964 research outputs found

    The Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation

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    Pain is frequent in several neurological conditions, such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, but it is often underestimated and therefore untreated or not successfully treated. Pain reduces quality of life, it may be the cause of adaptive disorders (such as anxiety and depression) and, in patients undergoing rehabilitation, it may negatively impact rehabilitation procedures and hamper the outcome. Unfortunately, there are no significant data regarding the impact of pain in neurorehabilitation patients and what would be the impact of an appropriate pain treatment on rehabilitation outcome. Accordingly, there are no guidelines providing indications on how to treat pain in patients with pain during rehabilitation treatment and thereafter. Given this background, and to comply with the Italian law 38 released on 2010 by the Italian Ministry of Health to guarantee adequate care and treatment of patients with pain both in hospital and in primary care, the Italian Society for Neurological Rehabilitation (SIRN) along with the Italian Society for Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine (SIMFER), promoted a work-in-progress platform, the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation (ICCPNR)

    Nociceptin/orphanin FQ prevents the antinociceptive action of paracetamol on the rat hot plate test

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    Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is involved in many behavioural patterns; in particular. it exerts a modulating effect on nociception. Like other proposed antiopiates, nociceptin/orphanin FQ has been shown to have analgesic, hyperalgesic as well as antianalgesic properties. Among the various effects proposed on nociceptive sensitivity at supraspinal level, the antagonistic activity toward morphine analgesia seems to be of interest. Therefore, we decided to investigate whether nociceptin/orphanin FQ and [Arg(14), Lys(15)] nociceptin/orphanin FQ (R-K, a nociceptin analogue) can have the same effect on the analgesia produced by nonopioid analgesics. in this study. we examined the antianalgesic effect of nociceptin/orphanin FQ and its analogue R-K on paracetamol-induced analgesia and evaluated by means of the hot plate test in rats. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ was intracerebroventricularly administered, anti. after 5 min, a dose of 400 mg/kg paracetamol was injected intraperitoneally, 30 min before the hot plate test. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ and R-K showed a dose-dependent antagonism on the antinociceptive effect of paracetamol, and the activity of both drugs was significantly reduced by the antagonist [Nphe(1)] Arg(14), Lys(15)-N/OFQ-NH2 (UFP-101). These data indicate that nociceptin/orphanin FQ and R-K have an antianalgesic effect on the analgesia produced by a nonopioid analgesic drug, like paracetamol, that seems to develop within the brain

    Airborne Pollen, Allergens, and Proteins: A Comparative Study of Three Sampling Methods

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    Nowadays, there is a wide range of different methods available for the monitoring of pollen and allergens, but their relative efficiency is sometimes unclear, as conventional pollen monitoring does not thoroughly describe pollen allergenicity. This study aims to evaluate airborne pollen, allergen, and protein levels, associating them with meteorological and chemical parameters. The sampling was performed in Bologna (Italy) during the grass flowering period, with three different devices: a Cyclone sampler (CS), a Dicothomous sampler (DS), and a Berner impactor (BI). Total proteins were extracted from aerosol samples, and grass allergens Phl p 1 and Phl p 5 were quantified by ELISA. Airborne Poaceae pollen concentrations were also evaluated, using a Hirst-type trap. Proteins and allergens collected by CS resulted about ten times higher than those collected by the other two instruments, possibly due to their different cut-offs, while DS and BI results appeared consistent only for the total proteins collected in the fine fraction (1.3 vs. 1.6 mu g/m(3)). Airborne proteins correlated neither with Poaceae pollen nor with its aeroallergens, while aeroallergens correlated with pollen only in the coarse particulate, indicating the presence of pollen-independent aeroallergens in the fine particulate, promoted by high wind speed

    Wie kann die betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung in der Landwirtschaft optimiert werden?

