195 research outputs found

    Efekat metanolskog ekstrakta biljke Cotinus coggygria Scop. na funkciju genetičkog materijala različitih eksperimentalnih model organizama

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    Brojna istraživanja u genetičkoj toksikologiji ukazuju da veliki broj agensa prirodnog porekla pokazuje genotoksični efekat na različitim tipovima ćelija i eksperimentalnim model organizmima. Od velike je važnosti uključivanje genotoksičnog pristupa u toksikološku evaluaciju biljnih ekstrakata koji i pored povoljnih svojstava mogu da sadrže hemijske komponente sa mutagenim, teratogenim i/ili kancerogenim aktivnostima. Primenom testa za detekciju polno vezanih recesivno letalnih mutacija kod eukariotskog model organizma Drosophila melanogaster na nivou germinativnih ćelija i Komet testa kod D. melanogaster i pacova soja Wistar na nivou somatskih ćelija u in vivo uslovima utvrđena je antigenotoksična aktivnost metanolskog ekstrakta biljne vrste Cotinus coggygria Scop. Antimikrobna aktivnost utvrđena je primenom standardnih metoda, disk difuzione i agar dilucione. Procena antioksidativne aktivnosti sprovedena je na osnovu praćenja in vitro sposobnosti neutralizacije slobodnih radikala (DPPH·), redukcionog potencijala i helacione aktivnosti metanolskog ekstrakta. Primenom spektrofotometrijskih metoda određen je sadržaj, a primenom HPLC tehnike i identifikacija fenolnih komponenti. Osim navedenog, deo istraživanja je posvećen utvrđivanju mehanizama hepatoprotektivne aktivnosti metanolskog ekstrakta na osnovu: procene biohemijskih parametara u serumu pacova; relativne koncentracije i ekspresije akutno faznih proteina u serumu i jetri pacova; in vivo inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije i aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima; kao i uticaj metanolskog ekstrakta na ekspresiju transkripcionih faktora.Numerous studies in genetic toxicology indicate that a large number of natural agents showed genotoxic effects in different cell types and experimental model organisms. Plant extracts that appear to have favorable properties, may contain chemical compounds with mutagenic, teratogenic and/or carcinogenic activity, and it is of great importance to the inclusion of genotoxic approaches to toxicological evaluation of plant extracts. Applying a test for the detection of sex linked recessive lethal mutations in eukaryotic model organism Drosophila melanogaster, at the level of germ cells, and the Comet assay in D. melanogaster and Wistar rats, at the level of somatic cells, potential antigenotoxic activity of the methanol extract of plant Cotinus coggygria Scop. was determined. Antimicrobial activity was determined by standard disk diffusion and agar dilution methods. Evaluation of antioxidant activity was carried out by monitoring the in vitro ability to neutralize free radicals (DPPH•), the reduction potential and chelation activities of the methanol extract. Applying spectrophotometric methods and HPLC technique the content of phenolic compounds was determined. In addition, part of the survey examines the mechanisms of hepatoprotective activities of the methanol extract on the basis of: assessment of biochemical parameters in rats, relative concentration and expression of acute phase proteins in serum and liver of rats, in vivo inhibition of lipid peroxidation, activities of antioxidant enzymes, and the effect of methanol extract on the expression of transcription factors

    Association of ACE2, IFNL3 and IFNL4 Gene Polymorphisms with COVID-19 Severity and Outcome

