4,251 research outputs found

    Analysis and optimization of a debug post-silicon hardware architecture

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    The goal of this thesis is to analyze the post-silicon validation hardware infrastructure implemented on multicore systems taking as an example Esperanto Technologies SoC, which has thousands of RISC-V processors and targets specific software applications. Then, based on the conclusions of the analysis, the project proposes a new post-silicon debug architecture that can fit on any System on-Chip without depending on its target application or complexity and that optimizes the options available on the market for multicore systems

    A Catalog of GALEX Ultraviolet Emission from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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    We have performed a comprehensive study of the UV emission detected from AGB stars by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). Of the 468 AGB stars in our sample, 316 were observed by GALEX. In the NUV bandpass (λeff2310\lambda_{\rm eff} \sim 2310z A), 179 AGB stars were detected and 137 were not detected. Only 38 AGB stars were detected in the FUV bandpass (λeff1528\lambda_{\rm eff} \sim1528 A). We find that NUV emission is correlated with optical to near infrared emission leading to higher detection fractions among the brightest, hence closest, AGB stars. Comparing the AGB time-variable visible phased light curves to corresponding GALEX NUV phased light curves we find evidence that for some AGB stars the NUV emission varies in phase with the visible light curves. We also find evidence that the NUV emission, and possibly, the FUV emission are anti-correlated with the circumstellar envelope density. These results suggest that the origin of the GALEX-detected UV emission is an inherent characteristic of the AGB stars that can most likely be traced to a combination of photospheric and chromospheric emission. In most cases, UV detections of AGB stars are not likely to be indicative of the presence of binary companions.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; go spurs go

    When is an herbivore not an herbivore? Detritivory facilitates herbivory in a freshwater system

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    Herbivory is thought to be an inefficient diet, but it independently evolved from carnivorous ancestors in many metazoan groups, suggesting that plant‐eating is adaptive in some circumstances. In this study, we tested two hypotheses to explain the adaptive evolution of herbivory: (i) the Heterotroph Facilitation hypothesis (herbivory is adaptive because herbivores supplement their diets with heterotrophic microbes); and (ii) the Lipid Allocation hypothesis (herbivory is adaptive because algae, which have high lipid concentrations, are nutritionally similar to carnivory). We tested these hypotheses using enclosure cages placed in the Everglades and stocked with Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia latipinna), a native herbivore. Using shading and phosphorus addition (P), we manipulated the heterotrophic microbe and lipid composition of colonizing epiphyton and examined the effects of varying food quality on Sailfin Molly life history. Epiphyton grown in “shade only” conditions had a 55% increase in bacterial fatty acids and 34% lower ratios of saturated + monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids relative to the other treatments. Ratio of autotroph to heterotroph biovolume varied throughout the experiment, with a 697% increase at 3 weeks and 98% decrease at 6 weeks compared to the other treatments. Gut contents revealed that fish fed selectively on epiphyton to compensate for apparent deficiencies in the available food. Fish raised in “shade only” cages experienced the highest survival, which was best explained by autotrophic biovolume and algal‐ and bacterial‐derived fatty acids at 3 weeks (2–6× more likely than alternative models with ∆AICc \u3e 2.00), and by percentage of bacterial fatty acids in the diet at 6 weeks (3–8× more likely than alternative models with ∆AICc \u3e 2.00). There were no differences in fish growth among treatments. Autotrophic lipids play a role in early fish life history, but we did not find these to be the best predictors of life history later in the juvenile period. Instead, heterotrophic lipids facilitated the herbivorous diet and enhanced survival of juvenile fish in our experiment. Bacterial fatty acid content of the diet promoted herbivore survival, consistent with the Heterotroph Facilitation hypothesis. This is the first study to explicitly contrast Heterotrophic Facilitation and Lipid Allocation hypotheses for the adaptive evolution of herbivory in an aquatic system

