267 research outputs found

    Er det sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitetsnivå og selvrapportert livskvalitet blant barn i HOPP-prosjektet?

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    Bakgrunnen for oppgaven Helse blir vektlagt som en viktig ressurs, både for enkeltindividet og samfunnet for øvrig. Regelmessig fysisk aktivitet forebygger plager og er en viktig kilde for helse. I tillegg er det dokumentert å ha en positiv effekt på psykisk helse og livskvalitet. Barndommen utgjør en viktig periode, både fordi god livskvalitet i denne perioden er viktig i seg selv, og fordi man her legger grunnlaget for et voksenliv med god livskvalitet og helse. Problemstilling “Er det sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitetsnivå og selvrapportert livskvalitet blant barn i HOPP-prosjektet?” Metode Datamaterialet i dette studiet er hentet fra HOPP-prosjektet i Horten kommune, en longitudinell intervensjon. Analysen er basert på variabler som omhandler fysisk aktivitetsnivå og livskvalitet. Etter ekskludering ble totalt 1923 barn i alderen 6-12 år (fra 1. til 6.trinn) inkludert. SPSS og korrelasjonsanalyse har blitt benyttet for statistiske analyser av data for å undersøke sammenhengen mellom aktivitetsnivå og livskvalitet. T-test er gjennomført for å teste om det er signifikant forskjell mellom aktivitetsnivåene, kjønn og trinn. Resultater Totalt sett har guttene et høyere aktivitetsnivå enn jentene. Aktivitetsnivået er synkende med alder og sedat tid er økende med alder for begge kjønn. Samtlige barn rapporterer om høy livskvalitet. Funnene tyder på at det kan være en sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitetsnivå og selvrapportert livskvalitet, og at hard intensitet på aktiviteten kan å ha en noe sterkere sammenheng, sammenlignet med de andre forholdene ved aktivitet. Konklusjon Resultatene tyder på fysisk aktivitetsnivå kan ha en sammenheng med livskvalitet hos barna i HOPP-prosjektet. Det er dog potensielle svakheter ved metoden som er anvendt for å måle livskvaliteten til barna, som kan ha hatt påvirkning på resultatet. Det anses som nødvendig med mer forskning på dette feltet for å modifisere funnene

    Outcome of Patients With Esophageal Atresia and Very Low Birth Weight (<= 1,500 g)

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    Introduction: Primary repair of esophageal atresia (EA) in infants with very low birth weight (VLBW) and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) has been widely performed in pediatric surgery. However, several studies have shown that complication rates in infants with VLBW are high. We hypothesize preterm children benefit from a shorter, less-traumatizing operation in the first days of life, as staged repair implies. Methods: Patients with EA and VLBW were retrieved from the database of a large national patient organization KEKS e.V. Structured questionnaires were sent to all the patients' families; the responses were pseudonymized and sent to our institution. Results: Forty-eight questionnaires from patients were analyzed. The mean birth weight was 1,223 g (720–1,500 g). Primary repair was performed in 25 patients (52%). Anastomotic insufficiency (AI) was reported in 9 patients (19%), recurrent fistula (RF) in 8 (17%), and anastomotic stenosis in 24 patients (50%). Although AI was almost twice as common after primary repair than after staged repair (24 vs. 13%; p = 0.5), the difference was not statistically significant. RF was more frequent after primary repair (28 vs. 4%; p = 0.04), gastroesophageal reflux was more frequent in the group after staged repair (78 vs. 52%; p = 0.04), and both correlations were statistically significant. Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) was reported in 11 patients (23%) and was observed in 7 of them (64%, p = 0.4) after primary repair. ICH was reported in 60% of patients with ELBW and 75% of patients when ELBW was paired with primary repair. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the complication rate in patients with VLBW is higher than the average of that in patients with EA. The study indicates that a staged approach may be an option in this specific patient group, as less RF and AI are seen after staged repair. ICH rate in patients with ELBW seemed to be especially lower after staged repair. Interestingly, gastroesophageal reflux was statistically significantly higher in the group after staged repair, and postoperative ventilation time was longer. It is therefore necessary to individually consider which surgical approach is appropriate for this special patient group

    Detection of Feline Coronavirus Variants in Cats without Feline Infectious Peritonitis

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    (1) Background: This study aimed to detect feline coronavirus (FCoV) and characterize spike (S) gene mutation profiles in cats suffering from diseases other than feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) using commercial real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and reevaluating results by sequencing. (2) Methods: In 87 cats in which FIP was excluded by histopathology and immunohistochemistry, FCoV 7b gene and S gene mutation RT-qPCR was performed prospectively on incisional biopsies and fine-needle aspirates of different organs, body fluids, and feces. Samples positive for S gene mutations or mixed FCoV underwent sequencing. (3) Results: In 21/87 cats, FCoV RNA was detectable. S gene mutations were detected by commercial RT-qPCR (and a diagnostic algorithm that was used at the time of sample submission) in at least one sample in 14/21 cats (66.7%), with only mutated FCoV in 2/21, only mixed in 1/21, and different results in 11/21 cats; in the remaining 7/21 cats, RNA load was too low to differentiate. However, sequencing of 8 tissue samples and 8 fecal samples of 9 cats did not confirm mutated FCoV in any of the FCoV RNA-positive cats without FIP. (4) Conclusions: Sequencing results did not confirm results of the commercial S gene mutation RT-qPCR

