3,031 research outputs found

    Protection of Human Rights and Barriers for People with HIV/AIDS in Colombia: An Analysis of the Legal Framework

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    People living with HIV/AIDS not only suffer in terms of physical and/or psychological health, but also frequently experience violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Although there are international treaties and a regulatory framework that legally protects people with HIV/AIDS, it is essential to determine the effectiveness of the regulatory framework in Colombia. Therefore, our main goal was to examine the legislation on HIV/AIDS in Colombia with the purpose of understanding the decrees and laws, and describing the main obstacles and barriers that people with HIV/AIDS encounter. For this purpose, we employed the method of legal interpretation and reviewed the legal regulations on HIV/AIDS, as well as the judgments of guardianship of the Constitutional Court. It is verified that there is a specific regulation on HIV/AIDS, specifically decree 559 of 19,991, decree 1543 of 1997, Law 599 of 2000, Law 972 of 2005, and Law 1220 of 2008. Although at the legislative level Colombia shows an evolution in the norm, patients with HIV/AIDS continue to be victims of human rights violations. As a result, and through the analysis of tutela judgments, it was found that the Constitutional Court recognized the violation of rights and ordered the necessary measures to be taken to guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the defendants

    La lectura est?tica como estrategia para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado segundo del colegio Sagrado Coraz?n

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    94 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto titulado ?La lectura est?tica como estrategia para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado Segundo del Colegio Sagrado Coraz?n?, es producto de una investigaci?n cualitativa (estudio de caso) semestre a semestre, aplicado a una poblaci?n de 98 estudiantes que oscilan entre los 6 y lo 8 a?os de edad; se utilizaron instrumentos de recolecci?n como: observaci?n, diario de campo, entrevista semiestructurada, estudio de caso, grupos focales y matrices DOFA; con el fin de cualificar la comprensi?n lectora por medio de la Lectura est?tica, se incentiv? la imaginaci?n, la autonom?a y la creatividad en los estudiantes. Se encontr? una problem?tica focalizada en la predominaci?n de la lectura eferente en las aulas de clase, minimizando el goce est?tico. La fundamentaci?n te?rica del proceso investigativo, se asienta en los planteamientos de los siguientes autores: Rosenblatt (2010). Lectura Est?tica; Goodman (1990). Lenguaje integral; Ausubel (1983) Aprendizaje significativo; Jolibert (1995). Formar Ni?os lectores de Textos; P?rez (1992). La lectura es un proceso cognoscitivo; Ley General de educaci?n 115 (1994) Constituci?n Pol?tica de Colombia (1991); Lineamientos Curriculares de Lengua Castellana (1998) y Est?ndares B?sicos de Competencias del Lenguaje. MEN, s.f. Posteriormente, se implement? una propuesta pedag?gica con talleres tales como: taller 1: ?Cu?ntame mi cuento?, taller 2: ?M?tete en el cuento? taller 3: ?Goz?ndome en el cuento? y finalmente Taller 4 ?Mu?strame tu cuento?. La aplicaci?n de estos permiti? fortalecer la Lectura Est?tica y desarrollar la comprensi?n lectora. Para el contraste de secuelas se utilizaron rejillas, que permitieron un an?lisis general de resultados.This project entitled " aesthetic reading as a strategy to strengthen reading comprehension in grade students Second Sacred Heart College " is the product of a qualitative research ( case study ) semester to semester , applied to a population of 98 students range from ( 6-8) years old; collection instruments were used as observation, field diary , semi-structured interviews , case studies , focus groups and SWOT matrices ; in order to qualify reading comprehension through reading aesthetics , imagination , autonomy and creativity in students is encouraged . a problematic focused on the dominance of the efferent reading in the classroom was found , minimizing the aesthetic enjoyment. The theoretical foundation of the research process is based on the statements of the following authors: Rosenblatt (2010). A esthetic Reading; Goodman (1990). Whole language; Ausubel (1983) Meaningful learning; Jolibert (1995). Children from readers Texts; Perez (1992). Reading is a cognitive process; General Education Law 115 (1994) Constitution of Colombia (1991); Spanish Language Curriculum Guidelines (1998) and Basic Skills Standards Language. MEN, S. F. Workshop 1: "Tell my story," Workshop 2: "Get in the story" workshop 3: "Rejoicing in the story" and finally Workshop 4 "Show me your story" The application then a pedagogical proposal with workshops such as implemented these allowed Reading Aesthetics strengthen and develop reading comprehension. For the contrast of sequels grids were used, which allowed an overall analysis of results. Keywords: Reading, aesthetics, understanding, meaning, enjoyment, feelings

