37 research outputs found

    “Las Fan Page de Facebook como medio de difusión de la Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia”

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    Since the change that the Internet suffered earlier this century evolving into Web 2.0, a change in the model of how to manage information has been generated. This fact has not been indifferent to nurses, who are learning how to use 2.0 tools, among other motivations, for the benefit of scientific broadcasting. In turn, social networks have taken on a role such that the combination of social networks and 2.0 tools are the current scenario of the social web. Facebook and its Fan Pages are part of the social web and can be used by science for promoting the communication of information. This descriptive study shows the spreading of the contents of the blog called "Evidence-Based Nursing" through its Facebook page, which has a rapid and cross-cultural range. This describes the social context of Web 2.0 in the service of science.Desde el cambio que Internet sufrió a principios de este siglo evolucionando hacia la Web 2.0 se ha generado un cambio de paradigma en la manera de gestionar la información. Este hecho no le ha sido indiferente a la enfermería, que está aprendiendo a utilizar las herramientas 2.0 entre otras motivaciones, en beneficio de su difusión científica. A su vez, las redes sociales han cobrado un protagonismo tal que la combinación de redes sociales y herramientas 2.0 forman el escenario actual de la web social. Facebook y sus FanPages forman parte de esta web social y pueden estar al servicio de la ciencia fomentando la difusión de la información y la comunicación. En este estudio descriptivo se muestra  la difusión de los contenidos del blog “Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia” a través de la FanPage de su perfil público en Facebook, que ha tenido un alcance rápido y transcultural. Esto nos describe el marco social de la web 2.0 al servicio de la ciencia

    Nurse Training in Gender-Based Violence Using Simulated Nursing Video Consultations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

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    Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious global public health problem that becomes aggravated during public health emergencies that involve quarantine measures. It is important to train nursing students on GBV, especially in vulnerable situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of our study is to explore the perceptions of third-year nursing students about simulated nursing video consultations for providing assistance to potential cases of GBV victims using a high-fidelity clinical simulation methodology. After all of the simulated scenarios were completed, 48 scripted interviews were carried out following a guide composed of four open-ended questions to facilitate in-depth discussion. A descriptive qualitative study based on the interpretative paradigm was conducted. The nursing students indicated that they improved their knowledge on GBV victim management (mainly their awareness of the problem, recognition of the role of nursing professionals, and performance of non-technical skills), although they also mentioned the need for continuous training (particularly in socio-emotional skills, interview techniques, a holistic nursing care approach, and not presupposing). This innovative high-fidelity simulation methodology allows nursing students to improve their awareness of the GBV problem, acquire a realistic view about their role in addressing GBV, and build their non-technical skills (such as active listening, communication skills, empathy, and generating confidence) required to adequately care for victims of GBV

    Coping Strategies as a Mental Health Protection Factor of Spanish Nurses during COVID-19

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    Background: Due to the healthcare crisis caused by COVID-19, nurses have been exposed to stressful, uncertain situations. In such situations, emotional coping strategies are especially important due to their repercussion on health. The purpose of this study is analyze the relationships between nurses’ coping strategies and health, with attention to factors related to perceived threat and/or someone close to them is COVID-19 positive. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done with a sample of 351 nurses in Spain. In addition to the questionnaire on perception of threat from COVID-19, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire, an ad hoc question asked them whether someone close to them was COVID-19 positive. Results: Perceived threat and use of negative coping strategies were related, and these strategies were related to a greater presence of somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction, and depression. Conclusions: Given the work and personal influence of coping on nurses, interventions must be designed to promote adaptive strategies

    Increase in Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions about Their Implementation and Adequate Management

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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care modalities such as video consultations have been rapidly developed to provide safe health care and to minimize the risk of spread. The purpose of our study is to explore Spanish healthcare professionals’ perceptions about the implementation of video consultations. Based on the testimonies of 53 professionals, different categories emerged related to the four identified themes: benefits of video consultations (for professionals, patients, and the health system, and compared to phone calls), negative aspects (inherent to new technologies and the risk of a perceived distancing from the professional), difficulties associated with the implementation of video consultations (technological difficulties, lack of technical skills and refusal to use video consultation among professionals and patients), and the need for training (technological, nontechnical, and social-emotional skills, and adaptation of technical skills). Additionally, the interviewees indicated that this new modality of health care may be extended to a broader variety of patients and clinical settings. Therefore, since video consultations are becoming more widespread, it would be advisable for health policies and systems to support this modality of health care, promoting their implementation and guaranteeing their operability, equal access and quality

