1,643 research outputs found

    Can a lemon based Sagres product attract consumers that don't drink beer?

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    The purpose of this project is to understand if the brand Sagres is damaging the product Sagres Radler. The beer market in Portugal was studied and focus groups were used to perceive the impact of the brand in the product. The mother brand is bringing the beer association into a product designed to engage people that don’t like beer. With the insights, a new proposal was drawn and tested. Although it was not possible to prove that the new concept is better for the population, there are strong indications that the brand isn’t enabling the achievement of the proposed target

    Modelo tumoral in vitro para a avaliação terapêutica de fármacos

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    The anticancer therapies used nowadays in the clinic display a low efficacy. The ability of cancer cells to develop resistance to drugs used in chemotherapy, contributes to the high mortality associated with this disease. The development of new drug formulations is crucial for improving patient survival rates. In vitro 2D cancer cell cultures have been the main model used, in a first phase, for the development of these new therapies. However, these cultures are unable to mimic the main characteristics of in vivo tumors, such as their drug resistance mechanisms. On the other hand, in vitro 3D cancer models, in particular the cancer cell spheroids, have a drug resistance profile similar to that found in human solid tumors, such as breast cancer. Due to that, these models have been used by researchers as a tool to study anticancer drugs. Nevertheless, the techniques and methods used to analyze the therapeutic efficacy of drugs in in vitro models are developed and standardized only for 2D cells in culture. In this way, the develop of 2D cell culture models that display a drug resistant profile similar to the spheroids can be advantageous since these models can be studied through established equipment, techniques and methodologies. Further investigations revealed that 2D cell cultures obtained by spheroid disintegration and maintained in culture medium supplemented with glutathione (GSH) had the same phenotype as the cells present in 3D spheroids. In the present work, the resistance to doxorubicin (DOX) of 2D cultures of MCF-7 obtained by disaggregation of spheroids and then cultured in culture medium supplemented with GSH was evaluated. The results obtained demonstrated that this model of cell culture presents a DOX resistance profile closer to that presented by spheroids. In fact, the 50 % inhibitory concentration (IC50) of DOX in 3D-derived MCF-7 cell cultures supplemented with GSH was about 8-times higher than that obtained for conventional 2D cell cultures. In this work it was also possible to demonstrate that the increase in resistance of spheroid-derived MCF-7 cells results from increased P-glycoprotein (P-gp) activity and from the reduction of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in these cells. In summary, 2D cell culture obtained from spheroid disaggregation represents an improvement for the future development of anticancer therapies, owing to its ability to present in the 2D model a drug resistance similar to that exhibited by 3D models.Na atualidade, as terapias anticancerígenas utilizadas na clínica apresentam uma baixa eficácia. Tal facto é explicado pela capacidade que as células cancerígenas têm em desenvolver resistência a fármacos anticancerígenos, o que contribui para a elevada taxa de mortalidade associada a esta doença. Os investigadores estão presentemente a desenvolver novos fármacos com atividade anticancerígena para melhorar a taxa de sobrevivência dos doentes que padecem desta patologia. As culturas de células cancerígenas in vitro em 2D têm sido o principal modelo utilizado numa primeira fase de desenvolvimento destas novas abordagens terapêuticas. No entanto, este tipo de modelo de cultura celulares não mimetiza as principais características dos tumores que afetam o ser humano, assim como os mecanismos de resistência a fármacos que os tumores apresentam. Por outro lado, os modelos in vitro 3D, nomeadamente os esferóides produzidos com células cancerígenas, apresentam um perfil de resistência a fármacos semelhante ao encontrado em tumores sólidos humanos (e.g. cancro de mama). Devido a esta característica, estes modelos têm sido usados pelos investigadores como ferramentas para a avaliação de fármacos anticancerígenos. No entanto, as técnicas e métodos utilizados para a análise da eficácia terapêutica de fármacos em modelos in vitro estão apenas desenvolvidos e padronizados para células cultivadas em 2D. Deste modo, o desenvolvimento de modelos de cultura de células 2D que apresentem um perfil de resistência a fármacos semelhante ao dos esferóides pode ser uma mais valia, uma vez que estes modelos podem ser estudados através de equipamentos, técnicas e metodologias já estabelecidas. Em estudos recentes foi demonstrado que as culturas celulares 2D obtidas por desagregação de esferóides e mantidas em meio de cultura suplementado com glutationa (GSH) apresentavam o mesmo fenótipo que as células presentes nos esferóides 3D. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a resistência à doxorrubicina (DOX) de culturas 2D de MCF-7 obtidas por desagregação de esferóides em meio de cultura suplementado com GSH, assim como a cultura 2D convencional e em esferóides 3D. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que este modelo de cultura celular apresenta uma resistência à DOX próxima à determinada para os esferóides. De facto, a concentração inibitória de 50 % (IC50) da DOX em culturas de células MCF-7 derivadas de esferóides e que foram cultivadas em GSH foi cerca de 8 vezes mais elevada do que a obtida para as culturas de células 2D convencionais. Neste trabalho foi também demonstrado que o aumento da resistência das células MCF-7 derivadas de esferóides advém da maior atividade da glicoproteína-P (P-gp) e da redução dos níveis de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS) no citoplasma destas células. Em suma, a cultura de células em 2D obtidas a partir da desagregação de esferóides representa uma melhoria para o desenvolvimento futuro de terapias anticancerígenas, devido ao facto de exibirem uma resistência a fármacos semelhante à exibida pelas células cultivadas em modelos 3D

