242 research outputs found

    Viera y Clavijo: Historiador ilustrado del Atlántico

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    We analyze the historiographical production of Viera y Clavijo, enlightenment canary that had an outstanding work in the whole of Spain. We have made a hermeneutic work with this work, as well as the incorporation of information that Canary files have. There is a need to deepen their philosophy of history. Historiographical work of Viera y Clavijo was the first overview of the history of the Canary Islands in accordance with the enlightened ideas, especially influenced by French historians, without being the most avant-garde in Europe, was a huge step forward in the Canary thought of the second half of the eighteenth century. While stressing the Atlanticism of Canarias, also it highlights the characteristics conferred by insularity. Geography was an aspect that Viera estimated that hindered the spread of religious and enlightened ideas. The island apart with a rugged terrain, made certain places inaccessible. The Canarian identity is indebted to the work of Viera y Clavijo, many of their myths and imaginary tearAnalizamos la producción historiográfica de Viera y Clavijo, ilustrado canario que tuvo una obradestacada en el conjunto de España. Hemos hecho una labor hermenéutica de su obra, así como la incorporación de informaciones que están en archivos canarios. Creemos que hace falta profundizar en su filosofía de la historia. La obra historiográfica de Viera y Clavijo fue la primera visión de conjunto de la Historia de Canarias en concordancia con las ideas ilustradas, especialmente influenciado por historiadores franceses, que sin ser la más vanguardista en Europa, supuso un enorme paso adelante en el pensamiento canario de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Al tiempo que destaca la atlanticidad de Canarias, también destaca las características conferidas por la insularidad. La geografía fue un aspecto que Viera y Clavijo estimaba que dificultaba la propagación de las ideas religiosas e ilustradas. La separación insular, con una orografía accidentada, hacía que determinados lugares fueran inaccesibles. La identidad canaria es deudora de la obra de Viera y Clavijo, muchos de sus mitos e imagin

    La historiografía actual desde 1989

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    La historia como disciplina social ha sido condicionada por discursos políticos y económicos triunfantes que se han convertido en una nueva ideología. Esto se recrudeció tras la caída del Muro de Berlín y la consiguiente desintegración del sistema soviético y del mundo polarizado este-oeste. Este hecho supuso un cambio importante en las relaciones internacionales y en el pensamiento político a nivel planetario. La teoría de la historia se vio fuertemente sacudida por estas transformaciones pero el embate fue más fuerte para la “historia crítica” que seguía la tradición de Annales y del materialismo histórico. Tras unos primeros años de desconcierto se ha ido reformulando con las mejores aportaciones del siglo XX y las innovaciones epistemológicas y empíricas del siglo XXI

    Repoblación de Costa de Mosquitos en el último cuarto del siglo XVIII

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    We try to locate in the international context the conflicts between Spain and Great Britain in the Mosquitos Coast during the second of the half Eigthteenth Century and the projects of repoblation with Asturian, Galician and Canarian families. We have been able to quantify the population the new reality they have met, the high vulnerability to illnesses and the difficulties to get to adapt to the particular environment.Tratamos de ubicar en el contexto internacional los conflictos entre España y Gran Bretaña en la Costa de Mosquitos en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y los proyectos de repoblación con familias asturianas, gallegas y canarias. Utilizando los informes que se generaron en esta coyuntura hemos podido cuantificar el contingente poblacional, el choque con la realidad, la alta vulnerabilidad a las enfermedades y las dificultades de adaptación al medio concreto

    Integrating case-based planning and RPTW neural networks to construct an intelligent environment for health care

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    This paper presents an intelligent environment developed for monitoring patients’ health care in execution time in hospital environments. The CBPMP (case-based planner for monitoring patients) is an autonomous deliberative case-based planner designed to plan the nurses’ working time dynamically, to maintain the standard working reports about the nurses’ activities, and to guarantee that the patients assigned to the nurses are given the right care. The planner operates in wireless devices and is integrated with complementary software into an intelligent environment, named AmI-P (Ambient Intelligence for patients). CBPMP description, its relationship with the complementary technology, and preliminary results of system prototype in a real environment are presented

