125 research outputs found

    Secondary School Students with Disabilities at Break Time

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    Break time fulfills an important role in the social development of students, providing free time for interaction where they are able to practice their abilities of making contact with others. Students with disabilities do not see themselves in the same light because they consider this activity an unstructured one to get on with. Break planning and mediation carried out by other pupils eases relationships between both groups and offers a natural learning environment among students, according to inclusive education principles. This research has been carried out by investigating multiple cases in three special education classrooms which belong to secondary schools, with a total of 19 students with disabilities. Over the course of three months of observation, 3,420 interaction instances were obtained which were linked with the students’ interviews. The results show a lower number of relationships between students belonging to classrooms with no planned breaks in their schedule and those classrooms which did plan their breaks and peer mediation. The practical implications are discussed.Los tiempos de descanso cumplen una función importante en el desarrollo social del alumnado, disponiendo de momentos de interacción libre donde ponen en práctica habilidades para poder relacionarse. El alumnado con discapacidad no se ve en igualdad de condiciones al estar ante una actividad no estructurada que le permita desenvolverse. La planificación del recreo y la mediación por parte del resto de compañeros facilitan las relaciones entre ambos y ofrecen un entorno de aprendizaje natural entre el alumnado, acorde a los principios de la educación inclusiva. Desde esta investigación se llevó a cabo un estudio de casos múltiples en tres aulas de educación especial insertadas en centros ordinarios de secundaria con un total de 19 alumnos con discapacidad. Durante tres meses de observación se recabaron 3420 evidencias de las interacciones que se triangularon con las entrevistas al alumnado. Los resultados muestran un bajo nivel de relaciones entre el alumnado de las aulas que no tenían programados los descansos y aquellas aulas que llevaban a cabo la planificación del recreo y la mediación entre iguales. Se discuten las implicaciones para la práctica

    Leer por placer: ¡lo primero, oír los libros!

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    The low reader level achieved at the end of the secondary school education and the poor level of reading habits at adults is a problem and a challenge of improvement in all developed societies despite the enormous investment in all kinds of resources to achieve universal literacy. This paper addresses this issue and it emphasizes the need to show young children what is in the books and what they represent, long time before they learn to read. We present a brief review of researches about the effects and benefits of reading aloud among parents, educators and children from a very early age. It is a shared strategy to listen to books, to be implemented long before the formal learning of written code in schools. It describes the formats and characteristics of this type of social interaction from parental responsibility and it justifies its potentiality and need to make reading a pleasant activity, also in situations of poverty, social exclusion or functional diversity. A pesar de la enorme inversión en recursos de todo tipo para lograr la alfabetización universal, los bajos niveles lectores alcanzados al finalizar la educación secundaría, así como los pobres hábitos de lectura en adultos, constituyen un problema y un reto de mejora en todas las sociedades desarrolladas. Este trabajo aborda esta cuestión y enfatiza la necesidad de evidenciar a los niños y niñas pequeños qué hay en los libros y qué representan, mucho antes de que aprendan a leer. Se presenta una breve revisión de investigaciones sobre los efectos y beneficios de la lectura en voz alta entre padres o educadores infantiles y niños, desde edad muy temprana, como estrategia compartida para oír los libros, a implementar mucho antes del aprendizaje formal del código escrito en las escuelas. Se describen los formatos y características de este tipo de interacción social desde la responsabilidad parental y se justifica su potencialidad y necesidad para hacer de la lectura una actividad placentera, también en situaciones de pobreza, exclusión social o diversidad funcional

    Oralismos versus lengua de signos: políticas de inclusión educativa sobre el alumnado con deficiencia auditiva en Italia y España

