71 research outputs found

    Pre-pregnancy predictors of hypertension in pregnancy among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in north Queensland, Australia; a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND Compared to other Australian women, Indigenous women are frequently at greater risk for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. We examined pre-pregnancy factors that may predict hypertension in pregnancy in a cohort of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in north Queensland. METHODS Data on a cohort of 1009 Indigenous women of childbearing age (15–44 years) who participated in a 1998–2000 health screening program in north Queensland were combined with 1998–2008 Queensland hospitalisations data using probabilistic data linkage. Data on the women in the cohort who were hospitalised for birth (n = 220) were further combined with Queensland perinatal data which identified those diagnosed with hypertension in pregnancy. RESULTS Of 220 women who gave birth, 22 had hypertension in the pregnancy after their health check. The mean age of women with and without hypertension was similar (23.7 years and 23.9 years respectively) however Aboriginal women were more affected compared to Torres Strait Islanders. Pre-pregnancy adiposity and elevated blood pressure at the health screening program were predictors of a pregnancy affected by hypertension. After adjusting for age and ethnicity, each 1 cm increase in waist circumference showed a 4% increased risk for hypertension in pregnancy (PR 1.04; 95% CI; 1.02-1.06); each 1 point increase in BMI showed a 9% adjusted increase in risk (1.09; 1.04-1.14). For each 1 mmHg increase in baseline systolic blood pressure there was an age and ethnicity adjusted 6% increase in risk and each 1 mmHg increase in diastolic blood pressure showed a 7% increase in risk (1.06; 1.03-1.09 and 1.07; 1.03-1.11 respectively). Among those free of diabetes at baseline, the presence of the metabolic syndrome (International Diabetes Federation criteria) predicted over a three-fold increase in age-ethnicity-adjusted risk (3.5; 1.50-8.17). CONCLUSIONS Pre-pregnancy adiposity and features of the metabolic syndrome among these young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women track strongly to increased risk of hypertension in pregnancy with associated risks to the health of babies.Sandra K Campbell, John Lynch, Adrian Esterman and Robyn McDermot

    Impact of Behavioral Control on the Processing of Nociceptive Stimulation

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    How nociceptive signals are processed within the spinal cord, and whether these signals lead to behavioral signs of neuropathic pain, depends upon their relation to other events and behavior. Our work shows that these relations can have a lasting effect on spinal plasticity, inducing a form of learning that alters the effect of subsequent nociceptive stimuli. The capacity of lower spinal systems to adapt, in the absence of brain input, is examined in spinally transected rats that receive a nociceptive shock to the tibialis anterior muscle of one hind leg. If shock is delivered whenever the leg is extended (controllable stimulation), it induces an increase in flexion duration that minimizes net shock exposure. This learning is not observed in subjects that receive the same amount of shock independent of leg position (uncontrollable stimulation). These two forms of stimulation have a lasting, and divergent, effect on subsequent learning: controllable stimulation enables learning whereas uncontrollable stimulation disables it (learning deficit). Uncontrollable stimulation also enhances mechanical reactivity. We review evidence that training with controllable stimulation engages a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-dependent process that can both prevent and reverse the consequences of uncontrollable shock. We relate these effects to changes in BDNF protein and TrkB signaling. Controllable stimulation is also shown to counter the effects of peripheral inflammation (from intradermal capsaicin). A model is proposed that assumes nociceptive input is gated at an early sensory stage. This gate is sensitive to current environmental relations (between proprioceptive and nociceptive input), allowing stimulation to be classified as controllable or uncontrollable. We further propose that the status of this gate is affected by past experience and that a history of uncontrollable stimulation will promote the development of neuropathic pain

    Maladaptive spinal plasticity opposes spinal learning and recovery in spinal cord injury

