134 research outputs found

    A prática na construção da identidad profissional: estudo exploratório junto de educadores de infância

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    [Resumo] De acordo com Katz (1993) os educadores de infáncia podem percorrer 4 estádios no seu desenvolvimento profissional: sobrevivencia, consolida~ao, renova~ao e maturidade. A prática profissional parece ser o factor determinante dessa progressao sucessiva, sobretudo tendo como variáveis moderadoras as experiencias vivenciadas de feedback, de suporte e de reflexao (Bell & Gilbert, 1996). Iniciando um projecto de investiga~ao junto de educadores de infancia neste tema, apresentamse os dados de um estudo qualitativo realizado junto de 5 alunas finalistas e de 5 educadoras de infáncia (com 3 ou mais anos de experiencia profissional). Este estudo fez urna opçao por urna metodologia qualitativa (análise de conteúdo), tendo-nos servido de urna entrevista semi-estruturada para a recolha dos dados. A entrevista estruturou-se em torno dos seguintes aspectos: "ser educador", planos de actividades, materiais, e relaçes interpessoais. A comunicaçao apresenta e discute as proximidades e diferenzas de discurso nos dois grupos considerados, apreciando ainda as potencialidades da metodologia seguida para os objectivos deste projecto

    The HIF System Response to ESA Therapy in CKD‐Anemia

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    Anemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with disease progression and increased mortality. This anemia is mainly due to inadequate production of erythropoietin (EPO) by the failing kidneys, resulting from the reduction in renal EPO‐producing cells (REPC) or from dysregulation of the hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF) system that regulates several genes related to hypoxia, angiogenesis, fibrosis and glucose metabolism, among others. In this chapter, we present a review on the HIF system in CKD‐anemia, the HIF response to erythropoiesis‐stimulating agents (ESA) therapy and its potential involvement in the development of ESA resistance by enhancing kidney fibrosis and inflammation. Due to concerns related to ESA use, new drugs to correct anemia are under study, being the prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors the most promising candidates

