2,793 research outputs found

    Brewster quasi bound states in the continuum in all-dielectric metasurfaces from single magnetic-dipole resonance meta-atoms

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    Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are ubiquitous in many areas of physics, attracting especial interest for their ability to confine waves with infinite lifetimes. Metasurfaces provide a suitable platform to realize them in photonics; such BICs are remarkably robust, being however complex to tune in frequency-wavevector space.Here we propose a scheme to engineer BICs and quasi-BICs with single magnetic-dipole resonance meta-atoms. Upon changing the orientation of the magnetic-dipole resonances, we show that the resulting quasi-BICs,emerging from the symmetry-protected BIC at normal incidence, become transparent for plane-wave illumination exactly at the magnetic-dipole angle, due to a Brewster-like effect. While yielding infinite Q-factors at normalincidence(canonical BIC), these are termed Brewster quasi-BICs since a transmission channel is always allowed that slightly widens resonances at oblique incidences. This is demonstrated experimentally through reflectance measurements in the microwave regime with high-refractive-index mm-disk metasurfaces. Such Brewster-inspired configuration is a plausible scenario to achieve quasi-BICs throughout the electromagnetic spectrum inaccessible through plane-wave illumination at given angles, which could be extrapolated to other kind of waves.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, Figs. 3 & 5 modified, new Fig. 7 & references adde

    Patient-reported outcomes and therapeutic affordances of social media findings from a global online survey of people with chronic pain

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    BACKGROUND: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) from social media use in chronic disease management continue to emerge. While many published articles suggest the potential for social media is positive, there is a lack of robust examination into mediating mechanisms that might help explain social media’s therapeutic value. This study presents findings from a global online survey of people with chronic pain (PWCP) to better understand how they use social media as part of self-management. OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to improve understanding of the various health outcomes reported by PWCP by paying close attention to therapeutic affordances of social media. We wish to examine if demographics of participants underpin health outcomes and whether the concept of therapeutic affordances explains links between social media use and PROs. The goal is for this to help tailor future recommendations for use of social media to meet individuals’ health needs and improve clinical practice of social media use. METHODS: A total of 231 PWCP took part in a global online survey investigating PROs from social media use. Recruited through various chronic disease entities and social networks, participants provided information on demographics, health/pain status, social media use, therapeutic affordances, and PROs from use. Quantitative analysis was performed on the data using descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation, and cluster analysis. RESULTS: The total dataset represented 218 completed surveys. The majority of participants were university educated (67.0%, 146/218) and female (83.9%, 183/218). More than half (58.7%, 128/218) were married/partnered and not working for pay (75.9%, 88/116 of these due to ill health). Fibromyalgia (46.6%, 55/118) and arthritis (27.1%, 32/118) were the most commonly reported conditions causing pain. Participants showed a clear affinity for social network site use (90.0%, 189/210), followed by discussion forums and blogs. PROs were consistent, suggesting that social media positively impact psychological, social, and cognitive health. Analysis also highlighted two strong correlations linking platform used and health outcomes (particularly psychological, social, and cognitive) to (1) the narrative affordance of social media and (2) frequency of use of the platforms. CONCLUSIONS: Results did not uncover definitive demographics or characteristics of PWCP for which health outcomes are impacted. However, findings corroborate literature within this domain suggesting that there is a typical profile of people who use social media for health and that social media are more suited to particular health outcomes. Exploration of the relationship between social media’s therapeutic affordances and health outcomes, in particular the narration affordance, warrants further attention by patients and clinicians

    A Simple RVoG Test for PolInSAR Data

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    In this paper, we present a simple algorithm for assessing the validity of the RVoG model for PolInSAR-based inversion techniques. This approach makes use of two important features characterizing a homogeneous random volume over a ground surface, i.e., the independence on polarization states of wave propagation through the volume and the structure of the polarimetric interferometric coherency matrix. These two features have led to two different methods proposed in the literature for retrieving the topographic phase within natural covers, i.e., the well-known line fitting procedure and the observation of the (1, 2) element of the polarimetric interferometric coherency matrix. We show that differences between outputs from both approaches can be interpreted in terms of the PolInSAR modeling based on the Freeman-Durden concept, and this leads to the definition of a RVoG/non-RVoG test. The algorithm is tested with both indoor and airborne data over agricultural and tropical forest areas.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under Project TEC2011-28201-C02-02