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    Synaptic plasticity within the spinal cord has great potential to facilitate recovery of function after spinal cord injury (SCI). Spinal plasticity can be induced in an activity-dependent manner even without input from the brain after complete SCI. A mechanistic basis for these effects is provided by research demonstrating that spinal synapses have many of the same plasticity mechanisms that are known to underlie learning and memory in the brain. In addition, the lumbar spinal cord can sustain several forms of learning and memory, including limb-position training. However, not all spinal plasticity promotes recovery of function. Central sensitization of nociceptive (pain) pathways in the spinal cord may emerge in response to various noxious inputs, demonstrating that plasticity within the spinal cord may contribute to maladaptive pain states. In this review we discuss interactions between adaptive and maladaptive forms of activity-dependent plasticity in the spinal cord below the level of SCI. The literature demonstrates that activity-dependent plasticity within the spinal cord must be carefully tuned to promote adaptive spinal training. Prior work from our group has shown that stimulation that is delivered in a limb position-dependent manner or on a fixed interval can induce adaptive plasticity that promotes future spinal cord learning and reduces nociceptive hyper-reactivity. On the other hand, stimulation that is delivered in an unsynchronized fashion, such as randomized electrical stimulation or peripheral skin injuries, can generate maladaptive spinal plasticity that undermines future spinal cord learning, reduces recovery of locomotor function, and promotes nociceptive hyper-reactivity after SCI. We review these basic phenomena, how these findings relate to the broader spinal plasticity literature, discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms, and finally discuss implications of these and other findings for improved rehabilitative therapies after SCI

    Evaluación de la concentración de PM10 y sus posibles implicaciones a nivel salud en dos puntos de Bogotá D.C.

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    En este trabajo se determinaron in situ las concentraciones de material particulado (PM10) en dos puntos de la ciudad de Bogotá, uno en la zona centro y el otro en la zona occidental de la misma durante un periodo de muestreo realizado en el segundo semestre del 2018 (30 días válidos de muestreo). Igualmente se evaluó la correlación de las variables meteorológicas  y la variable concentración de PM10, de ambos puntos en cuestión mediante el software libre MiniTab.  Contrario a la preconcepción que se tenía debido a la presencia del alto desarrollo urbanístico en el punto de la zona centro y a una amplia zona verde en el punto de la zona occidental las concentraciones del contaminante fueron constantemente superiores al occidente de la ciudad. La dirección del viento predominante en la zona centro que genera un arrastre del contaminante hacia la zona occidental de la ciudad y la peatonalización de corredores viales fueron argumentados como las causas plausibles de las diferencias. Un total de 112 y 14 muertes prematuras anuales por cada 100.000 habitantes por causa de la exposición a la concentración del contaminante determinada que fueron estimadas para la zona centro y occidental correspondientemente.&nbsp

    Deletions in VANGL1 are a risk factor for antibody-mediated kidney disease

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    We identify an intronic deletion in VANGL1 that predisposes to renal injury in high risk populations through a kidney-intrinsic process. Half of all SLE patients develop nephritis, yet the predisposing mechanisms to kidney damage remain poorly understood. There is limited evidence of genetic contribution to specific organ involvement in SLE.(1,2) We identify a large deletion in intron 7 of Van Gogh Like 1 (VANGL1), which associates with nephritis in SLE patients. The same deletion occurs at increased frequency in an indigenous population (Tiwi Islanders) with 10-fold higher rates of kidney disease compared with non-indigenous populations. Vangl1 hemizygosity in mice results in spontaneous IgA and IgG deposition within the glomerular mesangium in the absence of autoimmune nephritis. Serum transfer into B cell-deficient Vangl1(+/-) mice results in mesangial IgG deposition indicating that Ig deposits occur in a kidney-intrinsic fashion in the absence of Vangl1. These results suggest that Vangl1 acts in the kidney to prevent Ig deposits and its deficiency may trigger nephritis in individuals with SLE

    Metaplasticity and behavior: how training and inflammation affect plastic potential within the spinal cord and recovery after injury

