German. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Humana; ArgentinaFil: Dos Santos, Patricia Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Rolón, Amada. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Humana; ArgentinaFil: Melnichuk, Ana M.. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Humana; ArgentinaFil: Argüelles, Carina F.. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Humana; ArgentinaFil: Fenocchio, Alberto Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Citogenética y Genética Humana; Argentin

    Are we still chasing molecules that were never there? The role of quantum chemical simulations of NMR parameters in structural reassignment of natural products

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    Covering: 2019 to 2023. Even with the advent of modern and complementary spectroscopy techniques, comprehensive characterization of natural product continues to represent an onerous and time-consuming task, being far away to become rather “routine”. Mainly due to their highly complex structures and small amount of isolated sample, in milligram or sub-milligram quantities, structural misassignment of natural products are still a recurrence theme in the modern literature. Since the seminal paper from Nicolau and Snider, in 2005, evaluating the various cases of reassignment of natural products, from the present era, in which NMR parameters calculations play such an important role in the structural elucidation of natural products, helping to uncover and ultimately revise the structure of previously reported compounds, a pertinent question arises: are we still chasing molecules that were never there? In this minireview, we intent to discuss the current state of computational NMR parameter calculations, with a particular focus on their application in the structural determination of natural products. Additionally, we have conducted a comprehensive survey of the literature spanning the years 2019–2023, in order to select and discuss recent noteworthy cases of incorrectly assigned structures that were revised through NMR calculations. Therefore, our main goal is to show what can be done through computational simulations of NMR parameters, currently user-friendly and easily implemented by non-expert users with basic skills in computational chemistry, before venturing into complex and time-consuming total synthesis projects. In conclusion, we anticipate a promising future for NMR parameter calculations, fueled by the ongoing development of user-friendly tools and the integration of artificial intelligence. The emergence of these advancements is poised to broaden the applications of NMR simulations, offering a more accessible and reliable means to address the persistent challenge of structural misassignments in natural product chemistry

    Reduction of Tubulin Expression in Angomonas deanei by RNAi Modifies the Ultrastructure of the Trypanosomatid Protozoan and Impairs Division of Its Endosymbiotic Bacterium

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    In the last two decades, RNA interference pathways have been employed as a useful tool for reverse genetics in trypanosomatids. Angomonas deanei is a non-pathogenic trypanosomatid that maintains an obligatory endosymbiosis with a bacterium related to the Alcaligenaceae family. Studies of this symbiosis can help us to understand the origin of eukaryotic organelles. The recent elucidation of both the A. deanei and the bacterium symbiont genomes revealed that the host protozoan codes for the enzymes necessary for RNAi activity in trypanosomatids. Here we tested the functionality of the RNAi machinery by transfecting cells with dsRNA to a reporter gene (green fluorescent protein), which had been previously expressed in the parasite and to α-tubulin, an endogenous gene. In both cases, protein expression was reduced by the presence of specific dsRNA, inducing, respectively, a decreased GFP fluorescence and the formation of enlarged cells with modified arrangement of subpellicular microtubules. Furthermore, symbiont division was impaired. These results indicate that the RNAi system is active in A. deanei and can be used to further explore gene function in symbiont-containing trypanosoma tids and to clarify important aspects of symbiosis and cell evolution. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Interdisciplinary research networks and science-policy-society interactions in the Uruguay River Basin

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    The Uruguay River Basin (URB) that extends along Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay has been the hub of increasing pressures caused by the expansion of industrial agriculture, forestry and infrastructure projects in hydroenergy and transportation. There are growing concerns that the fragmented institutional framework is inadequate to address the growing challenges. Interdisciplinary research networks can contribute to creating perspectives of the basin that are policy and governance relevant. In this paper, we set out to interrogate the potential scope of interdisciplinary research networks (IRNs) for the advancement of basin governance framework for the URB. We envision IRNs as knowledge actors that can open up opportunities to mediate and connect basin actors across different spaces - academic, policy, technical-administrative and social. We highlight a series of pathways to advance networks actions in creating opportunities to fill the gaps of transboundary basin governance, and acknowledge the challenges associated with doing this work in the URB and other basins around the world.Fil: Saguier, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Política y Gobierno; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gerlak, Andrea K.. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Villar, Pilar Carolina. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Baigún, Claudio Rafael M.. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Venturini, Virginia. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lara, Albina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Dos Santos, Marco Aurelio. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Libidibia ferrea loaded in bacterial nanocellulose: evaluation of antimicrobial activity and wound care / Libidibia ferrea loaded in bacterial nanocellulose: evaluation of antimicrobial activity and wound care