    Protection of human rights and barriers for people with HIV/AIDS in colombia: an analysis of the legal framework

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    People living with HIV/AIDS not only suffer in terms of physical and/or psychological health, but also frequently experience violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Although there are international treaties and a regulatory framework that legally protects people with HIV/AIDS, it is essential to determine the effectiveness of the regulatory framework in Colombia. Therefore, our main goal was to examine the legislation on HIV/AIDS in Colombia with the purpose of understanding the decrees and laws, and describing the main obstacles and barriers that people with HIV/AIDS encounter. For this purpose, we employed the method of legal interpretation and reviewed the legal regulations on HIV/AIDS, as well as the judgments of guardianship of the Constitutional Court. It is verified that there is a specific regulation on HIV/AIDS, specifically decree 559 of 19,991, decree 1543 of 1997, Law 599 of 2000, Law 972 of 2005, and Law 1220 of 2008. Although at the legislative level Colombia shows an evolution in the norm, patients with HIV/AIDS continue to be victims of human rights violations. As a result, and through the analysis of tutela judgments, it was found that the Constitutional Court recognized the violation of rights and ordered the necessary measures to be taken to guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the defendants

    Sexual abuse vs. sexual freedom? A legal Approach to the Age of Sexual Consent in Adolescents in Spanish-Speaking Countries

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    Child and adolescent sexual abuse (CSA) is an international public health problem. Despite the importance of CSA, there is no consensus definition, and the lack of consensus is related to difficulties in conducting prevalence studies as well as research in other areas. To establish a consensual definition, legal aspects such as the age of sexual consent and the difference in age or power between victim and aggressor as well as aspects related to sexual freedom and sexual indemnity must be considered. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to analyze the age of sexual consent in the legal systems of Spanish-speaking countries and to examine whether the Romeo and Juliet clause is established. To achieve the proposed aims, we employed the legal interpretation method, and we analyzed the current Criminal Codes of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries. From the results, it is found that the age of sexual consent varies between countries, establishing valid sexual consent between 13 and 18 years. In addition, only six countries have the Romeo and Juliet clause that protects sexual freedom in adolescents. Finally, we discussed the lack of consensus on the age of sexual consent and the limitations presented by the Romeo and Juliet clause

    Validation of the Attitude Scale to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Old Age in a Colombian Sample

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    The Attitude Scale to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Old Age (EAFV-LGBT) evaluates attitudes towards LGBT older adults. The main goal of this research was to adapt and examine the psychometric properties in a Spanish-speaking sample. The sample consisted of 521 Colombian adults (36.3% men and 63.7% women) with a mean age equal to 27.39 (SD = 9.27). Participants completed a Socio-Demographic and Sexual History Questionnaire, the Hispanic translations of the EAFV-LGBT, the Subtle and Manifest Prejudice Scale towards Homosexuals, and the Big Five Personality Trait Short Questionnaire. The results showed that the Colombian EAFV-LGBT has good psychometric properties. The structure of the scale was unidimensional, and the internal consistency reliability was also adequate. Likewise, the convergent validity of the scale was verified by correlating it with another measure that evaluates explicit and implicit homophobia. In addition, it was found that there was a relationship between personality traits and attitudes towards LGBT adults. Specifically, participants with lower openness, extraversion, and agreeableness reported more negative attitudes toward older LGBT people

    Comportamento epidemiológico da morbidade materna extremamente grave Colômbia, 2016

