4,479 research outputs found

    Family mobility and individual mobility towards the great city. Strategies of residential and labor insertion in Madrid, 1880-1905

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    La aceleración de las migraciones permanentes hacia Madrid entre 1880 y 1905 generó nuevos patrones de desplazamiento y nuevas formas de inserción urbana entre sus protagonistas. El auspicio familiar cobró entonces una importancia vital para quienes llegaron a la ciudad con sus parejas, hijos y otros parientes y para los que lo hicieron de forma individual. A partir de los datos del Padrón Municipal de Habitantes, este artículo analizará la complejidad que asumieron las tipologías de movilidad migratoria y asentamiento familiar residencial en este proceso y la indispensable asistencia material y laboral que los inmigrantes afincados en Madrid recibieron a través de las redes de parentesco.The acceleration of permanent migration to Madrid between 1880 and 1905 generated new patterns of mobility and urban insertion among those who carried them out. Since that moment, family networks and solidarity gained vital importance, both for those who travelled to the city as a family and for those who did it individually. Based on the Municipal Register of Inhabitants, this article analyse the complexity assumed by the typologies of migratory mobility in this process and the material, residential and labour assistance that the immigrants settled in Madrid received through kinship

    Madrid, Socialist city. The keys to PSOE’s success in the 1923 general election = Madrid, ciudad socialista. Las claves del triunfo del PSOE en las elecciones generales de 1923

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    Resumen: Las elecciones generales de 1923 representaron el canto de cisne de la política representativa en Madrid durante la etapa de la Restauración. La expresión del voto de la capital española ha sido generalmente analizada en este contexto como un veredicto sobre la cuestión de Marruecos y el asunto de las responsabilidades exigidas tras el desastre de Annual. Sin obviar este detalle y otros relacionados con la presentación de un programa más moderado por parte del PSOE, este artículo indaga en la influencia que el marco urbano y la actuación socialista en el mismo jugaron en el resultado de los comicios. El análisis de la acción política municipal socialista previa a las votaciones permitirá ahondar en esta cuestión y entender el escrutinio final, observado desde una perspectiva socio-espacial micro analítica. Palabras clave: Madrid, socialismo, política municipal, comportamientos electorales.Abstract: The general elections of 1923 represented the swan song of socialism in Madrid during the Restoration period. The tendencies of voting behaviour of the city in this context has been generally analysed as a verdict on the question of Morocco and the issue of responsibilities required after the Annual Disaster. Having in mind this detail and others related to the presentation of a moderate program by the PSOE, this article explores the influence that the urban framework and the socialist performances in it played in the outcome of the elections. The analysis of the socialist municipal political action prior to voting will allow us to delve into this question and understand the results, observed from a micro analytical socio-spatial perspective. Keywords: Madrid, socialism, municipal policy, voting behavior

    Un frustrado proyecto de urbanización para el Bilbao del siglo XIX : Amado Lázaro y su obra para la villa

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    En la segunda mitad del S.XIX a comienzos de lo que fue la gran explotación minera, la extensión del ferrocarril a los centros urbanos y el desarrollo del capitalismo comercial, se va a producir por parte del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, un intento de extender su superficie territorial y desarrollar un ambicioso plan de construcción urbana. Para realizar esta obra se pondrá el proyecto del ensanche en manos del ingeniero Amado de Lázaro. El ensanche era necesario por motivos higiénicos, humanitarios y comerciales para extender la influencia económica por toda la ría. Sin embargo, ninguna institución aprobó el proyecto. El artículo analiza los problemas institucionales que sufrió el proyecto de ensanch

    PI-based controller for low-power distributed inverters to maximise reactive current injection while avoiding over voltage during voltage sags

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    This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in IET Power Electronics and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at the IET Digital Library.In the recently deregulated power system scenario, the growing number of distributed generation sources should be considered as an opportunity to improve stability and power quality along the grid. To make progress in this direction, this work proposes a reactive current injection control scheme for distributed inverters under voltage sags. During the sag, the inverter injects, at least, the minimum amount of reactive current required by the grid code. The flexible reactive power injection ensures that one phase current is maintained at its maximum rated value, providing maximum support to the most faulted phase voltage. In addition, active power curtailment occurs only to satisfy the grid code reactive current requirements. As well as, a voltage control loop is implemented to avoid overvoltage in non-faulty phases, which otherwise would probably occur due to the injection of reactive current into an inductive grid. The controller is proposed for low-power rating distributed inverters where conventional voltage support provided by large power plants is not available. The implementation of the controller provides a low computational burden because conventional PI-based control loops may apply. Selected experimental results are reported in order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (updated version

    Holcus azoricus M. Seq. & Castrov. (Poaceae), a new species from the Azores Islands

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    A new species of Holcus L. (Poaceae), endemic to the Azores archipelago (Portugal), is described. The vegetative and reproductive structures were studied. The diagnostic characters were compared with those of closely related species. New chromosome counts in Holcus azoricus M. Seq. & Castrov. (2n = 35) and H. rigidus Hochst. (2n = 28) are included. A possible hybrid origin is hypothesized; the potential parents are H. lanatus L. and H. rigidus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Holcus pintodasilvae (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae), a new species from the Island of Madeira (Portugal), and notes on Macaronesian Holcus