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    A partir del Informe Warnock de 1978 la mayoría de los países europeos iniciaron procesos de integración, y posteriormente inclusión educativa, con un cierto desarrollo normativo. Gran parte de dicha legislación tiene un carácter general. De entre las múltiples necesidades y diversidades funcionales, tan sólo la supresión de barreras arquitectónicas ha tenido un tratamiento diferenciado. Recientemente han aparecido normativas específicas para la atención educativa y social a personas con deficiencia auditiva. Con motivo de analizar las últimas modificaciones se ha comparado la normativa referida a este colectivo en dos de los países con mayor índice de inclusión educativa de Europa: Italia y España. Las variables de comparación seleccionadas han sido: los objetivos; las personas afectadas; los derechos demandados; las necesidades del colectivo; los principios básicos de actuación; el sistema de comunicación; y los recursos que se ofrecen. La mayoría de familias con hijos con pérdida auditiva demandan una comunicación oral, siempre que sea posible. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran, además, los beneficios sobresalientes de la legua oral y de las ayudas técnicas. Sin embargo, la última legislación regula una oferta paralela de oralismo y lengua de signos en el caso de España y un enfoque casi exclusivo de lengua de señas en el caso de Italia, en contra de la investigación y las demandas de las familias. Se discuten las implicaciones educativas de ambas regulaciones, el contraste con el principio de equidad y su proyección social para la plen a inclusión.In the wake of the Warnock Report in 1978 most of the European countries started up integration processes, and later inclusive education reforms, with a certain normative development. Much of this legislation has a general approach. Among several needs and functional diversities, only removal of architectural barriers has been proposed in a differentiated manner. Recently, specific regulations have appeared for the educational and social care of people with hearing impairment. In order to analyze the latest modifications, the regulations regarding this people have been compared in two of the countries with the highest educational inclusion rates in Europe: Italy and Spain. The comparison variables selected were: the objectives; the people subject to the regulations; the claimed rights; the needs of this collective; the basic principles of action; the communication mode; and the resources. Generally, families with children with hearing loss demand the oral communication, whenever possible. Research prove, in addition, the outstanding benefits of oral language and technical support. However, the latest legislation regulates a parallel offer of oral language and sign language in the case of Spain and an almost exclusive sign language approach in the case of Italy, against research and the demands of families. The educational implications of both regulations, the contrast with the principle of equity and the social projection for full inclusion are discussed

    The dynamics of radial sap flux density reflects changes in stomatal conductance in response to soil and air water deficit

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    10 páginas.-- 7 figuras.-- 1 tabla.-- 53 referenciasWater scarcity in semiarid regions of Europe threatens the sustainability of fruit tree orchards unless irrigation water is optimized and scheduled in deficit irrigation strategies. Stomatal conductance (gs) is one of the best indicators of plant water stress, since it is placed in the crossroad between water and CO2 fluxes at the leaf level. Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure gs automatically and continuously, which reduces its potential for irrigation scheduling. In this work we examined the use of sap flux density (Js) in the outer rings of the sapwood of olive trees as a surrogate of gs. The working hypothesis was that as olive trees are well-coupled to atmosphere because of their small leaves, the ratio of Js to air vapor pressure deficit (D) should correlate well with the dynamics of gs in the canopy. It was also expected that current year, sun exposed leaves were mainly connected to the outer rings of the sapwood, and the oldest, shaded leaves to the inner rings. This was tested by measuring gs in new, sun-exposed leaves vs gs in old, shaded leaves. Both hypotheses were contrasted and our results confirmed that gs can be estimated from Js/D (R2 of the relationships were always higher than 0.8). A wide range of estimated gs values (0.350-0.025molm-2s-1) were derived from Js measurements in an olive orchard under three different irrigation regimes. Results were satisfactory and open the possibility of applying this method to estimate gs and use it either as a reliable water stress indicator or in transpiration and photosynthesis models applied to fruit tree orchards under a wide range of water stress conditions.This experiment was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, research project AGL2009-11310/AGR and by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (research project AGR-6456). Dr. Hernandez-Santana benefited from a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral research fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Thanks are due to the owners of Internacional Olivarera, S.A.U. (Interoliva), for allowing us to make the experiments in the Sanabria orchard.Peer reviewe

    A semantic-based approach to attain reproducibility of computational environments in scientific workflows: a case study

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    Reproducible research in scientific workflows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and final results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a workflow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We define a process for documenting the workflow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation using a real workflow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predefined virtual machine image on both computing platforms