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    Bei der WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe nehmen die Produktionskosten eine SchlĂŒsselrolle ein. Verschiedene Akteure in der landwirtschaftlichen Beratung und Bildung boten dazu in der Vergangenheit Weiterbildungen an. Dabei blieben die Teilnehmendenzahlen unter den Erwartungen. Die Arbeitsgruppe Opticost wollte den GrĂŒnden auf die Spur kommen, um Verbesserungsmassnahmen abzuleiten. Dazu fĂŒhrte sie halbstrukturierte Experteninterviews auf den Stufen Projektleitende, Beratende und Teilnehmende in fĂŒnf betriebswirtschaftlichen Weiterbildungsprojekten der Schweizer Landwirtschaft durch. ZusĂ€tzlich analysierte sie auf Stufe Beratende je ein betriebswirtschaftliches Weiterbildungsprojekt der französischen, deutschen und österreichischen Landwirtschaft sowie ein branchenfremdes Projekt in der Schweiz. Die Analyse der Experteninterviews fand nach Meyer (2009), das theoretische Kodieren nach Böhm (1994) statt. Die Resultate zeigten, dass bei der Zielgruppe zwischen innovativen und reaktiven Teilnahmemustern unterschieden werden kann. Personen mit innovativem Teilnahmemuster kamen aus eigenem Antrieb heraus an die Weiterbildungen. FĂŒr Personen mit reaktivem Muster bestand eine betriebliche Notwendigkeit. Bei der Gestaltung der Weiterbildungen beeinflusste die Gewichtung von Bildungsanspruch und Zielgruppenorientierung die Zusammensetzung des Teilnehmerkreises. Die Direktkommunikation zeigte bei der Sensibilisierung der Teilnehmenden die beste Wirkung. Sie sollte zukĂŒnftig besser auf die Zielgruppe abgestimmt werden und vermehrt landwirtschaftliche VerbĂ€nde, Beratende, TreuhĂ€nderinnen und TreuhĂ€nder usw. mit einbeziehen

    In situ physical and chemical characterisation of the Eyjafjallajökull aerosol plume in the free troposphere over Italy

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    Abstract. Continuous measurements of physical and chemical properties at the Mt. Cimone (Italy) GAW-WMO (Global Atmosphere Watch, World Meteorological Organization) Global Station (2165 m a.s.l.) have allowed the detection of the volcanic aerosol plume resulting from the Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) eruption of spring 2010. The event affected the Mt. Cimone site after a transport over a distance of more than 3000 km. Two main transport episodes were detected during the eruption period, showing a volcanic fingerprint discernible against the free tropospheric background conditions typical of the site, the first from April 19 to 21 and the second from 18 to 20 May 2010. This paper reports the modification of aerosol characteristics observed during the two episodes, both characterised by an abrupt increase in fine and, especially, coarse mode particle number. Analysis of major, minor and trace elements by different analytical techniques (ionic chromatography, particle induced X-ray emission–particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIXE–PIGE) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)) were performed on aerosols collected by ground-level discrete sampling. The resulting database allows the characterisation of aerosol chemical composition during the volcanic plume transport and in background conditions. During the passage of the volcanic plume, the fine fraction was dominated by sulphates, denoting the secondary origin of this mode, mainly resulting from in-plume oxidation of volcanic SO2. By contrast, the coarse fraction was characterised by increased concentration of numerous elements of crustal origin, such as Fe, Ti, Mn, Ca, Na, and Mg, which enter the composition of silicate minerals. Data analysis of selected elements (Ti, Al, Fe, Mn) allowed the estimation of the volcanic plume's contribution to total PM10, resulting in a local enhancement of up to 9.5 ÎŒg m−3, i.e. 40% of total PM10 on 18 May, which was the most intense of the two episodes. These results appear significant, especially in light of the huge distance of Mt. Cimone from the source, confirming the widespread diffusion of the Eyjafjallajökull ashes over Europe

    In situ physical and chemical characterisation of the Eyjafjallajökull aerosol plume in the free troposphere over Italy

