587 research outputs found

    Specialized Educational Service: mishaps and challenges

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    inclusive education is still a controversial, non-consensual issue that generates doubts and insecurities for educators. In this sense, this article aims to reflect on the educational reality found by this public, and present the work done by the NAPNE (Center for Assistance to People with Specific Educational Needs) of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul Regarding the methodology used, this is a qualitative research, with a theoretical nature, through a literature review of the current legislation and the IFRS Institutional Pedagogical Project

    As implicações sociais e constitucionais da eonomia de compartilhamento enquanto instrumento de transformação da mobilidade urbana

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    A partir da chegada da Uber ao Brasil, as discussões acerca da Economia de Compartilhamento no que tange à mobilidade urbana ganharam repercussão no cenário nacional, originando um conflito social e jurídico no país. Neste contexto, é preciso ponderar que a economia compartilhada vem transformando os padrões sociais de consumo, tendo em vista a comodidade e a praticidade do uso de serviços oferecidos pelas plataformas digitais. Destarte, abre espaço para a cooperação direta entre indivíduos e empresas, sendo que esta inovadora relação, oriunda do desenvolvimento tecnológico, traz consigo diversos questionamentos acerca da legalidade dos aplicativos de compartilhamento e indagações no campo da regulação. Com vistas postas sobre estas questões, por meio da metodologia hipotético-dedutiva com revisão bibliográfica, o presente trabalho busca analisar os entraves constitucionais e sociais enfrentados pelas empresas que oferecem o serviço de compartilhamento no âmbito da mobilidade urbana hoje no Brasil

    Three essays in development economics : evidence from the Philippines

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    Incorporating psychological insights regarding human behavior to explain how individuals make economic decisions is providing new perspectives to research questions in development economics. Understanding the way that people make the decisions is key for the design of programs that aim at improving the livelihood of people in poverty throughout the developing world. In this dissertation I incorporate behavioral economic tools to examine how people in the Philippines make decisions in three areas: institutions, savings and insurance

    Contract Nonperformance and Ambiguity in Insurance Markets

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    Insurance contract nonperformance relates to situations when valid claims are not paid by the insurer. We extend probabilistic insurance models to allow for such nonperformance risk as well as ambiguity regarding nonperformance and loss probabilities. We empirically test theoretical predictions from our model within a field lab experiment in a low-income setting. This is a persuasive context, since especially in emerging and poorly regulated markets there is a higher chance of contract nonperformance. In line with our predictions, insurance demand decreases by 17 percentage points in the presence of contract nonperformance risk and is reduced by a further 14 percentage points when contract nonperformance risk is ambiguous. It also seems that ambiguity does not easily disappear with experience. The results have implications for both industrialized and developing insurance markets

    Employees’ emotional awareness as an antecedent of organizational commitment—The mediating role of affective commitment to the leader

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    Commitment has been perceived as a strategic topic in organizations due to its positive effect on retaining talent, increasing performance, or boosting employees’ innovative behavior. However there are many focis of commitment in the workplace, which has represented a challenge to human resources management, who need implement measures to improve the employee’s commitment. Recent research has suggested a need to conduct studies about commitment, namely antecedents and the relationship between different focis, to understand the dynamic and directionality between them. Hence, the purpose of this work is to analyze how employees’ emotional awareness relates with two focis of commitment (the leader and the organization), also assessing the mediating role of affective commitment to the leader. The study uses structural equation modeling and Lisrel to test the hypotheses considering the multidimensionality of organizational commitment (affective; normative; and continuance), employees emotional awareness (understanding self-emotions; self-control when facing criticism; and understanding others’ emotions), and the affective commitment to the leader, under the scope of Social Exchange Theory. The Mackinon’s Z Test was used to assess the mediation role of affective commitment to the leader. The sample is composed for 403 employees from two multinational companies. The results provide empirical evidence about the mediating role of affective commitment to the leader in the relationship between employees’ emotional awareness and organizational commitment, and the employees’ emotional awareness as an antecedent of commitment. The implications for theory and practice are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Family health program in brazil: a focus on its basic assumptions, performance and advantages