    Livestock Judges Training Provides Hands-On Experience

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    The judging of a market animal at a fair is the highlight of a youth-owned livestock project. Livestock judges are hired to evaluate youth projects at fairs. They are critical ambassadors for agriculture and influence countless youths and adults. Judges must be knowledgeable about current animal evaluation methods that support youth development. The circle of knowledgeable individuals qualified to evaluate animal projects is limited in the Intermountain West, making it difficult to find skilled judges. This necessitates hiring unqualified or untrained judges, limiting the educational experiences for participating youths. The Intermountain Livestock Judges Training was developed to train and update youth livestock judges

    La migración por exclusión: El caso del Estado de Oaxaca, México, 2000-2010

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    El artículo invita a repensar los procesos causales de la migración oaxaqueña hacia los Estados Unidos. Se analiza la pobreza estructural generada por la aplicación de políticas económicas de corte neoliberal en las últimas décadas. El análisis se centra en los nuevos enfoques de la economía política de la migración, que sostiene que deben privilegiarse las visiones macro-estructurales que enfaticen las condiciones de subdesarrollo en las regiones de origen de los migrantes; la precarización laboral, la desigualdad, la marginación y en general la negación de derechos sociales básicos de miles de personas, que ven en la migración internacional la única alternativa para superar dichas condiciones de vida. Asimismo, para analizar la relación exclusión-migración, se utilizaron indicadores socio-económicos como pobreza, el rezago y carencia social, así como de migración, que permiten hacer cruces y determinar vínculos entre los dos procesos. Este examen parcial muestra que la migración de oaxaqueños a los Estados Unidos tiene una relación con la escasa o nula vinculación que tienen miles de personas a una estructura de oportunidades, lo que se reflejó en el incremento de la dinámica migratoria estatal en el periodo 2000-2012

    Competencias digitales y desempeño laboral en los colaboradores de una municipalidad distrital de la provincia de Rioja

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre las competencias digitales y el desempeño laboral en los colaboradores de una municipalidad distrital de la provincia de Rioja, para lo cual se aplica una metodología cuantitativa, del tipo básico, correlacional y un diseño no experimental, para tal fin fue necesario la construcción de instrumentos como cuestionarios en cada variable de estudio, las cuales fueron validadas por expertos y confiables por el estadístico de Alfa de Crombach. Los resultados mostraron que existe relación entre las competencias digitales y el desempeño en la tarea en los colaboradores de una municipalidad el valor mostrando una correlación de Pearson de 0.400 lo cual indica una correlación positiva moderada. Además, existe relación entre las competencias digitales y comportamientos contra producentes en los colaboradores de una municipalidad con una correlación de Pearson de -0.361 lo cual se traduce en una correlación negativa moderada. Las conclusiones indicaron que existe relación entre las competencias digitales y el desempeño laboral en los colaboradores de una municipalidad, con una correlación de Pearson de 0.354 lo que significa una correlación positiva moderada

    Elaboración de una bebida energética a partir de pulpa de pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) y chirimoya (Annona cherimola)

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la dilución con las mejores características organolépticas de una bebida energética a partir de pulpa de pitahaya (selenicereus megalanthus) y chirimoya (Annona cherimola), Se utilizó un diseñó completamente al azar con los niveles de dilución; (1:1, 1:2, 1:3). Se evaluó las características fisicoquímicas (pH, °Brix, acidez, viscosidad y capacidad antioxidantes) y en análisis microbiológico se determinó coliformes totales, mohos y levaduras. El T5 (1 Mixto + 2 Agua a 12 °Brix) presentó la mayor aceptabilidad en sus características sensoriales; y en sus características fisicoquímicas se determinó: energía total fue de 52.61 (Kcal/100 ml), carbohidratos 11.70 (g/100ml), ceniza 0.13 (g/100 ml), grasa 0.41 (g/100ml), humedad 87.23 (g/100ml), proteína 0.53 (Nx6.25) , °Brix 12%, acidez 0.52%, pH 5.13, viscosidad 14.24 Mpas.Tesi