226 research outputs found

    Biological significance of dead biomass retention trait in Mediterranean Basin species: an analysis between different successional niches and regeneration strategies as functional groups

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    Standing dead biomass retention is considered one of the most relevant fuel structural traits to affect plant flammability. However, very little is known about the biological significance of this trait and its distribution between different functional groups. Our aim was to analyse how the proportion of dead biomass produced in Mediterranean species is related to the successional niche of species (early-, mid- and late-successional stages) and the regeneration strategy of species (seeders and resprouters). We evaluated biomass distribution by size classes and standing dead biomass retention in nine dominant species from the Mediterranean Basin in different development stages (5, 9, 14 and 26 years since the last fire). The results revealed significant differences in the standing dead biomass retention of species that presented a distinct successional niche or regeneration strategy. These differences were restricted to the oldest ages studied (>9 years). Tree and small tree resprouters, typical in late-successional stages, presented slight variations with age and a less marked trend to retain dead biomass, while seeder shrubs and dwarf shrubs, characteristic of early-successional stages, showed high dead biomass loads. Our results suggest that the species that tend to retain more dead branches are colonising species that may promote fire in early-successional stages.This research has been partially financed by programme FORESTERRA ERA-Net (Medwildfirelab, PCIN-2013-140-C04-03), PROMETEO II (Desestrés/2014/038) and the Spanish Ministry of Education (Resilience CGL 2011-30515-C02-02). CEAM is supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Valencian Government)

    Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of coniferous species distribution in Mediterranean drylands from North West Algeria

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    Understanding the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the distribution of species is essential for developing management in endangered ecosystems. We studied the current abundance and distribution patterns of vegetation along environmental and anthropogenic gradients in North West Algeria. We focused on the four dominant coniferous species (Pinus halepensis, Tetraclinis articulata, Juniperus oxycedrus and Juniperus phoenicea). We compiled inventories of species composition, together with 12 environmental variables in 177 sampling plots throughout the study area. Multivariate (detrended correspondence analysis) and univariate (Huisman–Olf–Fresco models) analyses were applied to predict the presence of coniferous species and to explore species-environment relationships with ecological and anthropogenic variables. We found that species segregated along environmental gradients, mainly altitude and related climatic variables (temperatures). Anthropogenic variables, like fire frequency and overgrazing, were secondary, but also significant. Juniperus phoenicea was located exclusively in coastal areas. Tetraclinis articulata had a wide distribution and was linked to coastal and inland areas, but did not arrive at more continental areas (colder and drier), where it was replaced with J. oxycedrus. P. halepensis displayed the widest distribution and was practically present throughout the study area, but its maximum abundance was in continental areas. These results indicate a possible shift of species’ potential distribution in future climatic change. Species like J. oxycedrus would be seriously threatened by niche narrowing, while Pinus halepensis and T. articulata could expand to a certain extent. Our results provide important inputs for optimizing the management plans of coniferous species by considering environmental factors key modulators of vegetation distribution.This work has been conducted as part of the Research Integrated Action Programme TASSILI ‘History of woody vegetation and associated biodiversity conservation in north west Algeria’ (2007, No. 07MDU703). Faouzia Ayache was supported through a MAEC-AECID grant from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development. V.M. Santana was supported by a ‘Beatriu de Pinós’ grant (2014BP-2014BPB00056) Generalitat de Cataluña and M.J. Baeza was supported by the SURVIVE-2 (CGL2015-69773-C2-2-P) project

    Allometric equations to calculate living and dead fuel loads in Mediterranean species

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    Determining the structure and fuel load is key to know the flammability of vegetation in the Mediterranean Basin where forest fires are frequent. Determine which plant structural variable is best related to living and dead fuel to develop allometric equations in nine species in the Western Mediterranean Basin. In the east of the Iberian Peninsula (Valencia Province), we measured four structural variables (basal stem diameter, height, maximum diameter and perpendicular diameter) that were related, by means of allometric equations, to the living and dead fuel separated into different size classes. We also analyze fuel changes across developmental states of the studied species, and the vertical distribution of dead fuel. General equations that consider all development states can be used to determine living fuel. However to obtain dead fuel, we recommend using specific equations for each development state and fuel fraction for better accuracy. The basal stem diameter was the best structural variable in almost all cases for estimating fuel in the studied species. Dead fuel load throughout species’ ontological development is a key factor to manage Mediterranean plant communities.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was funded by the HYDROMED project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Subprojects BLUEWATER PID2019-111332RB-C21 and INERTIA PID2019-111332RB-C22), IMAGINA (PROMETEO/2019/110) and the FIRE-SCENARIO (GV-2020-160) projects funded by the Generalitat Valenciana

