340 research outputs found

    The Determinants of African Tourism

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    Using a standard panel gravity equation of 175 origin/destination countries between 1995 and 2008, 37 of which are African, we identify the factors that drive African-inbound (arrivals to Africa from other continents) and within-African tourism (arrivals from and to an African country). We find that the determinants of African-inbound and within-African tourism are not all that different from global tourism flows; repeat tourism, income, distance, land area and the standard dummy variables not only drives global or OECD tourism, but also tourism within Africa, disproving the belief that African tourists "differ substantially". Not only does the growth in tourism over the last decade provide encouraging signs for the continent, but these results show that policy makers can now play an active role in promoting African tourism, both from outside but especially from within the continent's borders.sub-Saharan, Africa, gravity model, cause, trade, VFR

    The impact of mega-events on tourist arrivals

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    While a mega-event is scheduled at least once every year somewhere in the world, these events are rare occurrences for the host cities and countries. The benefits of such events seem lucrative; the very fact that many countries bid to host these events suggests that the benefits - be they tangible or intangible - more often than not outweigh the costs. Using a standard gravity model of bilateral tourism flows between 200 countries from 1995 to 2006, this paper measures a very direct benefit of such mega-events: the increase in tourist arrivals to the host country. Although ex ante expectations are that tourism numbers would increase significantly during such an event, a growing literature points to the careful appraisal of possible tourist displacement, i.e. 'regular' tourists that change their behaviour when a mega-event is held, either shifting their trip to a different time or different location. This may result in reduced tourism gain, or even loss. In general, results suggest that mega-events promote tourism but the gain is dependent on the type of mega-event, the participating countries, the host country’s level of development, and whether the event is held during the peak- or off-season.Mega-events, panel data, development, international tourism

    Analysis of dynamic handling of one motorcycle using simulations tools

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    Creación de diversos modelos dinámicos de un vehículo de dos ruedas, utilizando para ello el programa Matlab y su aplicación Simulink. El objetivo principal del proyecto es generar una herramienta informática, que sirva como ayuda a la hora de asimilar el modo en el que afectan diferentes parámetros físicos y geométricos sobre la dinámica de una motocicleta. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo se han generado dos programas informáticos. El primero de ellos (rectilinear_motion.mdl) se utiliza para el estudio de una motocicleta con un movimiento rectilíneo. El segundo de ellos (steadyturning.m) es empleado para el estudio de la dinámica del vehículo en una trayectoria curva.Ingeniería Industria

    Explorando la comunicación multimedia y multilingüística especializada en África

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    Una aproximación a lo que serán las redacciones del futuro de los medios de comunicación. Nos acercamos a un medio especializado en África, GuinGuinBali.com, que informa en tres idiomas paralelamente, con la versión original de la noticia y traducciones profesionales. Otra forma de entender la comunicación para subsistir en la era online. Proponemos otra mirada hacia África, sin olvidar la realidad, pero resaltando los aspectos más positivos del continente, potenciando y difundiendo su diversidad cultural. Información de África contada por africanos. Les mostraremos como aprovechar la demanda de los lectores gracias a las redes sociales y el nacimiento de un nuevo modelo de negocio que democratiza los medios de comunicación. Analizamos el momento actual en los medios de comunicación, en el que tenemos una oportunidad en nuestras manos que no debemos perder

    Revisiting Rose's common currency debate

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    The main objective of this research is to revisit the estimation of the effect of a common currency on international trade by applying the new methodology proposed by Helpman, Melitz and Rubistein (2008) and incorporating tourism to the theoretical framework. Rose (2000) estimates an empirical model of bilateral trade, finding a significant coefficient for a currency union variable of 1.2, suggesting an effect of currency unions on trade of over a 200%. Rose (2000)’s finding did not receive full acceptance and further research was consequently devoted to find reasons of such high effect. This still remains as a major puzzle in the International Economics. Rose and Van Wincoop (2001) hold that there may still be some omitted factors that drives countries to both participate in currency unions and trade more. In this research a gravity equation for trade is estimated controlling by international tourism.Common currency, tourism, gravity equation

    On the impact of exchange rate regimes on tourism

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyze the effect of the exchange rate arrangements on international tourism. The ambiguity of literature about the effect of exchange rate volatility contrasts with the magnitude of the impact of a common currency on trade. On the basis of a gravity equation we estimate a moderate effect of a currency union on tourism of almost 12%. Furthermore, we estimate a gravity equation for international trade, obtaining that the common currency effect on trade is reduced when tourism is introduced as a regressor. This suggests that tourism flows may contribute to explain the excessive magnitude of the estimated effect of a common currency on trade in this literature. Finally, we analyze the impact of several de facto exchange rate arrangements on tourism, finding that less flexible exchange rates promotes tourism flows.Tourism, Exchange Rate Regime, Common Currency

    Guinguinbali.com: explorando la comunicación multimedia y multilingüística especializada en África

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    Una aproximación a lo que serán las redacciones del futuro de los medios de comunicación. Nos acercamos a un medio especializado en África, GuinGuinBali.com, que informa en tres idiomas paralelamente, con la versión original de la noticia y traducciones profesionales. Otra forma de entender la comunicación para subsistir en la era online. Proponemos otra mirada hacia África, sin olvidar la realidad, pero resaltando los aspectos más positivos del continente, potenciando y difundiendo su diversidad cultural. Información de África contada por africanos. Les mostraremos como aprovechar la demanda de los lectores gracias a las redes sociales y el nacimiento de un nuevo modelo de negocio que democratiza los medios de comunicación. Analizamos el momento actual en los medios de comunicación, en el que tenemos una oportunidad en nuestras manos que no debemos perder