26 research outputs found

    Waste Plastics Valorization by Fast Pyrolysis and in Line Catalytic Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production

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    This chapter summarizes the most recent results obtained in the plastic waste pyrolysis-reforming strategy for hydrogen production. An original two-reactor configuration consisting of a conical spouted bed reactor for the pyrolysis step and a fluidized bed reactor for the pyrolysis volatile reforming is proposed. The fundamental aspects and challenges of this joint process are discussed in detail, and the prospects for the full-scale implementation of this valorization route are assessed. Thus, the influence the main reforming parameters (temperature, space time and steam/plastic ratio) have in the pyrolysis-reforming of HDPE on product yields and catalyst stability are reported. Moreover, the role played by plastic composition on process performance is also described by studying the influence of following polymers: high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polystyrene (PS). The operating conditions used for the valorization of different plastics have been as follows: pyrolysis temperature of 500°C, reforming temperature of 700°C, space time of 16.7 gcatalyst min gplastic−1and steam/plastic ratio of 4

    Renovació dels mètodes docents en biologia animal i vegetal : adequació a l'EEES

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    Les assignatures de primer cicle Biologia Animal i Vegetal (BAV), de la llicenciatura de Veterinària, Biologia III: la Vida Animal, de la llicenciatura de Ciències Ambientals, i BAV, de la llicenciatura de Biotecnologia, s'impartien fins al curs 2004-2005 amb una metodologia docent basada majoritàriament en la classe magistral. La docència es veia dificultada per la massificació a les aules (el nombre d'alumnes era entre 90 i 120 per grup de teoria). A partir dels cursos 2005-2006 i 2006-2007 es va plantejar un projecte per millorar les condicions d'aprenentatge i el rendiment de l'alumne, mitjançant la renovació dels mètodes docents amb l'aplicació d'un nou model d'ensenyament en la docència de BAV, i el desenvolupament de nous materials docents i audiovisuals. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen un notable assoliment dels objectius, la valoració per part dels alumnes és molt positiva i el nombre d'alumnes, tant els que s'han presentat als exàmens com els que han superat les assignatures, s'ha incrementat considerablement.Las asignaturas de primer ciclo Biología animal y vegetal (BAV), de la licenciatura de Veterinaria; Biología III: la vida animal, de la licenciatura de Ciencias Ambientales; y BAV, de la licenciatura de Biotecnología, se impartían hasta el curso 2004-2005 con una metodología docente basada mayoritariamente en la clase magistral. La docencia se veía dificultada por la masificación en las aulas (el número de alumnos por grupo de teoría era de entre 90 y 120). A partir del curso 2005-2006 y 2006-2007 se planteó un proyecto para mejorar las condiciones de aprendizaje y el rendimiento del alumno mediante la renovación de los métodos docentes con la aplicación de un nuevo modelo de enseñanza en la docencia de BAV, y el desarrollo de nuevos materiales docentes y audiovisuales. Los resultados obtenidos indican una notable consecución de los objetivos: la valoración por parte de los alumnos es muy positiva y el número de alumnos, tanto de los presentados como de los que han superado las asignaturas, se ha incrementado considerablemente.Until academic year 2004-05 the courses in the first cycle of Animal and Plant Biology (APB) in the Veterinary Medicine program, Biology III: Animal Life from the Environmental Sciences degree programme, and APB from the Biotechnology degree programme were taught using a methodology based primarily on teacher-led classes. Teaching these classes was considered complicated because of the size of the classes (the number of students per class oscillated between 90 and 120). Starting in academic years 2005-06 and 2006-07, a project got underway to improve the learning conditions and students' performance by updating the teaching methods, applying a new teaching model for APB and developing new teaching and audiovisual materials. The results show that the goals were amply reached, the students have very highly rated this new approach, and the number of students who both sat for and passed the courses has also risen considerably

    Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8, and 9

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    The increasing resistance to carbapenems is an alarming threat in the fight against multiresistant bacteria. The dissemination properties of antimicrobial resistance genes are supported by their detection in a diverse population of bacteria, including strains isolated from the environment. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) collected from a river ecosystem in the Barcelona metropolitan area (Spain). Identification of β-lactamases and other resistance determinants was determined as was the antimicrobial susceptibility profile. Moreover, screening of virulence factors, plasmid addiction systems, plasmid partition systems and replicon typing was performed. The results identified 8 isolates belonging to different species (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Raoultella ornithinolytica). The most prevalent enzyme was KPC-2 (n = 6), followed by VIM-1 (n = 2) and IMI-2 (n = 1), whereas no OXA-48-type was detected. In addition, one strain was positive for both KPC-2 and VIM-1 enzymes. All the carbapenemase-encoding plasmids carried at least one plasmid addiction or partition system, being vagCD and parAB the most frequently detected, respectively. E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates carried a low number of virulence-associated factors and none of the detected clones has previously been identified in the clinical setting. These findings support the high dissemination potential of the carbapanemase-encoding genes and reinforce the idea that the environment is another reservoir that may play an important role in the capture, selection and dissemination of carbapenem resistance genes

    CD137 (4-1BB) requires physically associated cIAPs for signal transduction and antitumor effects

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    CD137 (4-1BB) is a member of the TNFR family that mediates potent T cell costimulatory signals upon ligation by CD137L or agonist monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). CD137 agonists attain immunotherapeutic antitumor effects in cancer mouse models, and multiple agents of this kind are undergoing clinical trials. We show that cIAP1 and cIAP2 are physically associated with the CD137 signaling complex. Moreover, cIAPs are required for CD137 signaling toward the NF-κB and MAPK pathways and for costimulation of human and mouse T lymphocytes. Functional evidence was substantiated with SMAC mimetics that trigger cIAP degradation and by transfecting cIAP dominant-negative variants. Antitumor effects of agonist anti-CD137 mAbs are critically dependent on the integrity of cIAPs in cancer mouse models, and cIAPs are also required for signaling from CARs encompassing CD137’s cytoplasmic tail.I.M. has been granted with PID2020-112892RB funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and SAF2017-83267-C2-1-R funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa,” (HR21-00083) the Fundación La Caixa, “MINCITH. Metabolic requirements for immune INfiltration in effective Cancer ImmunoTHerapy” “AYUDAS FUNDACIÓN BBVA A EQUIPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA 2019” Fundación BBVA, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI20/00002 and PI19/01128), cofinanced by the Fondos FEDER “A way to make Europe” and Joint Translational Call for Proposals 2015 (JTC 2015), TRANSCAN456 2 (code TRS-2016-00000371), and the Gobierno de Navarra Proyecto LINTERNA (reference 0011-1411-2020-000075). Funding was also received from B. J. Baselga (Fundación FERO) and the T2-EVOLVE project from the EU. I.M. and M.A. receive grant funding from Pharmamar and Highlight Therapeutics. M.A. is supported by AECC (INVES1904ALVA). J.M.Z. has been granted with PID2019-110405RB-I00 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and with P2022/BMD-7225 funded by Consortium in Biomedicine of Comunidad de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Goodbye Hartmann trial: a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study on the current use of a surgical procedure developed a century ago

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    Background: Literature suggests colonic resection and primary anastomosis (RPA) instead of Hartmann's procedure (HP) for the treatment of left-sided colonic emergencies. We aim to evaluate the surgical options globally used to treat patients with acute left-sided colonic emergencies and the factors that leading to the choice of treatment, comparing HP and RPA. Methods: This is a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. A total 1215 patients with left-sided colonic emergencies who required surgery were included from 204 centers during the period of March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2020. with a 1-year follow-up. Results: 564 patients (43.1%) were females. The mean age was 65.9 ± 15.6 years. HP was performed in 697 (57.3%) patients and RPA in 384 (31.6%) cases. Complicated acute diverticulitis was the most common cause of left-sided colonic emergencies (40.2%), followed by colorectal malignancy (36.6%). Severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ 3b) were higher in the HP group (P < 0.001). 30-day mortality was higher in HP patients (13.7%), especially in case of bowel perforation and diffused peritonitis. 1-year follow-up showed no differences on ostomy reversal rate between HP and RPA. (P = 0.127). A backward likelihood logistic regression model showed that RPA was preferred in younger patients, having low ASA score (≤ 3), in case of large bowel obstruction, absence of colonic ischemia, longer time from admission to surgery, operating early at the day working hours, by a surgeon who performed more than 50 colorectal resections. Conclusions: After 100 years since the first Hartmann's procedure, HP remains the most common treatment for left-sided colorectal emergencies. Treatment's choice depends on patient characteristics, the time of surgery and the experience of the surgeon. RPA should be considered as the gold standard for surgery, with HP being an exception