    O Processo transição saúde/doença da pessoa com enfarte agudo do miocárdio

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica apresentada na Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO número de pessoas vítimas de enfarte agudo miocárdio constitui uma realidade preocupante para os profissionais de saúde, por ser uma patologia que se mantém como principal causa de morte na população portuguesa. Apesar de nas últimas décadas se apostar em campanhas sistemáticas de prevenção, do progresso científico ao nível do diagnóstico e da terapêutica, esta doença continua a representar uma das principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade, com impacto a nível pessoal, familiar, social e económico das sociedades. É necessário que os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente os enfermeiros, desenvolvam competências para intervir ativamente junto da pessoa com enfarte agudo miocárdio a vivenciar a transição saúde/doença, de modo a que a pessoa adquira qualidade de vida e bem-estar ou seja desenvolva uma transição positiva. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo principal compreender o processo de transição saúde/doença da pessoa com enfarte agudo do miocárdio, a fim de contribuir para uma melhor prática de cuidados, favorecedora de uma transição saudável, com ganhos positivos para os envolvidos. Para a concretização deste estudo e dar resposta aos objetivos delineados, adoptou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa de carácter exploratório e descritivo. Como estratégia de recolha de dados optou-se pela entrevista semi-estruturada que foi dirigida a dez pessoas com enfarte agudo do miocárdio que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. Da análise dos dados, segundo o referencial teórico e metodológico de Bardin (2011), obtivemos um conjunto de áreas temáticas: significado do evento, implicações do enfarte agudo miocárdio, fatores facilitadores do processo transição saúde/doença e perceção da intervenção de enfermagem. Especificamente, e no que diz respeito ao significado do evento, os participantes identificaram um conjunto de sintomas físicos e de sentimentos associados à doença, bem como a perceção e reconhecimento da doença e dos comportamentos de risco associados. Relativamente às implicações do EAM, os participantes reportaram diversas alterações na sua vida como consequência do diagnóstico, destacando-se alterações ao nível do estilo de vida (ex., exercício físico, adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa, cessação tabágica, alteração de hábitos alimentares). No que diz respeito aos fatores facilitadores da transição, os pacientes destacaram o envolvimento da equipa multidisciplinar, o apoio da família, o programa de reabilitação cardiovascular, bem como características pessoais. Por fim, no âmbito da percepção dos doentes em relação à iv equipa de enfermagem, destacam-se como intervenções valorizadas a vigilância contínua, a informação prestada e o apoio, bem como a competência dos profissionais e a relação com a equipa multidisciplinar. Os resultados desta investigação são reveladores que as intervenções de enfermagem são potenciadoras de transições bem-sucedidas da pessoa com enfarte agudo do miocárdio. Promover a aquisição de mestria, identificando as perceções, os sentimentos, os fatores facilitadores, as implicações na pessoa com enfarte miocárdio, visando um ajustamento e adaptação eficaz, uma integração fluida da nova identidade (doente de risco), com o intuito de adquirir qualidade de vida e bem-estar, proporciona ao doente experienciar uma transição positiva. Acreditamos que este trabalho terá importantes implicações futuras para a prática de enfermagem, nomeadamente na construção de modelos de actuação que tenham em consideração a multidimensionalidade dos processos de transição experienciados pelos doentes com EAM; na formação dos pares; e por último, na investigação através da replicação destes resultados noutros contextos e com outros participantes.The number of victims of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a concerning reality to healthcare professionals, as this disease is still the leading cause of mortality in Portugal. Although there have been recent efforts in promoting prevention strategies, in advancing scientific knowledge and interventions, this disease continues to represent one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity, with a broad impact at the personal, familiar, social, and economic level. It is thus necessary that healthcare professionals, namely nurses, develop competencies to actively intervene with the patient with acute myocardial infarction to promote positive health-illness transitions. In this context, the present study aims to understand the health-illness transition of the individual with AMI, and to contribute to better care-providing that promotes healthy transitions, with positive gains for all persons involved. In order to accomplish our main aims we used an exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach. As a data collection procedure, we used semi-structured interviews with ten patients with AMI that complied with our inclusion criteria. From the analysis of the data, according to the theoretical and methodological framework of Bardin (2011), we obtained a set of thematic areas: meaning of the event, implications of the acute myocardial infarction, facilitators of health-illness transition, and perception of the nursing intervention. Regarding the meaning of the event, participants identified several physical symptoms and feelings related to the disease, as well as the perception and aknowledgment of the disease and risk behaviors. Regarding the implications of the disease, participants reported several changes in their lives as a consequence of the diagnosis, in particular related to their lifestyle (e.g., physicial exercise, adherence to treatment, smoking cessation, changes in eating habits). As facilitators of health-illness transition, participants identified the involvement of the multidisciplinary team, family support, the cardiac rehabilitation program, and personal characteristics. Finally, regarding the perception of the nursing team, patients valued interventions such as continuous vigilance, information provided and support, as well as professionals’ competency and the relationship with the multidisciplinary team. Results of this research project reveal that nursing interventions may facilitate a successful transition in the person with AMI, with good results and health gains. It is important to promote mastery and to identify perceptions, feelings, facilitators, and implications for the person experiencing AMI, in order to promote an effective adaptation and a fluid integrative identity (at-risk patient) and ultimately quality of life and well-being. We believe that this work will have important future implications for Nursing, specifically regarding the creation of therapeutic interventions that take into account the multidimensionality of transition processes in patients with AMI; in the training of peers; and in research through the replication of these findings to different contexts and participants

    Characterization of Cynara cardunculus L. flower from Alentejo as a coagulant agent for cheesemaking

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    The cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) is a mandatory vegetable coagulant for certain Protected Designation of Origin Portuguese cheeses. It grows wild in Portugal and is used without any type of control regarding flower picking or extract preparation, representing some uncertainty in cheese manufacture. The variability in technological properties, in the context of traditional cheese manufacture, of cardoon flower ecotypes from the Alentejo region was evaluated, including milk clotting and proteolytic activities, coagulation properties and potential cheesemaking yield of flower extracts. Multivariate statistics highlighted the variability of flower properties for cheesemaking, but allowed the aggregation of the ecotypes into five groups under the major influence of milk clotting activity and effect on gel firmness and micellar aggregation rate, followed by proteolytic activity. These differences may have an impact on cheese properties and therefore can allow the selection of cardoon flower for the manufacture of different types of cheese

    A ecologia integral como promoção do bem comum : o cuidado da casa comum : uma proposta pedagógica à luz da UL4 : Paz Universal

