134 research outputs found

    Uso de modelos Better y Plissit por enfermería en la valoración de la sexualidad del paciente oncológico

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    La sexualidad en el paciente oncológico se puede alterar por los tratamientos del cáncer, y afectar su calidad de vida de manera significativa. Aunque los profesionales de enfermería conocen su importancia, no siempre realizan valoración para identificar esas alteraciones y apoyar al paciente en su solución. Existen modelos de valoración como el Better y Plissit que pueden facilitar la valoración de los pacientes por parte de enfermería, que motivaron la realización de este estudio. Mediante una revisión documental de 12 estudios de investigación publicados en Inglés del año 2000 al 2011, en las bases de datos Elseiver, Science Direct, Scielo, Pubmed, Medline, se buscó identificar si el uso por parte de enfermería de los modelos Better y Plissit facilita la valoración de la sexualidad del paciente oncológico, y elimina las barreras de enfermería para realizar esa valoración. Las principales barreras identificadas en orden de prioridad se relacionan con la educación, el rol de enfermería, las condiciones ambientales y las condiciones personales. El modelo Plissit, más utilizado en los artículos analizados, permite realizar una mejor aproximación a la sexualidad del paciente con cáncer que el modelo Better, aunque éste presenta algunos beneficios en el abordaje de la sexualidad. Es importante que las instituciones de educación de enfermería tanto en pregrado como en posgrado refuercen la formación en el abordaje de la sexualidad de los pacientes. Se requiere mayor investigación sobre los modelos descritos que permitan determinar su efectividad en la relación enfermera - paciente para la valoración, abordaje y solución de las alteraciones que pueden provocar los tratamientos oncológicos al paciente.Especialista en Enfermería OncológicaEspecializació

    Mapping and Identification of Antifungal Peptides in the Putative Antifungal Protein AfpB from the Filamentous Fungus Penicillium digitatum

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    Antifungal proteins (AFPs) from Ascomycetes are small cysteine-rich proteins that are abundantly secreted and show antifungal activity against non-producer fungi. A gene coding for a class B AFP (AfpB) was previously identified in the genome of the plant pathogen Penicillium digitatum. However, previous attempts to detect the AfpB protein were not successful despite the high expression of the corresponding afpB gene. In this work, the structure of the putative AfpB was modeled. Based on this model, four synthetic cysteine-containing peptides, PAF109, PAF112, PAF118, and PAF119, were designed and their antimicrobial activity was tested and characterized. PAF109 that corresponds to the gamma-core motif present in defensin-like antimicrobial proteins did not show antimicrobial activity. On the contrary, PAF112 and PAF118, which are cationic peptides derived from two surface-exposed loops in AfpB, showed moderate antifungal activity against P. digitatum and other filamentous fungi. It was also confirmed that cyclization through a disulfide bridge prevented peptide degradation. PAF116, which is a peptide analogous to PAF112 but derived from the Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein PAF, showed activity against P. digitatum similar to PAF112, but was less active than the native PAF protein. The two AfpB-derived antifungal peptides PAF112 and PAF118 showed positive synergistic interaction when combined against P. digitatum. Furthermore, the synthetic hexapeptide PAF26 previously described in our laboratory also exhibited synergistic interaction with the peptides PAF112, PAF118, and PAF116, as well as with the PAF protein. This study is an important contribution to the mapping of antifungal motifs within the AfpB and other AFPs, and opens up new strategies for the rational design and application of antifungal peptides and proteins

    Situación jurídica del transporte selectivo en la entrega de concesiones en Bluefields durante el año 2019