    Ensayo piloto de trasplante pulmonar porcino para el análisis de la lesión de isquemia-reperfusión tras isquemia fría prolongada

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    El temps d'isquèmia de l'injert és un tema controvertit en el trasplantament pulmonar degut a que es va establir de forma arbitrària. Per aquest motiu l'objectiu d'aquest estudi és analitzar l'impacte del temps d'isquèmia freda (CIT) perllongat sobre la lesió IR en un model experimental. Assaig pilot experimental aleatoritzat de grups paral·lels i anàlisi cec final utilitzant un model de TP en porcs. Es van extreure els òrgans dels animals donants (n = 8). Els pulmons es van conservar durant 6 hores (n = 4) o 12 hores (n = 4) en hipotèrmia aeròbica. El pulmó esquerre es va trasplantar i es va reperfundir durant 4 hores. Es van obtenir biòpsies de pulmó (i) a l'inici del CIT, (ii) a la fi del CIT, (iii) 30 minuts després de la reperfusió i (iv) 4 hores després de la reperfusió. Els empelts de pulmó es van avaluar histològicament mitjançant la puntuació de dany histològic pulmonar i la relació de pes humit i pes sec. La resposta inflamatòria es va valorar mitjançant la determinació de citoquines inflamatòries. Es va determinar l'activitat de caspasa-3 com a marcador d'apoptosi. No observem diferències en la puntuació de dany histològic pulmonar o en la relació de pes humit i pes sec en un moment donat entre els pulmons sotmesos a 6 h-CIT o 12 h-CIT. Les IL-1 i IL-6 van mostrar una tendència ascendent durant la reperfusió en els dos grups. El TNF-a va aconseguir el seu punt màxim dins dels 30 minuts posteriors a la reperfusió. Tot just es va detectar IFN-g. La inmunoexpressió de caspasa-3 es va classificar semiquantitativament pel percentatge de cèl·lules tenyides. Es va observar un 30% de cèl·lules apoptòtiques 30 minuts després de la reperfusió. Observem que 6 i 12 hores de CIT van ser equivalents en termes de dany histològic pulmonar, perfil inflamatori i apoptosi en un model de TP en porcs. L'extensió de la lesió pulmonar, mesurada per la puntuació de dany histològic pulmonar, les citoquines proinflamatòries i la determinació de caspasa-3 va ser lleu.El tiempo de isquemia del injerto es un tema controvertido en el trasplante pulmonar debido a que se estableció de forma arbitraria. Por este motivo el objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto del tiempo de isquemia fría (CIT) prolongado sobre la lesión de isquemia-reperfusión (IR) en un modelo experimental. Ensayo piloto experimental aleatorizado de grupos paralelos y análisis ciego final utilizando un modelo de TP en cerdos. Se extrajeron los órganos de los animales donantes (n = 8). Los pulmones se conservaron durante 6 horas (n = 4) o 12 horas (n = 4) en hipotermia aeróbica. El pulmón izquierdo se trasplantó y reperfundió durante 4 horas. Se obtuvieron biopsias de pulmón (i) al comienzo del CIT, (ii) al final del CIT, (iii) 30 minutos después de la reperfusión y (iv) 4 horas después de la reperfusión. Los injertos de pulmón se evaluaron histológicamente mediante la puntuación de daño histológico pulmonar y la relación de peso húmedo y peso seco. La respuesta inflamatoria se valoró mediante la determinación de citoquinas inflamatorias. Se determinó la actividad de caspasa-3 como marcador de apoptosis. No observamos diferencias en la puntuación de daño histológico pulmonar o en la relación de peso húmedo y peso seco en un momento dado entre los pulmones sometidos a 6 h-CIT o 12 h-CIT. Las IL-1 e IL-6 mostraron una tendencia ascendente durante la reperfusión en ambos grupos. El TNF-a alcanzó su punto máximo dentro de los 30 minutos posteriores a la reperfusión. Apenas se detectó IFN-g. La inmunoexpresión de caspasa-3 se clasificó semicuantitativamente por el porcentaje de células teñidas. Se observó un 30% de células apoptóticas 30 minutos después de la reperfusión. Observamos que 6 y 12 horas de CIT fueron equivalentes en términos de daño histológico pulmonar, perfil inflamatorio y apoptosis en un modelo de TP en cerdos. La extensión de la lesión pulmonar, medida por la puntuación de daño histológico pulmonar, las citoquinas proinflamatorias y la determinación de caspasa-3 fue leve.In lung transplantation, the length of ischemia time is controversial as it was arbitrarily stablished. We ought to explore the impact of extended cold-ischemia time (CIT) on ischemia-reperfusion injury in an experimental model. Experimental, randomized pilot trial of parallel groups and final blind analysis using a swine model of lung transplantation. Donor animals (n = 8) were submitted to organ procurement. Lungs were subjected to 6 h (n = 4) or 12 h (n = 4) aerobic hypothermic preservation. The left lung was transplanted and re-perfused for 4 h. Lung biopsies were obtained at (i) the beginning of CIT, (ii) the end of CIT, (iii) 30 min after reperfusion, and (iv) 4 h after reperfusion. Lung-grafts were histologically assessed by microscopic lung injury score and wet-to-dry ratio. Inflammatory response was measured by determination of inflammatory cytokines. Caspase-3 activity was determined as apoptosis marker. We observed no differences on lung injury score or wet-to-dry ratio any given time between lungs subjected to 6 h-CIT or 12h-CIT. IL-1 and IL6 showed an upward trend during reperfusion in both groups. TNF-a was peaked within 30 min of reperfusion. IFNg was hardly detected. Caspase-3 immunoexpression was graded semiquantitatively by the percentage of stained cells. Thirty percent of apoptotic cells were observed 30 min after reperfusion. We observed that 6 and 12 h of CIT were equivalent in terms of microscopic lung injury, inflammatory profile and apoptosis in a lung transplantation swine model. The extent of lung injury measured by microscopic lung injury score, proinflammatory cytokines and caspase-3 determination was mild