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    Nos dias de hoje somos confrontados diariamente pela comunicação social com conflitos e situações que se referem a questões relacionadas com a ecologia. O tema da ecologia deve ser refletido de uma maneira multidisciplinar, abrangendo várias áreas do saber. O Papa Francisco, na Encíclica Laudato Si’, aborda estas temáticas, propondo a noção de ecologia integral com a qual põe a ecologia ambiental e a ecologia humana em diálogo. É no interior deste diálogo que se deve situar também a promoção do bem comum, o melhor bem possível para todos e para cada um, para a qual é igualmente necessário o compromisso com a construção da paz e de um mundo mais humano, mais fraterno e mais sustentável. O objetivo deste Relatório Final da Prática de Ensino Supervisionado é desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a ecologia integral e a promoção do bem comum, fazendo também uma nova proposta de lecionação para a Unidade Letiva 4: “A Paz Universal”, lecionada no 7º ano da disciplina de Educação Moral e Religiosa Católica.Nowadays we are confronted daily by the media with conflicts and situations dealing with ecology. This subject should be tackled in a multidisciplinary way, encompassing several fields of knowledge. Pope Francis, in the Encyclical Laudato Si', approaches these subjects by proposing a notion of an integral ecology in which he relates environmental ecology with human ecology. It is in this dialogue that pushing for the general well-being should take place, the best for each and every one, for which it is equally demanded a commitment to peace-building and the making of a more humane world,of more brotherly and more sustainable. The purpose of this Final Report on the Practice of Supervised Teaching is to develop a reflection on the integral ecology and the promotion of the general well-being, and also making a new proposal of teaching for Course Unit 4: "Universal Peace", taught on 7th grade's Catholic Moral and Religious Education

    Polymorphism and Superconductivity in Bilayer Molecular Metals (CNB-EDT-TTF)4I3

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    Electrocrystallization from solutions of the dissymmetrical ET derivative cyanobenzene-ethylenedithio-tetrathiafulvalene (CNB-EDT-TTF) in the presence of triiodide I3 − affords two different polymorphs (β″ and κ) with the composition (CNB-EDT-TTF)4I3, both with a bilayer structure of the donors. These polymorphs differ in the packing patterns (β″- and κ-type) of the donor molecules in each layer, in both cases with bifurcated C−N···H interactions effectively coupling head-to-head donor molecules between layer pairs. Two β″ polymorphs can be obtained with different degrees of anionic ordering. In one disordered phase, β″d, with a smaller unit cell, the triiodide anions are disordered over two possible positions in a channel between the donor bilayers, while in the ordered phase, β″o, the triiodide anions occupy only one of those positions in this channel, leading to the doubling of the unit cell in the layer plane. These results for β″ phases contrast with the κ polymorph previously reported, for which weaker disorder of the triiodide anions, over two possible orientations with 94 and 6% occupation factors, was observed. While the β″ polymorphs remains metallic down to 1.5 K with a ρ300K/ρ4K resistivity ratio of 250, the κ polymorph presents a much smaller resistivity ratio in the range of 4−10 and superconductivity with an onset temperature of 3.5 K.This work was partially supported in Portugal by FCT under Contracts UID/Multi/04349/2013 and RECI/QEQ-QIN/ 0189/2012 and grants to S.O. (SFRH/BD/72722/2010) and S.R. (SFRH/BPD/113344/2015). Work in Bellaterra was supported by MINECO-Spain (Grant FIS2015-64886-C5-4- P) and Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR301). E.C. acknowledges the support of the Spanish MINECO through the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence Program under Grant SEV-2015-0496.Peer reviewe