    New carpets for new markets: production and consumption of indo-persian carpets in 16th and 17th centuries

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    Contém um ficheiro de apêndices que não estão anexos. Estão disponíveis no CD na Biblioteca Mário Sottomayor CardiaCarpets belonging to the so-called ‘Indo-Persian’ type are among the most esteemed Islamic carpets from 17th-century Europe, based on their numerous representations that survive in 16th- and 17th-century European paintings and in the inventories of the great houses of many European countries. 1 The approximately 80 ‘Indo-Persian’ carpets extant in Portuguese collections support the perception that this carpet type was certainly being produced in great quantities.2 Their appropriation by the state in 1834, as a result of the abolishment of the convents3 where they had arrived during the 17th century, led to their incorporation in Portuguese public collections and, thus explains their survival in such high numbers. With the exception of two examples (84Tp and 26.277, Appendix D) that can be linked to the aristocracy and are included in this study, the provenance of about 90 percent of these 17th century objects is well recorded. They can be associated with convents or churches where they were used in the past, although the exact date of their import is unknown.4 Therefore, they present an exceptional opportunity to increase our knowledge about the ‘Indo-Persian’ carpet type, especially when compared with the small numbers of surviving carpets with 17th century provenance in collections from Europe, particularly the Netherlands5, or elsewhere in the world

    The discovery of three lost ‘Salting’ carpets: science as a tool for revealing their history