    Matching Rheology, Conductivity and Joule Effect in PU/CNT Nanocomposites

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    We investigated polyurethane (PU)–carbon nanotube (CNT) nanocomposites (PU/CNT) in a range of concentrations from 1 to 8 wt% CNT as hot melt adhesives. We studied the thermal properties of the nanocomposites, which is relevant from an applied point of view. The phase angle plots versus complex modulus results revealed the existence of a maximum above a given CNT concentration. The intensity of the peak and associated relaxation time was analyzed with percolation theory, leading to a new method to determine the rheological percolation threshold. A lower threshold value was obtained from the electrical conductivity data, which was justified recalling that the hopping/tunnelling effect takes place in the nanocomposite, as stated by previous studies in the literature. Joule effect studies indicated that the heating effect was very significant, reaching temperature increases, ΔT, of 60 °C for low voltages. For the first time, the percolation equation was applied to the ΔT to obtain the corresponding threshold. Stimulus-responsive systems were conceived considering the correlation between the ΔT and the conductivity. The case of PU/CNT nanocomposites acting as hot melt adhesives that are welded/unglued by applying/removing an electrical voltage is presented

    Catalyst Performance in the HDPE Pyrolysis-Reforming under Reaction-Regeneration Cycles

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    The performance of a Ni commercial catalyst has been studied under reaction-regeneration cycles in a continuous process consisting of the flash pyrolysis (500 °C) of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in a conical spouted bed reactor (CSBR), followed by catalytic steam reforming in-line (700 ºC) of the volatiles formed in a fluidized bed reactor. The catalyst is regenerated between reactions by coke combustion in situ in the reforming reactor, using a sequence of air concentrations and following a temperature ramp between 600 and 700 °C. Several analytical techniques (TPO, TEM, XRD, and TPR) have proven that the catalyst does not fully recover its initial activity by coke combustion due to the sintering of Ni0 active sites. This sintering process is steadily attenuated in the successive reaction-regeneration cycles and the catalyst approaches a steady state