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    Since its conception up to the moment, many have been the analysis concerning the Family Health Program in Brazil (FHP). Although still in a small number, members of the Family Health Units, Health Municipal Secretaries, Mayors, members of health Ministry, as well as Universities teaching staff and renowned researchers of public health and other similar branches, they have disposed themselves towards discussing and considering such strategy. Thus, it became appropriate to carry out a review on the literature about The FHP, which was approached in topics: historic retrospective of the period that preceded The FHP; its basic assumptions; performance strategies; the family as the center of assistance, the principle of health vigilance, the performance of the multidisciplinarian staff, the different patterns of implantation in Brazil, the facilitating aspects or not of this launching in Brazil, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of The FHP in Brazilian Health System.De sua concepção até o momento atual, são muitas as análises a respeito do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) no Brasil. Embora ainda em número reduzido, integrantes das unidades de saúde da família, secretários municipais de saúde, prefeitos, elementos do Ministério da Saúde, bem como docentes de universidades e pesquisadores renomados da saúde pública e outras áreas afins, têm se disposto a discutir e a refletir sobre tal estratégia. Dessa forma, tornou-se pertinente fazer uma revisão da literatura sobre o PSF, a qual foi abordada em temas: retrospectiva histórica do período que antecedeu o PSF; seus pressupostos básicos; estratégias de operacionalização: a família como foco de assistência, o princípio da vigilância à saúde, a atuação da equipe multidisciplinar; os diferentes modelos de implantação no Brasil; aspectos facilitadores ou não dessa implantação, bem como as vantagens e desvantagens do PSF no sistema de saúde brasileiro

    Contract nonperformance risk and uncertainty in insurance markets

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    Insurance contracts may fail to perform, leading to a default on valid claims. We relax the standard assumption of known probabilities for such defaults by allowing for uncertainty. Within a large behavioral experiment, we show that introducing risk and uncertainty each leads to significant reductions in insurance demand and that the effects are comparable in magnitude (17.1 and 14.5 percentage points). Furthermore, risk- and ambiguity-averse participants are affected most. These findings are in line with models incorporating ambiguity attitudes or, alternatively, pessimistic beliefs. An analysis of the belief and decision dynamics suggests persistent pessimistic priors and disregard of peer experiences, leading to a stable uncertainty effect

    Factores favoráveis e desfavoráveis à adesão dos cidadãos à separação selectiva de resíduos sólidos urbanos, na cidade do seixal, enquanto cidade saudável

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    RESUMO - A cidade do Seixal, enquanto Cidade Saudável tem como missão a implementação dos princípios e estratégias do Projecto Cidades Saudáveis da OMS. Para tal, desenvolve programas e acções, conjuntamente com parceiros intersectoriais, com vista à melhoria da saúde e da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos residentes na cidade do Seixal, e que promova em simultâneo a participação da comunidade. A separação selectiva dos resíduos depende da participação dos cidadãos, pelo que esta investigação propõe-se estudar quais os factores favoráveis e desfavoráveis à adesão dos cidadãos à separação selectiva de resíduos sólidos urbanos, na cidade do Seixal, enquanto Cidade Saudável. O paradigma quantitativo foi o escolhido para guiar o desenvolvimento deste estudo, através do método survey (descrição numérica de uma fracção da população – amostra – através do processo de aplicação de questionários à população). O questionário desenvolvido para esta investigação será aplicado no Fórum Municipal do Seixal a uma amostra de 250 cidadãos residentes na cidade do Seixal. Para obter os resultados finais, será realizada, numa primeira fase, uma análise descritiva de todas as variáveis, que deverá incluir medidas de localização e variabilidade adequadas a cada variável. Numa segunda fase será realizada uma análise inferencial recorrendo a testes não paramétricos e paramétricos. ----------------ABSTRAT - The city of Seixal, while Healthy City, takes as a mission the implementation of the beginnings and strategies of the WHO Healthy Cities Project. Programs and actions are being developed for that purpose, jointly with intersectorial partners, with sight to the improvement of the health and of the quality of life of the resident citizens in the city of Seixal, and that it promotes in simultaneous the participation of the community. Because the selective waste separation depends on the participation of the citizens, the purpose of this investigation is to study the favorable and unfavorable factors which leads participation or not of the citizens to the selective separation of urbane solid wastes, in the city of Seixal, while Healthy City. The quantitative paradigm was the chosen one to guide the development of this study, through the survey method (numerical description of a fraction of the population – sample – through the process of questionnaires to the population). The questionnaire developed for this investigation will be applied in the Fórum Municipal do Seixal, to a sample of 250 resident citizens in the city of Seixal. To obtain the final results, we will carry out, in a first phase, a descriptive analysis of all the variables, which will include measures of location and variability appropriate to each one. In a second phase will be carried out an inferential analysis resorting to non parametric and parametric tests