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    Continuous measurements of physical and chemical properties at the Mt. Cimone (Italy) GAW-WMO (Global Atmosphere Watch, World Meteorological Organization) Global Station (2165 m a.s.l.) have allowed the detection of the volcanic aerosol plume resulting from the Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) eruption of spring 2010. The event affected the Mt. Cimone site after a transport over a distance of more than 3000 km. Two main transport episodes were detected during the eruption period, showing a volcanic fingerprint discernible against the free tropospheric background conditions typical of the site, the first from April 19 to 21 and the second from 18 to 20 May 2010. This paper reports the modification of aerosol characteristics observed during the two episodes, both characterised by an abrupt increase in fine and, especially, coarse mode particle number. Analysis of major, minor and trace elements by different analytical techniques (ionic chromatography, particle induced X-ray emission–particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIXE–PIGE) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)) were performed on aerosols collected by ground-level discrete sampling. The resulting database allows the characterisation of aerosol chemical composition during the volcanic plume transport and in background conditions. During the passage of the volcanic plume, the fine fraction was dominated by sulphates, denoting the secondary origin of this mode, mainly resulting from in-plume oxidation of volcanic SO2. By contrast, the coarse fraction was characterised by increased concentration of numerous elements of crustal origin, such as Fe, Ti, Mn, Ca, Na, and Mg, which enter the composition of silicate minerals. Data analysis of selected elements (Ti, Al, Fe, Mn) allowed the estimation of the volcanic plume's contribution to total PM10, resulting in a local enhancement of up to 9.5 ÎŒg m−3, i.e. 40% of total PM10 on 18 May, which was the most intense of the two episodes. These results appear significant, especially in light of the huge distance of Mt. Cimone from the source, confirming the widespread diffusion of the Eyjafjallajökull ashes over Europe

    Impact of BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Myocardial Infarction: Exploring the Macrophage Phenotype

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a member of the neurotrophin growth factor family, well known for its role in the homeostasis of the cardiovascular system. Recently, the human BDNF Val66Met single nucleotide polymorphism has been associated with the increased propensity for arterial thrombosis related to acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and immunohistochemistry analyses, we showed that homozygous mice carrying the human BDNF Val66Met polymorphism (BDNFMet/Met) undergoing left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery ligation display an adverse cardiac remodeling compared to wild-type (BDNFVal/Val). Interestingly, we observed a persistent presence of pro-inflammatory M1-like macrophages and a reduced accumulation of reparative-like phenotype macrophages (M2-like) in the infarcted heart of mutant mice. Further qPCR analyses showed that BDNFMet/Met peritoneal macrophages are more pro-inflammatory and have a higher migratory ability compared to BDNFVal/Val ones. Finally, macrophages differentiated from circulating monocytes isolated from BDNFMet/Met patients with coronary heart disease displayed the same pro-inflammatory characteristics of the murine ones. In conclusion, the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism predisposes to adverse cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction in a mouse model and affects macrophage phenotype in both humans and mice. These results provide a new cellular mechanism by which this human BDNF genetic variant could influence cardiovascular disease

    Vertical distribution of aerosol optical properties in the Po Valley during the 2012 summer campaigns

