345 research outputs found

    The revocation of the security measure from the reasonable inference of authorship and participation

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    Este trabajo abordará las razones jurídicas de la inferencia razonable de autoría y participación frente a la privación de la libertad, contenidas en los artículos 29 y 30 y del estatuto penal y procesal en el art. 295 afirmación de la libertad, génesis constitucional del artículo 28 sobre la libertad. Es importante resaltar, que la privación de la libertad tiene un carácter excepcional, pero en la práctica se aplica como regla general en todos los pedimentos de la fiscalía frente a la solicitud de imposición de la medida. El instituto procesal penal que se aborda tiene su origen en el artículo 318 la solicitud de revocatoria, para su sustentación y convicción se debe acreditar por lo menos un elemento material probatorio nuevo o evidencia física que tenga la fuerza de derruirla y demostrar que aquella inferencia ha desaparecido.- RESUMEN. - ABSTRACT. - INTRODUCCIÓN. - PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA. - PREGUNTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN. - OBJETIVO GENERAL. - OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS. - JUSTIFICACIÓN. - CAPITULO UNO. - CONCLUSIONES. - REFERENCIAS.This work will address the legal reasons for the reasonable inference of authorship and participation in the face of deprivation of liberty, contained in articles 29 and 30 and the criminal and procedural statute in art. 295 affirmation of freedom, constitutional genesis of article 28 on freedom. It is important to highlight that the deprivation of liberty is of an exceptional nature, but in practice it is applied as a general rule in all the motions of the prosecution against the request for the imposition of the measure. The criminal procedural institution that is addressed, has its origin in article 318, the request for revocation, for its support and conviction, at least one new material element of evidence or physical evidence that has the force to destroy it and demonstrate that that inference must be accredited. it has disappeared.Maestrí

    Estudio clinicopatologico de trastornos genito-urinarios en un rebaño ovino del estado de México. México

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    Con el objeto de evaluar y documentar el caso clínico - patológico de un ovino remitido para diagnostico al CIESA , se realizó una valoración clínica, estudios anatomopatológico e histopatológico y otros complementarios , debido a las co ndiciones y características de presentación de cuatro casos similares en un rebaño ovino , con similitud en los signos clínicos . El principal problema detectado se relacionó a un problema de: U retritis supurativa y a cistitis hemorrágica no supurativa. La importancia del presente caso es la presencia de agentes bacterianos que pueden afectar de manera importante la producción del ganado ovino, a través de lesiones o alteraciones inaparentes que deben considerarse en el manejo y eficiencia reproductiva de u n rebaño

    Anchored phosphatases modulate glucose homeostasis.

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    Endocrine release of insulin principally controls glucose homeostasis. Nutrient-induced exocytosis of insulin granules from pancreatic β-cells involves ion channels and mobilization of Ca(2+) and cyclic AMP (cAMP) signalling pathways. Whole-animal physiology, islet studies and live-β-cell imaging approaches reveal that ablation of the kinase/phosphatase anchoring protein AKAP150 impairs insulin secretion in mice. Loss of AKAP150 impacts L-type Ca(2+) currents, and attenuates cytoplasmic accumulation of Ca(2+) and cAMP in β-cells. Yet surprisingly AKAP150 null animals display improved glucose handling and heightened insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle. More refined analyses of AKAP150 knock-in mice unable to anchor protein kinase A or protein phosphatase 2B uncover an unexpected observation that tethering of phosphatases to a seven-residue sequence of the anchoring protein is the predominant molecular event underlying these metabolic phenotypes. Thus anchored signalling events that facilitate insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis may be set by AKAP150 associated phosphatase activity

    Using Bayesian optimization and wavelet decomposition in GPU for arterial blood pressure estimation

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    Continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure (ABP) of patients in hospital is currently carried out in an invasive way, which could represent a risk for them. In this paper, a noninvasive methodology to optimize ABP estimators using electrocardiogram and photoplethysmography signals is proposed. For this, the XGBoost machine learning model, optimized with Bayesian techniques, is executed in a Graphics Processing Unit, which drastically reduces execution time. The methodology is evaluated using the MIMIC-III Waveform Database. Systolic and diastolic pressures are estimated with mean absolute error values of 15.85 and 11.59 mmHg, respectively, similar to those of the state of the art. The main advantage of the proposed methodology with respect to others of the current state of the art is that it allows the optimization of the estimator model to be performed automatically and more efficiently at the computational level for the data available. Clinical Relevance— This approach has the advantage of using noninvasive methods to continuously monitor patient's arterial blood pressure, reducing the risk for patientsAgencia Gallega de Innovación | Ref. IN845D-2020/29Agencia Gallega de Innovación | Ref. IN607B-2021/1