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    Uvod: Brojni faktori domaćina, uklučujući i genetičke polimorfizme, mogu uticati na kompleksan mehanizam različitih infektivnih bolesti, poput COVID-19. Genotipizacijom funkcionalnih polimorfizama relevantnih gena u izloženim populacijama mogu se identifikovati genetički prediktori teške bolesti i smrtnog ishoda. Cilj: Studija ima za cilj da utvrdi povezanost prisustva polimorfizama ACE2, IFNL3 i IFNL4 gena, kao i koncentracija sACE2, IFN-λ3 i IFN-λ4 u serumu, sa težinom bolesti i ishodom COVID-19. Ispitanici i metode: Ova opservaciona studija obuhvatila je 178 hospitalizovanih pacijenata sa SARS-CoV-2 infekcijom. Genotipizacija polimorfizama ACE2, IFNL3 i IFNL4 izvršena je Real-Time PCR metodom, dok su serumski nivoi sACE2, IFN-λ3 i IFN-λ4 na prijemu određeni ELISA metodom. Rezultati: Prisustvo varijantnog alela ACE2 rs2106809 kod žena donosi 12 puta veći rizik od teške forme bolesti, ali i 10 puta manji rizik od kritično teške i smrtnog ishoda. Varijantni aleli IFNL3 (rs8099917 i rs12980275) i IFNL4 (rs12979860 i rs368234815) smanjuju rizik od umerene infekcije najmanje 5 puta. Prisustvo oba varijantna alela bilo kog ispitivanog IFNL4 polimorfizma smanjuje rizik od pneumonije kod žena 29 puta i smrtnog ishoda za 93,6%. Šansa za smrtni ishod veća je kod nosilaca varijantnog alela IFNL3 rs8099917. Niži nivoi IFN-λ3 i viši nivoi sACE2 u serumu pacijenata na prijemu ukazuju na povećan rizik od ozbiljnijih kliničkih manifestacija i smrtnog ishoda infekcije SARS-CoV-2. Zaključak: Polimorfizmi ACE2, IFNL3 i IFNL4, kao i serumske koncentracije sACE2 i IFNλ3 na prijemu, povezani su sa težinom i ishodom COVID-19. Genotipizacija ovih gena i merenje serumskih nivoa njihovih produkata u ranim fazama infekcije mogu pomoći u proceni rizika od progresije bolesti i smrtnog ishoda.Introduction: Host factors, including genetic polymorphisms, impact the mechanisms of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Genotyping exposed populations for functional polymorphisms of relevant genes might predict severe disease and fatal outcome. Aim: This research explores the association of ACE2, IFNL3, and IFNL4 gene polymorphisms and the sACE2, IFN-λ3, and IFN-λ4 serum levels with COVID-19 severity and outcome. Participants and methods: This observational study included 178 hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Genotyping of ACE2, IFNL3, and IFNL4 polymorphisms was performed by the Real-Time PCR method; serum levels of sACE2, IFN-λ3, and IFN-λ4 were determined upon admission using the ELISA method. Results: The variant allele of ACE2 rs2106809 in females indicates a 12-fold higher risk of severe disease and a 10-fold lower risk of critical severity and fatal outcome. IFNL3 (rs8099917 and rs12980275) and IFNL4 (rs12979860 and rs368234815) variant alleles are associated with at least a 5-fold reduced risk of moderate disease. Both variant alleles of any IFNL4 polymorphisms are linked to a 29-fold lower risk of pneumonia in females and a 93.6% diminished risk of fatal outcome. The chance of a fatal outcome is higher in carriers of the IFNL3 rs8099917 variant allele. Lower IFN-λ3 and higher sACE2 levels in patients' serum at hospital admission indicate an increased risk of severe and fatal SARS-CoV-2 infection. Conclusion: ACE2, IFNL3, and IFNL4 polymorphisms, along with serum concentrations of sACE2 and IFN-λ3 upon hospital admission, correlate with the COVID-19 severity and outcome. Genotyping these genes and measuring their product serum levels during the early stages of infection could assist in assessing the risk of disease progression and fatal outcome

    Service Learning in Information Science : Web for the Blind

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    The biggest problem to blind and visually impaired people poses the integration in various aspects of the social life. Since computer technology with its dominantly visual interface increasingly becomes the prime media for communication, these people are faced with a new obstacle – the ability to work on a computer and use it to communicate with others. Technologies that enable the blind to use the computer do exist, both hardware and software, but they have difficulty learning to use them. The reason for this is lack of standardized educational program so that computer education of blind is usually left to themselves and a few associations that do not have sufficiently qualified staff for such a task. Our service learning project offers the first step to possible solution of the current situation. Service learning is a methodology where learning occurs when students apply what they learn to community problems. It was introduced into information science curriculum in the academic year 2006/07 for the first time in Croatian University with the goal to transform the old teaching style, give the final year students more place to apply the theory they learned through the study and, most important, to provide an important service to the local community. “Web for the Blind” is the service learning project that provides a first step towards an optimal solution. The main goal of this student project was to establish an adequate model on which all future projects in this field could be based. At the moment “Web for the Blind” is a stand-alone application that provides the blind and visually impaired with the guides on how to install a web browser, familiarizes them with its interface and gives them some basic information on surfing the web. The application can be used without a mouse and with or without screen-reader software because it contains the tutorials in textual and audio format. The next phase of the project involves intensive testing in the field. It is to be presented to as much users as possible for the evaluation purpose. Finally, the contents of the tutorials need to be gradually updated in both quality and quantity