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    A new species of Holcus L. (Poaceae), endemic to the island of Madeira (Portugal), is here described as H. pintodasilvae M. Seq. & Castrov. This new species is morphologically closely related to the Macaronesian endemics H. rigidus Hochst. ex Hochst. (Azores Archipelago) and H. mollis L. subsp. hierrensis Stierst. (El Hierro Island, in the Canary Islands) but differs by having the culm nodes light brown, the leaves with a glabrous sheath and subspreading lamina attenuated to an acuminate apex, the glumes blunt, shiny, glabrous (except in the minutely scabrous veins), the upper glume with proximal lateral veins, and the lemma of the upper floret with an awn ca. 4 mm, twice as long as the lemma. Chromosome counts in H. pintodasilvae are tetraploid (2 n = 28). Morphology, ecology, biogeog raphy, and conservation issues are discussed and related to other Macaronesian Holcus taxa. Holcus (totaling less than 20 individuals), and its IUCN conservation status is Critically Endangered (CR). A new specific status is proposed for H. mollis subsp. hierrensis, as H. hierrensis (Stierst.) Stierst. & M. Seq., based on its chromosome number and morphological identity.Descreve-se uma nova especie, Holcus pintodasilvae M. Seq. & Castrov., pertencente ao genero Holcus L. (Poaceae), endemica da Ilha da Madeira (Portugal). Morfologicamente proxima dos endemismos macaronesicos H. rigidus Hochst. ex Hochst. (Arquipelago dos Agores) e H. mollis L. subsp. hierrensis Stierst. (Ilha de Hierro, Arquipelago das Canarias) diferencia-se por possuir: nos de ; folhas com bainhas glabras i apice acumi nado; glumas brilhantes, muticas e glabras (excepto nas nervuras que se apresentam escabriusculas), gluma superior com as nervuras laterais proximais; lema da flor superior com arista ca. 4 mm (duas vezes da contagem de cromossomas de H. pintosilvae (2 n = 28). Discutem-se, e relacionam-se com outros taxa Macaronesicos do genero Holcus, aspectos relativos a morfologia, ecologia, biogeografia e conservagao. Holcus pintodasilvae foi encontrado em apenas tres populagoes (num total de menos de 20 indivfduos), sendo o seu estado de conservagao IUCN esta criticamente ameagado (CR). Propoe-se ainda a combinagao H. hierrensis (Stierst.) Stierst. & M.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shooting Down Hijacked Airplanes? Sorry, We’re Humanists. A Comment on the German Constitutional Court Decision of 2.15.2006, Regarding the Luftsicherheitsgesetz (2005 Air Security Act)

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    The article analyzes a very remarkable decision of the Constitutional Court of Germany that struck down a law (2005 Air Security Law) that expressly authorized the federal government to shoot down hijacked airplanes, in case they were likely to be crashed against a target on the ground. The Court ruled that deliberately killing innocent people on board is incompatible with the right to human dignity, as established in the Basic Law. The article focuses on some of the main issues addressed by the Court (among others, the absolutization of human dignity, which makes unconstitutional for the legislature and for the executive to weigh between the lives of the passengers on board an the lives of the victims of the crash), and tries to situate it in the context of the German and European case law on antiterrorism and human rights

    Prospectiva de la Ingeniería

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    El Ingeniero, normalmente alcanzará su capacidad plena de ejercer su profesión 10 a 15 años después que iniciase sus estudios en la Universidad. Como en 10 años las ciencias de la ingeniería y la práctica de la profesión pueden tener cambios sustanciales es importante que el proceso educativo no esté basado en la experiencia profesional de los profesores (la que a su vez puede tener una antigüedad de al menos 10 años) sino en las previsiones que estudios de prospectiva indiquen acerca de como será el estado de la ciencia y la tecnología, el contexto socio económico y la práctica profesional en un futuro cercano. Ello no solo suministraría ingenieros más adecuados a la realidad en que se van a desempeñar sino que a su vez ayudaría a planificar el desarrollo de la propia institución universitaria.Academia de la Ingeniería de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Identifying, Mapping and Overcoming Genomic Impediments to Intraspecific Genetic Improvement of Upland Cotton Through Interspecific Hybridization and Introgression

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    Cotton, the leading natural textile fiber, develops as modified seed trichomes, produced in copious amounts by genetically elite cultivars of two domesticated New World Upland tetraploid (2n=4x=52) species, Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Pima cotton (G. barbadense L.). Future cultivars must improve production sustainability, economic yield, and address the many challenges caused by global climate change. Their creation will require beneficial genetic diversity, relevant recombination, breeding, and selection. This work was undertaken [1] to better understand available diversity and natural constraints on its use, especially recombination, [2] to increase genetic diversity, and [3] to improve recombination as a tool for extracting value from diversity. Aside from transgenes and occasional mutations, induced or created, new cotton cultivars are created from fast-track breeding programs that rely exclusively on genetic variation among cultivars and elite breeding germplasm, not on wild intraspecific or interspecific accessions; cyclic re-use of elite germplasm is implicit. Using CottonSNP63K data and a long-read genomic assembly, I characterized the genomic distribution of genetic diversity by identifying, mapping, and comparing haplotypic structures and their diversity among 257 elite Upland lines and 71 non-elite G. hirsutum accessions. Independent analyses using comparable types of data for 9 at intra- and interspecific linkage mapping populations revealed their recombination patterns. Comparisons showed strong relationships between static haplotypic blocks and low experimental recombination rates. Genomic characterization of highly and lowly recombinant regions revealed significant associations and correlations between recombination and transposable element densities and biological pathways between three allotetraploid cotton species and G. hirsutum. An intriguing observation during linkage analyses was that hybridization with wild allotetraploid cotton species led to novel recombination events that disrupted long-standing haplotypic blocks. Such disruption and the recovery of novel genetic variation suggests potential for a new era in Upland cotton improvement involving extensive use interspecific hybridization to disrupt haplotypic blocks, as well as diversify genes. Indeed, this was demonstrated through recombination modeling and through the development of a chromosome segment substitution lines consisting of introgressed G. tomentosum chromatin. These findings indicate potentially major if not revolutionary ramifications for breeding Upland cotton, and likely Pima, as well