    TaskCBP: an intelligent agent for task planning in elderly care

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    This paper presents an autonomous intelligent agent developed for healthcare in geriatric residences. The paper focuses on the role of ambient intelligence in the automation of healthcare services. The work here presented shows the development of an autonomous agent, TaskCBP, which incorporates a model of human thinking, such as reasoning based on past experiences. The planning mechanism integrated within the agent has been implemented by means of a novel QSOR neural network. The system has been tested and this paper presents the results obtaine

    Scanning microelectrochemical techniques a highly sensitive route to evaluate degradation reactions and protection methods with chemical selectivity

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    This contribution provides a brief review of the applications of the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (SECM) and the Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique (SVET) in measuring, characterising and evaluating surface inhomogeneity and surface chemical activity in the case of heterogeneous materials exposed to aqueous environments. The SECM is a unique microelectrochemical technique that provides in situ topographic and electrochemical reactivity information about the surface evolution at the micrometer scale in aqueous solution, thus becoming a very powerful tool in elucidating the complex processes occurring in the early stages of surface films degradation and metal corrosion. On the other hand, the SVET uses a small vibrating probe allowing measurement of the local potential in solution taking advantage of a synchronous detection with a lock-in amplifier. In this way, ionic current related to degradation reactions on an investigated surface can be monitored in the electrolytic phase in contact with the sample. Selected practical examples of some applications of these techniques for the evaluation of degradation reactions and protection methods are presente

    Uses of scanning electrochemical microscopy for the characterization of thin inhibitor films on reactive metals: the protection of copper surfaces by benzotriazole

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    Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) was used to study the film formation of benzotriazole towards corrosion of copper. SECM was operated in the feedback mode by using ferrocene-methanol as redox mediator, and the sample was left unbiased at all times to freely attain its open circuit potential in the test environment. Following exposure to aggressive electrolytes the anticorrosion abilities of the layers were characterised by image analysis and by an electrochemical method derived from the experimental approach curves. Changes in the shape of the approach curves were clearly observed during the inhibitor film formation process. They showed the transition from an active conducting behaviour towards ferrocinium reoxidation typical of unprotected copper, to a surface exhibiting insulating characteristics when the metal was covered by a surface film containing the inhibitor. This supports that SECM is a practical technique in the investigation of corrosion inhibitor performance. However, a consistent tendency for the characterization of inhibitor film formation using SECM measurements in the positive feedback mode for the copper-benzotriazole system was only found when the experiments were conducted when the inhibitor molecule was not present in the test solution. That is, inhibitor molecules were found to interact not only with the copper surface during the monitoring process, but to interact with the SECM tip as well, this effect being significantly enhanced when chloride ions were present in the electrolyte. Finally, a procedure to image the chemical activity of copper surfaces partially covered with the inhibitor film with SECM is propose

    Scanning microelectrochemical characterization of the anti-corrosion performance of inhibitor films formed by 2-mercaptobenzimidazole on copper

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    The aim of this work is to explore the applicability of the scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) to characterize the inhibiting effect of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole against the corrosion of copper. SECM was operated in the feedback mode by using ferrocene-methanol as redox mediator, and the sample was left unbiased at all times. The kinetic changes in the corrosion processes were monitored over time from the Z-approach curves. Furthermore, inhibitor-modified copper samples presenting various surface finishes were imaged by SECM and the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET), allowing changes both in the surface activity of metal-inhibitor films and in the extent of corrosion attack to be spatially-resolved. Differences in the local electrochemical activity between inhibitor-free and inhibitor-covered areas of the sample were successfully monitore

    S-MAS: An adaptive hierarchical distributed multi-agent architecture for blocking malicious SOAP messages within Web Services environments

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    During the last years the use of Web Service-based applications has notably increased. However, the security has not evolved proportionally, which makes these applications vulnerable and objective of attacks. One of the most common attacks requiring novel solutions is the denial of service attack (DoS), caused for the modifications introduced in the XML of the SOAP messages. The specifications of existing security standards do not focus on this type of attack. This article presents the S-MAS architecture as a novel adaptive approach for dealing with DoS attacks in Web Service environments, which represents an alternative to the existing centralized solutions. S-MAS proposes a distributed hierarchical multi-agent architecture that implements a classification mechanism in two phases. The main benefits of the approach are the distributed capabilities of the multi-agent systems and the self-adaption ability to the changes that occur in the patterns of attack. A prototype of the architecture was developed and the results obtained are presented in this study