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    The effects of Bacterial Nanocellulose (BNC) loaded with Libidibia ferrea (Lf) hydroalcoholic extract were investigated on the healing process of burn in diabetic and non-diabetic animals. In vivo assay was performed with 36 male rats, with streptozotocin-induced diabetes and burns induced by contact. Animals were divided into Nd-BNC (Non-diabetic + Bacterial nanocellulose membranes); Nd-BNC-Lf (Non-diabetic + Bacterial nanocellulose membranes + Libidibia ferrea); D-BNC (Diabetic + Bacterial nanocellulose membranes); D-BNC-Lf (Diabetic + Bacterial nanocellulose membranes + Libidibia ferrea). Wounds were evaluated for 28 days histologically. Lf extract and BNC-Lf extract showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The severe degree of infection, granulation and inflammation observed after 14 days in diabetic rats (exposed or not to Lf extract), disappeared after 21 days. On the 28th day, there was no histological difference among the groups. BNC-Lf extract demonstrated to have antimicrobial activity, however as an wound dressing, both BNC or BNC-Lf extract were effective in the healing of second-degree burn wounds

    Pathophysiological Mechanisms In Gaseous Therapies For Severe Malaria.

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    Over 200 million people worldwide suffer from malaria every year, a disease that causes 584,000 deaths annually. In recent years, significant improvements have been achieved on the treatment of severe malaria, with intravenous artesunate proving superior to quinine. However, mortality remains high at 8% in children and 15% in adults in clinical trials, and even worse in the case of cerebral malaria (18% and 30%, respectively). Moreover, some individuals who do not succumb to severe malaria present long-term cognitive deficits. These observations indicate that strategies focused only on parasite killing fail to prevent neurological complications and deaths associated with severe malaria, possibly because clinical complications are associated in part with a cerebrovascular dysfunction. Consequently, different adjunctive therapies aimed at modulating malaria pathophysiological processes are currently being tested. However, none of these therapies has shown unequivocal evidence in improving patients' clinical status. Recently, key studies have shown that gaseous therapies based mainly on nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and hyperbaric (pressurized) oxygen (HBO) alter vascular endothelium dysfunction and modulate host immune response to infection. Considering gaseous administration as a promising adjunctive treatment against severe malaria cases, we review here the pathophysiological mechanisms and the immunological aspects of such therapies.8

    Unprecedented in Vitro Antitubercular Activitiy of Manganese(II) Complexes Containing 1,10- Phenanthroline and Dicarboxylate Ligands: Increased Activity, Superior Selectivity, and Lower Toxicity in Comparison to Their Copper(II) Analogs

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the etiologic agent of tuberculosis. The demand for new chemotherapeutics with unique mechanisms of action to treat (multi)resistant strains is an urgent need. The objective of this work was to test the effect of manganese(II) and copper(II) phenanthroline/dicarboxylate complexes against M. tuberculosis. The water-soluble Mn(II) complexes, [Mn2(oda)(phen)4(H2O)2][Mn2(oda)(phen)4(oda)2]·4H2O (1) and ([Mn(3,6,9-tdda)(phen)2]·3H2O·EtOH)n (3) (odaH2 = octanedioic acid, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, tddaH2 = 3,6,9-trioxaundecanedioic acid), and water-insoluble complexes, [Mn(ph)(phen)(H2O)2] (5), [Mn(ph)(phen)2(H2O)]·4H2O (6), [Mn2(isoph)2(phen)3]·4H2O (7), ([Mn(phen)2(H2O)2])2(isoph)2(phen)·12H2O (8) and [Mn(tereph)(phen)2]·5H2O (9) (phH2 = phthalic acid, isophH2 = isophthalic acid, terephH2 = terephthalic acid), robustly inhibited the viability of M. tuberculosis strains, H37Rv and CDC1551. The water-soluble Cu(II) analog of (1), [Cu2(oda)(phen)4](ClO4)2·2.76H2O·EtOH (2), was significantly less effective against both strains. Whilst (3) retarded H37Rv growth much better than its soluble Cu(II) equivalent, ([Cu(3,6,9-tdda)(phen)2]·3H2O·EtOH)n (4), both were equally efficient against CDC1551. VERO and A549 mammalian cells were highly tolerant to the Mn(II) complexes, culminating in high selectivity index (SI) values. Significantly, in vivo studies using Galleria mellonella larvae indicated that the metal complexes were minimally toxic to the larvae. The Mn(II) complexes presented low MICs and high SI values (up to 1347), indicating their auspicious potential as novel antitubercular lead agents. © 2018 McCarron, McCann, Devereux, Kavanagh, Skerry, Karakousis, Aor, Mello, Santos, Campos and Pavan