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    Research has shown that spinal circuits have the capacity to adapt in response to training, nociceptive stimulation and peripheral inflammation. These changes in neural function are mediated by physiological and neurochemical systems analogous to those that support plasticity within the hippocampus (e.g., long-term potentiation and the NMDA receptor). As observed in the hippocampus, engaging spinal circuits can have a lasting impact on plastic potential, enabling or inhibiting the capacity to learn. These effects are related to the concept of metaplasticity. Behavioral paradigms are described that induce metaplastic effects within the spinal cord. Uncontrollable/unpredictable stimulation, and peripheral inflammation, induce a form of maladaptive plasticity that inhibits spinal learning. Conversely, exposure to controllable or predictable stimulation engages a form of adaptive plasticity that counters these maladaptive effects and enables learning. Adaptive plasticity is tied to an up-regulation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Maladaptive plasticity is linked to processes that involve kappa opioids, the metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptor, glia, and the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Uncontrollable nociceptive stimulation also impairs recovery after a spinal contusion injury and fosters the development of pain (allodynia). These adverse effects are related to an up-regulation of TNF and a down-regulation of BDNF and its receptor (TrkB). In the absence of injury, brain systems quell the sensitization of spinal circuits through descending serotonergic fibers and the serotonin 1A (5HT 1A) receptor. This protective effect is blocked by surgical anesthesia. Disconnected from the brain, intracellular Cl- concentrations increase (due to a down-regulation of the cotransporter KCC2), which causes GABA to have an excitatory effect. It is suggested that BDNF has a restorative effect because it up-regulates KCC2 and re-establishes GABA-mediated inhibition

    Using breath carbon monoxide to validate self-reported tobacco smoking in remote Australian Indigenous communities

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    Background: This paper examines the specificity and sensitivity of a breath carbon monoxide (BCO) test and\ud optimum BCO cutoff level for validating self-reported tobacco smoking in Indigenous Australians in Arnhem Land,\ud Northern Territory (NT).\ud \ud Methods: In a sample of 400 people (≥16 years) interviewed about tobacco use in three communities, both selfreported\ud smoking and BCO data were recorded for 309 study participants. Of these, 249 reported smoking tobacco\ud within the preceding 24 hours, and 60 reported they had never smoked or had not smoked tobacco for ≥6\ud months. The sample was opportunistically recruited using quotas to reflect age and gender balances in the\ud communities where the combined Indigenous populations comprised 1,104 males and 1,215 females (≥16 years).\ud Local Indigenous research workers assisted researchers in interviewing participants and facilitating BCO tests using\ud a portable hand-held analyzer.\ud \ud Results: A BCO cutoff of ≥7 parts per million (ppm) provided good agreement between self-report and BCO\ud (96.0% sensitivity, 93.3% specificity). An alternative cutoff of ≥5 ppm increased sensitivity from 96.0% to 99.6% with no change in specificity (93.3%). With data for two self-reported nonsmokers who also reported that they smoked\ud cannabis removed from the analysis, specificity increased to 96.6%.\ud \ud Conclusion: In these disadvantaged Indigenous populations, where data describing smoking are few, testing for\ud BCO provides a practical, noninvasive, and immediate method to validate self-reported smoking. In further studies\ud of tobacco smoking in these populations, cannabis use should be considered where self-reported nonsmokers\ud show high BCO

    Long-term effects of evolocumab in participants with HIV and dyslipidemia: results from the open-label extension period

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    Objectives: People with HIV (PWH) are at an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Suboptimal responses to statin therapy in PWH may result from antiretroviral therapies (ARTs). This open-label extension study aimed to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of evolocumab up to 52\u200aweeks in PWH. Design: This final analysis of a multinational, placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized phase 3 trial evaluated the effect of monthly subcutaneous evolocumab 420\u200amg on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) during the open-label period (OLP) following 24\u200aweeks of double-blind period in PWH with hypercholesterolemia/mixed dyslipidemia. All participants enrolled had elevated LDL-C or nonhigh-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) and were on stable maximally tolerated statin and stable ART. Methods: Efficacy was assessed by percentage change from baseline in LDL-C, triglycerides, and atherogenic lipoproteins. Treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were examined. Results: Of the 467 participants randomized in the double-blind period, 451 (96.6%) received at least one dose of evolocumab during the OLP (mean age of 56.4\u200ayears, 82.5% male, mean duration with HIV of 17.4\u200ayears). By the end of the 52-week OLP, the overall mean (SD) percentage change in LDL-C from baseline was -57.8% (22.8%). Evolocumab also reduced triglycerides, atherogenic lipid parameters (non-HDL-C, apolipoprotein B, total cholesterol, very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and lipoprotein[a]), and increased HDL-C. TEAEs were similar between placebo and evolocumab during the OLP. Conclusion: Long-term administration of evolocumab lowered LDL-C and non-HDL-C, allowing more PWH to achieve recommended lipid goals with no serious adverse events. Trail registration: NCT02833844. Video abstract: http://links.lww.com/QAD/C441

    Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

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    BACKGROUND: The Millennium Declaration in 2000 brought special global attention to HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria through the formulation of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 6. The Global Burden of Disease 2013 study provides a consistent and comprehensive approach to disease estimation for between 1990 and 2013, and an opportunity to assess whether accelerated progress has occured since the Millennium Declaration. METHODS: To estimate incidence and mortality for HIV, we used the UNAIDS Spectrum model appropriately modified based on a systematic review of available studies of mortality with and without antiretroviral therapy (ART). For concentrated epidemics, we calibrated Spectrum models to fit vital registration data corrected for misclassification of HIV deaths. In generalised epidemics, we minimised a loss function to select epidemic curves most consistent with prevalence data and demographic data for all-cause mortality. We analysed counterfactual scenarios for HIV to assess years of life saved through prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and ART. For tuberculosis, we analysed vital registration and verbal autopsy data to estimate mortality using cause of death ensemble modelling. We analysed data for corrected case-notifications, expert opinions on the case-detection rate, prevalence surveys, and estimated cause-specific mortality using Bayesian meta-regression to generate consistent trends in all parameters. We analysed malaria mortality and incidence using an updated cause of death database, a systematic analysis of verbal autopsy validation studies for malaria, and recent studies (2010-13) of incidence, drug resistance, and coverage of insecticide-treated bednets. FINDINGS: Globally in 2013, there were 1·8 million new HIV infections (95% uncertainty interval 1·7 million to 2·1 million), 29·2 million prevalent HIV cases (28·1 to 31·7), and 1·3 million HIV deaths (1·3 to 1·5). At the peak of the epidemic in 2005, HIV caused 1·7 million deaths (1·6 million to 1·9 million). Concentrated epidemics in Latin America and eastern Europe are substantially smaller than previously estimated. Through interventions including PMTCT and ART, 19·1 million life-years (16·6 million to 21·5 million) have been saved, 70·3% (65·4 to 76·1) in developing countries. From 2000 to 2011, the ratio of development assistance for health for HIV to years of life saved through intervention was US$4498 in developing countries. Including in HIV-positive individuals, all-form tuberculosis incidence was 7·5 million (7·4 million to 7·7 million), prevalence was 11·9 million (11·6 million to 12·2 million), and number of deaths was 1·4 million (1·3 million to 1·5 million) in 2013. In the same year and in only individuals who were HIV-negative, all-form tuberculosis incidence was 7·1 million (6·9 million to 7·3 million), prevalence was 11·2 million (10·8 million to 11·6 million), and number of deaths was 1·3 million (1·2 million to 1·4 million). Annualised rates of change (ARC) for incidence, prevalence, and death became negative after 2000. Tuberculosis in HIV-negative individuals disproportionately occurs in men and boys (versus women and girls); 64·0% of cases (63·6 to 64·3) and 64·7% of deaths (60·8 to 70·3). Globally, malaria cases and deaths grew rapidly from 1990 reaching a peak of 232 million cases (143 million to 387 million) in 2003 and 1·2 million deaths (1·1 million to 1·4 million) in 2004. Since 2004, child deaths from malaria in sub-Saharan Africa have decreased by 31·5% (15·7 to 44·1). Outside of Africa, malaria mortality has been steadily decreasing since 1990. INTERPRETATION: Our estimates of the number of people living with HIV are 18·7% smaller than UNAIDS's estimates in 2012. The number of people living with malaria is larger than estimated by WHO. The number of people living with HIV, tuberculosis, or malaria have all decreased since 2000. At the global level, upward trends for malaria and HIV deaths have been reversed and declines in tuberculosis deaths have accelerated. 101 countries (74 of which are developing) still have increasing HIV incidence. Substantial progress since the Millennium Declaration is an encouraging sign of the effect of global action. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016