57 research outputs found

    Universality and Non-Perturbative Definitions of 2D Quantum Gravity from Matrix Models

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    The universality of the non-perturbative definition of Hermitian one-matrix models following the quantum, stochastic, or d=1d=1-like stabilization is discussed in comparison with other procedures. We also present another alternative definition, which illustrates the need of new physical input for d=0d=0 matrix models to make contact with 2D quantum gravity at the non-perturbative level.Comment: 20 page

    An international assessment of surgeon practices in abdominal wound closure and surgical site infection prevention by the European Society for Coloproctology

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    Aim: The burden of abdominal wound failure can be profound. Recent clinical guidelines have highlighted the heterogeneity of laparotomy closure techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate current midline closure techniques and practices for prevention of surgical site infection (SSI).Method: An online survey was distributed in 2021 among the membership of the European Society of Coloproctology and its partner societies. Surgeons were asked to provide information on how they would close the abdominal wall in three specific clinical scenarios and on SSI prevention practices.Results: A total of 561 consultants and trainee surgeons participated in the survey, mainly from Europe (n = 375, 66.8%). Of these, 60.6% identified themselves as colorectal surgeons and 39.4% as general surgeons. The majority used polydioxanone for fascial closure, with small bite techniques predominating in clean-contaminated cases (74.5%, n = 418). No significant differences were found between consultants and trainee surgeons. For SSI prevention, more surgeons preferred the use of mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) alone over MBP and oral antibiotics combined. Most surgeons preferred 2% alcoholic chlorhexidine (68.4%) or aqueous povidone-iodine (61.1%) for skin preparation. The majority did not use triclosan-coated sutures (73.3%) or preoperative warming of the wound site (78.5%), irrespective of level of training or European/non-European practice.Conclusion: Abdominal wound closure technique and SSI prevention strategies vary widely between surgeons. There is little evidence of a risk-stratified approach to wound closure materials or techniques, with most surgeons using the same strategy for all patient scenarios. Harmonization of practice and the limitation of outlying techniques might result in better outcomes for patients and provide a stable platform for the introduction and evaluation of further potential improvements

    JLAS - desinfección de oficinas y plantas de producción

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    El presente proyecto ostenta una alternativa de negocio que tiene como propósito favorecer la seguridad sanitaria, de modo que busca satisfacer las necesidades que actualmente el mercado peruano exige, en cuanto a limpieza y desinfección de oficinas y negocios en general. Es por ello que nace la idea de implementar un modelo de negocio llamado JLAS “Join Life Absolute Safe” que tiene como finalidad realizar trabajos de desinfección brindando alternativas que se puedan ajustar a las necesidades actuales de las empresas que requieran nuestro servicio. Para ello se impulsó la validación y exploración de mercado en el cual se identificó la problemática y su posible solución, los cuales han sido validados a través de herramientas como el desarrollo de una Landing Page, desarrollo de PMV (Producto Mínimo Viable) y entrevistas, los cuales nos ayudaron a recabar información beneficiosa para continuar con nuestro proyecto. Por otro lado, hemos asentado nuestras estrategias de manera que nuestra propuesta parezca lo más real posible, ya que hemos analizado e implementado nuestro plan de operaciones, comercial, nuestro plan de marketing y la distribución organizacional para un periodo de 5 años, en el cual se detallaran todos los aspectos competentes y organizacionales que envuelven el proceso de implementación del presente proyecto. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis financiero, el cual demostró que a través de indicadores económicos la viabilidad del proyecto, por lo tanto, se llegó a la conclusión de que el presente modelo de negocio es conveniente.The present project has a business alternative that has the purpose of favoring sanitary safety, so that it seeks to satisfy the needs that the Peruvian market currently demands, in terms of cleaning and disinfection of offices and businesses in general. That is why the idea of implementing a business model called JLAS "Join Life Absolute Safe" was born. Its purpose is to carry out disinfection work by providing alternatives that can be adjusted to the current needs of companies that require our service. For this purpose, we promoted the validation and exploration of the market in which the problem and its possible solution were identified, which have been validated through tools such as the development of a Landing Page, development of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and interviews, which helped us to gather beneficial information to continue with our project. On the other hand, we have established our strategies so that our proposal seems as real as possible, since we have analyzed and implemented our operations plan, commercial plan, our marketing plan and the organizational distribution for a period of 5 years, in which all the competent and organizational aspects that involve the implementation process of the present project are detailed. Finally, a Financial Business Plan was made, which showed that through financial indicators the viability of the project, therefore it was concluded that the present business model is profitable.Trabajo de investigació

    Therapeutic implications of selecting the SCORE (European) versus the D'AGOSTINO (American) risk charts for cardiovascular risk assessment in hypertensive patients

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    Background: No comparisons have been made of scales estimating cardiovascular mortality and overall cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The study objectives were to assess the agreement between the Framingham-D'Agostino cardiovascular risk (CVR) scale and the chart currently recommended in Europe (SCORE) with regard to identification of patients with high CVR, and to describe the discrepancies between them and the attendant implications for the treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidaemia. Methods: A total of 474 hypertensive patients aged 40-65 years monitored in primary care were enrolled into the study. CVR was assessed using the Framingham-D'Agostino scale, which estimates the overall cardiovascular morbidity and mortality risk, and the SCORE chart, which estimates the cardiovascular mortality risk. Cardiovascular risk was considered to be high for values ≥ 20% and ≥ 5% according to the Framingham-D'Agostino and SCORE charts respectively. Kappa statistics was estimated for agreement in classification of patients with high CVR. The therapeutic recommendations in the 2007 European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention were followed. Results

    Mental Health in university students in social isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Arequipa, Peru.

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    Introducción: La Pandemia COVID-19, ha tenido impactos negativos en la salud física y mental de las personas, así como las medidas adoptadas por los gobiernos, para prevenir el contagio masivo de la población como el confinamiento, el aislamiento social, el trabajo y educación virtual. Dentro de los afectados por estos cambios, se encontrarían los estudiantes universitarios del área de la salud, que además de estudiar en estas condiciones de pandemia, no han podido hacer sus prácticas de los servicios de salud. Esta situación de exposición al aislamiento, podría afectar la salud mental de los jóvenes estudiantes universitarios.  Objetivo: determinar los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en estudiantes universitarios y su relación con variables sociodemográficas y las características del aislamiento social durante la Pandemia COVID-19.. Métodos:  Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, de corte transversal y cuantitativo, con una muestra de 818 estudiantes universitarios de facultades de ciencias de la salud, mediante el cuestionario autoadministrado DASS-21. Resultados:  Los principales hallazgos fueron: una mayor prevalencia en niveles altos (severos y extremadamente severos) en la ansiedad, alcanzado casi a 4 de cada 10 de los evaluados; por otro lado, en depresión y el estrés, 2 de cada 10 de los evaluados, se encontraron en los niveles mencionados. En relación con las variables sociodemográficas, las relacionadas con el COVID-19 y aislamiento social, se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con el género (mujeres > varones), el haber tenido COVID-19 (Si > No) y vivir con familiares como antes de la pandemia (Si > No) obtuvieron en promedio mayores puntajes en depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Conclusión: Los estudiantes que presentaron mayor depresión, ansiedad y estrés con una diferencia significativa fueron de género femenino, con antecedentes de haber tenido Covid-19, menor contacto con famiiares y haber cumplido con aislamiento social totalAbstractIntroduction: The COVID-19 Pandemic has had negative impacts on the physical and mental health of people, as well as the measures adopted by governments to prevent the massive contagion of the population, such as confinement, social isolation, virtual work, and virtual education. Among those affected by these changes would be university students in the health area who, in addition to studying in these pandemic conditions, have been unable to do their health service practices. This situation of exposure to isolation could affect the mental health of young university students. Objective: To determine the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in university students, their relationship with sociodemographic variables, and the characteristics of social isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, and quantitative study was carried out with a sample of 818 university students from health sciences faculties using the DASS-21 self-administered questionnaire. Results: The main findings were a higher prevalence of high levels (severe and highly severe) in anxiety, reaching almost 4 out of 10 of those evaluated; On the other hand, in depression and stress, 2 out of 10 of those evaluated were found at the mentioned levels. Concerning the sociodemographic variables, those related to COVID-19 and social isolation, statistically significant differences were found with gender (women > men), having had COVID-19 (Yes > No), and living with relatives as before. On average, the pandemic (Yes > No) obtained higher scores in depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusion: The students who presented greater depression, anxiety, and stress with a significant difference were female, with a history of having had Covid-19, less contact with family members, and having complied with total social isolation &nbsp

    Surgical treatment for colorectal cancer: Analysis of the influence of an enhanced recovery programme on long-term oncological outcomes-a study protocol for a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study

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    Introduction The evidence currently available from enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programmes concerns their benefits in the immediate postoperative period, but there is still very little evidence as to whether their correct implementation benefits patients in the long term. The working hypothesis here is that, due to the lower response to surgical aggression and lower rates of postoperative complications, ERAS protocols can reduce colorectal cancer-related mortality. The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of an ERAS programme for colorectal cancer on 5-year survival. As secondary objectives, we propose to analyse the weight of each of the predefined items in the oncological results as well as the quality of life. Methods and analysis A multicentre prospective cohort study was conducted in patients older than 18 years of age who are scheduled to undergo surgery for colorectal cancer. The study involved 12 hospitals with an implemented enhanced recovery protocol according to the guidelines published by the Spanish National Health Service. The intervention group includes patients with a minimum implementation level of 70%, and the control group includes those who fail to reach this level. Compliance will be studied using 18 key performance indicators, and the results will be analysed using cancer survival indicators, including overall survival, cancer-specific survival and relapse-free survival. The time to recurrence, perioperative morbidity and mortality, hospital stay and quality of life will also be studied, the latter using the validated EuroQol Five questionnaire. The propensity index method will be used to create comparable treatment and control groups, and a multivariate regression will be used to study each variable. The Kaplan-Meier estimator will be used to estimate survival and the log-rank test to make comparisons. A p value of less than 0.05 (two-tailed) will be considered to be significant. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Aragon Ethical Committee (C.P.-C.I. PI20/086) on 4 March 2020. The findings of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals (BMJ Open, JAMA Surgery, Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery). Abstracts will be submitted to relevant national and international meetings.The present research study was awarded a Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación health research project grant (PI19/00291) from the Carlos III Institute of the Spanish National Health Service as part of the 2019 call for Strategic Action in Health

    Joint Observation of the Galactic Center with MAGIC and CTA-LST-1

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    MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), designed to detect very-high-energy gamma rays, and is operating in stereoscopic mode since 2009 at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos in La Palma, Spain. In 2018, the prototype IACT of the Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory, was inaugurated at the same site, at a distance of approximately 100 meters from the MAGIC telescopes. Using joint observations between MAGIC and LST-1, we developed a dedicated analysis pipeline and established the threefold telescope system via software, achieving the highest sensitivity in the northern hemisphere. Based on this enhanced performance, MAGIC and LST-1 have been jointly and regularly observing the Galactic Center, a region of paramount importance and complexity for IACTs. In particular, the gamma-ray emission from the dynamical center of the Milky Way is under debate. Although previous measurements suggested that a supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* plays a primary role, its radiation mechanism remains unclear, mainly due to limited angular resolution and sensitivity. The enhanced sensitivity in our novel approach is thus expected to provide new insights into the question. We here present the current status of the data analysis for the Galactic Center joint MAGIC and LST-1 observations

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children

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    Fever is the most common reason that children present to Emergency Departments. Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of bacterial infection are often non-specific, and there is no definitive test for the accurate diagnosis of infection. The 'omics' approaches to identifying biomarkers from the host-response to bacterial infection are promising. In this study, lipidomic analysis was carried out with plasma samples obtained from febrile children with confirmed bacterial infection (n = 20) and confirmed viral infection (n = 20). We show for the first time that bacterial and viral infection produces distinct profile in the host lipidome. Some species of glycerophosphoinositol, sphingomyelin, lysophosphatidylcholine and cholesterol sulfate were higher in the confirmed virus infected group, while some species of fatty acids, glycerophosphocholine, glycerophosphoserine, lactosylceramide and bilirubin were lower in the confirmed virus infected group when compared with confirmed bacterial infected group. A combination of three lipids achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.911 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.98). This pilot study demonstrates the potential of metabolic biomarkers to assist clinicians in distinguishing bacterial from viral infection in febrile children, to facilitate effective clinical management and to the limit inappropriate use of antibiotics