733 research outputs found

    Effect of Total Leaf Numbers on the Growth and Fruit Quality in Muskmelon Plants Showing Leaf Yellowing Symptoms

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of total leaf numbers on the growth, net formation of fruits, and occurrence of leaf yellowing symptoms (LYS) in muskmelon plants. The growth and development of LYS on muskmelon plants having 25, 30, and 35 fully expanded leaves on the vine were compared to those of the control plant having 20 leaves. Plant height, leaf area, root fresh weight, and root dry weight increased as the number of leaves increased. Plants with 35 leaves showed the greatest plant growth. Net photosynthetic rate was positively related to increasing leaf numbers with plants having over 25 leaves showing the greatest photosynthetic rates. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in chlorophyll content and root activity among treatments with different leaf numbers. The ratio of LYS infection was also greater in plants having 25-30 leaves, than in those having leaf numbers. Plants with different leaf numbers and LYS infection showed a variation in fruit quality, although LYS did not significantly affect fruit quality except net index. The plants having 20 leaves that showed LYS developed fruits that had significantly smaller flesh (mesocarp) thickness than, the plants having greater numbers of leaves. The higher sugar contents of fruits were found in the plants having 35 leaves whether they showed LYS (12.1°Bx) or not (12.5°Bx). Therefore, leaving more than 25 healthy leaves per plant was recommended for minimizing damage from LYS.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2015-01/104/0000027607/11ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A075898DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:0FILENAME:(이희주)effect_of_total_leaf_numbers_on_the_growth_and_fruit_quality_in_muskmelon_plants_showing_leaf_yell··.pdfDEPT_NM:식물생산과학부CONFIRM:

    Moisture Content Prediction Below and Above Fiber Saturation Point by Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis on Near Infrared Absorption Spectra of Korean Pine

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    This study was performed to predict the surface moisture content of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) with low moisture content (approximately 0%) and high moisture content above the FSP using near IR spectroscopy. Near IR absorbance spectra of circular specimens were acquired at various moisture contents at 25°C. To enhance the precision of the regression model, mathematical preprocessing was performed by determining the three-point moving average and Norris second derivatives. After preprocessing, partial least squares regression was carried out to establish the surface moisture content prediction model. We divided the specimens into two groups based on their moisture contents. For the first group, which possessed moisture contents less than 30%, the R2 values and root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) of the model were 0.96 and 1.48, respectively. For the second group, which possessed moisture contents greater than 30%, the R2 values and RMSEP of the model were 0.94 and 4.88, respectively. For all moisture contents, the R2 and RMSEP were 0.96 and 5.15, respectively. As the range of moisture contents included in the prediction model was expanded, the error of the model increased. In addition, the peak positions of the water absorption band (1440 and 1930 nm) shifted to longer wavelengths at higher moisture contents

    Generalized logistic model with time-varying parameters to analyze COVID-19 outbreak data

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    Accurately estimating the number of infections that actually occur in the earliest phases of an outbreak and predicting the number of new cases per day in various countries is crucial for real-time monitoring of COVID-19 transmission. Numerous studies have used mathematical models to predict the progression of infection rates in several countries following the appearance of epidemiological outbreaks. In this study, we analyze the data reported and then study several logistical-type phenomenological models and their application in practice for forecasting infection evolution. When several epidemic waves follow one another, it is important to stress that a traditional logistic model cannot necessarily be fully adapted to the data made available. New models are being introduced to simultaneously take account of human behavior, measures taken by the government, and epidemiological conditions. This research used a generalized logistic model based on parameters that vary over time to describe trends in COVID-19-infected cases in countries that have undergone several waves. In two-wave scenarios, the parameters of the model evolve dynamically over time following a logistic function, where the first and second waves are characterized by two extreme values for the early period and the late one, respectively

    Validity of gait parameters for hip flexor contracture in patients with cerebral palsy

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    Background: Psoas contracture is known to cause abnormal hip motion in patients with cerebral palsy. The authors investigated the clinical relevance of hip kinematic and kinetic parameters, and 3D modeled psoas length in terms of discriminant validty, convergent validity, and responsiveness. Methods: Twenty-four patients with cerebral palsy (mean age 6.9 years) and 28 normal children (mean age 7.6 years) were included. Kinematic and kinetic data were obtained by three dimensional gait analysis, and psoas lengths were determined using a musculoskeletal modeling technique. Validity of the hip parameters were evaluated. Results: In discriminant validity, maximum psoas length (effect size r = 0.740), maximum pelvic tilt (0.710), maximum hip flexion in late swing (0.728), maximum hip extension in stance (0.743), and hip flexor index (0.792) showed favorable discriminant ability between the normal controls and the patients. In convergent validity, maximum psoas length was not significantly correlated with maximum hip extension in stance in control group whereas it was correlated with maximum hip extension in stance (r = -0.933, p < 0.001) in the patients group. In responsiveness, maximum pelvic tilt (p = 0.008), maximum hip extension in stance (p = 0.001), maximum psoas length (p < 0.001), and hip flexor index (p < 0.001) showed significant improvement post-operatively. Conclusions: Maximum pelvic tilt, maximum psoas length, hip flexor index, and maximum hip extension in stance were found to be clinically relevant parameters in evaluating hip flexor contracture.Y