    Project of Developing the Multimedia Software Supporting Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary

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    Since the Academic Year 2005-2006 we have worked on a project of developing the interactive multimedia software for learning English vocabulary. The software was tested on junior learners in elementary school within the English language course lesson. The results were measured by comparing the test results from the computer-aided lesson with the ones from a traditional one and they showed a great level of disparity both regarding the learners’ knowledge and their motivation. Vocabulary of a language does not only consist of separate contextually independent words, but also of contextually bound lexical items, such as collocations. In 2006-2007 we have expanded the software by adding the feature for multimedia collocations. By terms of imitating reality, we have been designing multimedia animated presentations of English collocations comprising picture, text and sound. Our past, present and future phases of the project have purpose of examining the use of animation in educational settings

    Service Learning in Information Science : Web for the Blind

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    The biggest problem to blind and visually impaired people poses the integration in various aspects of the social life. Since computer technology with its dominantly visual interface increasingly becomes the prime media for communication, these people are faced with a new obstacle – the ability to work on a computer and use it to communicate with others. Technologies that enable the blind to use the computer do exist, both hardware and software, but they have difficulty learning to use them. The reason for this is lack of standardized educational program so that computer education of blind is usually left to themselves and a few associations that do not have sufficiently qualified staff for such a task. Our service learning project offers the first step to possible solution of the current situation. Service learning is a methodology where learning occurs when students apply what they learn to community problems. It was introduced into information science curriculum in the academic year 2006/07 for the first time in Croatian University with the goal to transform the old teaching style, give the final year students more place to apply the theory they learned through the study and, most important, to provide an important service to the local community. “Web for the Blind” is the service learning project that provides a first step towards an optimal solution. The main goal of this student project was to establish an adequate model on which all future projects in this field could be based. At the moment “Web for the Blind” is a stand-alone application that provides the blind and visually impaired with the guides on how to install a web browser, familiarizes them with its interface and gives them some basic information on surfing the web. The application can be used without a mouse and with or without screen-reader software because it contains the tutorials in textual and audio format. The next phase of the project involves intensive testing in the field. It is to be presented to as much users as possible for the evaluation purpose. Finally, the contents of the tutorials need to be gradually updated in both quality and quantity

    The Aspects of the "Sanctity" of Church Polyphony in Correlation to the Soteriology of the Roman Catholic Church

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    The aim of this study is to present' the aspects of the "sanctity" of church polyphony that arise from the Roman Catholic understanding of salvation. As an integral part of Musicae Sacrae, polyphony is the second most important musical genre that preserves the "universality," and thus the "sanctity," of music of the Roman Catholic Church. This universality derives from the sanctitate and bonitateformarum, and actively testifies to the inseparability of church polyphony with its ancestor- Gregorian chant. Fidelity to tradition enables polyphonia sacra to represent the mystery of eternal beauty, which makes us capable of experiencing God's presence, by which the purpose of sacred music is achieved: "the glory of God and sanctification of the faithful.

    Species composition, seasonal fluctuations, and residency of inshore fish assemblages in the Pantan estuary of the eastern middle Adriatic

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    A total of 9434 fishes, mainly juveniles, belonging to 15 families and 42 species were caught at six stations in the Pantan estuary in the eastern mid Adriatic. Using a 50 m beach seine, 1493 specimens of 25 species were caught in summer, 2594 specimens of 26 species in autumn, 3626 of 24 species in winter, and 1721 of 30 species in spring. Seven species comprised 87.8% of the total: Atherina boyeri (33.2%), Pomatoschistus marmoratus (28.1%), Liza aurata (8.3%), Liza ramada (7.1%), Aphanius fasciatus (5.5%), Diplodus annularis (2.9%) and Mugil cephalus (2.6%). An ANOSIM2 test for unreplicated 2-way layouts revealed significant differences in species assemblages among the sites (ρav = 0.385, P = 0.007). Stations with similar hydrographic conditions had similar species richness and assemblages. Statistically significant differences were not noted between seasons (ρav = 0.221, P = 0.057) although some seasonal differences, especially between summer and winter, were observed on nMDS plots. The most important ecological category was planktivorous fishes (39.4%), followed by benthic mesocarnivorous fishes (33.9%), and particulate organic matter feeders (21.3%). Twenty-two species were permanent estuary residents, 14 opportunists, and six transients. This study demonstrates that the Pantan estuary is an important fish nursery habitat that, although small, has great spatial fish diversity and therefore deserves special protection

