176 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted because of the phenomenon that Scarlett Whitening is the best-selling top brand body lotion and uses marketing techniques such as brand ambassadors and social media marketing, so this study aims to determine the effect of brand ambassadors and social media marketing on purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening skincare products. The type of research used in this research is quantitative. The population used in this study were students from several campuses in the city of Medan. The number of respondents consisted of 100 people, using nonprobability sampling technique and determining the sample using purposive sampling. The results of the study show that brand ambassadors and social media marketing have a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision of Scarlett Whitening, either partially or simultaneously. The results of the research on the R Square value show that the brand ambassador and social media marketing variables explain the effect of purchasing decisions by 75.5%, while the remaining 24.5% is explained by other unknown variables in this study

    Impregnation of bentonite with cellulose as adsorbent of congo red

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    The process of bentonite impregnation with cellulose has been studied. Cellulose extracted from rubber wood and clay from natural bentonite was activated. The impregnation process is performed using thiourea as impregnant agent. The impregnation results were characterized by using FT-IR spectrophotometer then the material was used as congo red dye adsorbent. Factors affecting the adsorption process were studied by kinetic parameters and thermodynamic parameters. The FTIR results indicate the impregnation process was succesfully conducted the characterization by FTIR indicated resources of typical absorption of the hydroxyl (OH) and vibrational (-CH) vibration function groups as specific groups of cellulose Appearing at wave numbers 3464.15 cm-1 and 2368.59 cm-1 from impregnated material. Vibration Si-O-Si and Al-O-Si as bentonite-specific strands groups Appear at 1465.9 cm-1 and 609.51 cm-1 wavenumbers in the impregnated spectra. The adsorption thermodynamic study showed that the adsorption and adsorption capacity of the cellulose-impregnated bentonite adsorbent reached the optimum point at 50 ° C at 43.47 mol / g and energy of 11.62 kJ mol. The optimum enthalpy (ΔH) of cellulose bentonite was 143.13 kJ/mol and the minimum entropy (ΔS) at concentration of 40 mg/L was 0.207 kJ/mol. Keywords: Bentonite, cellulose, impregnation; adsorption; Congo re

    Case Study of Nephritis in Domestic Cats (Felis Catus) Male in Veterinary Teaching Clinic of Hasanuddin University

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    ABSTRACT: A pet such as a domestic cat (Felis Catus) with a sterile male sex aged 1 year 7 months with a body weight of 3.7 kg where the animal is affected by urinary system disorders namely Nephritis. Nephritis is kidney inflammation that can occur in the glomerulus, pyelum or tubules. Clinical symptoms shown in patients include polyuria, decreased appetite, and vomiting. For the diagnosis of Nephritis clinically evaluated based on changes in urination behavior, palpation of the dorsal abdominal caudal thoracic is temporarily labored based on a urine dipstick test containing protein ++ (± 100 mg / dL), leukocytes valued at +, urine specific gravity of 1,015 while based on ultrasound examination thickening of the renal cortex, medullary and cortical border is not apparent, renal size is 4.21 cm, kidney capsules that appear hyperechoic, and ascites in the abdomen. Cats treated with isotonic fluid infusion fluids, wet and dry diet diets, antibiotics, multivitamins, and anti-inflammatory. Inpatient animals for 4 days showed improvement in clinical symptoms, namely drinking quite well, starting to stand up, there was movement for activities, and urine was clearer

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    Effectiveness of Ginger Ointment (Zingiber officinale roscoe) on Incision Wound Healing in White Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Ginger (Zingiber officinale roscoe) is one of the most popular plants to be processed into herbal medicine. This plant contains active compounds in the form of gingerols, shogaols, flavonoids and saponins, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of ginger extract ointment on incision wound healing time in white rats (Rattus norvegicus) by observing the percentage of wound healing and changes in wound morphology. This study used a laboratory experimental method using 24 white rats as test animals which were divided into four groups, namely two treatment groups (10% and 20% ginger extract ointment) and two control groups (one negative control group (no treatment) and one positive control group (Oxyfresh Soothing Pet Gel®)). The rats were anesthetized and shaved, then an incision was made on the dorsal part of the rat. The treatment was given twice a day for 14 days. The results showed that there were differences in the comparison of the percentage of wound area between the negative control group (without treatment), the positive control (Oxyfresh Soothing Pet Gel®), the treatment groups (ginger extract ointment 10% and 20%). The conclusion of the study was that the treatment group with 10% ginger extract ointment was more effective in accelerating the wound healing process. Keywords: Ginger extract,  Incision, wound healing, ointment, white rat

    Psychometric properties and validation of the Italian version of the Family Assessment Measure Third Edition - Short Version - in a nonclinical sample

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    Family functioning plays an important role in developing and maintaining dysfunctional behaviors, especially during adolescence. The lack of indicators of family functioning, as determinants of personal and interpersonal problems, represents an obstacle to the activities aimed at developing preventive and intervention strategies. The Process Model of Family Functioning provides a conceptual framework organizing and integrating various concepts into a comprehensive family assessment; this model underlines that through the process of task accomplishment, each family meets objectives central to its life as a group. The Family Assessment Measure Third Edition (FAM III), based on the Process Model of Family Functioning, is among the most frequently used self-report instruments to measure family functioning

    Diagnosis and treatment of Anaplasma centrale in a domestic cat at Animal Hospital of Hasanuddin University Makassar