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    Introduction. Extreme Maternal Morbidity (MME) is a public health problem that compromises the life of the pregnant woman. This obstetric complication also puts the health and well-being of the newborn and the children already at risk. Objective. To determine the epidemiological behavior of the MME in Colombia during 2016. Materials and methods. Ecological descriptive study in women aged 10 to 59 years, residents in Colombia and medical history of MME during pregnancy, delivery or puerperium. The data were obtained from the National System of Surveillance in Public Health (SIVIGILA) and the Integral Information System of Social Protection (SISPRO). The indicator of the burden of the disease Years of life Lost due to Disability (AVPD) was calculated using tools used by the World Health Organization. Results: The highest number of AVPD per MME was presented in the group of 15 to 29 years with a total of 5.86 AVPD. It is evident that Bogota adds 1.93 AVPD to the Load of MME in the country. Conclusion. MME has a higher prevalence in the country's capital, although 67.2% of cases are found in the departments with the highest level of health care and quality response capacity.Introducción. La Morbilidad Materna Extrema (MME) es un problema de salud pública porque compromete la vida de la gestante. Esta complicación obstétrica también pone en riesgo la salud y el bienestar del recién nacido y de los hijos ya existentes.  Objetivo. Determinar el comportamiento epidemiológico de la MME en Colombia durante el año 2016.  Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo tipo ecológico en mujeres entre 10 a 59 años, residentes en Colombia y con historial médico de MME durante el embarazo, el parto o el puerperio. Los datos se obtuvieron del Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud Pública (SIVIGILA) y el Sistema Integral de Información de la Protección Social (SISPRO). Se calculó el indicador de carga de enfermedad Años de Vida Perdidos por Discapacidad (AVPD), mediante herramientas empleadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados. El mayor número de AVPD por MME se presentó en el grupo de 15 a 29 años con un total de 5,86 AVPD. Se evidencia que Bogotá suma 1,93 AVPD a la carga de MME en el país.  Conclusión. La MME tiene mayor prevalencia en la capital del país, aunque el 67,2% de los casos notificados se encuentran en los departamentos con mayor nivel de complejidad de atención en salud y capacidad de respuesta de calidad.Introdução. A morbidade Materna Extremamente Grave (MMEG) é um problema de saúde públicaporque compromete a vida da mulher grávida. Esta complicação obstétrica também coloca em riscoa saúde e o bem estar do recém-nascido e dos filhos existentes.Objetivo. Determinar o comportamento epidemiológico da MMEG na Colômbia em 2016.Materiais e métodos. Estudo descritivo do tipo ecológico em mulheres entre 10 e 59 anos, residentesna Colômbia e com histórico médico de MMEG durante a gravidez, parto ou puerpério. Os dadosforam obtidos no Sistema Nacional de Vigilância em Saúde Pública (SIVIGILA) e no Sistema Integral deInformação da Proteção Social (SISPRO). O indicador carga da doença Anos de Vida Perdidos por Incapacidade (YLD) foi calculado, através de ferramentas utilizadas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde.Resultados. O número elevado de YLD por MMEG aparece no grupo entre 15 e 29 anos com um totalde 5,86 YLD. É evidente que Bogotá acrescenta 1,93 YLD à carga de MMEG no país.Conclusão. A MMEG tem uma prevalência mais alta na capital do país, embora o 67,2% dos casosrelatados estão nos departamentos com um nível mais alto de complexidade de atenção e capacidadede resposta de qualidade