    Biografías de mujeres para la infancia en el contexto brasileño y gallego

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    Conseguir una sociedad más justa y equitativa depende, en buena medida, de la educación que reciben niñas y niños. Es por ello que en este trabajo se analizan, desde una metodología crítica comparativa, las biografías ficcionalizadas de mujeres que se publicaron en los últimos años en Brasil y en Galicia (España), dirigidas preferencialmente a la infancia y juventud. Se defiende que estas obras son instrumentos idóneos para promover una visión más igualitaria de la relevancia que a lo largo de la historia tuvieron mujeres y hombres, que son obras de calidad literaria y estética, las cuales deben ser conocidas y empleadas por docentes y mediadores entre el libro y la lectura para que niñas y niños accedan a referentes femeninos que han permanecido silenciados por el patriarcado.Achieving a more just and balanced society depends, to a large extent, on the education that girls and boys receive. For this reason, this work analyzes, from a critical-comparative methodology, the women’s fictionalized biographies published in recent years in Brazil and Galicia (Spain), specially aimed at children and youth. We argue that those works are suitable instruments to promote a more egalitarian vision of the relevance that women and men have had throughout history and that they are works of literary and aesthetic quality that should be known and used by teachers and mediators between the book and reading so that girls and boys have access to female references that have remained silenced by the patriarchy

    Complicaciones locales de la vía periférica y el cuidado de enfermería en el servicio de emergencia adultos del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Callao 2019

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    La tesis “Complicaciones locales de la Vía Periférica y el Cuidado de Enfermería, en el Servicio de Enfermería Adultos del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Callao – 2019” La canalización de vía periférica es una intervención que requiere efectuar una técnica precisa de instalación y cuidado que permita un acceso seguro sin generar complicaciones al paciente. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar cuál es la relación que existe entre complicaciones locales de la vía periférica y cuidados de enfermería en el servicio de emergencia adultos del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión – Callao 2019. Se utilizó el tipo de investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa, correlacional y transversal, diseño no experimental. Se eligió 38 profesionales de enfermería que desempeñaban sus labores en el servicio de emergencia adultos como muestra, se empleó el muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. La técnica utilizada para la variable de complicaciones locales fue la observación cuyo instrumento fue una guía de observación a los pacientes en el servicio de emergencia que tuvieron indicación de colocación de vía periférica y para la variable de cuidados de enfermería es la observación cuyo instrumento fue una lista para chequear los cuidados de enfermería para determinar si el profesional de enfermería realizó sus labores según los cuidados establecidos. Los datos obtenidos a través de la guía de observación y la lista de chequeo fueron procesados con el programa Excel y SPSS. La experiencia permitió afirmar un índice bajo de cuidados de enfermería que aumentarían el riesgo a complicaciones y por el contrario un cuidado bueno y la vigilancia continua de la canalización de la vía periférica disminuye la incidencia de complicaciones. El uso de una técnica adecuada en la asepsia de la zona a canalizarse es evidentemente importante.Tesis de segunda especialida