    Thinning and plantation of resprouting species redirect overstocked pine stands towards more functional communities in the Mediterranean basin

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    Post-fire regeneration in Pinus halepensis' forests, one of the most abundant vegetation types in the Mediterranean basin, often generates overstocked and vulnerable stands. They accumulate a high fuel load, increasing the risk of further fires, and present high levels of vulnerability due to their reduced seed production. In addition, these dense stands substantially reduce the availability of light and nutrients, which may hinder the recruitment of other species, often generating mono-specific and homogeneous stands, which potentially supply fewer ecosystem services than mixed forests with more heterogeneous structures. In these dense pine stands, management is of high priority to reduce fire hazards and promote their functionality. In overstocked pine stands (>75,000 trees·ha−1), we assessed the long-term effects (10 years) of two thinning levels (600 and 1200 trees·ha−1), in combination with the plantation of Quercus faginea (a resprouter species typical of advanced successional stages in our study area) on 28 above and belowground ecosystem attributes, including fire hazard. After ten years, thinning and plantation interacted to enhance ecosystem attributes associated with disturbance regulation and biodiversity conservation (up to 200%) and food production (up to 90%), while no effects were observed on those attributes related to carbon sequestration and supporting services. These effects were mainly driven by aboveground attributes, as they responded more strongly to our treatments than those belowground. Our results are relevant for the restoration of Mediterranean degraded ecosystems, and show that tree thinning in overstocked pine stands, combined with the plantation of resprouter species, may not only reduce fire risks and accelerate post-fire succession but also enhance the supply of multiple ecosystem services in the long run.This research was funded by the FUME project funded by the European Seventh Programme Framework (Grant number 24388), HYDROMED project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Subprojects BLUEWATER PID2019-111332RB-C21 and INERTIA PID2019-111332RB-C22), IMAGINA (PROMETEO/2019/110), and the FIRE-SCENARIO (GV-2020-160) projects funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. A.M. is supported by the scholarship of Generalitat Valenciana-European Social Fund (ACIF-2018-194). S.S. was supported by the Spanish Government under a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2016-20604)

    Problemas y soluciones para la construcción de bases de datos de políticos

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    Este artículo explicita los problemas metodológicos y técnicos que aparecen cuando se construye unabase de datos sobre políticos que ocupan un puesto institucional de representación (alcaldías, concejalías,escaños parlamentarios). Tomando como ejemplo una base de datos sobre políticos autonómicos españoles(1980-2011), se discuten los criterios utilizados y las soluciones escogidas ante retos diversos: parsimonia,deseabilidad social, multicolinealidad futura, control de la temporalidad, ajuste a los resultados electorales,nivel de información y ciclos electorales. Se aportan algunos de los datos obtenidos y se relacionan con preguntas de investigación sobre la élite política que pueden ser respondidas con el análisis sistemático deuna base de datos

    A secreted serine protease of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its interactions with fungal proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Paracoccidioides brasiliensis </it>is a thermodimorphic fungus, the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). Serine proteases are widely distributed and this class of peptidase has been related to pathogenesis and nitrogen starvation in pathogenic fungi.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A cDNA (<it>Pb</it>sp) encoding a secreted serine protease (<it>Pb</it>SP), was isolated from a cDNA library constructed with RNAs of fungal yeast cells recovered from liver of infected mice. Recombinant <it>Pb</it>SP was produced in <it>Escherichia coli</it>, and used to develop polyclonal antibodies that were able to detect a 66 kDa protein in the <it>P. brasiliensis </it>proteome. <it>In vitro </it>deglycosylation assays with endoglycosidase H demonstrated that <it>Pb</it>SP is a <it>N</it>-glycosylated molecule. The <it>Pb</it>sp transcript and the protein were induced during nitrogen starvation. The <it>Pb</it>sp transcript was also induced in yeast cells infecting murine macrophages. Interactions of <it>Pb</it>SP with <it>P. brasiliensis </it>proteins were evaluated by two-hybrid assay in the yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>. <it>Pb</it>SP interacts with a peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase, calnexin, HSP70 and a cell wall protein PWP2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A secreted subtilisin induced during nitrogen starvation was characterized indicating the possible role of this protein in the nitrogen acquisition. <it>Pb</it>SP interactions with other <it>P. brasiliensis </it>proteins were reported. Proteins interacting with <it>Pb</it>SP are related to folding process, protein trafficking and cytoskeleton reorganization.</p