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    Purpose: To compare the marginal discrepancy of copings made in zirconium oxide with two systems CAD/CAM.Methods: In vitro marginal discrepancies of two systems CAD/CAM (Procera® and Everest®) for ceramic copings and a control group of gold copings were evaluated and compared. A first one human premolar superior was prepared, duplicate 30 times and divided in three groups. Ten copings by group were made. The measurements of marginal discrepancy were made on the natural tooth, on 20 points distributed randomly around the margin preparation. A 3D microscope video was used with magnification of 200X. Values of average and standard deviation were calculated for the marginal openings. The data were analyzed with analysis of variance of a route ANOVA.Results: mean of the marginal discrepancies and standard deviations of the copings were 29±8.6 um for the control group, 22,31±14.6um for Everest® and 21.55±6.9um for Procera®. Significant differences were not found between the copings of the three groups (P> 0.05).Conclusions: The marginal discrepancies were all within the clinically acceptable standard set at 50-100mm, However, Procera® and Everest® systems showed the smallest marginal discrepancies compared with the copings made in an alloy of medium gold content.Objetivo: Comparar la discrepancia marginal de cofias elaboradas en óxido de zirconio con dos sistemas CAD/CAM. Materiales y métodos: Discrepancias marginales in vitro de dos sistemas CAD/CAM (Procera® y Everest®) para cofias cerámicas y un grupo control de cofias en oro fueron evaluadas y comparadas. Un primer premolar superior humano fue preparado, duplicado 30 veces y dividido en 3 grupos. Diez cofias por grupo fueron fabricadas. Las mediciones de discrepancia marginal fueron realizadas sobre el diente natural, sobre 20 puntos distribuidos aleatoriamente alrededor del margen preparado. Se utilizó un video microscopio 3D con magnificación de 200X. Valores de media y desviación estándar fueron calculados para las aperturas marginales. Los datos fueron analizados con análisis de varianza de una vía ANOVA. Resultados: Los promedios de las discrepancias marginales y desviaciones estándar de las cofias fueron 29 ±8.6 micras para el grupo control, 22.31 ±14.6 micras para el Everest® y 21.55 ±6.9 micras para Procera®. No fueron encontradas diferencias significativas entre las cofias de los tres grupos (P >0.05). Conclusiones: Las discrepancias marginales obtenidas se encuentran dentro de los rangos clínicamente aceptables entre 50-100 micras; sin embargo, Procera® y Everest® presentaron menores discrepancias marginales comparadas con las cofias elaboradas en una aleación de mediano contenido de oro.[Pinilla SM, Barrera GC, Palomino EE, Quijano MA, Henao D. Discrepancia marginal de cofias en zirconio elaboradas con dos sistemas CAD/CAM. Ustasalud 2009; 8: 9 - 18

    Cactus: chemical, nutraceutical composition and potential bio-pharmacological properties

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    Cactus species are plants that grow in the arid and semiarid regions of the world. They have long fascinated the attention of the scientific community due to their unusual biology. Cactus species are used for a variety of purposes, such as food, fodder, ornamental, and as medicinal plants. In the last regard, they have been used in traditional medicine for eras by the ancient people to cure several diseases. Recent scientific investigations suggest that cactus materials may be used as a source of naturally-occurring products, such as mucilage, fiber, pigments, and antioxidants. For this reason, numerous species under this family are becoming endangered and extinct. This review provides an overview of the habitat, classification, phytochemistry, chemical constituents, extraction and isolation of bioactive compounds, nutritional and pharmacological potential with pre-clinical and clinical studies of different Cactus species. Furthermore, conservation strategies for the ornamental and endangered species have also been discussed.National Research Foundation of KoreaNational Research Foundation of Korea [2020R1G1A1004667]UMNG [IMP-CIAS-2942]FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology European Commission [DL 57/2016/CP1361/CT0022]FCT -Foundation for Science and TechnologyPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [UIDB/05183/2020]Dongguk University, Republic of KoreaINTERREG -MD.NET: When Brand Meets Peopleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como herramienta educativa en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en una IPS de la ciudad de Manizales