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    Esta investigación está referida a la situación jurídica en la entrega de concesiones del transporte selectivo en la ciudad de Bluefields, Región Autónoma Costa Caribe Sur, en el año 2019. Sector que está regulado por la Ley general de transporte terrestre, Ley 524 y su Reglamento. Esta investigación es descriptiva de corte transversal, con enfoque cualitativo. Se realizó en la ciudad de Bluefields, tomando como referencia una parte de la población en estudio; siendo esta; los concesionarios de línea de taxis, presidentes de cooperativas y responsables de instituciones del Estado que deben velar por la aplicación de la Leyes que rigen la entrega de concesiones del sector transporte selectivo. El objeto de este estudio fue analizar la realidad existente en la entrega de concesiones del transporte selectivo, por parte de la municipalidad como órgano competente, el cual ayudara a las instituciones pertinentes a diseñar mejores estrategias de control y aplicación de normas relacionadas a este sector. En este trabajo de investigación se pudo determinar que, en la entrega de las concesiones en Bluefields, hay una gran debilidad de las instituciones encargadas de hacer cumplir los procesos administrativos en el otorgamiento de las líneas del transporte selectivo (taxi), debido principalmente a que no se apegan estrictamente a las normas establecidas en la Ley 524 y su reglamento. Es de suma importancia que se apliquen las normas tal como lo establece la ley 524 y su reglamento, para mejorar la calidad del trasporte selectivo. Así como también la coordinación de las instituciones encargadas de la funcionabilidad en la aplicación de las leyes y los compromisos que hacen los concesionarios en el momento en que se le otorga el beneficio tal como lo expresa la Ley 524 y su reglamento en el sector transporte selectivo

    Learning Activities in SmartArt Project: Teaching-learning for professors and PhD students

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    Jornadas de formación para el profesorado experimentado y el futuro profesorado (estudiantes de programas de doctorado) desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto SmartArt, celebradas online del 5 al 9 de julio de 2021Self-Regulated Learning in SmartArt reference 2019-1-ES01-KA204- 095615, is co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme, line KA2 Strategic Partnerships-Adult Education

    An antihypertensive lactoferrin hydrolysate inhibits angiotensin I-converting enzyme, modifies expression of hypertension-related genes and enhances nitric oxide production in cultured human endothelial cells

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    This study was aimed to explore whether an antihypertensive lactoferrin hydrolysate (LFH) can inhibit angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) activity and modify the expression of genes related to hypertension in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). LFH induced significant inhibition of ACE activity but it did not affect ACE mRNA levels after 24 h of exposure. LFH treatment significantly affected the expression of genes encoding for proteins involved in nitric oxide pathway such as soluble guanylate cyclase 1 α3 subunit (GUCY1A3; 4.42-fold increase) and nitric oxide synthase trafficking (NOSTRIN; 2.45-fold decrease). Furthermore, expression of the PTGS2/COX-2 gene encoding prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 a key component of prostaglandin synthesis was significantly increased (2.23-fold). Moreover, NOSTRIN mRNA downregulation was consistent with reduced NOSTRIN protein expression and increased NO production observed in HUVEC. The present study reveals the complexity of the effects exerted by LFH opening avenues for the better understanding of its antihypertensive effects.This work was supported by grant AGL2010-21009 from ‘Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia – FEDER’, Consolider Ingenio 2010, Fun-C-Food, CSD2007-00063 and RETICS INVICTUS RD12/0014/0004 from ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’. A. García-Tejedor is recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from ‘Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia’ (BES-2011-044424).Peer reviewe

    Pairing Binge Drinking and a High-Fat Diet in Adolescence Modulates the Inflammatory Effects of Subsequent Alcohol Consumption in Mice

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    Alcohol binge drinking (BD) and poor nutritional habits are two frequent behaviors among many adolescents that alter gut microbiota in a pro-inflammatory direction. Dysbiotic changes in the gut microbiome are observed after alcohol and high-fat diet (HFD) consumption, even before obesity onset. In this study, we investigate the neuroinflammatory response of adolescent BD when combined with a continuous or intermittent HFD and its effects on adult ethanol consumption by using a self-administration (SA) paradigm in mice. The inflammatory biomarkers IL-6 and CX3CL1 were measured in the striatum 24 h after BD, 3 weeks later and after the ethanol (EtOH) SA. Adolescent BD increased alcohol consumption in the oral SA and caused a greater motivation to seek the substance. Likewise, mice with intermittent access to HFD exhibited higher EtOH consumption, while the opposite effect was found in mice with continuous HFD access. Biochemical analyses showed that after BD and three weeks later, striatal levels of IL-6 and CX3CL1 were increased. In addition, in saline-treated mice, CX3CL1 was increased after continuous access to HFD. After oral SA procedure, striatal IL-6 was increased only in animals exposed to BD and HFD. In addition, striatal CX3CL1 levels were increased in all BD- and HFD-exposed groups. Overall, our findings show that adolescent BD and intermittent HFD increase adult alcohol intake and point to neuroinflammation as an important mechanism modulating this interaction.021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Efficient production and characterization of the novel and highly active antifungal protein AfpB from Penicillium digitatum