    Endothelial Damage in Sepsis: The Importance of Systems Biology

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    The early diagnosis and appropriate stratification of sepsis continues to be one of the most important challenges in modern medicine. Single isolated biomarkers have not been enough to improve diagnostic and prognostic strategies and to progress toward therapeutic goals. The information generated by the human genome project has allowed a more holistic approach to the problem. The integration of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics in sepsis has allowed us to progress in the knowledge of new pathways which are pathophysiologically involved in this disease. Thus, we have understood the importance of and complex interaction between the inflammatory response and the endothelium. Understanding the role of important parts of the microcirculation, such as the endothelial glycocalyx and its interaction with the inflammatory response, has provided early recognition elements for clinical practice that allow the rational use of traditional medical interventions in sepsis. This comprehensive approach, which differs from the classical mechanistic approach, uses systems biology to increase the diagnostic and prognostic spectrum of endothelial damage biomarkers in sepsis, and to provide information on new pathways involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. This, in turn, provides tools for perfecting traditional medical interventions, using them at the appropriate times according to the disease's pathophysiological context, while at the same time discovering new and improved therapeutic alternatives. We have the challenge of transferring this ideal scenario to our daily clinical practice to improve our patients' care. The purpose of this article is to provide a general description of the importance of systems biology in integrating the complex interaction between the endothelium and the inflammatory response in sepsis

    Advances in nanocarriers as drug delivery systems in Chagas disease

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    Chagas disease is one of the most important public health problems in Latin America due to its high mortality and morbidity levels. There is no effective treatment for this disease since drugs are usually toxic with low bioavailability. Serious efforts to achieve disease control and eventual eradication have been unsuccessful to date, emphasizing the need for rapid diagnosis, drug development, and a reliable vaccine. Novel systems for drug and vaccine administration based on nanocarriers represent a promising avenue for Chagas disease treatment. Nanoparticulate systems can reduce toxicity, and increase the efficacy and bioavailability of active compounds by prolonging release, and therefore improve the therapeutic index. Moreover, nanoparticles are able to interact with the host’s immune system, modulating the immune response to favour the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, new advances in diagnostic assays, such as nanobiosensors, are beneficial in that they enable precise identification of the pathogen. In this review, we provide an overview of the strategies and nanocarrier-based delivery systems for antichagasic agents, such as liposomes, micelles, nanoemulsions, polymeric and non-polymeric nanoparticles. We address recent progress, with a particular focus on the advances of nanovaccines and nanodiagnostics, exploring new perspectives on Chagas disease treatment

    Post-fire Regeneration Traits of Understorey Shrub Species Modulate Successional Responses to High Severity Fire in Mediterranean Pine Forests

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    Recurrent fires can impede the spontaneous recruitment capacity of pine forests. Empirical studies have suggested that this can lead to a prolonged replacement of pine forest by shrubland, especially if shrub species are pyrophytic. Model-based studies, however, have suggested that post-fire succession of pine forest under current climatic conditions will eventually tend towards the dominance of oaks under high fire severity and recurrence. These previous modelling studies did not address the role of the various post-fire regeneration traits of the understory shrub species. Considering the dichotomy of obligate seeder vs. resprouter species, either obligate or facultative resprouter, we hypothesized that when the shrubs present are post-fire seeders, the oaks steadily occupy the forest, whereas resprouter shrub species might compete with oaks and delay or arrest post-fire succession. To test this hypothesis, we developed a dynamic, cellular automaton model for simulating post-fire successional transitions in pine forests, including shrubs, pines and oaks, and stochastic fires of regular frequency. Our results showed a strong tendency towards oak dominance as final model state and a very reduced role of fire recurrence in this final state, with low yearly acorn input delaying oak dominance. Most relevantly, and in line with our hypothesis, the trend towards oak dominance depended markedly on the two types of shrub species, being delayed by resprouter species, which extended the shrub-dominated succession stage for several centuries. Our simulation results supported the view that the type of understorey species should be a key consideration in post-fire restoration strategies aiming to enhance fire resilience.This research has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement no. 283068 (CASCADE project). Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020), through national funds and the post-doctoral research contract of Jacob Keizer (FCT-IF/01465/2015), and to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for financial support (CGL2017-89804-R) of the work of Susana Bautista. The work of Paula Maia was partially supported by the project SuSPiRe (PTDC/ASP-SIL/30983/2017) funded by FCT, through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI)