93 research outputs found


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    In real-world software development, maintenance plays a major role and developers spend 50-80% of their time in maintenance-related activities. During software maintenance, a significant amount of effort is spent on ending and fixing bugs. In some cases, the fix does not completely eliminate the buggy behavior; though it addresses the reported problem, it fails to account for conditions that could lead to similar failures. There could be many possible reasons: the conditions may have been overlooked or difficult to reproduce, e.g., when the components that invoke the code or the underlying components it interacts with can not put it in a state where latent errors appear. We posit that such latent errors can be discovered sooner if the buggy section can be tested more thoroughly in a separate environment, a strategy that is loosely analogous to the medical procedure of performing a biopsy where tissue is removed, examined and subjected to a battery of tests to determine the presence of a disease. In this thesis, we propose a process in which the buggy code is extracted and isolated in a test framework. Test drivers and stubs are added to exercise the code and observe its interactions with its dependencies. We lay the groundwork for the creation of an automated tool for isolating code by studying its feasibility and investigating existing testing technologies that can facilitate the creation of such drivers and stubs. We investigate mocking frameworks, symbolic execution and model checking tools and test their capabilities by examining real bugs from the Apache Tomcat project. We demonstrate the merits of performing unit-level symbolic execution and model checking to discover runtime exceptions and logical errors. The process is shown to have high coverage and able to uncover latent errors due to insufficient fixes

    Development Of Unsignalised Intersection Analysis Procedure For The Malaysian Highway Capacity Manual

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    Tesis ini membincangkan pembangunan prosedur analisis persimpangan keutamaan untuk Manual Kapasiti Lebuh Raya Malaysia (MHCM 2006). This thesis discusses the development of unsignalised intersection analysis procedure for the Malaysian Highway Capacity Manual (MHCM 2006)

    Development Of Unsignalised Intersection Analysis Procedure For The Malaysian Highway Capacity Manual [TE176. E73 2007 f rb].

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    Tesis ini membincangkan pembangunan prosedur analisis persimpangan keutamaan untuk Manual Kapasiti Lebuh Raya Malaysia (MHCM 2006). This thesis discusses the development of unsignalised intersection analysis procedure for the Malaysian Highway Capacity Manual (MHCM 2006)

    Relationship Between Participation in Employee Communication Meetings and Patterns of Grievance and Controllable Absence

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    Occupational and Adult Educatio

    Bolts connection technique of bamboo in construction work

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    The construction industry is increasingly developing and growing rapidly with more advanced technologies. The world timber demand is increasing at a rapid rate but the timber supply is however depleting. It has been found through research that bamboo can suitably replace timber and other materials in constructions. This study was conducted to investigate the structural strength of bamboo connections involving only spliced joint and compared with control samples strength of bamboo which were not connected. Bending test was conducted on four types of bamboo connection structures which werehalf-lapped splice joint using 3 bolts, half-lapped splice joint using 2 bolts, side plate splice joint, sleeves and insert joint and control sample bamboo. Every connection had six samples to determine the structural strength of the bamboo connection. From the tests conducted, the maximum load that can be borne by the bamboo structure and the bending ofthe bamboo structure will be obtained. Data were compared with the theoretical calculation based on the study of Janssen's. The connection structure that can bear maximum load was sleeves and inserts which was 5.997 kN. The control samples bamboo maximum load was 4.504 kN. Meanwhile, half-lapped splice joint using 3 bolts and 2 bolts were 4.789 kN and 4.04 kN. Structural connections that carriedthe lowest load was side plate splice joint which was only 2.659 kN.Compared with the bending moment of Janssen’s theory, all the connections did not exceed the maximum allowable bending moment. This showed that the study was in accordance with the standards approved by Janssen's theory. The study found that the structure of connections that can be used in the construction work was sleeves and inserts

    Critical gap analysis of merging sections at Kuala Lumpur middle ring road

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    At merging sections, drivers normally slow down and sometimes need to stop while seeking a suitable gap before merging with the mainstream. Thus, there will always be several observed rejected gaps and an accepted gap which can be used to determine the smallest average gap, so-called critical gap. This study was carried out to determine critical gap values at selected merging sections at the Jalan Tun Razak and the DUKE Expressway uses the Maximum Likelihood method. Data were collected by using videotaping method and the gap acceptance data were extracted for analysis. A gap acceptance event at highway merging sections in this study was redefined due to unavailability of stopping vehicles at the ramp junction. Therefore, the gap data were estimated starting from a ramp’s vehicle passing the end of gore marking to where it merges with the mainstream. The analysis of the critical gap takes into consideration accepted gaps greater than 5 seconds to avoid forced entry due to lead impedance of successive vehicles on mainstream. The critical gap values obtained in this study, according to vehicle classification were ranged between 4.5 to 5.0 seconds, which are slightly smaller if compared to critical gap values for particularly left turn from minor movement at priority junction of the Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 11/87 and the United States Highway Capacity Manual 2000. The findings shall help to study driving behavior of local drivers, especially at priority control facilities such as merging sections

    Analysis of car following headway along multilane highway

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    This study describes driver’s car following headway on multilane highways. The aim of this study is to analyse the driver’s car following headway along multilane highway at four selected locations. The objectives of this study were to determine car headway at Jalan Batu Pahat – Ayer Hitam multilane highway and to develop linear regression models to present the relationships between headway and speed. Videotaping method was used in field data collection during peak hours. Data were extracted from recorded video by using the image processing technique software. The distance headways and associated vehicles speeds were classified into vehicle following category by vehicle type: car following car, car following heavy goods vehicle, heavy goods vehicle following heavy goods vehicle and heavy goods vehicle following car categories. Linear regressions models were used to develop the relationships between headway and speed. Based on all headway distribution, it is found that patterns of the vehicle headways at four study locations were similar, which shown a significant number of the vehicles travel at headways less than 5 seconds. Furthermore, it can be concluded that many drivers tend to follow the vehicles ahead closely on multilane highways. The regression models were significantly reliable based on their R-square values which are ranging between 0.80 and 0.95. From the analysis, cars were found to maintain larger headways when following heavy goods vehicles compare to when following other cars

    Analysis of BKO Content (Antalgin and Dexamethasone) in Herbal Medicine Using Iodimetry Titration and HPLC Method

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    Abstract : Misuse of adding chemical drugs – BKO – into herbal medicines is often done by irresponsible people. The aim is to increase efficacy instantly, to attract consumer interest. BKO, which are often added to herbal medicine, are antalgin and dexamethasone. Antalgin content analysis was carried out quantitatively using the iodimetry titration method by conducting a preliminary test. The dexamethasone content analysis was carried out with qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method was carried out using TLC. The quantitative method was carried out using the HPLC technique. The results obtained for the analysis of antalgin content of 10 samples were obtained two samples of herbal medicine containing antalgin, respectively 0,0749% and 0,1083%. Analysis of the dexamethasone content from 10 samples obtained 5 herbal samples containing dexamethasone respectively 0.0979%, 0.222%, 0.4521%, 0.5131% and 0.2809%. So based on these results, it is necessary to take action from the relevant institution regarding the discovery of the content of BKO in the herbal medicine on the market in Lombok.Abstrak : Penyalahgunaan penambahan bahan kimia obat (BKO) kedalam jamu sering sekali dilakukan oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan meningkatkan khasiat secara instan, sehingga dapat menarik minat konsumen. BKO yang sering ditambahkan kedalam jamu adalah antalgin dan deksametason. Analisis kandungan antalgin dlakukan dengan cara kuantitatif menggunakan metode titrasi iodimetri dengan melakukan uji pendahuluan. Sedangkan analisis kandungan deksametason dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan KLT. Metode kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik HPLC. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk analisis kandungan antalgin dari 10 sampel didapat 2 sampel jamu yang mengandung antalgin masing-masing sebesar 0,0749% dan 0,1083%. Analisis kandungan deksametason dari 10 sampel diperoleh 5 sampel jamu yang mengandung deksametason masing masing sebesar 0,0979%; 0,222%; 0,4521%; 0,5131% dan 0,2809%. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka perlu dilakukan adanya tindakan dari instansi terkait perihal masih ditemukannya kandungan BKO dalam sediaan jamu yang beredar di pasaran pulau Lombok

    Incision wound healing test ethanolic extract gel from Ekor Naga (Rhaphidophora pinnata (L.f) Schott) leaves in white male rats

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    Ekor naga (Rhaphidophora pinnata (L.f) Schott) leaves have been researched and tested. So, it was known that the chemical content of secondary metabolites effect wound healing. This study aimed to determine the gel effect of ekor naga leaves extracts as a wound healing medicine. The research method evaluated organoleptic, pH, spreadability, and adhesion of gel preparations which were measured every week for four weeks. The testing of gel effect on the wound healing medicine was being performed. In 5 treatment groups namely positive control: Bioplasenton, Formula 0: negative control, Formula 1: 10% extract concentration, Formula 2: 15% extract concentration, and Formula 3: 20% extract concentration. The result obtained were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and continued by the Duncan test with a level of 95% confidence. The research results showed that formula 3 has the best wound healing effect, followed by formulas 2 and 1. The statistical results have a significant difference (p<0,05), but the results of stability observations of the formula two preparation have a stable. Evaluation value for four weeks of observation with a care effect of 95.3%. So, formula 2 is the best formula for stability and testing wound healing effectiveness