605 research outputs found

    Self collimation of ultrasound in a 3D sonic crystal

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    We present the experimental demonstration of self-collimation (subdiffractive propagation) of an ultrasonic beam inside a three-dimensional sonic crystal. The crystal is formed by two crossed steel cylinders structures in a woodpile-like geometry disposed in water. Measurements of the 3D field distribution show that a narrow beam which diffractively spreads in the absence of the sonic crystal is strongly collimated in propagation inside the crystal, demonstrating the 3D self-collimation effect.Comment: 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Ultrasonic cavity solitons

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    We report on a new type of localized structure, an ultrasonic cavity soliton, supported by large aspect-ratio acoustic resonators containing viscous media. The spatio-temporal dynamics of this system is analyzed on the basis of a generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation, derived from the microscopic equations under conditions close to nascent bistability. These states of the acoustic and thermal fields are robust structures, existing whenever a spatially uniform solution and a periodic pattern coexist. An analytical solution for the ultrasonic cavity soliton is also presented

    Formation of collimated sound beams by three-dimensional sonic crystals

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    A theoretical and experimental study of the propagation of sound beams in- and behind three-dimensional sonic crystals at frequencies close to the band edges is presented. An efficient collimation of the beam behind the crystal is predicted and experimentally demonstrated. This effect could allow the design of sources of high spatial quality sound beams

    Unsupervised protein embeddings outperform hand-crafted sequence and structure features at predicting molecular function

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    Motivation: Protein function prediction is a difficult bioinformatics problem. Many recent methods use deep neural networks to learn complex sequence representations and predict function from these. Deep supervised models require a lot of labeled training data which are not available for this task. However, a very large amount of protein sequences without functional labels is available.Results: We applied an existing deep sequence model that had been pretrained in an unsupervised setting on the supervised task of protein molecular function prediction. We found that this complex feature representation is effective for this task, outperforming hand-crafted features such as one-hot encoding of amino acids, k-mer counts, secondary structure and backbone angles. Also, it partly negates the need for complex prediction models, as a two-layer perceptron was enough to achieve competitive performance in the third Critical Assessment of Functional Annotation benchmark. We also show that combining this sequence representation with protein 3D structure information does not lead to performance improvement, hinting that 3D structure is also potentially learned during the unsupervised pretraining

    Lasing without inversion in three-level systems : self-pulsing in the cascade schemes

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    Lasing without inversion (LWI) in specific models of closed three-level systems is analyzed in terms of nonlinear dynamics. From a linear stability analysis of the trivial nonlasing solution of the homogeneously broadened systems with on-resonance driving and laser fields, we find that, near lasing threshold, resonant closed Λ and V schemes yield continuous-wave LWI while resonant cascade schemes can give rise to self-pulsing LWI. The origin of this different behavior is discussed. For parameters of a real cascade system in atomic 138Ba we check numerically that the self-pulsing solution is stable in a broad range of nonzero detunings. It is shown that the self-pulsing emission can still be observed when the typical residual Doppler broadening of an atomic beam is taken into account

    Frequency selection by soliton excitation in nondegenerate intracavity downconversion

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    We show that soliton excitation in intracavity downconversion naturally selects a strictly defined frequency difference between the signal and idler fields. In particular, this phenomenon implies that if the signal has smaller losses than the idler then its frequency is pulled away from the cavity resonance and the idler frequency is pulled towards the resonance and {\em vice versa}. The frequency selection is shown to be closely linked with the relative energy balance between the idler and signal fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys Rev Let

    Polarisation Patterns and Vectorial Defects in Type II Optical Parametric Oscillators

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    Previous studies of lasers and nonlinear resonators have revealed that the polarisation degree of freedom allows for the formation of polarisation patterns and novel localized structures, such as vectorial defects. Type II optical parametric oscillators are characterised by the fact that the down-converted beams are emitted in orthogonal polarisations. In this paper we show the results of the study of pattern and defect formation and dynamics in a Type II degenerate optical parametric oscillator for which the pump field is not resonated in the cavity. We find that traveling waves are the predominant solutions and that the defects are vectorial dislocations which appear at the boundaries of the regions where traveling waves of different phase or wave-vector orientation are formed. A dislocation is defined by two topological charges, one associated with the phase and another with the wave-vector orientation. We also show how to stabilize a single defect in a realistic experimental situation. The effects of phase mismatch of nonlinear interaction are finally considered.Comment: 38 pages, including 15 figures, LATeX. Related material, including movies, can be obtained from http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear/research_topics/OPO