    Coupling characteristics of surface modes in truncated two-dimensional photonic crystals

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    On 1 February, 1994 the Republic of Austria concluded the Accession Treaty and on 1 January, 1995 became a full member of the European Union. Membership obliged Austrians to ‘provide’ the Community with appropriate personnel to take up different posts in various EU authorities, as well as in the European Parliament. The most important issue was to alter particular statutory regulations and the Austrian Constitution to adjust to the new situation.The paper aims at presenting the Austrian solutions in this matter in the context of European Union law, with particular emphasis on regulations which are uncommon or specific to the Republic of Austria. The matter of interest is the constitutional practice of EU member states and the reader’s perspective is taken into account. The latter approach not only evaluates the Austrian solutions in the context of the electoral law to the European Parliament contained in the Election Code, but could also suggest some ideas in regard to prospective amendments. The authors would, in particular, like to pay attention to two issues: the lowering of the voting age, and the single constituency electoral system. The Austrian solutions might be valuable to refer to in the countries where a system of correspondence voting is just being introduced. These resolutions are particularly interesting taking into consideration prospective, possible amendments to the electoral laws of the EU member states.Republika Austrii, 1 lutego 1994 r. podpisała traktat akcesyjny i z dniem 1 stycznia 1995 r. stała się pełnoprawnym członkiem Unii Europejskiej. Członkostwo zobowiązało Austriaków do “dostarczenia” Wspólnocie odpowiednich osób do objęcia różnych stanowisk w różnych unijnych organach. Nie inaczej było także w przypadku Parlamentu Europejskiego. Ważnym aspektem stało się dostosowanie poszczególnych norm ustawowych i własnej konstytucji do nowych rozwiązań. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest właśnie przedstawianie austriackich rozwiązań w tym temacie na tle rozwiązań europejskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem unormowań rzadko spotykanych lub wręcz odrębności sytemu Republiki Austrii. Rzecz wydaje się być interesująca zarówno z punktu widzenia praktyki ustrojowej państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, jak i z punktu widzenia czytelnika. To drugie podejście pozwoli na ocenę austriackich rozwiązań na tle niedawno wprowadzonej ordynacji wyborczej do PE zawartej w Kodeksie Wyborczym, ale również może podsunąć pewne pomysły, co do przyszłych nowelizacji. Autorzy zwrócili szczególną uwagę na dwa rozwiązania: obniżenie cenzusu wieku czynnego prawa wyborczego oraz jednookręgowy system wyborczy. Austriackie doświadczenia mogą być również pomocne państwom, które wprowadzają możliwość głosowania korespondencyjnego. Są to propozycje szczególnie interesujące z punktu widzenia przyszłych, możliwych nowelizacji systemów wyborczych państw członkowskich

    A Novel Stacked CNN for Malarial Parasite Detection in Thin Blood Smear Images

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    Malaria refers to a contagious mosquito-borne disease caused by parasite genus plasmodium transmitted by mosquito female Anopheles. As infected mosquito bites a person, the parasite multiplies in the host's liver and start destroying the red-cells. The disease is examined visually under the microscope for infected red-cells. This diagnosis depends upon the expertise and experience of pathologists and reports may vary in different laboratories doing a manual examination. Another way around, many machine learning techniques have been applied for spontaneous detection of blood smears. However, feature engineering is a challenging task that requires expertise to adjust positional and morphological features. Therefore, this study proposes a novel Stacked Convolutional Neural Network architecture that improves the automatic detection of malaria without considering the hand-crafted features. The 5-fold cross-validation process on 27, 558 cell images with equal instances of parasitized and uninfected cells on a publicly available dataset from the National Institute of health, the accuracy of our proposed model is 99.98%. Furthermore, the statistical results revealed that the proposed model is superior to the state-of-the-art models with 100% precision, 99.9% recall, and 99% f1-measure

    Comparative analysis of FBS containing media and serum free chemically defined media, CellCor for adipose derived stem cells production

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    Background: As a result of the aging society, the average OECD life expectancy has grown to about 80 years, yet the average health life still remains at only 65 years, leaving more than 15 years of life in an uncertain health state. Regenerative medicine is a new concept of medicine that combines cells and biomaterials to restore the functions of aged or damaged tissues or organs. It is also a good treatment for chronic diseases and incurable diseases, receiving attention as a new paradigm for treating diseases. Problems: As the market for regenerative medicine grows, mass production of consistent quality cells is required. Media is the most important thing in mass production of consistent quality cells. However, the fetal bovine serum (FBS) containing media that is currently wide used has many problems, such as unidentified viral infection, immunogenicity, lot variations, unstable supply, and ethical issues. To solve these problems and make rapid progress in regenerative medicine, a high-performance serum free chemically defined media (CDM) is needed. Solution: CellCor is a serum free CDM that provides excellent performance, safety, economy and consistency in stem cell production. CellCor allows higher-speed cell production rate than current FBS containing culture media (Figure 1). Compared to the FBS containing media, CellCor is able to maintain stem cell markers, higher population homogeneity, genetic stability, and excellent differentiation potency even at later passage. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract