3,809 research outputs found

    Antiveneno de serpiente coral producido en gallinas (Gallus domesticus)

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    The production of anti-snake venom from large mammal's blood has been found to be low-yielding and arduous, consequently, antivenom immunoglobulins for treatment are achieved regularly as polyvalent serum. We have standardized an undemanding technique for making purified immunoglobulin IgY antivenom consisting of polyclonal antibodies against coral snake venom in the egg yolk of immunized hens. We have adapted a reported process of antibody purification from egg yolks, and achieved 90% antibody purity. The customized technique consisted of the removal of lipids from distilled water-diluted egg yolks by a freeze–thaw sequence. The specific immunoglobulins were present in the egg yolk for up to 180 days postimmunization. Therefore, by means of small venom quantities, a significant amount of immunoglobulins were found in an adequately purified state (The obtained material contained about 90% pure IgY). The antigen binding of the immunoglobulins was detected by a double immunodiffusion test. Titers of antibodies in the yolk were estimated with a serum protection assay (Median effective dose = ED50) (ED50= 477 mg/kg). Given that breeding hens is economically feasible, egg gathering is noninvasive and the purification of IgY antibodies is quick and easy, chicken immunization is an excellent alternative for the production of polyclonal antibodies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first coral snake antivenom prepared in birds.La producción de antiveneno de serpiente usando sangre de grandes mamíferos se ha encontrado que es de bajo rendimiento y de trabajo arduo, en consecuencia, las inmunoglobulinas antiveneno para el tratamiento se obtienen generalmente, como suero polivalente. Hemos estandarizado una técnica poco exigente para la fabricación de inmunoglobulina purificada IgY, que consistió en generar anticuerpos policlonales contra el veneno de la serpiente coral en huevos de gallinas inmunizadas. La técnica consistió en la eliminación de lípidos de las yemas del huevo, diluidas en agua y en una secuencia de congelación-descongelación. Las inmunoglobulinas específicas estuvieron presentes en la yema de huevo hasta 180 días después de la inmunización. La unión del antígeno a las inmunoglobulinas se detectó mediante un ensayo de inmunodifusión doble. Los títulos de anticuerpos en la yema fueron estimados con un ensayo de protección (dosis efectiva media = ED50). Dado que las gallinas reproductoras son económicamente viables, la recolección de huevos es no invasiva y la purificación de anticuerpos IgY es rápida y fácil, la inmunización de la gallina es una excelente alternativa para la producción de anticuerpos policlonales. A nuestro entender, esta es el primer anti-veneno contra serpiente de coral preparado en aves

    Triazole-Functionalized Mesoporous Materials Based on Poly(styrene- block -lactic acid): A Morphology Study of Thin Films

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    We report the synthesis of poly(styrene- block -lactic acid) (PS- b -PLA) copolymers with triazole rings as a junction between blocks. These materials were prepared via a ‘click’ strategy which involved the reaction between azide-terminated poly(styrene) (PS-N 3 ) and acetylene-terminated poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PLA-Ac), accomplished by copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction. This synthetic approach has demonstrated to be effective to obtain specific copolymer structures with targeted self-assembly properties. We observed the self-assembly behavior of the PS- b -PLA thin films as induced by solvent vapor annealing (SVA), thermal annealing (TA), and hydrolysis of the as-spun substrates and monitored their morphological changes by means of different microscopic techniques. Self-assembly via SVA and TA proved to be strongly dependent on the pretreatment of the substrates. Microphase segregation of the untreated films yielded a pore size of 125 nm after a 45-min SVA. After selectively removing the PLA microdomains, the as-spun substrates exhibited the formation of pores on the surface, which can be a good alternative to form an ordered pattern of triazole functionalized porous PS at the mesoscale. Finally, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, the obtained triazole-functionalized PS-porous film exhibited some affinity to copper (Cu) in solution. These materials are suitable candidates to further study its metal-caption properties

    Genistein inhibits PDGF-stimulated proteoglycan synthesis in vascular smooth muscle without blocking PDGFß receptor phosphorylation

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    The signaling pathways that regulate the synthesis and structure of proteoglycans secreted by vascular smooth muscle cells are potential therapeutic targets for preventing lipid deposition in the early stage of atherosclerosis. PDGF stimulates both core protein expression and elongation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains on proteoglycans. In this study we investigated the effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein on PDGF mediated receptor phosphorylation and proteoglycan synthesis in human vascular smooth muscle cell

    Wettability, polarity and water absorption of Quercus ilex leaves: effect of leaf side and age

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    Plant trichomes play important protective functions and may have a major influence on leaf surface wettability. With the aim of gaining insight into trichome structure, composition and function in relation to water-plant surface interactions, we analyzed the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface of Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) as model. By measuring the leaf water potential 24 h after the deposition of water drops on to abaxial and adaxial surfaces, evidence for water penetration through the upper leaf side was gained in young and mature leaves. The structure and chemical composition of the abaxial (always present) and adaxial (occurring only in young leaves) trichomes were analyzed by various microscopic and analytical procedures. The adaxial surfaces were wettable and had a high degree of water drop adhesion in contrast to the highly unwettable and water repellent abaxial holm oak leaf sides. The surface free energy, polarity and solubility parameter decreased with leaf age, with generally higher values determined for the abaxial sides. All holm oak leaf trichomes were covered with a cuticle. The abaxial trichomes were composed of 8% soluble waxes, 49% cutin, and 43% polysaccharides. For the adaxial side, it is concluded that trichomes and the scars after trichome shedding contribute to water uptake, while the abaxial leaf side is highly hydrophobic due to its high degree of pubescence and different trichome structure, composition and density. Results are interpreted in terms of water-plant surface interactions, plant surface physical-chemistry, and plant ecophysiology

    Intercellular Trafficking of Gold Nanostars in Uveal Melanoma Cells for Plasmonic Photothermal Therapy

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    Efficient plasmonic photothermal therapies (PPTTs) using non-harmful pulse laser irradiation at the near-infrared (NIR) are a highly sought goal in nanomedicine. These therapies rely on the use of plasmonic nanostructures to kill cancer cells while minimizing the applied laser power density. Cancer cells have an unsettled capacity to uptake, retain, release, and re-uptake gold nanoparticles, thus offering enormous versatility for research. In this work, we have studied such cell capabilities for nanoparticle trafficking and its impact on the effect of photothermal treatments. As our model system, we chose uveal (eye) melanoma cells, since laser-assisted eye surgery is routinely used to treat glaucoma and cataracts, or vision correction in refractive surgery. As nanostructure, we selected gold nanostars (Au NSs) due to their high photothermal efficiency at the near-infrared (NIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. We first investigated the photothermal effect on the basis of the dilution of Au NSs induced by cell division. Using this approach, we obtained high PPTT efficiency after several cell division cycles at an initial low Au NS concentration (pM regime). Subsequently, we evaluated the photothermal effect on account of cell division upon mixing Au NS-loaded and non-loaded cells. Upon such mixing, we observed trafficking of Au NSs between loaded and non-loaded cells, thus achieving effective PPTT after several division cycles under low irradiation conditions (below the maximum permissible exposure threshold of skin). Our study reveals the ability of uveal melanoma cells to release and re-uptake Au NSs that maintain their plasmonic photothermal properties throughout several cell division cycles and re-uptake. This approach may be readily extrapolated to real tissue and even to treat in situ the eye tumor itself. We believe that our method can potentially be used as co-therapy to disperse plasmonic gold nanostructures across affected tissues, thus increasing the effectiveness of classic PPTT

    Angiotensin II induction of PDGF-C expression is mediated by AT1 receptor-dependent Egr-1 transactivation