    Selection of reference genes for normalization of real-time PCR data in visceral adipose tissue of female rats on a fructose-enriched diet

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    Considering the association of increased fructose intake with the rise in metabolic syndrome and gender differences in its incidence, this study was aimed at evaluating and identifying the optimal reference genes for the relative quantification of gene expression by real-time PCR in the adipose tissue of female rats exposed to a fructose-enriched diet as an animal model of metabolic syndrome. The transcription of four commonly used reference genes, BA, HPRT1, TBP and B2M, was quantified by TaqMan real-time PCR. The expression stability of these genes was evaluated by direct comparison of Ct values and by using the geNorm and NormFinder algorithms. NormFinder revealed HPRT1 as the most stable gene, and both programs identified HPRT1 and TBP as the most stable combination of genes in this experimental paradigm. In addition, HPRT1 was shown to be reliable enough as the sole reference gene.Projekat ministarstva br. III4100

    Ishrana trlje kamenjarke, Mullus surmuletus u istočnom Jadranskom moru

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    Feeding habits of the striped red mullet, Mullus surmutetus in the eastern Adriatic Sea were investigated. Stomach contents of 203 specimens (11.5 - 32.9 cm TL) collected by bottom trawling were analyzed. Commonly accepted procedures were followed during the diet composition inspection and standard keys were used for food items determination. Examinations showed that 39 identified prey taxa belong to 11 major systematic groups: Crustacea, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Pisces, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Polychaeta, Nematoda, Bryozoa, Algae and Rhizaria. The predominant and preferred prey category was decapod crustaceans within all size categories and only in the largest individuals, the dominance of Bivalvia followed by Polychaeta and Crustacea were found. The largest individuals also showed more variety in consumption of different prey categories and a higher mean number of prey items in comparison with smaller fish. No significant differences in prey foraging between males and females ((p>0.05)) and regarding to season ((p>0.05)) were found. Feeding on such wide spectra of prey without significant variations regarding to sex and season suggests that the striped red mullets are able to adapt to shifts in spatio-temporal variations in the abundance of potential prey. Presence of detritus in the digestive tracts is highly related to its foraging behaviour on muddy detritic bottoms.Istraživana je ishrana trlje kamenjarke, Mullus surmuletus u istočnom dijelu Jadrankog mora. Analiziran je sadržaj želudca 203 jedinke (11.5 – 32.9 cm TL) prikupljenih pridnenom povlačnom mrežom koćom. Opće su prihvaćene metode i ključevi za determinaciju korišteni za određivanje sastava ishrane i determinaciju plijena. Istraživanjem je određeno 39 identificiranih vrsta plijena koji spadaju u 11 glavnih skupina: rakovi, puževi, školjkaši, ribe, žarnjaci, bodljikaši, mnogočetinaši, oblići, mahovnjaci, alge i krednjaci. Dominantna i poželjna kategorija plijena bili su dekapodni rakovi unutar svih veličinskih kategorija, dok je samo kod najvećih jedinki pronađena dominantnost školjkaša, a slijede ih mnogočetinaši i rakovi. Najveće jedinke također su pokazale veću raznolikost u konzumaciji različitih vrsta plijena i prosječno veći broj jedinki plijena u odnosu na manje ribe. Nije pronađena značajna razlika u ishrani između mužjaka i ženki ((p>0.05)) i s obzirom na sezonu Istraživana je ishrana trlje kamenjarke, Mullus surmuletus u istočnom dijelu Jadrankog mora. Analiziran je sadržaj želudca 203 jedinke (11.5 – 32.9 cm TL) prikupljenih pridnenom povlačnom mrežom koćom. Opće su prihvaćene metode i ključevi za determinaciju korišteni za određivanje sastava ishrane i determinaciju plijena. Istraživanjem je određeno 39 identificiranih vrsta plijena koji spadaju u 11 glavnih skupina: rakovi, puževi, školjkaši, ribe, žarnjaci, bodljikaši, mnogočetinaši, oblići, mahovnjaci, alge i krednjaci. Dominantna i poželjna kategorija plijena bili su dekapodni rakovi unutar svih veličinskih kategorija, dok je samo kod najvećih jedinki pronađena dominantnost školjkaša, a slijede ih mnogočetinaši i rakovi. Najveće jedinke također su pokazale veću raznolikost u konzumaciji različitih vrsta plijena i prosječno veći broj jedinki plijena u odnosu na manje ribe. Nije pronađena značajna razlika u ishrani između mužjaka i ženki ((p>0.05)) i s obzirom na sezonu ((p>0.05)). Hranjenje širokim spektrom plijena bez značajnih varijacija u vezi sa spolom i sezonom sugerira da se trlja od kamena može prilagoditi pomacima u prostorno-vremenskim varijacijama obilja potencijalnog plijena. Prisutnost detritusa u probavnom traktu povezana je s načinom hranjenja istraživane vrste na muljevitim detritičnim dnima. Hranjenje širokim spektrom plijena bez značajnih varijacija u vezi sa spolom i sezonom sugerira da se trlja od kamena može prilagoditi pomacima u prostorno-vremenskim varijacijama obilja potencijalnog plijena. Prisutnost detritusa u probavnom traktu povezana je s načinom hranjenja istraživane vrste na muljevitim detritičnim dnima