    Family background of students at risk of early school leaving by family typology

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    La problemática del Abandono Escolar Temprano (AET) es actualmente una de las mayores preocupaciones para las distintas administraciones educativas españolas. En este artículo pretendemos dar a conocer la percepción que tiene el alumnado en riesgo o no de abandono escolar temprano sobre las competencias personales del padre y de la madre, la supervisión educativa así como de la comunicación con ellos. Asimismo examinaremos qué dimensiones del contexto familiar predicen el riesgo de abandono escolar temprano según la tipología familiar. Esto nos va a permitir poner en marcha en los centros escolares programas de educación parental, basados en evidencias, que promuevan en los padres y las madres las competencias parentales y contribuya a disminuir el riesgo de AET. La muestra se compone de un total de 3574 alumnos/as de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de las Islas Canarias y de 2229 familias de estos alumnos/as. Para la recogida de datos se han empleado en esta investigación diferentes escalas: competencias parentales, comunicación padres-madres/hijos-hijas y supervisión parental. De los resultados obtenidos acerca de cómo percibe el alumnado las competencias parentales tanto del padre como de la madre, se constata que el alumnado en riesgo de AET, a diferencia del que no lo está, informa que ambos progenitores tienen menos competencias en desarrollo personal y resiliencia y en organización del escenario educativo familiar y competencia educativa. Asimismo, dicho alumnado también señala que tiene una mayor comunicación violenta con ambos padres, así como una menor comunicación abierta con la madre. Por su parte, los padres y las madres de los/las hijos/as que están en riesgo de AET, informan de llevar a cabo una menor supervisión educativa sobre sus hijos/as. Finalmente, mostramos dos modelos explicativos que predicen la continuidad escolar o el AET a través del rendimiento académico según la tipología familiar, tanto para familias heteroparentales como monoparentales. Para dar una respuesta educativa eficaz en la prevención del riesgo de AET, proponemos la implementación en los centros escolares de programas grupales de educación parental, que sigan una metodología experiencial y que estén basados en evidencias.The problem of Early School Leaving (ESL) is currently one of the biggest concerns for the different Spanish educational authorities. This article aims to present the perception of the students at risk of ESL on the personal skills of father and mother, the educational supervision and communication with them. Also we examine what variables of the family context predict the risk of early school leavers according to family typology. This will allow us to implement parent education programs in schools, evidence-based, to promote parenting skills of fathers and mothers and help reduce the risk of ESL. The sample consists of a total of 3574 students of Secondary Education of the Canary Islands and 2229 families of these students. For data collection they have been used in this research different scales: parenting skills, communication parents / children and parental supervision. In relation to the perception of students about parenting skills, students at risk of ESL reports that both parents have fewer skills and personal development resilience and organization of family educational setting and educational competence. Students have also a more violent communication with both parents, as well as less open communication with the mother. Meanwhile, parents of students who are at risk of ESL report conducting lower educational supervision over their children. Finally, we show two explanatory models predicting educational continuity or ESL through academic performance, according to family typology, both heteroparental as single parents. To provide an effective educational response in prevention of ESL, we propose the implementation in schools of group parent education programs; these programs are based on an experiential methodology and on evidences.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM-386