    Persistence and generalization of adaptive changes in auditory localization behavior following unilateral conductive hearing loss

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    Introduction: Sound localization relies on the neural processing of binaural and monaural spatial cues generated by the physical properties of the head and body. Hearing loss in one ear compromises binaural computations, impairing the ability to localize sounds in the horizontal plane. With appropriate training, adult individuals can adapt to this binaural imbalance and largely recover their localization accuracy. However, it remains unclear how long this learning is retained or whether it generalizes to other stimuli. Methods: We trained ferrets to localize broadband noise bursts in quiet conditions and measured their initial head orienting responses and approach-to-target behavior. To evaluate the persistence of auditory spatial learning, we tested the sound localization performance of the animals over repeated periods of monaural earplugging that were interleaved with short or long periods of normal binaural hearing. To explore learning generalization to other stimulus types, we measured the localization accuracy before and after adaptation using different bandwidth stimuli presented against constant or amplitude-modulated background noise. Results: Retention of learning resulted in a smaller initial deficit when the same ear was occluded on subsequent occasions. Each time, the animals’ performance recovered with training to near pre-plug levels of localization accuracy. By contrast, switching the earplug to the contralateral ear resulted in less adaptation, indicating that the capacity to learn a new strategy for localizing sound is more limited if the animals have previously adapted to conductive hearing loss in the opposite ear. Moreover, the degree of adaptation to the training stimulus for individual animals was significantly correlated with the extent to which learning extended to untrained octave band target sounds presented in silence and to broadband targets presented in background noise, suggesting that adaptation and generalization go hand in hand. Conclusions: Together, these findings provide further evidence for plasticity in the weighting of monaural and binaural cues during adaptation to unilateral conductive hearing loss, and show that the training-dependent recovery in spatial hearing can generalize to more naturalistic listening conditions, so long as the target sounds provide sufficient spatial information

    Global Research Trends in the Latarjet Procedure: A Bibliometric and Visualized Study

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    Background and Objectives: Latarjet is among the procedures indicated to treat shoulder instability, producing excellent results, including low instability rates and high patient satisfaction. The aim of this study was to report the characteristics of scientific articles that address the subject of the Latarjet procedure through the use of bibliometric analysis. Materials and Methods: Bibliographic searches were performed for original articles published in journals indexed by the Web of Science database until 2021, with no language restrictions. Results: A total of 668 articles published in 87 journals were included. The first publication was in 1981; the most registered publications were in 2018 and 2021 (89 articles), with an annual percentage growth rate of 11.9. Provencher MT was the author with the most published articles, and the institutional affiliation with the most original articles was the Steadman Philippon Research Institute. The most cited article was a study by Burkhart and Beer, and the scientific journal with the most publications on the subject was the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Most published studies included keywords such as dislocation, instability, and meta-analysis. Conclusion: There has been a sustained increase in original articles on the Latarjet procedure. However, the greatest growth in articles has occurred during the last decade, demonstrating the considerable interest among the world scientific community.RevisiĂłn por pare

    Influence of Incidence Angle on the Coherent Copolar Polarimetric Response of Rice at X-Band

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    The coherent nature of the acquisition by TerraSAR-X of both copolar channels (HH and VV) enables the generation of many different polarimetric observables with physical interpretation, as have recently been used for monitoring rice fields. In this letter, the influence of incidence angle upon these polarimetric observables is analyzed by comparing three stacks of images that were acquired simultaneously at different incidence angles (22°, 30°, and 40°) during a whole cultivation campaign. We show that the response of observables related to dominance (entropy, ratios of components) and type of scattering mechanisms (alpha angles) is not greatly influenced by incidence angle at some stages: early and advanced vegetative phases, and maturation. Moreover, the acquisition geometry drives the sensitivity to the presence of the initial stems and tillers, being detected earlier at shallower angles. This analysis is a necessary step before studying potential methodologies for combining different orbits and beams for reducing the time between acquisitions for monitoring purposes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under Project TEC2011-28201-C02-02, and by the Generalitat Valenciana under Project ACOMP/2014/136