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: chronic noncommunicable  diseases cause high morbidity and mortality worldwide so it requires innovative strategies that impact on self-care, adoption of healthy lifestyles and the diseases treatment. Nowadays, the information and communication technologies compose a resource in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the patient’s programs with chronic diseases, overcome structural limitations and the availability of human resources in the health system. Objective: to evaluate the impact of theinformation and communication technologies to promote healthy lifestyles and adherence to medication, to know the perception of users about the usefulness of the intervention and also their effect on clinical variables. Methods: longitudinal study, in which 90 patients outpatient health institution in Manizales were included to receive text messages, was made. There were chosen over-age-18 men and women, with arterial hypertension diagnosis or diabetes mellitus who owned a cell phone or were with a near carer assistant who would accept receiving text massages in its own mobile. The massages were about their healthy lifestyle, and these were sent between august and december during 29 weeks. 68 subject completed the follow up. At the end of the intervention, acceptance, usefulness and effects on laboratory and clinical parameters were evaluated. Results: it was found that 100% of the patients who confirmed receiving the messages perceived an improvement in self care; showing changes in diet (95.16%) and the amelioration of medication adherence (59%). Besides, the service utility was qualified as excellent. Conclusions: the patient’s perceptions about the use of the information and communication technologies was positive and it could generates changes in areas such as alimentary habits and medication adherence, in promoting healthy lifestyles and management of chronic noncommunicable diseases. However, it requires controlled studies using a standardized long-term monitoring to determine the actual impact on clinical variables and cost-effective. In addition, it should identify the type of population would get greater benefit. MÉD.UIS. 2016;29(2):59-70.Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus. Hypertension. Primary prevention. Text Messaging. Cell Phones. Education. Technology.Introducción: las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles causan gran morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel mundial por lo que se requiere de estrategias innovadoras que impacten en el autocuidado, adopción de estilos de vida saludables y manejo de ellas. En la actualidad, las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación constituyen un recurso para mejorar la efectividad y la eicacia de programas dirigidos a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, superar las limitaciones estructurales y la disponibilidad de recursos humanos existentes en los sistemas de salud. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto de las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como herramienta educativa para promover estilos de vida saludables y adherencia a la medicación, conocer la percepción de los usuarios frente a la intervención y observar el efecto sobre variables clínicas. Materiales y Métodos: estudio longitudinal, donde se incluyeron 90 pacientes de la consulta externa de una institución prestadora de salud de Manizales para recibir mensajes de texto. Fueron seleccionados hombres y mujeres mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial o diabetes mellitus con teléfono celular propio o de un cuidador cercano que aceptaran recibir los mensajes de texto en su teléfono móvil. Los mensajes contenían información sobre estilos de vida saludable y fueron enviados entre agosto y diciembre de 2014 durante 29 semanas. 68 sujetos completaron el seguimiento. Al inal de la intervención, se evaluó la aceptación, utilidad y efectos sobre parámetros de laboratorio y clínicos. Resultados: el 100% de los pacientes que conirmaron la recepción de los mensajes percibieron una mejoría en su autocuidado; evidenciándose cambios en la dieta (95,16%) y mejoría en la adherencia a la medicación (59%), además de caliicarse la utilidad del servicio como excelente por el 61,5% de los sujetos. Sin embargo no se encontraron cambios estadísticamente signiicativos en variables clínicas y de laboratorio. Conclusiones: la percepción de los pacientes frente al uso de las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación es positiva y genera cambios en aspectos como la alimentación y la adherencia a la medicación, por lo que constituye una herramienta en la promoción de estilos de vida saludables y manejo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Se requiere de estudios controlados estandarizados mediante un seguimiento a largo plazo para determinar el impacto real sobre variables clínicas y su costo-beneicio. Además se deberá individualizar el tipo de población que obtendría mayor beneicio. MÉD. UIS. 2016;29(2):59-70.Palabras clave: Diabetes Mellitus. Hipertensión. Prevención primaria. Mensaje de texto. Teléfonos celulares. Educación. Tecnología.

    Enumeration and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Undergoing Transarterial Chemoembolization

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), and particularly circulating cancer stem cells (cCSC), are prognostic biomarkers for different malignancies and may be detected using liquid biopsies. The ex vivo culture of cCSCs would provide valuable information regarding biological aggressiveness and would allow monitoring the adaptive changes acquired by the tumor in real time. In this prospective pilot study, we analyzed the presence of EpCAM+ CTCs using the IsoFlux system in the peripheral blood of 37 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing transarterial chemoembolization (TACE). The average patient age was 63.5 ± 7.9 years and 91.9% of the patients were men. All patients had detectable CTCs at baseline and 20 patients (54.1%) showed CTC aggregates or clusters in their peripheral blood. The increased total tumor diameter (OR: 2.5 (95% CI: 1.3–4.8), p = 0.006) and the absence of clusters of CTCs at baseline (OR: 0.2 (95% CI: 0.0–1.0), p = 0.049) were independent predictors of a diminished response to TACE. Culture of cCSC was successful in five out of thirty-three patients, mostly using negative enrichment of CD45− cells, ultra-low adherence, high glucose, and a short period of hypoxia followed by normoxia. In conclusion, the identification of clusters of CTCs before TACE and the implementation of standardized approaches for cCSC culture could aid to predict outcomes and to define the optimal adjuvant therapeutic strategy for a true personalized medicine in hepatocellular carcinoma