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    Filamentous fungi encode distinct antifungal proteins (AFPs) that offer great potential to develop new antifungals. Fungi are considered immune to their own AFPs as occurs in Penicillium chrysogenum, the producer of the well-known PAF. The Penicillium digitatum genome encodes only one afp gene (afpB), and the corresponding protein (AfpB) belongs to the class B phylogenetic cluster. Previous attempts to detect AfpB were not successful. In this work, immunodetection confirmed the absence of AfpB accumulation in wild type and previous recombinant constitutive P. digitatum strains. Biotechnological production and secretion of AfpB were achieved in P. digitatum with the use of a P. chrysogenum-based expression cassette and in the yeast Pichia pastoris with the α-factor signal peptide. Both strategies allowed proper protein folding, efficient production and single-step purification of AfpB from culture supernatants. AfpB showed antifungal activity higher than the P. chrysogenum PAF against the majority of the fungi tested, especially against Penicillium species and including P. digitatum, which was highly sensitive to the self-AfpB. Spectroscopic data suggest that native folding is not required for activity. AfpB also showed notable ability to withstand protease and thermal degradation and no haemolytic activity, making AfpB a promising candidate for the control of pathogenic fungi

    Nursing Students’ Perceived Satisfaction with Flipped Learning Experiences: A Mixed-Methods Study

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    Nowadays, technological teaching tools, such as virtual labs, have become essential, especially in nursing degrees. These resources help implement practical learning based on selfregulation and it is important to know how satisfied students are with them. This means it is important to study students’ perceived satisfaction with virtual labs in flipped learning experiences, which was the general objective of the present study. The aims of the study were: (1) to determine whether there were significant differences in nursing students’ perceived levels of satisfaction according to the type of subject or gender; (2) to ascertain what strengths and weaknesses nursing students perceived about using virtual labs; and (3) to determine the kinds of feelings (positive, negative or neutral) nursing students had using virtual labs. A mixed research methodology was applied, with a sample of 222 undergraduate nursing students at Burgos University (Spain). There were significant differences in the satisfaction perceived by students depending on the subject. Students reported medium-high satisfaction with virtual labs, although they did note that digital skills are needed to use them and suggested incorporating intelligent assistants. Virtual labs seem to be effective, although further studies are needed.This work was supported by the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching Staff from University of Burgos (Spain) (grant numbers TVLab_01, 3/02/21) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain Projects I+D+i Research Challenges (grant number PID2020-117111RB-I00, 01/01/21)

    Analysis of the Learning Process through Eye Tracking Technology and Feature Selection Techniques

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    In recent decades, the use of technological resources such as the eye tracking methodology is providing cognitive researchers with important tools to better understand the learning process. However, the interpretation of the metrics requires the use of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. The main goal of this study was to analyse the results obtained with the eye tracking methodology by applying statistical tests and supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques, and to contrast the effectiveness of each one. The parameters of fixations, saccades, blinks and scan path, and the results in a puzzle task were found. The statistical study concluded that no significant differences were found between participants in solving the crossword puzzle task; significant differences were only detected in the parameters saccade amplitude minimum and saccade velocity minimum. On the other hand, this study, with supervised machine learning techniques, provided possible features for analysis, some of them different from those used in the statistical study. Regarding the clustering techniques, a good fit was found between the algorithms used (k-means ++, fuzzy k-means and DBSCAN). These algorithms provided the learning profile of the participants in three types (students over 50 years old; and students and teachers under 50 years of age). Therefore, the use of both types of data analysis is considered complementary.European Project “Self-Regulated Learning in SmartArt” 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065615

    Helpind 2-Gether Tours: are you in?

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    Seminario Desarrollo de Emprendedores. 2011. Carrera Administración de Empresas. Docente Msc. Pereira Martín, Tamara.Tour operadora que busca ofrecer una manera de sentirse útil al mismo tiempo que el turista disfruta de unas vacaciones placenteras en los diferentes destinos turísticos que ofrece Nicaragua. Las rutas turísticas se enfocan en puntos rurales como destinos. La empresa realiza gestiones para hacer contactos con diferentes dirigentes de proyectos en pro del desarrollo nacional, para que Helping 2 – together tours pueda ofrecer sus servicios con un enfoque social, de ayuda a los proyectos. La empresa se ubica en Reparto Belmonte