    Mikrotvrdoća bulk-fill kompozitnih smola

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    The aim of the study was to determine microhardness of high- and low-viscosity bulk-fill composite resins and compare it with conventional composite materials. Four materials of high-viscosity were tested, including three bulk-fills: QuiXfi l (QF), x-tra fil (XTF) and Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill (TEBCF), while nanohybrid composite GrandioSO (GSO) served as control. The other four were low-viscosity composites, three bulk-fill materials: Smart Dentin Replacement (SDR), Venus Bulk Fill (VBF) and x-tra base (XB), and conventional control material X-Flow (XF). Composite samples (n=5) were polymerized for 20 s with Bluephase G2 curing unit. Vickers hardness was used to determine microhardness of each material at the surface, and at 2-mm and 4-mm depth. GSO on average recorded significantly higher microhardness values than bulk-fill materials (p<0.001). The low-viscosity composite XF revealed similar microhardness values as SDR, but signifi cantly lower than XB (p<0.001) and significantly higher than VBF (p<0.001). Microhardness of high-viscosity bulk-fill materials was lower than microhardness of the conventional composite material (GSO). Surface microhardness of low-viscosity materials was generally even lower. The microhardness of all tested materials at 4 mm was not different from their surface values. However, additional capping layer was a necessity for low-viscosity bulk-fill materials due to their low microhardness.Svrha istraživanja bila je odrediti mikrotvrdoću visoko-viskoznih i nisko-viskoznih bulk-fill kompozitnih smola i usporediti ih s konvencionalnim kompozitnim materijalima. Četiri visoko-viskozna materijala su testirana, od toga tri bulk-fill: QuiXfi l (QF), x-tra fil (XTF) i Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill (TEBCF); nanohibridni kompozit GrandioSO (GSO) služio je kao kontrola. Ostala četiri materijala bila su nisko-viskozna, tri bulk-fill: Smart Dentin Replacement (SDR), Venus Bulk Fill (VBF) i x-tra base (XB) te konvencionalni kontrolni materijal X-Flow (XF). Kompozitni uzorci (n=5) polimerizirani su 20 s polimerizacijskom lampom Bluephase G2. Mikrotvrdoća svakog materijala na površini te na dubini od 2 i 4 mm je određena po Vickersu. GSO je u prosjeku imao značajno više vrijednosti mikrotvrdoće od ostalih materijala (p<0,001). Niskoviskozni kontrolni kompozit XF imao je slične vrijednosti kao SDR, ali značajno niže nego nego XB (p<0,001) i značajno više nego VBF (p<0,001). Mikrotvrdoća visoko-viskoznih bulk-fill materijala je niža nego kod konvencionalnog kompozitnog materijala GSO. Površinska mikrotvrdoća nisko-viskoznih materijala je općenito još niža. Mikrotvrdoća svih testiranih materijala na dubini od 4 mm se ne razlikuje od njihovih površinskih vrijednosti mikrotvrdoće. Dodatni sloj kompozita za prekrivanje nisko-viskoznih bulk-fill materijala je nužan zbog njihove male mikrotvrdoće