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    Anaplasmosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri obligat intraseluler gram-negatif. Anaplasma pada kucing umumnya terinfeksi oleh Anaplasma phagocytophilum, akan tetapi sangat terbatas laporan Anaplasma bovis seperti Anaplasma marginale maupun Anaplasma centrale dilaporkan menginfeksi pada kucing. Tulisan kasus ini merupakan laporan pertama kali kejadian anaplasmosis oleh Anaplasma centrale pada kucing. Kucing betina domestik berumur setahun dibawa pemilik ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar dengan kondisi tidak mau makan, lemah, lesu, dehidrasi, dan tidak buang air besar. Metode diagnosis dilakukan melalui anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan klinis, pemeriksaan laboratorium berupa hematologi dan ulas darah. Hasil pemeriksaan ditemukan infestasi kutu, ulas darah teridentifikasi Anaplasma centrale dengan ciri yaitu adanya morula bagian ditengah dalam eritrosit, dan darah rutin menunjukkan anemia yang terlihat pada parameter MCV mengalami peningkatan dan nilai MCHC yang turun. Penanganan berupa pemberian obat antibiotik, antiinflamasi, dan terapi suportif. Kucing menunjukkan hasil yang baik dengan gejala sudah mulai hilang dan hewan terlihat aktif.Anaplasmosis is a disease caused by obligate gram-negative intracellular bacteria. Anaplasma in cats is generally infected by Anaplasma phagocytophilum, however there are very limited reports of Anaplasma bovis such as Anaplasma marginale and Anaplasma centrale being reported to infect cats. This is the first report of anaplasmosis caused by Anaplasma centrale in cats. The owner brought a one-year-old female domestic cat to the Animal Hospital of Hasanuddin University in Makassar with the condition of not wanting to eat, weak, lethargic, dehydrated, and not defaecating. Diagnosis is carried out through anamnesis, physical examination, clinical examination, and laboratory examination, in the form of haematology and blood smear tests. The results of the examination revealed flea infestation, a blood test identified Anaplasma centrale with characteristics such as the presence of morulae in the middle part of the erythrocytes, and routine blood work showed anaemia which was seen in the MCV parameters increasing and the MCHC values decreased. Treatment consists of administration of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and supportive therapy. The cat showed good results, with symptoms starting to disappear and the animal appeared active

    Ineficacia de Ley 27596 que regula el régimen jurídico de canes y derecho a la integridad física de las personas

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    El comportamiento dañoso de caninos potencialmente peligrosos es sin duda uno de los problemas que ocurren de forma continua en nuestra sociedad; al respecto, se han evidenciado innumerables circunstancias en los que la intuición canina ha causado daños en la integridad física, psíquica y/o económica de algunas personas. Este tipo de casos requiere, entonces, una mirada sobre la responsabilidad de los propietarios de canes que logren ocasionar perjuicios y asimismo sobre las medidas de prevención de este tipo de conductas para la seguridad. La presente tesis se realizó con el objetivo de poder determinar cuáles son las causas de la ineficacia de la Ley 27596 que regula el régimen jurídico de canes potencialmente peligrosos. Surge por ello una problemática encontrada referente a la falta de responsabilidad por parte de los propietarios de canes peligrosos ante los daños ocasionados por los mismos, lo cual genera impunidad y el agravio sin reparación debido al desconocimiento de la crianza de canes peligrosos, la mala educación, el mal adiestramiento y la irresponsabilidad del dueño del can al no tomar las precauciones necesarias para evitar ataques y/o la ignorancia de las características morfológicas y etológicas del animal. El tipo de estudio de esta investigación corresponde al enfoque cualitativo de tipo básico y diseño de teoría fundamentada, sobre la población de estudio de este trabajo de investigación está conformada por abogados que conocen el problema existente en la presente investigación. Por lo que se concluye que la causa que genera la ineficacia de la Ley 27596 es la poca difusión de esta ley a la población, se propone mejorar y modificar el artículo 6° de la Ley de régimen jurídico de canes de ese modo se les asigne de forma expresa responsabilidad a las personas jurídicas o naturales que practiquen la comercialización de canes potencialmente peligrosos; así mismo se señala que, en la legislación nacional en materia penal, no hay desarrollo en cuanto a la responsabilidad del propietario o poseedor del animal. Por observación de campo no se ha podido comprobar que el sujeto activo del delito utilice al animal como arma o instrumento para lesiones en perjuicio de la integridad física, sin embargo, se recomienda tipificar la responsabilidad del dueño por posesión irresponsable con el perjuicio de la víctima, por lo tanto se recomienda incorporar dentro del Código Penal Título I, Delitos contra el cuerpo y la salud, Capítulo III Lesiones, dentro de la modalidad de lesiones culposas, presentándose la sub modalidad ARTÍCULO 124C lesiones culposas derivadas de mordeduras caninas reiterativas. Finalmente se hizo una comparación con la Legislación extranjera y se pudo observar que algunos países los requisitos para adquirir y comercializar estos canes potencialmente peligrosos son más estrictos

    Enseñanza de las ciencias con inteligencia artificial, 2023

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo interpretar cómo se realiza la “Enseñanza de las ciencias con inteligencia artificial, 2023”. La investigación fue de enfoque cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio y básico. Se utilizó un diseño fenomenológicohermenéutico. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante entrevistas a expertos en educación. Los resultados indicaron que la enseñanza de las ciencias con inteligencia artificial se está llevando a cabo a través de una evolución desde modelos pedagógicos tradicionales hacia enfoques más activos y constructivistas centrados en el estudiante. Se reconoció el potencial de recursos digitales con IA para apoyar el aprendizaje, pero se enfatizó la necesidad de que los docentes validen críticamente estos recursos. Se concluyó que la integración de IA en la enseñanza de las ciencias es un fenómeno emergente que motiva una evolución pedagógica, con gran potencial para mejorar los aprendizajes si se integra de manera crítica, ética y significativa. Se recomendó capacitar a docentes y estudiantes en el uso de IA, reducir brechas digitales, explorar nuevas estrategias docentes con IA y desarrollar competencias digitales para un uso ético de la tecnología