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    Thesis presented at the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, to obtain a Master degree in Conservation and Restoration,Specialization in TextilesIn 2007 three „Salting‟ carpets were discovered in the Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, in Guimarães. Two are prayer rugs with central niches, while the third has a central medallion. Finely knotted in wool on a silk foundation, and embellished with metal threads, this is the largest collection of these carpets known outside the Topkapi Saray (Istanbul). For a century, their origin and chronology have been the source of considerable debate. They take their name from the collector George Salting (1835-1909) who donated a significant example to the Victoria & Albert Museum (London), which was originally attributed to 16th-century Iran. However, the vivid colors of this and other carpets, and existence of similar examples in the Topkapi, led later historians to argue that they were Turkish rugs from the 18th or 19th centuries, and possibly even forgeries of classical Persians carpets. Wool and silk were confirmed in the knotted pile and foundation, and the Medallion Carpet was found to have an extremely high knot count. All colours present were analysed, and a more detailed study was applied to the reds. Lac-dye (Kerria spp.) was identified and as this is the predominant dye of the red ground of classical Persian carpets, it appeared to offer a possible clue to their provenance. The first High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array (HPLC-DAD) data base was created for lac-dye insects (Kerria and Paratachardina genera) with the support of Principal Component Analyses (PCA), statistical analysis. Historical insect sources (87 samples) from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (London), as well as other entomological sources, were analysed and compared with historical textile samples taken from the Guimarães carpets. The preliminary results revealed that probably the red dye is related with insect sources from Pakistan or a nearby region. However, narrowing the provenance further will require more rigorous taxonomic study of the wide variety of insect species known to produce lac dye (over 20), followed by chemical analysis and comparison with a wider range of carpets. A luteolin-based dye, possibly weld was identified in the yellows, which also appears in the greens with indigo and in the oranges with alizarin, respectively. The browns as well as beige colours were obtained with natural wool, with the exception of the browns in the Medallion carpet in which ellagic acid was identified. All of the colours were applied to the textile fibres with alum, with exception of browns in the Medallion Carpet (iron),beiges (natural wool), and indigo (no mordant). SEM-EDX revealed a distinctive method of manufacture of the metal threads, involving a hand-cut silver lamina of fine gauge covered with a gold coating. The AMS Radiocarbon dating confirmed a date between the late 15th- and mid-17th century for the Medallion Carpet, excluding the possibility of either a late date or forgery. Overall the data point to a 16th- or 17th-century date and Iran as the place of manufacture for the carpets. The Medallion Carpet is revealed to be an exceptional historical discovery

    The transformative role of peer learning projects in 21st century schools: achievements from five Portuguese educational institutions

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    Rethinking the role of education in the 21st century implies acknowledging the power of learning and the urgency of making learning provision more meaningful, inclusive, and student-centred, which assumes particular importance when learner disengagement is still a global issue in elementary and secondary education. Rooted in social constructivism principles, peer learning is a learner-centred approach that facilitates the development of soft and technical skills, with evidence-based contributions to learners’ academic performance under the cognitive, affective, and social dimensions. This study aims to find evidence of the transformative role of peer learning projects in four Portuguese secondary schools and a higher education institution through teachers and peer teacher students’ (PTS) perceptions of these projects’ purpose, implementation, and impact on the educational community, particularly on PTS. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured in-depth interview and a survey by questionnaire, and content analysis and descriptive statistics were the techniques used. Results show cooperation and interpersonal skills’ improvement as major strengths of these projects, whereas the challenges are mostly organisational, e.g., reduced teacher service time and coordination of learners’ schedules. Conclusions highlight the potential of peer learning projects to promote pedagogical transformation and innovation in 21st century schools.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia e Digimedia - Digital Media and Interaction Research Centre (Universidade de Aveiro)publishe

    Efeito da secagem na composição fenólica da pêra Rocha (Pyrus communis L.) de diferentes origens.

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    A pera Rocha (Pyrus communis L.) é a principal cultivar produzida em Portugal, sendo habitualmente consumida em fresco. No entanto, a secagem da pera pode constituir uma oportunidade de desenvolvimento e possibilitar a oferta de produtos alternativos aos consumidores. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o efeito de duas temperaturas de secagem (40 e 60ºC) sobre os teores de fenóis totais e de actividade antioxidante. Para isso foram usadas peras provenientes de 5 localidades diferentes. No caso dos fenóis totais, os resultados mostraram que as principais diferenças ocorreram com a secagem a 60ºC. Relativamente à actividade antioxidante, ambas as secagens originaram diminuições acentuadas dos valores, relativamente às peras analisadas em fresco

    Perfil de ácidos gordos de larvas recém eclodidas produzidas em cativeiro de camarões marinhos ornamentais candidatos a aquacultura