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    Platelet-derived growth factors are a family of mitogens and chemoattractants comprising of four ligand genes (A-, B-, C-, D-chains) implicated in many physiologic and pathophysiologic processes, including atherosclerosis, fibrosis and tumorigenesis. Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms, which regulate PDGF-C transcription remains incomplete. Transient transfection analysis, conventional and quantitative real-time PCR revealed the induction of PDGF-C transcription and mRNA expression in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) exposed to the peptide hormone angiotensin (ATII), which induces Egr-1. Occupancy of a G + C-rich element in the proximal region of the PDGF-C promoter was unaffected by ATII. Instead we discovered, using both nuclear extracts and recombinant proteins with EMSA and ChIP analyses, the existence of a second Egr-1-binding element located 500 bp upstream. ATII induction of PDGF-C transcription is mediated by the angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) and Egr-1 activation through this upstream element. DNAzyme ED5 targeting Egr-1 blocked ATII-inducible PDGF-C expression. Moreover, increased PDGF-C expression after exposure to ATII depends upon the differentiation state of the SMCs. This study demonstrates the existence of this novel ATII-AT1R-Egr-1-PDGF-C axis in SMCs of neonatal origin, but not in adult SMCs, where ATII induces Egr-1 but not PDGF-C

    A novel HPV 16 L1-based chimeric virus-like particle containing E6 and E7 seroreactive epitopes permits highly specific detection of antibodies in patients with CIN 1 and HPV-16 infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The presence of IgG antibodies to HPV-16 L1-virus like particles (VLPs) in serum has been reported as a result of persistent exposure to the virus and as a marker of disease progression. However, detection of VLP-specific antibodies in sera does not always indicate a malignant lesion as positive results may also be due to a nonmalignant viral infection. Furthermore, malignant lesions are associated with an increased antibody titer for E6 and E7 proteins. The aim of this study was to develop an ELISA using a novel chimeric virus-like particle (cVLP) encoding an L1 protein fused with a string of HPV-16 E6 and E7 seroreactive epitopes to its C-terminus to be used for detection of HPV-16 specific antibodies in patients with cervical intraepithelial lesion grade 1 (CIN 1).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The sera of 30 patients with CIN 1 who also tested positive for HPV-16 DNA and of 30 age-matched normal donors negative for HPV infection were tested for the presence of IgG antibodies specific for either VLP-L1 (HPV-16 L1), gVLP (derived from Gardasil), or cVLP by ELISA. The cVLP-reactive sera yielded two distinct groups of results: (H) reactivity levels that presented very strong cVLP-specific titers, and (L) reactivity levels with significantly lower titers similar to those obtained with VLP-L1 and gVLP antigens. Additionally, the sera that presented the higher cVLP titers closely matched those that had significantly stronger reactivity to E6 and E7 epitopes. Interestingly, the samples with the highest titers corresponded to patients with the higher numbers of sexual partners and pregnancies. On the other hand only 4 out of the 12 sera that harbored antibodies with VLP neutralizing ability corresponded to the group with high cVLP antibody titers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report for the first time that chimeric particles containing HPV-16 L1 protein fused with E6 and E7 seroreactive epitopes enable much better detection of IgG antibodies in the sera of CIN 1 patients positive for HPV-16 infection than those obtained with VLPs containing only the HPV-16 L1 protein. We also found that the sera with higher cVLP antibody titers corresponded to patients with more sexual partners and pregnancies, and not always with to those with a high neutralizing activity. This novel assay could help in the development of a tool to evaluate cervical cancer risk.</p

    Desórdenes venosos pélvicos en la mujer debidos a varices pélvicas. Tratamiento mediante embolización. Breve revisión

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    El síndrome de congestión pélvica (SCP), actualmente englobado en los “desordenes venosos pélvicos en la mujer (DVPm) debidos a varices pélvicas”1 es una condición patológica que sufre un importante porcentaje de mujeres, y generalmente, se caracteriza por dolor abdominal que dura al menos 6 meses. Existen diferentes tipos de tratamientos, pero el más extendido es la embolización de las venas varicosas pélvicas. Presentamos una pequeña revisión del tema y aportamos nuestra experiencia de casi 20 años con más de 500 pacientes. La embolización de las varices pélvicas parece ser un tratamiento seguro y relativamente efectivo en la gran mayoría de las mujeres

    Test, Reliability and Functional Safety Trends for Automotive System-on-Chip

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    This paper encompasses three contributions by industry professionals and university researchers. The contributions describe different trends in automotive products, including both manufacturing test and run-time reliability strategies. The subjects considered in this session deal with critical factors, from optimizing the final test before shipment to market to in-field reliability during operative life