3,772 research outputs found

    Fenomena Komunikasi Anggota Komunitas Graffiti di Kota Medan (Studi Fenomenologi pada Anggota Komunitas Me&art)

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    Community of Graffiti become a separate phenomenon, which represent one of the subkultural youngster in the middle of society. Community of ME&ART in Medan become a unique phenomenon, because specification and uniqueness of activity and also life style which this community have to make this community exist and recognized in Medan. Some ways do youngster to communicate the existence of self through art of graffiti. This research intend to know motive of member community ME&ART in expressing art of graffiti, symbol meaning of graffiti and for describe about communication behavior of community member ME&ART in Medan.This research used qualitative methode by phenomenological approach. The subject of research is 5 who represent Community member of ME&ART selected use technique of purposive. Data obtained through participant observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. This research use technique analyse data of interaktif by using data collecting technique, data discount, presentation of data and withdrawal of conclusion.The result of research showed that here are two motives of community members to express their graffiti art motifs of the past and the future motives. Meaning built by members of the community ME&ART Graffiti as a medium to deliver creative, media delivery of messages and as a medium of expression. Community members communication behavior ME & ART views of verbal communication verbal and nonverbal communication.Keywords: Phenomenological, graffiti, Community, Meaning of Symbols, Communication Behavior, Simbolic Interaction Theory

    Experimental analysis of tribological performance of modified jatropha oil enriched with nanoparticle additives for machining application

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    The intensified developments of the vegetable-based metalworking fluids have been growing rapidly due to the environmental and health issue of the utilization of the mineral based oil. The vegetable oils are a great potential substitution of the mineral based oil which has been explored in recent years due to their high biodegradability, renewability and low toxicity in comparable with mineral oil. Non-edible vegetable oil had attracted an attention of the researches in contrast with edible oil which significantly compete with the human food supply. The main focus of this study was to evaluate a new formulation of vegetable-based nanofluid from chemically modified jatropha oil (MJO) blended with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), graphene and copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles at 0.05 wt.% concentration. The physicochemical testing was carried out in term of kinematic viscosity, viscosity index and flash point and was compare with commercial synthetic ester (SE). The analysis of MJO mixed with nanoparticles in the perspective of it tribological has been performed through a four ball tribo testing to determine the coefficient of friction, mean wear scar diameter, friction torque, surface roughness and volume wear rate. The results showed that the tribological performance the MJO+0.05wt.% CuO exhibit lowest value in of coefficient of friction and friction torque followed by MJO+0.05wt.% graphene, MJO+0.05wt.% hBN and SE. Nevertheless, the MJO+0.05wt.% graphene and MJO+0.05wt.% hBN provided the significant improvement by providing the lowest value of the mean wear scar diameter and surface roughness respectively. It concluded that the modified jatropha oil enriched with nanoparticles had a great improvement on their tribological performance, hence it’s a highly potential substitution of the SE for machining process

    Efek Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Dan Teamwork Skills Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: Mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajarfisika siswa melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GroupInvestigationdengan model pembelajaran Direct Instruction. Mengetahui perbedaan hasilbelajar fisika antara kelompok siswa yang memiliki teamwork skills dibawah rata-rata dengan di atas rata-rata. Mengetahui interaksi antara modelpembelajaran dengan tingkat teamwork skills siswa dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2x2. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswakelas X. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara cluster randomsebanyak dua kelas, dimana kelas pertama sebagai kelas eksperimenditerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation dankelas kedua sebagai kelas kontrol diterapkan model pembelajaran DirectInstruction. Instrumen yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini yaitu instrumentes hasil belajar fisika dalam bentuk uraian sebanyak 8 soal dan insrumenobservasi teamwok skills yang telah dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Datadianalisis menggunakan analisis Anava dua jalur. Dari hasil penelitian dapatdisimpulkan bahwa: Hasil belajar fisika pada model kooperatif tipe groupinvestigation lebih tinggi dibandingkan model direct interuction. Hasilbelajar fisika pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki tingkat teamwork skills diatas rata-rata lebih tinggi dibandingkan di bawah rata-rata. Terdapatinteraksiantara model pembelajaran dengan tingkat teamwork skills siswa dalammempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipegroup investigation sangat baik diterapkan pada kelompok siswa yangmemiliki teamwork skills di atas rata-rata. Sedangkan pada model directinteruction tidak perlu memperhatikan teamwork skills

    Nonreciprocal conversion between radio-frequency and optical photons with an optoelectromechanical system

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    Nonreciprocal systems breaking time-reversal symmetry are essential tools in modern quantum technologies enabling the suppression of unwanted reflected signals or extraneous noise entering through detection ports. Here we propose a scheme enabling nonreciprocal conversion between optical and radio-frequency (rf) photons using exclusively optomechanical and electromechanical interactions. The nonreciprocal transmission is obtained by interference of two dissipative pathways of transmission between the two electromagnetic modes established through two distinct intermediate mechanical modes. In our protocol, we apply a bichromatic drive to the cavity mode and a single-tone drive to the rf resonator, and use the relative phase between the drive tones to obtain nonreciprocity. We show that perfect nonreciprocal transduction can be obtained in the limit of large cooperativity in both directions, from optical to rf and vice versa. We also study the transducer noise and show that mechanical thermal noise is always reflected back onto the isolated port. In the limit of large cooperativity, the input noise is instead transmitted in an unaltered way in the allowed direction; in particular one has only vacuum noise in the output rf port in the case of optical-to-rf conversion

