3,249 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Quantum Theory and Special Relativity in signaling scenarios

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    The coexistence between Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity is usually formulated in terms of the no-signaling condition. Several authors have even suggested that this condition should be included between the basic postulates of Quantum Theory. However, there are several scenarios where signaling is, in principle, possible: based on previous results and the analysis of the relation between unitarity and signaling we present an example of a two-particle interferometric arrangement for which the dynamics is, in principle, compatible with superluminal transmission of information. This type of non-locality is not in the line of Bell's theorem, but closer in spirit to the one-particle acausality studied by Hegerfeldt and others. We analyze in this paper the meaning of this non-locality and how to preserve the coexistence of the two fundamental theories in this signaling scenario.Comment: See also the comment by G C Hegerfeldt in the online version of the journal, including more reference

    A scheme for symmetrization verification

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    We propose a scheme for symmetrization verification in two-particle systems, based on one-particle detection and state determination. In contrast to previous proposals, it does not follow a Hong-Ou-Mandel-type approach. Moreover, the technique can be used to generate superposition states of single particles

    A variant transfer matrix method suitable for transport through multi-probe systems

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    We have developed a variant transfer matrix method that is suitable for transport through multi-probe systems. Using this method, we have numerically studied the quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE) on 2D graphene with both intrinsic (Vso) and Rashba (Vr) spin-orbit (SO) couplings. The integer QSHE arises in the presence of intrinsic SO interaction and is gradually destroyed by the Rashba SO interaction and disorder fluctuation. We have numerically determined the phase boundaries separating integer QSHE and spin Hall liquid. We have found that when Vso> 0.2t with t the hopping constant the energy gap needed for the integer QSHE is the largest satisfying |E|<t. For smaller Vso the energy gap decreases linearly. In the presence of Rashba SO interaction or disorders, the energy gap diminishes. With Rashba SO interaction the integer QSHE is robust at the largest energy within the energy gap while at the smallest energy within the energy gap the integer QSHE is insensitive to the disorder

    Fourteen degrees of latitude and a continent apart: comparison of lichen activity over two years at continental and maritime Antarctic sites

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    There are marked declines in precipitation, mean temperatures and the number of lichen species with increasing latitude in Antarctica. However, it is not known which factors are the predominant controllers of biodiversity changes. Results are presented from over two years of almost continuous monitoring of both microclimate and activity in lichens at Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, 62°S, and Botany Bay, Ross Sea region, 77°S. Lichen activity was evident over a much longer period at Livingston Island, (3694 versus 897 hours) and could occur in any month whereas it was almost completely confined to the period November–February at Botany Bay. Mean air temperatures were much lower at Botany Bay (-18° compared to -1.5°C at Livingston Island), but the temperatures at which the lichens were active were almost identical at around 2°C at both sites. When the lichens were active incident light at Botany Bay was very much higher. The differences are related to the availability of meltwater which only occurs at times of high light and warm temperatures at Botany Bay. Temperature as a direct effect does not seem to explain the differences in biodiversity between the sites, but an indirect effect through active hours is much more probable. In addition there are negative effects of stresses such as high light and extreme winter cold at Botany Bay

    Physics for non-physicists - Two bio-degrees reforms in Spanish universities: Health Biology and Biology

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    We present a review of two different innovative experiences of Physics education for Bio-Sciences in two Spanish Universities - the Health Biology degree of the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (UAH) and the Biology degree of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Both experiences took place simultaneously and coincident with the implementation of Bologna Plan. Although they were developed under different contextual constraints, set by the respective Faculties, they share a number of similar pedagogical strategies which are analyzed. In both cases the reforms allowed a substantial improvement in learning results compared to those obtained in the previous Physics courses in the respective degreesLHM participated in the GIREP-MPTL 2018 on behalf of the project IPLS-Spain, promoted and supported by an inter-university group of physics teachers and young biologist

    La sentencia dictada por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en el caso Ruiz Mateos