    Bycatch and discard survival rate in a small-scale bivalve dredge fishery along the Algarve coast (southern Portugal)

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    Although the bivalve dredge used on the Algarve coast (southern Portugal) is highly selective for the target species, in some periods of the year the bycatch can exceed the catch of the commercial species. The present study aimed to quantify the bycatch and discards, estimate damage and mortality, and propose management measures to minimize discards and mortality. A total of 15 fishing surveys (60 tows) were performed using two types of dredges (“DDredge” targeting Donax trunculus and “SDredge” targeting Spisula solida and Chamelea gallina). Of the 85257 individuals (392.4 kg) of 52 taxa that were caught, 73.4% belonged to the target species, 22.1% to commercially undersized target species and 4.5% to bycatch species. Bycatch rates were lower for SDredge (13.5% in number and 6.3% in weight) than for DDredge (46.0% in number and 32.9% in weight). Damage and mortality rates were also lower using SDredge (1.3% and 1.0% of the total catches, respectively) than using DDredge (4.0% and 2.8% of the total catches). Survival experiments revealed the diverse vulnerability of the taxa and confirmed the influence of the damage score on the mortality rate. The results gathered in the present study encourage the adoption of a bycatch reduction device to reduce both direct and indirect mortality.This study was performed within the framework of the research project “Science Technology and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries (MINOUW)” funded by the Research and Innovation Action (RIA) of the EU Horizon 2020 programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório Final de Estágio

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    Relatório Final de Estágio Supervisionado, agregando os resultados das disciplinas de ESI e ESII, apresentado como requisito à obtençao do titulo de licenciado em Letras - Espanhol, na modalidade a distância, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), realizado na Escola de Educação Básica Professor Honório Miranda

    Relatório Final de Estágio Supervisionado

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    Relatório Final de Estágio Supervisionado, agregando os resultados das disciplinas de ESI e ESII, apresentado como requisito à obtençao do titulo de licenciado em Letras - Espanhol, na modalidade a distância, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), realizado na Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil e Educação Fundamental Waldemar Antônio Von Dentz

    Loss of a FYN-regulated differentiation and growth arrest pathway in advanced stage neuroblastoma

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    AbstractTumor stage, age of patient, and amplification of MYCN predict disease outcome in neuroblastoma. To gain insight into the underlying molecular pathways, we have obtained expression profiles from 94 primary neuroblastoma specimens. Advanced tumor stages show a characteristic expression profile that includes downregulation of multiple genes involved in signal transduction through Fyn and the actin cytoskeleton. High expression of Fyn and high Fyn kinase activity are restricted to low-stage tumors. In culture, expression of active Fyn kinase induces differentiation and growth arrest of neuroblastoma cells. Expression of Fyn predicts long-term survival independently of MYCN amplification. Amplification of MYCN correlates with deregulation of a distinct set of genes, many of which are target genes of Myc. Our data demonstrate a causal role for Fyn kinase in the genesis of neuroblastoma

    Clinical Follow-Up and Postmortem Findings in a Cat That Was Cured of Feline Infectious Peritonitis with an Oral Antiviral Drug Containing GS-441524

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    This is the first report on a clinical follow-up and postmortem examination of a cat that had been cured of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) with ocular manifestation by successful treatment with an oral multicomponent drug containing GS-441524. The cat was 6 months old when clinical signs (recurrent fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, and fulminant anterior uveitis) appeared. FIP was diagnosed by ocular tissue immunohistochemistry after enucleation of the affected eye. The cat was a participant in a FIP treatment study, which was published recently. However, 240 days after leaving the clinic healthy, and 164 days after the end of the 84 days of treatment, the cured cat died in a road traffic accident. Upon full postmortem examination, including histopathology and immunohistochemistry, there were no residual FIP lesions observed apart from a generalized lymphadenopathy due to massive lymphoid hyperplasia. Neither feline coronavirus (FCoV) RNA nor FCoV antigen were identified by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and immunohistochemistry, respectively, in any tissues or body fluids, including feces. These results prove that oral treatment with GS-441524 leads to the cure of FIP-associated changes and the elimination of FCoV from all tissues. Keywords: FCoV; FIP; Mutian; Xraphconn®; antiviral chemotherapy; feline coronavirus; necropsy; therapy; treatmen