21,161 research outputs found

    The Relative Frequency of Arterio Sclerosis of the Various Arteries

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    The present paper is a preliminary report of one phase of a series of arterio sclerotic cases which the author studied during the summer of 1908 while engaged in pathological studies in Berlin and Munich. A brief autopsy report was taken of each case, especial attention being given to the condition of the heart and kidneys

    Crystallization and characterization of Y2O3-SiO2 glasses

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    Glasses in the yttria-silica system with 20 to 40 mol pct Y2O3 were subjected to recrystallization studies after melting at 1900 to 2100 C in W crucibles in 1 and 50 atm N2. The TEM and XRD results obtained indicate the presence of the delta, gamma, gamma prime, and beta-Y2Si2O7 crystalline phases, depending on melting and quenching conditions. Heat treatment in air at 1100 to 1600 C increased the amount of crystallization, and led to the formation of Y2SiO5, cristabalite, and polymorphs of Y2Si2O7. Also investigated were the effects of 5 and 10 wt pct zirconia additions

    Magnetic Fields in the Center of the Perseus Cluster

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    We present Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the nucleus of NGC 1275, the central, dominant galaxy in the Perseus cluster of galaxies. These are the first observations to resolve the linearly polarized emission from 3C84, and from them we determine a Faraday rotation measure (RM) ranging from 6500 to 7500 rad/m^2 across the tip of the bright southern jet component. At 22 GHz some polarization is also detected from the central parsec of 3C84, indicating the presence of even more extreme RMs that depolarize the core at lower frequencies. The nature of the Faraday screen is most consistent with being produced by magnetic fields associated with the optical filaments of ionized gas in the Perseus Cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Potential of Interplanetary Torques and Solar Modulation for Triggering Terrestrial Atmospheric and Lithospheric Events

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    The Sun is forced into an orbit around the barycenter of the solar system because of the changing mass distribution of the planets. Solar-planetary-lunar dynamic relationships may form a new basis for understanding and predicting cyclic solar forcing functions on the Earth's climate.Comment: Invited Paper at the Fourth UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science, Cairo, Egypt, July 1994. 7 pages LaTeX. Accepted for publication in the journal Earth, Moon, and Planet

    Optimal Remote State Preparation

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    We prove that it is possible to remotely prepare an ensemble of non-commuting mixed states using communication equal to the Holevo information for this ensemble. This remote preparation scheme may be used to convert between different ensembles of mixed states in an asymptotically lossless way, analogous to concentration and dilution for entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    The luminosity function of the brightest galaxies in the IRAS survey

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    Results from a study of the far infrared properties of the brightest galaxies in the IRAS survey are described. There is a correlation between the infrared luminosity and the infrared to optical luminosity ratio and between the infrared luminosity and the far infrared color temperature in these galaxies. The infrared bright galaxies represent a significant component of extragalactic objects in the local universe, being comparable in space density to the Seyferts, optically identified starburst galaxies, and more numerous than quasars at the same bolometric luminosity. The far infrared luminosity in the local universe is approximately 25% of the starlight output in the same volume

    Feedback under the microscope: thermodynamic structure and AGN driven shocks in M87

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    (abridged) Using a deep Chandra exposure (574 ks), we present high-resolution thermodynamic maps created from the spectra of ∼\sim16,000 independent regions, each with ∼\sim1,000 net counts. The excellent spatial resolution of the thermodynamic maps reveals the dramatic and complex temperature, pressure, entropy and metallicity structure of the system. Excluding the 'X-ray arms', the diffuse cluster gas at a given radius is strikingly isothermal. This suggests either that the ambient cluster gas, beyond the arms, remains relatively undisturbed by AGN uplift, or that conduction in the intracluster medium (ICM) is efficient along azimuthal directions. We confirm the presence of a thick (∼\sim40 arcsec or ∼\sim3 kpc) ring of high pressure gas at a radius of ∼\sim180 arcsec (∼\sim14 kpc) from the central AGN. We verify that this feature is associated with a classical shock front, with an average Mach number M = 1.25. Another, younger shock-like feature is observed at a radius of ∼\sim40 arcsec (∼\sim3 kpc) surrounding the central AGN, with an estimated Mach number M > 1.2. As shown previously, if repeated shocks occur every ∼\sim10 Myrs, as suggested by these observations, then AGN driven weak shocks could produce enough energy to offset radiative cooling of the ICM. A high significance enhancement of Fe abundance is observed at radii 350 - 400 arcsec (27 - 31 kpc). This ridge is likely formed in the wake of the rising bubbles filled with radio-emitting plasma that drag cool, metal-rich gas out of the central galaxy. We estimate that at least ∼1.0×106\sim1.0\times10^6 solar masses of Fe has been lifted and deposited at a radius of 350-400 arcsec; approximately the same mass of Fe is measured in the X-ray bright arms, suggesting that a single generation of buoyant radio bubbles may be responsible for the observed Fe excess at 350 - 400 arcsec.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted to MNRA

    The locally covariant Dirac field

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    We describe the free Dirac field in a four dimensional spacetime as a locally covariant quantum field theory in the sense of Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, using a representation independent construction. The freedom in the geometric constructions involved can be encoded in terms of the cohomology of the category of spin spacetimes. If we restrict ourselves to the observable algebra the cohomological obstructions vanish and the theory is unique. We establish some basic properties of the theory and discuss the class of Hadamard states, filling some technical gaps in the literature. Finally we show that the relative Cauchy evolution yields commutators with the stress-energy-momentum tensor, as in the scalar field case.Comment: 36 pages; v2 minor changes, typos corrected, updated references and acknowledgement

    Outline of Culture of Prehistoric Indians of Iowa

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    When groups of people live in considerable isolation, they tend to become physically homogeneous and adopt common ways of life. Their folkways extend into the details of their social customs and into the modes and styles of their material creations as well. Out of these customs and practices develop those institutions which have received the sanction of the group. The mores, customs, and institutions of a society are the particular topics of study of the sociologist. But the material devices of a social organization are equally important criteria of its culture and are, indeed, the only evidence that remains of a civilization after its promoters have passed away
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