    A Prospective Study on Building Quality: Relationship between Workmanship Quality and Common Building Defects of Low-cost Construction Projects

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    This study focuses on the quality of workmanship in the construction of lowcost housing in Kedah and Penang State, Malaysia and its relation to defects occurring in the building. The objectives of this study are to investigate common building defects that mostly occur at low-cost housing due to poor workmanship, the factors that contribute to poor workmanship and to established possible measures to minimize these problems. From the combination of literary reviews and questionnaire surveys, this research explores all the stated objectives. For this particular study, quantitative research was conducted through questionnaire surveys involving respondents who are involved in and are experienced in working on construction projects. After analysing the data, this study found that most common defects occurring on low-cost housing are cracks on walls, settlement and peeling paint. Additionally, construction of low-cost housing commonly suffers from low quality workmanship due to poor project management and a lack of experience and competency among labourers. These significant impediments can be remedied by providing training and education to the labourers as well as implementing strict supervision during construction work

    Approaches to Construction Waste Management in Malaysia

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    The concept of construction waste management was introduced a long time ago but the effort of waste minimization has, for the most part, merely been observed and not practiced. Additionally, an increasing allocation of landfills has indicated a growing production of waste. However, the allocation of funding or skills for the prevention of waste has been scarce as waste minimization has not been given enough attention. One such example is the undertaking of different stages of construction, which often does not account for future problems in construction waste. Hence, this study is intended to investigate common waste management practices on construction sites in Malaysia. As part of this investigation, site observations and questionnaires were conducted to collect information from the respondents. Comprehensive literature reviews also helped to understand the latest norms as well as previous practices in waste management. The results reflected that certain areas of knowledge and implementation showed great gaps with the same mistakes appearing frequently, pointing to the conclusion that known causes of excess waste are often not rectified and suggestions for improvement are not fully incorporated in standard practices

    Investigating Asphaltenes Composition in Crude Oil Samples using Iatroscan TLC-FID Method.

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    This research was carried out to investigate the percentage composition of asphaltenes by Iatroscan analysis using Thin Layer Chromatography-Flame Ion Detection method (Iatroscan TLC-FID) The percentage composition of asphaltenes by Iatroscan TLC-FID method was compared with the weight% of asphaltenes precipitated. The results from the two methods nearly agreed with each other which revealed that the amount of asphaltene recovered by precipitation is analogous to Iatroscan analysis carried out prior to precipitation. The insignificant difference observed between the two results could be associated to some slight unavoidable experimental and analytical errors which were slightly encountered and instantly addressed. Based on the results obtained from Iatroscan analysis and % composition by weights of asphaltenes recovered, the non-degraded oil tagged 8676 was observed to comparatively have higher asphaltene composition (1125 mg, 11.22 %) than its counterpart which is very slightly degraded oil and tagged 6661 (608.5 mg, 6.085 %). This is not commonly reported in literature. Probably, this indicates that biodegradation may possibly not increase asphaltene composition of oil as widely reported.Keywords: Asphaltenes, Biodegradation, Iatroscan TLC-FID, Oi

    Prevalence and public health implications of the microbial load of abused Naira notes

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    A hundred and forty (140) pieces of abused Naira notes were randomly and aseptically collected in Kano metropolis and examined microbiologically for the load and type of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) using swab-rinse and standard plate count techniques. The mean average bacterial counts on the notes ranged between 3.59 x 102 cfu/ml and 1.29 x 105 cfu/ml while fungal counts ranged between 3.24 x 102 cfu/ml and 1.59 x 106 cfu/ml. The lowest and highest counts for both bacteria and fungi were found in the N500 and N5 abused naira denominations respectively. The bacteria isolated include the genera of Bacillus, Brucella, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Listeria, Micrococcus and Staphylococcus while fungi include the genera of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillium and Rhizopus. There was no recovery of both bacteria and fungi in the control. The implications of the results have been discussed. Keywords: Microbiological load, abused naira notes, public health, Kano

    Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Copper (II) Complex with a Schiff base Derived from 2 – Hydroxy – 1 – naphthaldehyde and Ethylenediammine

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    Synthesis of Copper (II) complex with a Schiff base derived from the condensation of 2 – hydroxyl-1-naphthaldehyde and ethylenediammine was carried out. Solubility, melting/decomposition temperature, molar conductance, potentiometric as well as uv-visible spectrophotometric studies were carried out. The pKa of the Schiff base was determined potentiometrically and checked using ORIGIN 50 method. Potentiometric studies revealed 1:1 metal to ligand ratio. Job’s method of continuous variation also revealed 1:1 metal to ligand ratio. Molar conductance measurements showed that the complex is non electrolyte with very high stability constant value. Gibb’s free energy determination showed that the complex is very stable as shown by the high decomposition temperature measurements.Keywords: Complex, Potentiometry, Schiff base, Stability constan