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    Studying the vertical distribution of aerosol particle physical and chemical properties in the troposphere is essential to understand the relative importance of local emission processes vs. long-range transport for column-integrated aerosol properties (e.g. the aerosol optical depth, AOD, affecting regional climate) as well as for the aerosol burden and its impacts on air quality at the ground. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the transport of desert dust in the middle troposphere and its intrusion into the planetary boundary layer (PBL) over the Po Valley (Italy), a region considered one of the greatest European pollution hotspots for the frequency that particulate matter (PM) limit values are exceeded. Events of mineral aerosol uplift from local (soil) sources and phenomena of hygroscopic growth at the ground are also investigated, possibly affecting the PM concentration in the region as well. During the PEGASOS 2012 field campaign, an integrated observing–modelling system was set up based on near-surface measurements (particle concentration and chemistry), vertical profiling (backscatter coefficient profiles from lidar and radiosoundings) and Lagrangian air mass transport simulations by FLEXPART model. Measurements were taken at the San Pietro Capofiume supersite (44°39â€Č N, 11°37â€Č E; 11 m a.s.l.), located in a rural area relatively close to some major urban and industrial emissive areas in the Po Valley. Mt. Cimone (44°12â€Č N, 10°42â€Č E; 2165 m a.s.l.) WMO/GAW station observations are also included in the study to characterize regional-scale variability. Results show that, in the Po Valley, aerosol is detected mainly below 2000 m a.s.l. with a prevalent occurrence of non-depolarizing particles ( > 50 % throughout the campaign) and a vertical distribution modulated by the PBL daily evolution. Two intense events of mineral dust transport from northern Africa (19–21 and 29 June to 2 July) are observed, with layers advected mainly above 2000 m, but subsequently sinking and mixing in the PBL. As a consequence, a non-negligible occurrence of mineral dust is observed close to the ground (  ~7 % of occurrence during a 1-month campaign). The observations unambiguously show Saharan dust layers intruding the Po Valley mixing layer and directly affecting the aerosol concentrations near the surface. Finally, lidar observations also indicate strong variability in aerosol on shorter timescales (hourly). Firstly, these highlight events of hygroscopic growth of anthropogenic aerosol, visible as shallow layers of low depolarization near the ground. Such events are identified during early morning hours at high relative humidity (RH) conditions (RH  > 80 %). The process is observed concurrently with high PM1 nitrate concentration (up to 15 ”g cm−3) and hence mainly explicable by deliquescence of fine anthropogenic particles, and during mineral dust intrusion episodes, when water condensation on dust particles could instead represent the dominant contribution. Secondly, lidar images show frequent events (mean daily occurrence of  ~ 22 % during the whole campaign) of rapid uplift of mineral depolarizing particles in afternoon–evening hours up to 2000 m a.s.l. height. The origin of such particles cannot be directly related to long-range transport events, being instead likely linked to processes of soil particle resuspension from agricultural lands

    Fenretinide treatment accelerates atherosclerosis development in apoE-deficient mice in spite of beneficial metabolic effects

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    Background and Purpose Fenretinide, a synthetic retinoid derivative first investigated for cancer prevention and treatment, has been shown to ameliorate glucose tolerance, improve plasma lipid profile and reduce body fat mass. These effects, together with its ability to inhibit ceramide synthesis, suggest that fenretinide may have an anti-atherosclerotic action. Experimental Approach To this aim, nine-week-old apoE-knockout (EKO) female mice were fed for twelve weeks a Western diet, without (control) or with (0.1% w/w) fenretinide. As a reference, wild-type (WT) mice were treated similarly. Growth and metabolic parameters were monitored throughout the study. Atherosclerosis development was evaluated in the aorta and at the aortic sinus. Blood and lymphoid organs were further characterized with thorough cytological/histological and immunocytofluorimetric analyses. Key Results Fenretinide treatment significantly lowered body weight, glucose levels and plasma levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids. In the liver, fenretinide remarkably reduced hepatic glycogenosis and steatosis driven by the Western diet. Treated spleens were abnormally enlarged, with severe follicular atrophy and massive extramedullary haematopoiesis. Severe renal hemosiderin deposition was observed in treated EKO mice. Treatment resulted in a threefold increase of total leukocytes (WT and EKO) and raised the activated/resting monocyte ratio in EKO mice. Finally, atherosclerosis development was markedly increased at the aortic arch, thoracic and abdominal aorta of fenretinide-treated mice. Conclusions and Implications We provide the first evidence that, despite beneficial metabolic effects, fenretinide treatment may enhance the development of atherosclerosis