    Design and Validation of the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire: New Realities in Times of COVID-19

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    Emotional and cognitive-behavioral factors influence people’s adaptability to change. Based on this premise, the objective of this study was to develop, evaluate and validate the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire (ADAPTA-10) for identifying those who show poor adaptability to adverse situations, such as those caused by COVID-19. This study was carried out in a sample of 1160 adults and produced a 10-item instrument with good reliability and validity indices. It is an effective tool useful in research and in clinical practice. Calculation tables are provided for the general Spanish population and by sex to evaluate adaptability to change. The two-dimensional structure proposed in the original model was confirmed. This instrument will enable the needs for adaptation to the new reality associated with COVID-19 to be detected and also other situations in which the subject becomes immersed which demand adaptation strategies in the new situation lived in.S

    Design of the EBE-ST questionnaire among nursing students: mnulticenter study from eight universities in Spain

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    Background: Twenty years after the degree in nursing was introduced in Spain, the subject of evidence-based nursing is still unstructured and unestablished in most faculties. Moreover, there are hardly any rigorous studies at a national level that evaluate the current state of this competence in our faculties. Understanding the starting point is essential for the curricular design to ensure that evidence-based practice is implemented among future professionals. Aim: To design and validate an evidence-based nursing competency questionnaire for fourth-year nursing students. Methods: A specific questionnaire was developed and validated (EBE-ST). A cross-sectional survey design with psychometric validation of an instrument. Participants were 304 senior year nursing students from eight universities in Spain (2020). Results: The EBE-ST questionnaire is composed of 33 items that determine eight factors. It presents adequate reliability and validity (alpha = 0.882), measuring knowledge, attitudes and the practical application of evidence-based practice. Conclusions: We have created an instrument with good psychometric properties to measure evidence-based practice competence among senior nursing students. The heterogeneity of knowledge regarding evidence-based nursing in our country suggests that further reflection is warranted on the incorporation of this topic during undergraduate training. We have designed and validated an evidence-based nursing competency questionnaire specific to nursing student

    Design and Validation of the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire: New Realities in Times of COVID-19

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    Emotional and cognitive-behavioral factors influence people’s adaptability to change. Based on this premise, the objective of this study was to develop, evaluate and validate the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire (ADAPTA-10) for identifying those who show poor adaptability to adverse situations, such as those caused by COVID-19. This study was carried out in a sample of 1160 adults and produced a 10-item instrument with good reliability and validity indices. It is an effective tool useful in research and in clinical practice. Calculation tables are provided for the general Spanish population and by sex to evaluate adaptability to change. The two-dimensional structure proposed in the original model was confirmed. This instrument will enable the needs for adaptation to the new reality associated with COVID-19 to be detected and also other situations in which the subject becomes immersed which demand adaptation strategies in the new situation lived in

    Adaptation to Change Questionnaire for Nurses: Validation and New Needs in the Context of COVID-19

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    Background: The worldwide pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has challenged healthcare systems and the professionals who work in them. This challenge involves strong changes to which nurses have had to quickly adapt. Emotional and cognitive–behavioral factors influence the capacity for adaptation to change. Based on this model, the objective of this study was to validate the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire (ADAPTA-10) for identifying professionals in a population of nurses who have problems adapting to adverse situations such as those caused by COVID-19. Methods: This study was performed with a sample of 351 nurses. (3) Results: The ADAPTA-10 questionnaire was found to have good psychometric properties, and to be an effective, useful tool for nurses in research and clinical practice. The two-dimensional structure proposed in the original model was confirmed. Scales are also provided by sex for evaluation of adaptation to change; the highest scores on the emotional component were among nurses who had not personally encountered the virus. Conclusions: This instrument will be able to detect of the needs for adaptation to the new reality associated with COVID-19, as well as other situations in which nurses are immersed that demand adaptation strategies