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    I. La guerra judicial interna por «Rumasa, S. A.». II. La demanda contra España ante la Comisión Europea de Derechos Humanos. III. El caso Ruiz Mateos ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH).-IV. El derecho a ser juzgado en un plazo razonable: a) El plazo a considerar. b) El carácter razonable del plazo de la sentencia Ruiz Mateos. V. El derecho a un proceso equitativo ¿se extiende hasta los procesos desarrollados ante el Tribunal Constitucional: a) La aplicabilidad del articulo 6.1.°, a los procesos seguidos ante el Tribunal Constitucional. b) La igualdad procesal o igualdad de armas en los procedimientos seguidos ante el Tribunal Constitucional. VI. El derecho a una satisfacción equitativa de los lesionados.-VII. Observaciones finales

    Functional ecology of the biological soil crust in semiarid SE Spain: sun and shade populations of Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch

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    The Tabernas badlands in semiarid south-east Spain is one of the driest regions in Europe with a mean annual precipitation of c. 240 mm. The landscape is deeply dissected, with canyons, ramblas and sparsely vegetated eroded badland slopes. The vegetation is predominantly a biological soil crust consisting of different types of lichen-rich communities, one of the more conspicuous being dominated by Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch. This lichen is mainly restricted to the north- facing slopes, where it forms extensive whitish carpets and probably plays an important role in preventing erosion of the slopes and allowing plant colonization. South-facing slopes are much more eroded and generally lack vegetation. %The photosynthetic performance of north (shade) and south-facing (sun) populations of D. diacapsis was studied to determine if these different populations showed any adaptations to the microclimatic conditions of their individual habitats. The response of CO2 exchange to light intensity, temperature and water content was measured under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Dry weight-based net photosynthetic rates were higher in the southern-exposed population but quantum efficiency, and light compensation points were similar. Thallus weight per unit area (LMA) was considerably higher for shade specimens but maximum water content and optimal water content were very similar and chlorophyll content on a dry weight basis was also similar. Chlorophyll content on an area basis was higher in the northern-exposed population and always much larger than those reported in other studies on the same species (up to 8 times larger) with the result that NP values on a chlorophyll basis were relatively low. The larger LMA meant that shade thalli stored more water per unit area which should ensure longer active periods than sun thalli. The results support a strategy pair of high NP and short active time versus low NP and long active time, both having been reported for other soil crust species. However, the visibly larger biomass of the shade D. diacapsis suggests that the lichen is at the limit of its adaptability in these habitats

    The moss Bryum argenteum var. muticum Brid. is well adapted to cope with high light in continental Antarctica

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    The net photosynthetic rate (NP), chlorophyll fluorescence, carotenoid content and chlorophyll content of the cosmopolitan moss Bryum argenteum were measured in the field at Botany Bay, southern Victoria Land, continental Antarctica (77°S). Comparisons were made between sun- and shade-adapted forms, and changes were followed as the moss emerged from under the snow and during exposure of shade and sun forms to ambient light. Shade forms had lower light compensation and saturation values for NP but little difference in maximal NP rates. Shade forms exposed to ambient light changed rapidly (within five days) towards the performance of the sun forms. Surprisingly, this change was not by acclimation of shoots but by the production of new shoots. Chlorophyll and carotenoid levels measured on a molar chlorophyll basis showed no difference between sun and shade forms and also little change during emergence. The constant molar relationship between carotenoids and chlorophyll plus the high levels of the xanthophyll cycle pigments suggest that protection of the chlorophyll antenna was constitutive. This is an adaptation to the very high light levels that occur when the plants are active in continental Antarctica and contrasts to the situation in more temperate areas where high light is normally avoided by desiccation

    Dielectric Function of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors in the Infrared Regime

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    We present a study of the dielectric function of metallic (III,Mn)V diluted magnetic semiconductors in the infrared regime. Our theoretical approach is based on the kinetic exchange model for carrier induced (III,Mn)V ferromagnetism. The dielectric function is calculated within the random phase approximation and, within this metallic regime, we treat disorder effects perturbatively and thermal effects within the mean field approximation. We also discuss the implications of this calculations on carrier concentration measurements from the optical f-sum rule and the analysis of plasmon-phonon coupled modes in Raman spectra.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures include