774 research outputs found

    Atrial Dyssynchrony Measured by Strain Echocardiography as a Marker of Proarrhythmic Remodeling and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Surgery Patients

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    Aging leads to structural and electrophysiological changes that increase the risk of postoperative atrial arrhythmias; however, noninvasive preoperative markers of atrial proarrhythmic conditions are still needed. This study is aimed at assessing whether interatrial dyssynchrony determined using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography relates to proarrhythmic structural and functional remodeling. A cohort of 45 patients in sinus rhythm referred for cardiac surgery was evaluated by echocardiography and surface electrocardiogram the day before the intervention. Transmembrane potential, connexin, and potassium channel distribution, inflammatory, and nitrooxidative markers were measured from right atrial tissue obtained from patients. A difference greater than 40 milliseconds between right and left atrial free wall contraction confirmed the presence of interatrial dyssynchrony in 21 patients. No difference in relation with age, previous diseases, and 2-dimensional echocardiographic findings as well as average values of global longitudinal right and left atrial strain were found between synchronic and dyssynchronic patients. Postoperative atrial fibrillation incidence increased from 8.3% in the synchronic group to 33.3% in the dyssynchronic ones. P wave duration showed no difference between groups. Action potentials from dyssynchronous patients decreased in amplitude, maximal rate of depolarization, and hyperpolarized. Duration at 30% of repolarization increased, being markedly shorter at 90% of repolarization. Only the dyssynchronous group showed early and delayed afterdepolarizations. Atrial tissue of dyssynchronous patients displayed lateralization of connexin 40 and increased connexin 43 expression and accumulation of tumor necrosis factor-a in the intercalated disc. Tumor necrosis factor-a did not colocalize, however, with lateralized connexin 40. Nitroxidative marks and KATP channels increased perivascularly and in myocytes. Our results demonstrate that, as compared to a traditional surface electrocardiogram, the novel noninvasive echocardiographic evaluation of interatrial dyssynchrony provides a better identification of nonaged-related proarrhythmic atrial remodeling with increased susceptibility to postoperative atrial fibrillation

    A prospective study of eating away-from-home meals and weight gain in a Mediterranean population: the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: The traditional Mediterranean food pattern is more easily preserved when meals are eaten at home; however, as a result of recent socio-economic changes, away-from-home meal consumption has increased rapidly in Mediterranean countries. Little research has been conducted so far to investigate the long-term health effects of these changes in the Mediterranean area. DESIGN: In a prospective Spanish dynamic cohort of 9182 university graduates (the SUN Study; Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra, University of Navarra Follow-up) with a mean age of 37 years, followed up for an average of 4.4 years, we assessed the association between the frequency of eating out of home and weight gain or incident overweight/obesity. Dietary habits were assessed with an FFQ previously validated in Spain. RESULTS: During follow-up, eating-out consumers (two times or more per week) had higher average adjusted weight gain (+129 g/year, P < 0.001) and higher adjusted risk of gaining 2 kg or more per year (OR = 1.36; 95 % CI 1.13, 1.63) than non-eating-out consumers. Among participants with baseline BMI < 25 kg/m2, we observed 855 new cases of overweight/obesity. Eating away-from-home meals was significantly associated with a higher risk of becoming overweight/obese (hazard ratio = 1.33; 95 % CI 1.13, 1.57). CONCLUSIONS: A higher frequency of meals eaten out of home may play a role in the current obesity epidemic observed in some Mediterranean countries

    Altered protein expression and protein nitration pattern during d-galactosamine-induced cell death in human hepatocytes: a proteomic analysis

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatic injury by d-galactosamine (d-GalN) is a suitable experimental model of hepatocellular injury. The induction of oxidative and nitrosative stress participates during d-GalN-induced cell death in cultured rat hepatocytes. This study aimed to identify protein expression changes during the induction of apoptosis and necrosis by d-GalN in cultured human hepatocytes. METHODS: A proteomic approach was used to identify the proteins involved and those altered by tyrosine nitration. A high dose of d-GalN (40 mM) was used to induce apoptosis and necrosis in primary culture of human hepatocytes. Cellular lysates prepared at different times after addition of d-GalN were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Gel spots with an altered expression and those matching nitrotyrosine-immunopositive proteins were excised and analyzed by mass spectrometry. RESULTS: d-GalN treatment upregulated microsomal cytochrome b5, fatty acid binding protein and manganese superoxide dismutase, and enhanced annexin degradation. d-GalN increased tyrosine nitration of four cytosolic (Hsc70, Hsp70, annexin A4 and carbonyl reductase) and three mitochondrial (glycine amidinotransferase, ATP synthase beta chain, and thiosulfate sulfurtransferase) proteins in human hepatocytes. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide evidences that oxidative stress and nitric oxide-derived reactive oxygen intermediates induce specific alterations in protein expression that may be critical for the induction of apoptosis and necrosis by d-GalN in cultured human hepatocytes

    Colorectal cancer screening among Hispanics/Latinos in the HCHS/SOL sociocultural ancillary study

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    Latino adults are more likely to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer (CRC) at later stages compared to white adults which may be explained by disparities in screening rates. The aim of this study was to examine factors associated with three CRC screening indicators [i.e., 1) any CRC screening ever (via, fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy); 2) FOBT in last year, 3) sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy in last 10 years) among US Hispanics/Latinos. We analyzed population-based data collected in 2008–2011 from 2265 adults aged 50–75 from San Diego, Bronx, Miami and Chicago from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study. Based on the Behavioral Model of Health Services Use, the following correlates of CRC screening were examined: predisposing (i.e., age, education, income, acculturation), enabling (i.e., recent physician visit, insurance, recent mammogram), and need (i.e., health-related quality of life and family/personal history of cancer) factors. Separate logistic regression models were analyzed for the three CRC screening indicators. Enabling factors associated with all CRC screening indicators included: health insurance, a recent physician visit, and a mammogram in the last year (women only). For women, being older, more acculturated (i.e., English language or foreign-born but in the US for 10 or more years), and having a personal history of cancer was associated with at least one CRC screening. Findings suggest that improving access and utilization of care among Hispanics/Latinos may be critical for earlier CRC diagnosis and survival

    Non-invasive ventilation in obesity hypoventilation syndrome without severe obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Background Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is an effective form of treatment in patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) who have concomitant severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). However, there is a paucity of evidence on the efficacy of NIV in patients with OHS without severe OSA. We performed a multicentre randomised clinical trial to determine the comparative efficacy of NIV versus lifestyle modification (control group) using daytime arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) as the main outcome measure. Methods Between May 2009 and December 2014 we sequentially screened patients with OHS without severe OSA. Participants were randomised to NIV versus lifestyle modification and were followed for 2 months. Arterial blood gas parameters, clinical symptoms, health-related quality of life assessments, polysomnography, spirometry, 6-min walk distance test, blood pressure measurements and healthcare resource utilisation were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using intention-to-treat analysis. Results A total of 365 patients were screened of whom 58 were excluded. Severe OSA was present in 221 and the remaining 86 patients without severe OSA were randomised. NIV led to a significantly larger improvement in PaCO2 of -6 (95% CI -7.7 to -4.2) mm Hg versus -2.8 (95% CI -4.3 to -1.3) mm Hg, (p<0.001) and serum bicarbonate of -3.4 (95% CI -4.5 to -2.3) versus -1 (95% CI -1.7 to -0.2 95% CI) mmol/L (p<0.001). PaCO2 change adjusted for NIV compliance did not further improve the inter-group statistical significance. Sleepiness, some health-related quality of life assessments and polysomnographic parameters improved significantly more with NIV than with lifestyle modification. Additionally, there was a tendency towards lower healthcare resource utilisation in the NIV group. Conclusions NIV is more effective than lifestyle modification in improving daytime PaCO2, sleepiness and polysomnographic parameters. Long-term prospective studies are necessary to determine whether NIV reduces healthcare resource utilisation, cardiovascular events and mortality

    Oceanographic processes and products around the Iberian margin: a new multidisciplinary approach

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    Our understanding of the role of bottom currents and associated oceanographic processes (e.g, overflows, barotropic tidal currents) including intermittent processes (e.g, vertical eddies, deep sea storms, horizontal vortices, internal waves and tsunamis) is rapidly evolving. Many deep-water processes remain poorly understood due to limited direct observations, but may generate significant depositional and erosional features on both short-and long-term time scales. This paper describes these oceanographic processes and examines their potential role in the sedimentary features around the Iberian margin. The paper explores the implications of the processes studied, given their secondary role relative to other factors such as mass-transport and turbiditic processes. An integrated interpretation of these oceanographic processes requires an understanding of contourites, sea-floor features, their spatial and temporal evolution, and the near-bottom flows that form them. Given their complex, three-dimensional and temporally-variable nature, integration of these processes into sedimentary, oceanographic and climatological frameworks will require a multidisciplinary approach that includes Geology, Physical Oceanography, Paleoceanography and Benthic Biology. This approach will synthesize oceanographic data, seafloor morphology, sediments and seismic images to improve our knowledge of permanent and intermittent processes around Iberia, and evaluate their conceptual and regional role in the sedimentary evolution of the margin. © 2015, Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana. All rights reservedEl conocimiento del papel de las corrientes de fondo y los procesos oceanográficos asociados (overflows, corrientes de marea barotrópicas, etc), incluyendo procesos intermitentes (eddies, tormentas profundas, ondas internas, tsunamis, etc), está evolucionando rápidamente. Muchos de estos procesos son poco conocidos, en parte debido a que las observaciones directas son limitadas, si bien pueden generar importantes rasgos deposicionales y/o erosivos a escalas temporales de corto o largo periodo. Este artículo describe dichos procesos oceanográficos y examina su influencia en la presencia de rasgos sedimentarios alrededor del margen Ibérico. El trabajo discute las implicaciones de dichos procesos y el papel secundario que juegan en relación a otros factores tales como los procesos de transporte gravitacionales en masa y los turbidíticos. Para un mejor conocimiento de la sedimentación marina profunda, y en concreto de los sistemas contorníticos, se requiere de una interpretación de estos procesos oceanográficos, cuál es su evolución espacial y temporal, cómo afectan a las corrientes de fondo y cómo se ven afectados por la topografía submarina. Sin embargo, dada su complejidad y su variable naturaleza tridimensional y temporal, es necesario que estos procesos se integren en un marco sedimentológico, oceanográfico y climatológico con un enfoque multidisciplinar que incluyan la Geología, la Oceanografía Física, la Paleoceanografía y la Biología bentónica. Esta integración requiere de una mayor compilación de datos oceanográficos, de un mejor conocimiento de la morfología del fondo marino, y de una mejor caracterización de los sedimentos en ambientes profundos. Todo ello permitirá mejorar nuestro conocimiento de los procesos permanentes e intermitentes alrededor de Iberia y evaluar su verdadero efecto en la evolución sedimentaria delos márgenes continentales que le rodeanPostprint0,000

    Effectiveness of an mHealth intervention combining a smartphone app and smart band on body composition in an overweight and obese population: Randomized controlled trial (EVIDENT 3 study)

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    Background: Mobile health (mHealth) is currently among the supporting elements that may contribute to an improvement in health markers by helping people adopt healthier lifestyles. mHealth interventions have been widely reported to achieve greater weight loss than other approaches, but their effect on body composition remains unclear. Objective: This study aimed to assess the short-term (3 months) effectiveness of a mobile app and a smart band for losing weight and changing body composition in sedentary Spanish adults who are overweight or obese. Methods: A randomized controlled, multicenter clinical trial was conducted involving the participation of 440 subjects from primary care centers, with 231 subjects in the intervention group (IG; counselling with smartphone app and smart band) and 209 in the control group (CG; counselling only). Both groups were counselled about healthy diet and physical activity. For the 3-month intervention period, the IG was trained to use a smartphone app that involved self-monitoring and tailored feedback, as well as a smart band that recorded daily physical activity (Mi Band 2, Xiaomi). Body composition was measured using the InBody 230 bioimpedance device (InBody Co., Ltd), and physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results: The mHealth intervention produced a greater loss of body weight (–1.97 kg, 95% CI –2.39 to –1.54) relative to standard counselling at 3 months (–1.13 kg, 95% CI –1.56 to –0.69). Comparing groups, the IG achieved a weight loss of 0.84 kg more than the CG at 3 months. The IG showed a decrease in body fat mass (BFM; –1.84 kg, 95% CI –2.48 to –1.20), percentage of body fat (PBF; –1.22%, 95% CI –1.82% to 0.62%), and BMI (–0.77 kg/m2, 95% CI –0.96 to 0.57). No significant changes were observed in any of these parameters in men; among women, there was a significant decrease in BMI in the IG compared with the CG. When subjects were grouped according to baseline BMI, the overweight group experienced a change in BFM of –1.18 kg (95% CI –2.30 to –0.06) and BMI of –0.47 kg/m2 (95% CI –0.80 to –0.13), whereas the obese group only experienced a change in BMI of –0.53 kg/m2 (95% CI –0.86 to –0.19). When the data were analyzed according to physical activity, the moderate-vigorous physical activity group showed significant changes in BFM of –1.03 kg (95% CI –1.74 to –0.33), PBF of –0.76% (95% CI –1.32% to –0.20%), and BMI of –0.5 kg/m2 (95% CI –0.83 to –0.19). Conclusions: The results from this multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial study show that compared with standard counselling alone, adding a self-reported app and a smart band obtained beneficial results in terms of weight loss and a reduction in BFM and PBF in female subjects with a BMI less than 30 kg/m2 and a moderate-vigorous physical activity level. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to ensure that this profile benefits more than others from this intervention and to investigate modifications of this intervention to achieve a global effect

    FGF receptor genes and breast cancer susceptibility: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium

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    Background:Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women. Genome-wide association studies have identified FGFR2 as a breast cancer susceptibility gene. Common variation in other fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors might also modify risk. We tested this hypothesis by studying genotyped single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and imputed SNPs in FGFR1, FGFR3, FGFR4 and FGFRL1 in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Methods:Data were combined from 49 studies, including 53 835 cases and 50 156 controls, of which 89 050 (46 450 cases and 42 600 controls) were of European ancestry, 12 893 (6269 cases and 6624 controls) of Asian and 2048 (1116 cases and 932 controls) of African ancestry. Associations with risk of breast cancer, overall and by disease sub-type, were assessed using unconditional logistic regression. Results:Little evidence of association with breast cancer risk was observed for SNPs in the FGF receptor genes. The strongest evidence in European women was for rs743682 in FGFR3; the estimated per-allele odds ratio was 1.05 (95 confidence interval=1.02-1.09, P=0.0020), which is substantially lower than that observed for SNPs in FGFR2. Conclusion:Our results suggest that common variants in the other FGF receptors are not associated with risk of breast cancer to the degree observed for FGFR2. © 2014 Cancer Research UK

    Clinical phenotypes of acute heart failure based on signs and symptoms of perfusion and congestion at emergency department presentation and their relationship with patient management and outcomes

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    Objective To compare the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with acute heart failure (AHF) according to clinical profiles based on congestion and perfusion determined in the emergency department (ED). Methods and results Overall, 11 261 unselected AHF patients from 41 Spanish EDs were classified according to perfusion (normoperfusion = warm; hypoperfusion = cold) and congestion (not = dry; yes = wet). Baseline and decompensation characteristics were recorded as were the main wards to which patients were admitted. The primary outcome was 1-year all-cause mortality; secondary outcomes were need for hospitalisation during the index AHF event, in-hospital all-cause mortality, prolonged hospitalisation, 7-day post-discharge ED revisit for AHF and 30-day post-discharge rehospitalisation for AHF. A total of 8558 patients (76.0%) were warm+ wet, 1929 (17.1%) cold+ wet, 675 (6.0%) warm+ dry, and 99 (0.9%) cold+ dry; hypoperfused (cold) patients were more frequently admitted to intensive care units and geriatrics departments, and warm+ wet patients were discharged home without admission. The four phenotypes differed in most of the baseline and decompensation characteristics. The 1-year mortality was 30.8%, and compared to warm+ dry, the adjusted hazard ratios were significantly increased for cold+ wet (1.660; 95% confidence interval 1.400-1.968) and cold+ dry (1.672; 95% confidence interval 1.189-2.351). Hypoperfused (cold) phenotypes also showed higher rates of index episode hospitalisation and in-hospital mortality, while congestive (wet) phenotypes had a higher risk of prolonged hospitalisation but decreased risk of rehospitalisation. No differences were observed among phenotypes in ED revisit risk. Conclusions Bedside clinical evaluation of congestion and perfusion of AHF patients upon ED arrival and classification according to phenotypic profiles proposed by the latest European Society of Cardiology guidelines provide useful complementary information and help to rapidly predict patient outcomes shortly after ED patient arrival