7 research outputs found

    In vivo study of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban as a drug gel for diabetes wounds

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    Background: Centella asiatica L. Urban is a tropical plant whose spread is quite broad as Indonesia. One of the ingredients of Centella asiatica L. Urban is asiaticoside which has excellent wound healing abilities. However, research on diabetic wound healing with Centella asiatica L. Urban extract formulation in the form of a gel has not been found. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the healing activity of diabetic wounds using Centella asiatica L. Urban extract in the form of a gel.Objective: This experimental study aims to explore the effect of gel extract derived from the Centella asiatica L. Urban on the length of time for wound healing.Methods: The subjects in this study were eight weeks old Balb-C mice conditioned to hyperglycemia and were divided into five groups. The Centella asiatica L. Urban extract is provided in three concentration levels, with 3%, 5%, and 7%. As a form of negative control, used gel without Centella asiatica L. Urban extract and positive control without gel, only hydrocolloid dressing.Results: Centella asiatica L. Urban at concentrations of 3% (with the value of Sig. > 0.05), 5%, and 7% showed the ability to heal wounds.Conclusions: Centella asiatica L. Urban gel extract with a concentration of 3% had a significant effect on wound healing compared to other preparations

    Empirical Test of Pharmacy Staff-Patient Relationship Quality Model in Public Health Center: Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square Approach

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    Patient Centered Care (PCC) is a new paradigm in health care service that places patients as centers of care. Patient Centered Care in the relationship quality model consists of three components, namely: (1) pharmacist participative behavior, (2) interpersonal communication and (3) patient participative behaviour. This study aims to empirical testing of pharmacy staff-patient relationship quality model among BPJS patients in the Public Health Centers (PHC) Magelang Region. This type of research is quantitative correlational with cross sectional approach. The sample used was 255 respondents. The sampling method in this study was non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing were used Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results of research are interpersonal communication have a positive effect on commitment relationships and the quality of communicative relationship. (p <0.05). Patient participation behavior has a positive effect on the commitment relationships and the quality of communicative relationships (p <0.05). Pharmacy staff participation behaviour has a positive effect on the commitment relationships the quality of communicative relationships (p <0.05). PHC need to improve pharmacy staff clinical performance, therefore that pharmacy staff can provide services pharmaceuticals that meet the targets and standards set


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    Animal models suitable for preclinical research are necessary for the discovery of hypolipidemic agents. Various publications have presented alternative dyslipidemia animal models, but identifying a feasible and stable method would serve as a solid reference for researchers. This investigation aimed to establish a sustained dyslipidemia induction that persists after several days of intervention with a hypolipidemic agent. Six groups of mice, each consisting of five primary test animals and one reserve test animal, were used. After a seven-day acclimatization period, we induced each group for 14 days using three different methods: (1) 5% body weight of quail egg yolks (5% QEY), (2) 10% body weight of used cooking oil (10% UCOs), and (3) a combination of 5% QEY and 10% UCOs. Once all mice reached their peak lipid levels, we evaluated lipid performance through a seven-day intervention with simvastatin (0.026 mg/20-gram body weight) in one of the paired groups. A 14-day combined induction of 5% QEY and 10% UCOs resulted in a 39% elevation in mouse lipids compared to baseline levels. Our findings offer an alternative to traditional dyslipidemia models. However, the development of an animal model for dyslipidemia still poses challenges. Therefore, the identification of novel biomarkers capable of targeting dyslipidemia in humans is crucial

    Kegiatan Literasi pada Ibu PKK Dusun Bendan Sawangan Magelang dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Penggunaan Obat secara Rasional

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    Self-medication activities are part of the community's efforts to take care of their health. Gevaarlijk and antibiotics are types of drugs that can only be obtained by prescription from a doctor. Both types of these drugs should not be stored because their use must be under the supervision and has the potential to cause bacterial resistance related to the use of antibiotics. Based on Riskesdas 2013, there are still many people who store gevaarlijk and antibiotics for self-medication. This shows the irrational use of drugs. Community service activities aim to improve knowledge and skills in the use of rational medicine. The method used is the Community-Based Interactive Approach method in which participants play an active role in activities. This participation is important to practice the ability and skill in solving problems. Activities carried out through counseling about the use of rational drugs and antibiotics, then continued with training and assistance for the rational use of drugs and antibiotics. End result of this activity is expected that the community will be able to apply rational drug use and disseminate this information to the wider community


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    Okra  atau Ladies Finger merupakan  tumbuhan  yang  mengandung banyak serat, vitamin C, folat, antioksidan, kalsium dan kalium. Kandungan tersebut banyak terdapat dalam makanan yang sehat. Kandungan dalam okra memiliki potensi sebagai anti diabetes, karena terdapat kandungan α-selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Kandungan serat dalam okra dapat membantu untuk menstabilkan gula darah dengan membatasi tingkat penyerapan gula di usus. Bentuk sediaan serbuk effervescent dapat menghasilkan gas CO2 bila bercampur dengan air dan memiliki keunggulan praktis, mudah diabsorpsi, dan memberikan efek sparkling seperti meminum air soda saat dikonsumsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menentukan konsentrasi formulasi serbuk effervescent yang sesuai untuk minuman kesehatan okra serta untuk mengembangkan penelitian di bidang farmasi teknologi dan bahan alam. Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode penelitian eksperimental. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa formulasi II merupakan formulasi serbuk effervescent okra terbaik dari ketiga formulasi. Hasil tersebut antara lain adalah waktu alir 7,47 detik, kadar kelembapan 5,46%, waktu larut 3 menit, kompresibilitas 15,04%, dan pH 3,5 serta uji hedonik yang lebih disukai responden yang meliputi rasa, aroma, warna dan tekstur

    Edukasi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Keluarga dalam Usaha Peningkatan Derajat Kesehatan di Dusun Nabin Kulon Magelang

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    Pelayanan kesehatan tradisional merupakan kegiatan pengobatan yang mengacu pada pengalaman dan keterampilan turun temurun secara empiris melalui pengobatan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan sesuai norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Masyarakat Indonesia berdasarkan Riskesdas 2018 banyak yang mengonsumsi obat tradisional baik dalam bentuk ramuan maupun ramuan buatan sendiri. Organisasi masyarakat seperti Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) dapat berperan dalam sosialisasi pemanfaatan dan penggunaan tanaman obat tradisional kepada lingkungan masing-masing. Sosialisasi melalui Tim PKK diharapkan lebih efektif dalam memberikan edukasi serta keterampilan dalam  penggunaan tanaman obat tradisional. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan tanaman obat keluarga (TOGA). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Community-Based Interactive Approach di mana peserta berperan aktif dalam kegiatan, sehingga dengan adanya partisipasi masyarakat maka tujuan kegiatan akan lebih mudah diperoleh. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap yaitu penyuluhan serta pelatihan pemanfaatan TOGA. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, peserta memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengenai macam-macam TOGA serta cara memanfaatkan tanaman tradisional dan pengolahannya yang terlihat dari pemaparan peserta pada akhir kegiatan diskusi di mana peserta dapat membedakan jenis obat tradisional berdasarkan golongan yang dilihat dari logo yang terdapat pada kemasan. Begitu juga dengan informasi lain yang dapat diperoleh dari kemasan seperti komposisi dan dosis serta aturan pakai