    Enfermedad pulmonar aspirativa crónica, revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    La enfermedad pulmonar crónica por aspiración de material digestivo con residuos ha sido descrita bajo diversos nombres, lo cual hace necesario que se estandarice su denominación y sus criterios diagnósticos. Para caracterizar mejor esta entidad se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura de reportes y series de casos confirmados mediante biopsia pulmonar, sin restricción de idiomas. Se encontraron 151 pacientes, a partir de 11 artículos. La expectoración, tos y disnea fueron los síntomas más frecuentes. Entre los factores de riesgo más frecuentemente asociados están el reflujo gastroesofágico y la disfagia orofaríngea. Las imágenes diagnósticas mostraron con mayor frecuencia opacidades nodulares centrolobulillares, en árbol en gemación y en vidrio esmerilado. La biopsia mostró material tipo cuerpo extraño, como residuos alimentarios, con respuesta inflamatoria crónica al mismo, incluyendo la presencia de granulomas y células gigantes multinucleadas. Se proponen de manera preliminar unos criterios diagnósticos para caso definitivo de enfermedad pulmonar aspirativa crónica: biopsia pulmonar con material extraño de residuos digestivos, asociado a la presencia de granulomas o células gigantes Nota: Para consultar la carta de autorización de publicación de este documento por favor copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en su navegador de internet: http://intellectum.unisabana.edu.co/handle/10818/1623


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    La presente investigación ofrece un sistema que facilita el proceso de clasificación de imágenes de granos de polen de La Empresa Apícola Cubana, cuyos resultados demostraron que existe lentitud en el proceso de análisis polínicos de las mieles, ya que las especies que pertenecen a una misma familia comparten características de identificación. Por esta razón se hizo necesario desarrollar un sistema informático que permitiera a los técnicos melisopalinólogos clasificar automáticamente una imagen de grano de polen. La implementación del sistema se realizó utilizando Keras para la creación de redes neuronales convolucionales y Tensor Flow para el trabajo con imágenes, ambas librerías de Python lo que posibilita su empleo en cualquier plataforma. Para guiar el proceso de desarrollo se utilizó la metodología Rational Unified Process (RUP). El sistema propuesto posibilita el identificación y clasificación rápida de imágenes de granos de polen. Almacena un conjunto de datos que permite al sistema identificar las especies de plantas

    Gender differences in the decision-making process for undergoing total knee replacement

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThis project was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Health, Spain (grant number PI15/01264).Objective: To assess gender differences in the decision-making process for treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: A secondary analysis of a randomized trial was conducted (n = 193). Knowledge of OA and total knee replacement (TKR), decisional conflict, satisfaction with the decision-making process, treatment preference and TKR uptake 6 months later were compared by gender. Multivariate regression models were developed to identify gender-specific predictors. Results: Women showed less knowledge (MD = −7.68, 95% CI: −13.9, −1.46, p = 0.016), reported less satisfaction (MD = −6.95, 95% CI: −11.7, −2.23, p = 0.004) and gave more importance to avoiding surgery (U = 2.09, p = 0.019). In women, more importance attributed to the time needed to relieve symptoms significantly reduced the odds of surgery (OR = 0.76, p = 0.016). Conclusion: The provision of information and/or promotion of shared decision-making could be of lower quality in female patients, although other explanations such as differences in information needs or preference for involvement in decision-making cannot be ruled out with the current evidence. Given the study's limitations, especially regarding the sample size, further confirmation is needed. Practice implications: A systematic, shared decision-making approach in consultation is needed to avoid potential gender-based biases

    An Overview of the Polymorphisms of Circadian Genes Associated With Endocrine Cancer

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    A major consequence of the world industrialized lifestyle is the increasing period of unnatural light in environments during the day and artificial lighting at night. This major change disrupts endogenous homeostasis with external circadian cues, which has been associated to higher risk of diseases affecting human health, mainly cancer among others. Circadian disruption promotes tumor development and accelerate its fast progression. The dysregulation mechanisms of circadian genes is greatly affected by the genetic variability of these genes. To date, several core circadian genes, also called circadian clock genes, have been identified, comprising the following: ARNTL, CLOCK, CRY1, CRY2, CSNK1E, NPAS2, NR1D1, NR1D2, PER1, PER2, PER3, RORA, and TIMELESS. The polymorphic variants of these circadian genes might contribute to an individual's risk to cancer. In this short review, we focused on clock circadian clock-related genes, major contributors of the susceptibility to endocrine-dependent cancers through affecting circadian clock, most likely affecting hormonal regulation. We examined polymorphisms affecting breast, prostate and ovarian carcinogenesis, in addition to pancreatic and thyroid cancer. Further study of the genetic composition in circadian clock-controlled tumors will be of great importance by establishing the foundation to discover novel genetic biomarkers for cancer prevention, prognosis and target therapies