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, especialização em Pescas e Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2009A aquariofilia de água salgada é uma actividade comercial em crescimento, na qual 90% dos organismos ornamentais transaccionados são capturados no meio selvagem. Para diminuir a pressão exercida sobre os ecossistemas naturais, têm vindo a ser desenvolvidas metodologias de cultivo para as espécies mais comerciais. O perfil de ácidos gordos (FA) de larvas recém eclodidas de camarões ornamentais de três espécies tropicais, Lysmata amboinensis, Lysmata. debelius e Rhynchocinetes durbanensis, e duas espécies temperadas, Lysmata boggessi e Lysmata seticaudata foi analisado neste trabalho, cujo objectivo foi avaliar 1) se as larvas reflectem a dieta fornecida aos reprodutores, 2) se espécies pertencentes ao mesmo género direccionam a dieta, particularmente os ácidos gordos, do mesmo modo e, 3) qual o factor que deve ter um papel mais importante na obtenção de uma ração com os requisitos necessários, se a filogenia ou o habitat. Os resultados mostraram que o perfil de ácidos gordos foi semelhante nas cinco espécies. Em termos quantitativos, as larvas de L. seticaudata apresentaram a maior porção de ácidos gordos altamente insaturados (68%), devido à dominância de 20:5n-3, e a segunda percentagem mais baixa de poliinsaturados (5%). As larvas de L. boggessi e L. debelius apresentavam uma predominância de saturados (33% e 38%, respectivamente) e de monoinsaturados (33% e 30%, respectivamente) em relação ao total de ácidos gordos, com L. boggessi a obter as quantidades mais elevadas para todas as espécies (4,79 ± 0,04 μg mg -1 para saturados e 4,81 ± 0.53 μg mg -1 para monoinsaturados), com predominância de 16:0 (3,34 ± 0,09 μg mg-1) e 18:1n-9 (2,78 ± 0,40 μg mg-1). Para Rhynchocinetes durbanensis o ácido gordo mais importante foi o DHA, com 2,36 μg mg-1, a quantidade mais elevada em todas as espécies. Relativamente ao ARA todas as espécies mostraram uma quantidade maior do que aquela fornecida na dieta, com a maioria a ser obtida para Rhynchocinetes durbanensis. Nas espécies temperadas observaram-se quase sempre maiores quantidades de ácidos gordos do que nas espécies tropicais, podendo aferir-se que as larvas recém eclodidas das espécies temperadas dependem mais de fontes energéticas endógenas após a eclosão. As espécies tropicais mostraram quantidades de ácidos gordos semelhantes, o que pode dever-se a um metabolismo também semelhante. No caso das espécies temperadas os FA com diferenças significativas são em maior número, mas encontra-se v algum paralelismo nas quantidades. Assim, na possível concepção de uma dieta única, o habitat parece ter maior relevância do que a proximidade filogenética.The marine aquarium industry is expanding, with 90% of the species being captured from coral reefs. In order to reduce pressure on these natural ecosystems, have been developed methods of production to the more commercial species. In the present work, the fatty acid (FA) profile of newly hatch larvae of ornamental shrimps from three tropical species, Lysmata amboinensis, Lysmata debelius e Rhynchocinetes durbanensis, and two temperate species, Lysmata boggessi e Lysmata seticaudata was analyzed in order to assess 1) whether larvae reflect the given diet, 2) if species belonging to the same genus reflect the diet, particularly fatty acids, the same way and 3) what factor should have a greater role in obtaining a diet with the necessary requirements, if the phylogeny or the habitat. The profile of fatty acids was similar in all five species. In a quantitative point of view, the larvae of L. seticaudata had the largest portion of highly unsaturated fatty acids (68%) due to the dominance of 20:5n-3, and the second lowest percentage of polyunsaturated (5%). The larvae of L. boggessi and L. debelius had a predominance of saturated (33% and 38% respectively) and monounsaturated (33% and 30% respectively) in the total fatty acids, with L. boggessi to obtain the highest quantity for all species (4.79 ± 0.04 mg g-1 for saturated and 4.81 ± 0.53 mg g -1 for monosaturated), with predominance of 16:0 (3.34 ± 0,09 mg g-1) and 18:1n-9 (2.78 ± 0.40 mg g-1). For Rhynchocinetes durbanensis the DHA was the most important, with 2.36 mg g-1, the highest amount in all species. In relation to ARA all species showed a larger amount than that provided in the diet, with the majority being obtained for Rhynchocinetes durbanensis. In temperate species was almost always observed larger quantities of fatty acids than in tropical species, and may assess that the newly hatch larvae of temperate species depend more of endogenous energy sources. The tropical species showed similar amounts of fatty acids, which may be due to a metabolism also similar. For temperate species differences in fatty acids are higher, but there is some parallelism in quantities. Thus, to design a possible single diet, the factor habitat seems more important than the phylogenetic proximity