    Polarimetric Response of Rice Fields at C-Band: Analysis and Phenology Retrieval

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    A set of ten RADARSAT-2 images acquired in fully polarimetric mode over a test site with rice fields in Seville, Spain, has been analyzed to extract the main features of the C-band radar backscatter as a function of rice phenology. After observing the evolutions versus phenology of different polarimetric observables and explaining their behavior in terms of scattering mechanisms present in the scene, a simple retrieval approach has been proposed. This algorithm is based on three polarimetric observables and provides estimates from a set of four relevant intervals of phenological stages. The validation against ground data, carried out at parcel level for a set of six stands and up to nine dates per stand, provides a 96% rate of coincidence. Moreover, an equivalent compact-pol retrieval algorithm has been also proposed and validated, providing the same performance at parcel level. In all cases, the inversion is carried out by exploiting a single satellite acquisition, without any other auxiliary information.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Union FEDER under Project TEC2011-28201-C02-02

    Coupled measurements of δ18O and δD of hydration water and salinity of fluid inclusions in gypsum from the Messinian Yesares Member, Sorbas Basin (SE Spain)

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    Financial support was provided by Clare College Geological Research Fund to N.P. Evans. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement n. 339694 (Water Isotopes of Hydrated Minerals) to D.A. Hodell.We studied one cycle (Cycle 6) of gypsum-marl deposition from the Messinian Yesares Member in Sorbas Basin, Spain. The objective was to reconstruct the changing environment of deposition and its relation to astronomically-forced climate change. The δ18O and δD of gypsum hydration water (CaSO4 • 2H2O) and salinity of fluid inclusions were measured in the same samples to test if they record the composition of the mother fluid from which gypsum was precipitated. Water isotopes are highly correlated with fluid inclusion salinity suggesting the hydration water has not exchanged after formation. The relatively low water isotope values and fluid inclusion salinities indicate a significant influence of meteoric water, whereas δ34S, δ18OSO4 and 87Sr/86Sr support a dominant marine origin for the gypsum deposits. The discrepancy between water and elemental isotope signatures can be reconciled if meteoric water dissolved previously deposited marine sulfates supplying calcium and sulfate ions to the basin which maintained gypsum saturation. This recycling process accounts for the marine δ34S, δ18OSO4 and 87Sr/86Sr signatures, whereas the low δ18O and δD values of gypsum hydration water and fluid inclusion salinities reflect the influence of freshwater. The cyclic deposition of gypsum and marl in the Yesares Member has previously been interpreted to reflect changing climate related to Earth's precession cycle. We demonstrate that the δ18O, δD and salinity of the parent brine increased from low values at the base of the cycle to a maximum in the massive gypsum palisade, and decreased again to lower values in the supercones at the top of the cycle. This pattern, together with changes in mineralogy (calcite-dolomite-gypsum), is consistent with a precession-driven change in climate with wettest conditions (summer insolation maxima) associated with the base of the calcium carbonate marls and driest conditions (summer insolation minima) during formation of the gypsum palisade.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Orientation of Pterin-6-Carboxylic Acid on Gold Capped Silicon Nanopillars Platforms: Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Studies

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    The orientation of pterin-6-carboxylic acid on gold nanopillars was investigated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory methods. The experimentally vibrations from pterin-6-COOH free and attached to the Au surface display vibration features indicating chemical interaction of the pterin with the metal surface. The spectral feature evidenced that the pterin would adsorb on gold surface with a "lying down" configuration through the high intensity vibration of NH scissoring and rocking OH modes. The orientation study of pterins on gold nanopillars presented herein is believed to lead to new applications in biosensing field for detecting pterins of physiological importance
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