    DT-TTF Salts with [Cu(dcdmp)2]−: The Richness of Different Stoichiometries

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    (DT-TTF)[Cu(dcdmp)(2)] (1), (DT-TTF)(2)[Cu(dcdmp)(2)] (2), and (DT-TTF)(3)[Cu(dcdmp)(2)](2) (3) are three new charge transfer salts obtained by electrocrystallization of the donor DT-TTF (dithiophene-tetrathiafulvalene) with the diamagnetic copper complex [Cu(dcdmp)(2)](-) (dcdmp = 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dimercaptopyrazine). Compounds 1 and 3 crystallize in the triclinic system and consist of out-of-registry layers of mixed stacks of donor and acceptor molecules. (DT-TTF)(2)[Cu(dcdmp)(2)] presents a structure similar to the parent spin-ladder systems with donor stacks arranged in pairs; however, a magnetic spin-ladder behavior is not observed probably due to strong interactions between pairs. Compound 3, despite the mixed nature of the stacks, displays relatively high conductivity (7 S/cm) due to a one-dimensional network of interactions between donors.This work was supported by FCT (Portugal) through contracts PTDC/QEQ-SUP/1413/2012 and UID/Multi/04349/2013 and by DGI, Spain (CTQ2013-40480), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR0017), the CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN), promoted by ISCIII, Spain. R. A. L. S. is thankful to FCT for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/86131/2012.Peer reviewe

    Mediterranean Shrubs: Nutraceuticals for sustainable goat production

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    Mediterranean Shrubs: Nutraceuticals for sustainable goat production Costa, C.ab, Almeida, S.M.c, Cavaco-Gonçalves, S.a, Barbas, J.P.a, Ribeiro, J.M.B.F.a, Belo, C.C.a, Padre, L.b, Belo, A.T,a aINIAV, Santarém – National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinarian Research, Quinta da Fonte Boa, 2005-048 Vale de Santarém bICAAM – Department of Veterinary Medicine, Évora University, Pólo da Mitra, 7006-554 Évora cUTAD – Trás-os Montes and Alto Douro University, Quinta de Prados, 5000-801 Vila Real E-mail: [email protected] Bioactive natural products have become an important research topic and development area in different fields of study, owing to their numerous potentialities. In animal production, the anthelminthic, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of natural vegetation can improve the animals’ productive efficiency and wellbeing, and product quality (meat and milk). It is known that goats have a very selective feeding behavior and a higher sensitivity to gastrointestinal strongyles (GIS) infections compared to other ruminants, and that certain plants have beneficial effects in animal health through the synergy between their nutritive value and bioactive compounds. Thus, the project “VegMedCabras” intends to characterize and explore the nutraceutical value of mediterranean shrubs for sustainable goat production, by controlling parasitic infection as well as preventing environmental contamination and residues in the final product from the continuous use of synthetic anthelmintics [1,2,3]. Charnequeira breed goats were observed during browsing/grazing of Mediterranean vegetation, from February to July, in order to document their shrub species preferences and evaluate the nutraceutical value of the final diets. All selected plants were analyzed for nutritive value (protein and fiber content, digestibility), as well as bioactive compounds content such as total phenolic compounds (TPC), total tannins (TT), condensed tannins, flavonoids and saponins. Antioxidant activity was also evaluated. Each goat was individually evaluated for natural GIS infection, by egg elimination levels, and health status, by metabolic blood parameters. A significant drop in EPG (eggs per gram of feces) elimination (± 65%) was observed by the end of the study period. As soon as goats started browsing the Mediterranean vegetation, EPG counts started to decrease as the proportion of shrubs rich in TPC increased in the diet. Species with the highest contribution were Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus coccifera, which presented an average TPC and TT of 163,6 and 134,2 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent)/g MS vs. 138,4 and 130,2 mg GAE/g MS, respectively. Nutritive value of the diets selected by goats was estimated in order to determine the adequacy to their physiological requirements. With the increased resistance of GIS to synthetic anthelmintics and social demand for quality products, it is important to establish multidisciplinary options such as the use of nutraceutical shrubs, a safer, ecological and inexpensive solution. Keywords: nutraceuticals; Mediteranean shrubs; bioactive compounds; anthelmintics; goats References: [1]. Jasmim RS (2018) Int. J. Botany 14: 24-29. [2]. Saric T, Rogosic J, Zupan I, Beck R, Bosnic S, Sikic Z, Skobic D, Tkalcic S (2015) Small Rum. Res. 123: 179-182. [3]. Hoste H, Torres-Acosta JFJ, Sandoval-Castro CA, Muller-Harvey I, Sotiraki S, Louvandini H, Thamsborg SM, Terrill TH (2015) Vet. Parasitology 212: 5-17. Acknowledgements: VegMedCabras – Mediterranean shrubs: natural anthelmintics in the diet selected by grazing goats (ALT-03-0145-FEDER-000009) co-financed by ALENTEJO2020 program-European Regional Development Fund