    Ultrasound as a method for early diagnosis of breast pathology

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    Introduction: Ultrasound is a non-invasive, low-cost technique that does not use ionising radiation and provides a “real-time” image, and for these reasons, this method is ideal in several situations. Purpose: To demonstrate breast ultrasound evaluation as a first-line diagnostic method and to evaluate the variation of breast characteristics with age. Material and Methods: A total of 105 women with a mean age of 30 years participated and were divided into three age groups: 18–39, 40–59, and 60–79 years, excluding participants subject to mastectomy. After completing the informed consent, all participants answered personal and sociodemographic questions, such as personal and family history, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, ultrasound, and mammography, among others. They were then submitted to a bilateral breast ultrasound examination. Subsequently, all the images and their data were analysed, and a technical report of the examination was given to all the participants. Results: A total of 105 women with a mean age of 30 years participated, 58 of whom underwent the examination for the first time. In 31, changes (of which only 7 were known) were diagnosed. It was verified that, according to age group, the density of the breast stroma varied; older women have less breast density. Conclusions: Ultrasound is a good method for breast evaluation and can be considered important for the early evaluation of breast pathology and follow-up of the pathology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of instrumental and sensory quality of papaya ‘Solo' and 'Local' produced in Santiago - Cape Verde and critical analysis on the importation of papaya

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    O estudo teve por objectivo fazer a caracterização dos atributos de qualidade de duas variedades (Solo e Local) de papaia produzida em Santiago, Cabo Verde, e definir os atributos que os distribuidores procuram. Foram realizadas avaliações físico-químicas, sensorial e um estudo de mercado. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o peso, cor interior e exterior, textura, espessura da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, SST, fez-se avaliação sensorial a aplicação de um questionário aos importadores de papaia. Os parâmetros SST, Acidez, pH e peso variam significativamente com as variedades, sendo as papaias da variedade Local mais pesadas. A textura varia em função dos graus de maturação, a firmeza apresenta uma diminuição ao longo do amadurecimento, na deformação percebe-se um decréscimo com avançar da maturação, nos parâmetros de cor interna e externa as diferenças encontram-se na interacção entre Variedade e Estado de maturação. A variedade Solo foi mais valorizada na avaliação sensorial assim como no preço, certificação/selo qualidade e doçura pelos distribuidores.The objective of the study was to characterize the quality attributes of two varieties papaya varieties (Soil and Local) produced in Santiago, Cape Verde, and define the attributes that the distributors are looking for. Physicochemical assessments, sensory evaluation and a market study were carried out. The parameters evaluated were the weight, color interior and exterior, texture, thickness of the flesh, pH, titratable acidity, TSS, sensory evaluation was made and a questionnaire applied to importers of papaya. The parameters TSS, acidity, pH and weight vary significantly within varieties and papayas of Local variety are heavier. The texture varies depending on the degree of ripeness, firmness shows a decrease during ripening, for deformation a decrease is noticed with advancing of maturation, the external and internal color differences are in the interaction between Variety x Maturation. In the sensorial evaluation, Solo variety was more valued as was price, certification/seal quality and sweetness by distributors