    Causas da satisfação laboral em uma organização comercializadora atacadista

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence job satisfaction in a wholesale marketer, allowing to establish strategies and actions to achieve a process of continuous improvement of the organization. The methodology used techniques such as: scales, surveys, interviews and direct observation, all interrelated and proceeding to the triangulation of results. It was validated by experts the designed instruments. The statistical processing was done using the SPSS statistical software. The results of the research aspects that inhibited job satisfaction among employees as well as the predominant set of dimensions and indicators that identify the major existent inadequacies were detected.Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las causas que influyen en la satisfacción laboral en una comercializadora mayorista, permitiendo establecer las estrategias y las acciones para lograr un proceso de mejora continua de la organización. En la metodología se emplearon técnicas como: escalas, encuestas, entrevistas y observación directa, todas interrelacionadas, procediéndose a la triangulación de los resultados. Se validaron por expertos los instrumentos diseñados. El procesamiento estadístico se hizo usando el software estadístico SPSS. En los resultados de la investigación se detectaron los aspectos que inhibieron la satisfacción laboral en los empleados, así como el conjunto predominante de dimensiones e indicadores que identifican las principales insuficiencias existentes. Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar as causas que influenciam a satisfação laboral em uma comercializadora atacadista, permitindo estabelecer as estratégias e as ações para conseguir um processo de melhora contínua da organização. Na metodologia empregaram-se técnicas como: escalas, pesquisas de opinião, entrevistas e observação direta, todas inter-relacionadas, procedendo à triangulação dos resultados. Os instrumentos desenhados foram validados por peritos. O processamento estatístico fez-se usando o software estatístico SPSS. Nos resultados da pesquisa detectaram-se os aspectos que inibiram a satisfação laboral dos empregados, assim como o conjunto predominante de dimensões e indicadores que identificam as principais insuficiências existentes

    A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientific Workflows: A Case Study

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    Abstract. Reproducible research in scientific workflows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and final results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a workflow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We define a process for documenting the workflow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation using a real workflow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predefined virtual machine image on both computing platforms

    A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientific Workflows: A Case Study

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    Abstract. Reproducible research in scientific workflows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and final results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a workflow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We define a process for documenting the workflow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation using a real workflow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predefined virtual machine image on both computing platforms

    Characterization of the K2-38 planetary system: Unraveling one of the densest planets known to date

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    .-- Toledo-Padrón, B. et al.Context. An accurate characterization of the known exoplanet population is key to understanding the origin and evolution of planetary systems. Determining true planetary masses through the radial velocity (RV) method is expected to experience a great improvement thanks to the availability of ultra-stable echelle spectrographs. Aims. We took advantage of the extreme precision of the new-generation echelle spectrograph ESPRESSO to characterize the transiting planetary system orbiting the G2V star K2-38 located at 194 pc from the Sun with V 11.4. This system is particularly interesting because it could contain the densest planet detected to date. Methods. We carried out a photometric analysis of the available K2 photometric light curve of this star to measure the radius of its two known planets, K2-38b and K2-38c, with Pb = 4.01593 ± 0.00050 d and Pc = 10.56103 ± 0.00090 d, respectively. Using 43 ESPRESSO high-precision RV measurements taken over the course of 8 months along with the 14 previously published HIRES RV measurements, we modeled the orbits of the two planets through a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis, significantly improving their mass measurements. Results. Using ESPRESSO spectra, we derived the stellar parameters, Teff = 5731 ± 66, log g = 4.38 ± 0.11 dex, and [Fe/H] = 0.26 ± 0.05 dex, and thus the mass and radius of K2-38, Ma = 1.03-0.02+0.04 MaS and Ra = 1.06-0.06+0.09 RaS. We determine new values for the planetary properties of both planets. We characterize K2-38b as a super-Earth with RP = 1.54 ± 0.14 RaS and Mp = 7.3-1.0+1.1 MaS, and K2-38c as a sub-Neptune with RP = 2.29 ± 0.26 RaS and Mp = 8.3-1.3+1.3 MaS. Combining the radius and mass measurements, we derived a mean density of ρp = 11.0-2.8+4.1 g cm-3 for K2-38b and ρp = 3.8-1.1+1.8 g cm-3 for K2-38c, confirming K2-38b as one of the densest planets known to date. Conclusions. The best description for the composition of K2-38b comes from an iron-rich Mercury-like model, while K2-38c is better described by a rocky-model with H2 envelope. The maximum collision stripping boundary shows how giant impacts could be the cause for the high density of K2-38b. The irradiation received by each planet places them on opposite sides of the radius valley. We find evidence of a long-period signal in the RV time-series whose origin could be linked to a 0.25-3 MJ planet or stellar activity.With funding from the Spanish government through the "María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence" accreditation (MDM-2017-0737